Re: Speeding ticket
Posted by:
Date: July 23, 2014 05:31PM
Jcrow Wrote:
> I just got a speeding ticket for going 20 mph over
> posted limit. The ticket isn't pre-payable, but
> doesn't say reckless. Do I need a lawyer when I
> show up in court, or will the fine be imposed
> then?
> I have a minor stop sign ticket from a while back,
> and that's all. I just don't know what to expect
> on the court day....I'm wondering if the ticket
> would say reckless if that was the charge, or if
> it's not written and is the charge anyway.
How was your speed measured? If by radar or laser, the officer has to be certified to use the equipment and he must follow and document specific procedures. If you can learn enough, you can cross-examine him and try to trip him up. Chances are you will fail, but as long you are polite and respectful the judge might decide to reduce the penalty.
You might also look to see whether the speed limit was properly posted. If the road is one where the limit suddenly drops from, say, 45 to 35, and the cop just happened to be parked right after the point where the limit changes, that might be another argument for a reduced penalty.
You might also examine the ticket closely and see if there are any errors or omissions. A mistake in anything -- your tag number, car description, middle initial etc. -- might be used to raise doubts about the certainty of the officer's allegation.
You might also call the court and find out whether it's really a non-prepayable offense. Maybe there's a way you can pay the fine and be done with it.