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Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: Ghost of Jack Dale ()
Date: September 12, 2014 07:50PM

Superintendent to Propose Recommendation on Later High School Start Times

Superintendent Karen K. Garza will be proposing a recommendation on later high school start times at the School Board’s meeting on September 18 for the Board’s formal consideration.

This recommendation has the majority of elementary schools starting at the same time or within five minutes of their current start time. The remaining elementary schools (approximately 25) will start within 10 minutes of their current start time. All middle schools will begin at 7:30 a.m. and high schools will begin between 8 and 8:10 a.m.

This option balances the needs of the community, and represents a consensus among many stakeholder groups that could be impacted by this change. While middle school times are not optimal yet, the Superintendent has pledged to continue to work on moving them closer to 8 a.m. in the future. This option also keeps secondary schools times aligned, rather than splitting middle school and high school start times.

The recommendation is the result of community feedback, including eight community meetings and an online feedback form, plus further analysis by staff and the consultants from the Children’s National Medical Center (CNMC), and an in-depth discussion by the School Board at its September 8 work session. The School Board is scheduled to vote on October 23.

Any change will not take place until the 2015-16 school year.

Well, looks like the middle school kids got thrown under the bus for the sake of the whiney-ass high school parents.

Source: http://www.fcps.edu/cco/pubs/myfcps/family/2014_09_10/starttimes.shtml

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: SLEEPing Idiots ()
Date: September 12, 2014 08:40PM

Memo from Garza to Middle School kids: Screw you.

Also, SLEEP is full of hypocrites for backing this.

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: SLEEP = SHAM ()
Date: September 12, 2014 08:53PM

SLEEPing Idiots Wrote:
> Also, SLEEP is full of hypocrites for backing this.

They are just a branch of the TEA Party -- more noisy know-nothings.

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Date: September 12, 2014 09:03PM

> SLEEPing Idiots Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Also, SLEEP is full of hypocrites for backing
> this.
> They are just a branch of the TEA Party -- more
> noisy know-nothings.

They are just a branch of the TEA Party bunch so-called Progressives -- more noisy know-nothings.

There, fixed it for you.

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: elie2 ()
Date: September 12, 2014 10:23PM

Wow, a whole extra 30 minutes of sleep. Does this stupid county really think it will make a difference?

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: It Makes a Difference ()
Date: September 12, 2014 10:43PM

Yes, it makes a difference. Middle and high school students will not be able to start training in gyms or on athletic fields until later, pushing club sports later than that.

You will see training sessions easily going to 9:00 pm, with those using private facilities going to 10:00 pm and beyond.

Squeezed will be the adult sports that currently start at 7:30-9:00 pm, but will still need to be off the county fields by 11:00 pm. There are not enough facilities to go around, says FCPA and the County Executive.

Remember, there is no data that shows later start/end times leads to more sleep for teens. The entire change is based on this false premise. The current start times were established for good reasons - to optimize both school and after-school schedules for teens, keep teen drivers out of the worst part of rush hour, and efficiently run the school bus fleet.

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: facts speak ()
Date: September 13, 2014 06:34AM

The middle schools will be taken care of the following year when the board will more than likely approve another 5-7 million to buy even more busses. Unfortunately the FCPS SB can't fix the congestion on the roads, and should a uniform start time begin,the resulting gridlock will whittle down the extra 30 minutes sleep to 15 minutes or so. Thus taxpayers will have spent millions for no benefits. Because the proponents were determined to get this done, and the new superintendent is still not acclimated to the VA traffic as contrasted to Lubbock TX so became a cheerleader for SLEEP, they refused to do a traffic study and refused to directly poll students, teachers and employees. This cavalier, paternalist attitude - "WE know what is BEST for you! and thus don't need your opinion"- is dangerous, wasteful and disingenuous.

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: yep, all of the above ()
Date: September 13, 2014 09:46AM

"This cavalier, paternalist attitude - "WE know what is BEST for you!"

This is the FCPS way. It has all gotten even worse recently. Don't pay teachers enough and don't give them raises. Voila! The pool of teachers is mediocre to worse so they think aha, no problem. We will micromanage them. Well, the way to get real improvement (not the manipulated test score kind) would be to a) hire good teachers; b) pay them; and c) let them use their brains to accomplish the task at hand. BUT, the problem is that many of these doopy fools have been promoted to the top by doing the bidding of the paternalistic big brothers above them. The cycle of bad bureaucracy. The net worth of this system is just about zero.


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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: question for yep ()
Date: September 13, 2014 09:53AM

Do you really think DC has better teachers than Fairfax? Really? FYI, they make a good bit more money.

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: Hey, know-nothing... ()
Date: September 13, 2014 10:01AM

yep, all of the above Wrote:
> This is the FCPS way. It has all gotten even
> worse recently. Don't pay teachers enough and
> don't give them raises. Voila!

That isn't the doing of FCPS. It's the state and a cowardly Board of Supervisors that's done that. With churlish TEAtard populists chanting their support the whole way. That's where the impetus to degrade our public schools comes from.

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: yep ()
Date: September 13, 2014 10:07AM

Choosing DC as a comparison for teacher pay is like asking whether the cops in the Bronx should make more than the security guard at Macy's. Then when the Bronx has more crime, you blame it on the cops by saying the Macy's security guards are "better". The demographics are hardly the same.

That stated, FCPS demographics are changing. Let's see how the powers that be deal with that here. Will there be higher pay to attract the best? Many FCPS teachers are on the cusp of retirement. Just a thought. FCPS does not need to keep pay low and squeeze the joy out of the job at the same time. It's not a winning formula is all I'm saying.

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: yep ()
Date: September 13, 2014 10:12AM

And, I do realize that this goes beyond FCPS---mostly to the federal level with too many mandates. However, there are choices that the administration has locally here and I don't see them making those choices (to cut waste and put money in the places where it will make the most difference). This is why confidence in government is eroding. I don't like the Tea Party either, but something is making them popular.

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: Out of the Loop ()
Date: September 13, 2014 11:00AM

yep, all of the above Wrote:
> Well, the way to get real improvement (not the
> manipulated test score kind)...

The "manipulated test score kind'? LOL! You're a dope.

> ...would be to a) hire good teachers; b) pay them;
> and c) let them use their brains to accomplish the
> task at hand.

Problem there. A weak economy (thanks, Republicans) and enemies of public education (namely, TEAtard populists) have damaged FCPS pay scales to the point where many of our best-qualified teachers are fleeing. Some have gone to DC, but many more to Arlington County and Montgomery County. Fairfax had long been the shining city on the hill, but these misguided efforts at austerity are simply killing us here. We need to wake up soon, or we will have left ourselves no way to make repairs.

> BUT, the problem is that many of these doopy fools
> have been promoted to the top by doing the bidding
> of the paternalistic big brothers above them. The
> cycle of bad bureaucracy. The net worth of this
> system is just about zero.

Quite the worthless load of crap there. Do you actually know any of these FCPS Stepin Fetchit all-stars? Do you have any training or experience in evaluating bureaucracies? No, you don't. You are no more qualified to the task than my dog. But you spout off anyway like a hydrant knocked over by a delivery van. Just a pointless waste of words and water.

Oh, and the myth of the superstar superintendent is a strawman invention of those whose only purpose is to knock it down again. It's a candy-ass concept from the get-go, as anyone who has actually worked in public schools would know.

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: Get Real.... ()
Date: September 13, 2014 11:04AM

question for yep Wrote:
> Do you really think DC has better teachers than
> Fairfax? Really? FYI, they make a good bit more
> money.

Do you really think the situations of DCPS and FCPS are comparable? Are you simply a moron?

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: wdvKY ()
Date: September 13, 2014 11:14AM

It Makes a Difference Wrote:
> Yes, it makes a difference. Middle and high
> school students will not be able to start training
> in gyms or on athletic fields until later, pushing
> club sports later than that.
> You will see training sessions easily going to
> 9:00 pm, with those using private facilities going
> to 10:00 pm and beyond.
> Squeezed will be the adult sports that currently
> start at 7:30-9:00 pm, but will still need to be
> off the county fields by 11:00 pm. There are not
> enough facilities to go around, says FCPA and the
> County Executive.
> Remember, there is no data that shows later
> start/end times leads to more sleep for teens.
> The entire change is based on this false premise.
> The current start times were established for good
> reasons - to optimize both school and after-school
> schedules for teens, keep teen drivers out of the
> worst part of rush hour, and efficiently run the
> school bus fleet.

1. school is for learning not sports
2. sports should be a fun diversion not a career for 12 yr. olds
3. there most certainly is evidence kids sleep more with later start (http://schoolstarttime.org/ you can go to the paragraph that starts "Students at later starting schools get more sleep, (4, 13, 30, 37, 41, 42, 43) perform better academically, (13, 24, 37, 44, 45) have significantly fewer automobile accidents, (31, 46) report greater motivation (41) and less depression,next exit -- profit (3, 37, 41, 47) experience fewer physical health difficulties, (37, 41) ..."

I know on item 3 you are going to say global climate change and sleep science are all Al Gore's creation - that should be a clue you need to turn FOX off.

4. yes middle school kids got thrown under the bus

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: A Fire Has Been Reported... ()
Date: September 13, 2014 11:17AM

yep Wrote:
> That stated, FCPS demographics are changing.
> Let's see how the powers that be deal with that
> here. Will there be higher pay to attract the
> best? Many FCPS teachers are on the cusp of
> retirement. Just a thought. FCPS does not need
> to keep pay low and squeeze the joy out of the job
> at the same time. It's not a winning formula is
> all I'm saying.

County (and therefore FCPS) demographics have been through one round of change after another ever since WWII. Today is not new. A significant number of teachers has always been on the cusp of retirement. That isn't new either. What's new is well-qualified, mid-career teachers packing up and leaving FCPS for reasons related to worsening salaries, worsening class-sizes, and worsening in-school support systems. The emergence of such trends is alarming.

The growth and economic stability of Fairfax County have been built upon and will continue to depend upon the high quality of our local schools. We compromise FCPS only at the extreme peril of much broader interests.

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: SLEEPing Idiots ()
Date: September 13, 2014 12:06PM

Out of the Loop Wrote:
> yep, all of the above Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Well, the way to get real improvement (not the
> > manipulated test score kind)...
> The "manipulated test score kind'? LOL! You're a
> dope.
> > ...would be to a) hire good teachers; b) pay
> them;
> > and c) let them use their brains to accomplish
> the
> > task at hand.
> Problem there. A weak economy (thanks,
> Republicans) and enemies of public education
> (namely, TEAtard populists) have damaged FCPS pay
> scales to the point where many of our
> best-qualified teachers are fleeing.

First, the Fairfax County BOS is solidly liberal, so I'm not sure how Republicans or the Tea Party are responsible for any problems with local education.

Second, the School Board continually votes for more expensive programs, lays off staff, and defers pay raises. If teachers are leaving, the School Board are the ones to blame. This start time nonsense represents another $5M that could be put to much better use.

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: Made In China ()
Date: September 13, 2014 12:06PM

yep Wrote:
> And, I do realize that this goes beyond
> FCPS---mostly to the federal level with too many
> mandates.

NCLB is being dismantled in state after state. What are these other federal mandates that are causing problems?

> However, there are choices that the administration
> has locally here and I don't see them making those
> choices (to cut waste and put money in the places
> where it will make the most difference).

This is SO FREAKING TIRESOME! Free-floating, worn out platitudes are useless. Do you actually see FCPS administrators making choices to increase waste and put money in places where it will not make any difference? Why don't you mention those, if you do.

> This is why confidence in government is eroding.
> I don't like the Tea Party either, but something
> is making them popular.

That "something" is and always has been abject stupidity. The right-wing's intents for 65 years have been to use lies, fear, and demagoguery to run up enough of a plurality among stupid people that the votes of actually intelligent people won't matter any more. The TEA Party is just an astro-turfed flash-mob of stupid people. There isn't anything more to it than that. As for blame, you can put it on the Koch brothers and their various corporate pals and extremist fellow travelers. You know the names: Scaife, Coors, Olin, De Vos, Bradley, Walton and so on. Those are the people to "thank" for all this.

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: Worthless nonsense ()
Date: September 13, 2014 12:20PM

wdvKY Wrote:
> 1. school is for learning not sports
> 2. sports should be a fun diversion not a career
> for 12 yr. olds

Hey assfuck! You don't get to decide what role sports should play in the lives of children. Take your pompous and ignorant ass and lose it some place really far away so we never have to be bothered by it again.

> 3. there most certainly is evidence kids sleep
> more with later start

Horseshit evidence manufactured for simpletons and stooges by people being paid to reach pre-defined conclusions. The litter of abandoned SLEEP Inc. claims should be enough to suggest the quality of claims not yet disproved and discarded.

> I know on item 3 you are going to say global
> climate change and sleep science are all Al Gore's
> creation - that should be a clue you need to turn
> FOX off.

Climate change is actual science, nimrod. Sort of like evolution, SLEEP and creation science are nothing but goober trash and nonsense.

> 4. yes middle school kids got thrown under the bus

It's all a moron's game of whack-a-mole. If high schools start first, it's an outrage. If middle schools start first, it's an outrage. Why don't you morons simply stifle yourselves and let the real people work on some problems here. Fucking assholes.

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: Alarm Clock Warning ()
Date: September 13, 2014 12:40PM

SLEEPing Idiots Wrote:
> First, the Fairfax County BOS is solidly liberal,
> so I'm not sure how Republicans or the Tea Party
> are responsible for any problems with local
> education.

Then you're also at least a tad on the dumb side. Everyone not a hayseed understands that thanks to Great Recession cutbacks, the County is short on revenues. Yet while seriously underfunding FCPS, the BOS refused to make realistic upward adjustments in real estate tax rates and then tabled the meals tax for some other time. Why do you suppose these "solid liberals" did things like that?

> Second, the School Board continually votes for
> more expensive programs, lays off staff, and
> defers pay raises.

Wake up, doofus. The School Board takes those actions because of a) increasing populations and advancing curricula, and b) the stupid budgetary binds that state and county goobers have put them in.

> If teachers are leaving, the School Board are the ones
> to blame. This start time nonsense represents another
> $5M that could be put to much better use.

No, the School Board is fucking LAST IN LINE for blame here, dumbo. They are handed the shit-end of the stick and have nowhere to go with that. You seriously need to wake up and smell the cioffee here. You are way, way, way off the mark.

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: yep ()
Date: September 13, 2014 01:59PM

"Second, the School Board continually votes for more expensive programs, lays off staff, and defers pay raises. If teachers are leaving, the School Board are the ones to blame. This start time nonsense represents another $5M that could be put to much better use."

Along with turf fields and slush funds, behavioral coaches, and that "in school support" that doesn't have any accountability for students (and which another poster thinks we don't have enough of and is the reason for teachers leaving). Teachers leave for many reasons, but I would say that most of them understood that the Great Recession was going to stifle pay raises. What they have a hard time abiding is the top down "help" that is not really helping at all, but causing them to spend time on non instructional duties (often to help the bureaucrats justify their positions at Gatehouse). Many are just tired of the teacher bashing that is coming from their very own administrators. They just don't feel support; they feel pressure to raise scores that are hard to have any confidence in.

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: go for it ()
Date: September 13, 2014 02:07PM

"> This is why confidence in government is eroding.
> I don't like the Tea Party either, but something
> is making them popular.

That "something" is and always has been abject stupidity. The right-wing's intents for 65 years have been to use lies, fear, and demagoguery to run up enough of a plurality among stupid people that the votes of actually intelligent people won't matter any more. The TEA Party is just an astro-turfed flash-mob of stupid people. There isn't anything more to it than that."

As long as you believe this and believe that your adversaries are "stupid" (and treat them as such), you will not be able to solve the challenges of the system. You set yourself up for more conflict and less resolution. You rationalize your side by calling the other side "stupid" and that makes it easier for you to keep doing what you want. But it makes the "stupid people" angrier and more likely to try to stop you from doing what you want. It's not how democracy is supposed to work. If you truly believe you have the right answers, you must articulate them in a more civil way because calling people "stupid" will be a losing strategy in the long run. It is incumbent upon you to educate the "stupid" people of Fairfax County.

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: SLEEPing Idiots ()
Date: September 13, 2014 03:05PM

Alarm Clock Warning Wrote:
> SLEEPing Idiots Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > First, the Fairfax County BOS is solidly
> liberal,
> > so I'm not sure how Republicans or the Tea
> Party
> > are responsible for any problems with local
> > education.
> Then you're also at least a tad on the dumb side.
> Everyone not a hayseed understands that thanks to
> Great Recession cutbacks, the County is short on
> revenues. Yet while seriously underfunding FCPS,
> the BOS refused to make realistic upward
> adjustments in real estate tax rates and then
> tabled the meals tax for some other time. Why do
> you suppose these "solid liberals" did things like
> that?
> > Second, the School Board continually votes for
> > more expensive programs, lays off staff, and
> > defers pay raises.
> Wake up, doofus. The School Board takes those
> actions because of a) increasing populations and
> advancing curricula, and b) the stupid budgetary
> binds that state and county goobers have put them
> in.
> > If teachers are leaving, the School Board are
> the ones
> > to blame. This start time nonsense represents
> another
> > $5M that could be put to much better use.
> No, the School Board is fucking LAST IN LINE for
> blame here, dumbo. They are handed the shit-end
> of the stick and have nowhere to go with that.
> You seriously need to wake up and smell the
> cioffee here. You are way, way, way off the mark.

So, your contention is that the people most directly in charge of running the county and the schools are not responsible but the Republican bogeyman is?

You must subscribe to Obama's "Blame Bush" School of Leadership.

Good day to you sir.

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: usta ()
Date: September 13, 2014 04:17PM

facts speak Wrote:
> The middle schools will be taken care of the
> following year when the board will more than
> likely approve another 5-7 million to buy even
> more busses....

Who do they think they're going to get to drive all those new buses?

They have always had a very hard time recruiting and retaining bus drivers. If they want to start all the schools at near the same time, drivers are not going to get very many hours of work. Currently, most drivers do three schools in the morning and three in the afternoon, which gets them about six hours a day or 30 hours a week.

Since they have a terrible time finding drivers that will accept 30 hours a week, what's going to happen when it drops to 15 or 20 hours a week?

I'll tell you what's going to happen. They are going to have to guarantee a certain number of hours per week and the result of that is going to be paying hundreds of drivers to sit around doing nothing.

I know everybody thinks bus drivers are low-lifes that can't do anything else. That's not true, they are low-lifes with a Commercial Drivers License. Look around when you are traveling around the area---I see "CDL DRIVERS WANTED" signs all the time.

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: Alarm Clock Warning ()
Date: September 13, 2014 04:18PM

yep Wrote:
> Along with turf fields and slush funds...

Wow! For a second there, I thought you might have a grain of intelligence. Forget that far-fetched notion. Just another whiny-ass goober dorkfuck...

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: Alarm Clock Warning ()
Date: September 13, 2014 04:37PM

SLEEPing Idiots Wrote:
> So, your contention is that the people most
> directly in charge of running the county and the
> schools are not responsible but the Republican
> bogeyman is?

So you don't actually understand the situation and didn't actually have a coherent answer to the question. Nice work.

> You must subscribe to Obama's "Blame Bush" School
> of Leadership.

Let me explain this slowly: George W Bush was at least one of the very worst Presidents in US history. With the exception of the African AIDS initiative, virtually everything that he undertook turned into a complete and dismal failure. This included disastrously failed wars and plunging the national and global economies into an abyss that we have still not fully crawled out of. Bush is and always will be responsible for ruining these and all the other things that he in fact ruined. There is no hall-pass for having had to get out of town at the end of it all. Bush will be bearing the blame for all the messes he made for centuries. Books written by people nowhere near born yet will ultimately plumb and chronicle the depths of Bush's miserable disgraces and failures.

> Good day to you sir.

I'm sure it will be, but your pathetic fawning and mewling has contributed nothing to it.

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: frost parent ()
Date: September 13, 2014 04:46PM

Big fucking deal with the middle schoolers. My son gets the bus at 6:35 and starts class at 7:25. He gets and extra 5 minutes!

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: tommyse ()
Date: September 13, 2014 04:47PM

This complaining about start times is like a Frenchman complaining about the price of sugar as the Nazis invaded.

FCPS is pretty nearly in collapse. This has nothing to do with start times.

1. Demographic changes: FARMS levels are increasing significantly in the county. 40% of kindergarteners are in ESOL classes. Some of these kids will turn into great teenagers, but it's hard to see how the system will maintain the same level of quality with much higher level of FARM and ESOL students.

2. Administrative/educational changes: NCLB/SOL/Common Core have had a hugely destructive impact on the classroom, in FCPS and elsewhere. Parents would be shocked if they could see how rote schoolwork is, and how much teaching to the test goes on in FCPS.

3. Teacher morale: Teacher morale is extremely low because of nearly frozen salaries and extreme micromanagement. Teachers are often directed to teach material that administrators feel will improve test scores. They have little flexibility.

Let's be honest, the number of FCPS schools to which middle-class parents, who are very concerned with their child's education, would be happy to send their children has declined very significantly.

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: true last comments ()
Date: September 13, 2014 06:35PM

Alarm Clock Warning is employed in central office by FCPS. The poster is not on the ground. He blames the problems on the taxpayers and their unwillingness to pay more taxes.

tommyse is spot on about what is going on and why. The problems are not as simple and one dimensional as Alarm Clock Warning paints them.

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: hvLjj ()
Date: September 13, 2014 06:47PM

30 minutes later or earlier does NOT warrant this kind of response

you people need to just adjust and carry on, there are real problems in the world and this 30 minutes is not one of them

your choices -

move somewhere else
do not have kids
act like an adult and adjust your life accordingly

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: response ()
Date: September 13, 2014 06:53PM

hvLjj Wrote:
> 30 minutes later or earlier does NOT warrant this
> kind of response
> you people need to just adjust and carry on, there
> are real problems in the world and this 30 minutes
> is not one of them
> your choices -
> move somewhere else
> do not have kids
> act like an adult and adjust your life accordingly

piss off liberal. You move somewhere else .....bitch.

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: Facts speak ()
Date: September 13, 2014 08:40PM

The point made about bus drivers and their number of hours is important! Karen Garza privatized bus drivers and custodians in Lubbock to cut costs. This would put countless loyal employees out of work. The value of this forum (when one discards wacko rants) is invaluable. As it has been implied that FCPS will try to have just two runs each way so start times are the same for both high and middle schools,the question should be posed now - what about the bus drivers!

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: 96NPD ()
Date: September 14, 2014 12:37AM

hvLjj Wrote:
> 30 minutes later or earlier does NOT warrant this
> kind of response
> you people need to just adjust and carry on, there
> are real problems in the world and this 30 minutes
> is not one of them
> your choices -
> move somewhere else
> do not have kids
> act like an adult and adjust your life accordingly

so fucking true

these piss poor parents need to get their priorities straight

"The value of this forum is invaluable" LOL - NONE of this means dick

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: thinking is hard ()
Date: September 14, 2014 08:35AM

Worthless nonsense Wrote:

> It's all a moron's game of whack-a-mole. If high
> schools start first, it's an outrage. If middle
> schools start first, it's an outrage. Why don't
> you morons simply stifle yourselves and let the
> real people work on some problems here. Fucking
> assholes.

Translation: 'thinking is hard, solving problems can be messy so just do what authorities tell you. ... oh and be mad at people who are not like you.'

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: pXcUL ()
Date: September 14, 2014 08:43AM

tommyse Wrote:
> This complaining about start times is like a
> Frenchman complaining about the price of sugar as
> the Nazis invaded.
> FCPS is pretty nearly in collapse. This has
> nothing to do with start times.
> 1. Demographic changes: FARMS levels are
> increasing significantly in the county. 40% of
> kindergarteners are in ESOL classes. Some of these
> kids will turn into great teenagers, but it's hard
> to see how the system will maintain the same level
> of quality with much higher level of FARM and ESOL
> students.
> 2. Administrative/educational changes:
> NCLB/SOL/Common Core have had a hugely destructive
> impact on the classroom, in FCPS and elsewhere.
> Parents would be shocked if they could see how
> rote schoolwork is, and how much teaching to the
> test goes on in FCPS.
> 3. Teacher morale: Teacher morale is extremely low
> because of nearly frozen salaries and extreme
> micromanagement. Teachers are often directed to
> teach material that administrators feel will
> improve test scores. They have little
> flexibility.
> Let's be honest, the number of FCPS schools to
> which middle-class parents, who are very concerned
> with their child's education, would be happy to
> send their children has declined very
> significantly.

...interesting. I think there is much truth here. We cannot be getting better by freezing teacher salaries can we? My kid is in AAP and AP so they are getting great education. Their teachers know the kids will pass SOL's (taken at a level one full grade ahead of the actual grade) so they are able to relax have fun and teach to minds that enjoy learning.

Before AAP (K-2nd) teachers were stressed to the max. Good teachers were hated by parents for being 'too mean' (read didnt put up with disruptive behavior and graded accurately). Average to bad teachers ignored everyone but the students at risk of not passing SOL's. The ESOL kids were almost always tardy and seems like they came for the free lunch.

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: usta ()
Date: September 14, 2014 08:46AM

Facts speak Wrote:
> The point made about bus drivers and their number
> of hours is important! Karen Garza privatized bus
> drivers and custodians in Lubbock to cut costs.
> This would put countless loyal employees out of
> work. The value of this forum (when one discards
> wacko rants) is invaluable. As it has been implied
> that FCPS will try to have just two runs each way
> so start times are the same for both high and
> middle schools,the question should be posed now -
> what about the bus drivers!

Garza does seem to hate support staff, but privatizing the buses would be difficult if not impossible.

There are large school bus contractors operating in this country. First Student, a British outfit, is the largest with over 50,000 buses. Unfortunately, private bus operators have most of the same expenses as the County does. Buses, fuel, tires, etc cost the contractors the same as they cost the County.

The only place the contractor can cut costs is on the drivers. Most pay minimum wage with no bennies. So, if the County has difficulty recruiting drivers at $18.50 an hour w/bennies, where in the hell would a big contractor find them at minimum wage/no bennies?

What happens is, to staff their buses, contractors have to lower driver standards to the point that they will hire basically anybody. We could end up with some very dangerous people alone with our kids.

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: won't happen ()
Date: September 14, 2014 10:49AM

Years ago FCPS tried to privatize the buses. The "experiment" lasted about 2 weeks. It was HORRIBLE. Buses were late, didn't show up, etc., etc.

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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: Not taking the bus ()
Date: September 14, 2014 01:15PM


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Re: Late Start Times: FCPS Throws Middle Schoolers Under the Bus
Posted by: newgatedenizen ()
Date: September 14, 2014 02:03PM

frost parent Wrote:
> Big fucking deal with the middle schoolers. My
> son gets the bus at 6:35 and starts class at 7:25.
> He gets and extra 5 minutes!

The earliest bus pickup time for high school students would be 7:04 a.m., and for middle school students 6:24 a.m., according to Jeff Platenberg, assistant superintendent for facilities and transportation services.

That is ridiculous - that's almost 20 minutes earlier than my high schooler's current bus pick-up time. I don't understand why sleep is that much more important for a 14 year old freshman than a 13 year old 8th grader.


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