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Speeding ticket
Posted by: Jcrow ()
Date: July 23, 2014 02:59PM

I just got a speeding ticket for going 20 mph over posted limit. The ticket isn't pre-payable, but doesn't say reckless. Do I need a lawyer when I show up in court, or will the fine be imposed then?
I have a minor stop sign ticket from a while back, and that's all. I just don't know what to expect on the court day....I'm wondering if the ticket would say reckless if that was the charge, or if it's not written and is the charge anyway.

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Re: Speeding ticket
Posted by: johnny ringo ()
Date: July 23, 2014 03:01PM

You'll spend more in legal fees than just paying the fine. Take the day off, go to court, then enjoy the rest of your day. It's a done deal.

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Re: Speeding ticket
Posted by: Big Bubba ()
Date: July 23, 2014 03:15PM

Go buy some KY Jelly because you will need it for the court and make sure you lube it up good because i'm going to tear that ass up when they throw your ass in the joint.

Love Big Bubba

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Re: Speeding ticket
Posted by: Hrundi V Bakshi ()
Date: July 23, 2014 03:18PM

How fast were you going? Anything 80 and above is automatic reckless driving in VA. Used to be 20 over was reckless no matter what the speed but im not sure that is still the case. I can promise you one thing. Its going be an expensive ticket.

You need to find out if you are going to be facing reckless driving and if so I would get a lawyer. They can get it reduced by pulling some strings. Either way, youre going to be out some cash, either to the lawyer or the state.

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Re: Speeding ticket
Posted by: orb ()
Date: July 23, 2014 03:22PM

The fine in total will be no more than 300. Long as it is still a traffic citation and not in criminal court, a layer in MY PERSONAL OPINION, would be a waste of money.

I have gotten two in the last 2 years and yes they are expensive. I do recommend going to Advanced Automotive in Chantilly to get your speedometer calibrated. If they find that your car speedometer if off by 3-4 mph, which a majoriuty of car's are, then that will lessen your ticket dramatically. This method has saved me from 3 reckless tickets so far.

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Re: Speeding ticket
Posted by: Dale's cousin ()
Date: July 23, 2014 03:31PM

Why don't all you idiots stop speeding, and then you don't have to worry about it!

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Re: Speeding ticket
Posted by: pppppppppp ()
Date: July 23, 2014 05:03PM

Dale's cousin Wrote:
> Why don't all you idiots stop speeding, and then
> you don't have to worry about it!

It does make things a lot easier. And quit giving me the finger when I am driving the speed limit and that isn't fast enough for you. I have better things to spend my money and time on than what you are going through. You deserve a huge ticket. I hope your insurance company lays it on you, too, with a big premium increase.

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Re: Speeding ticket
Posted by: Gunlover ()
Date: July 23, 2014 05:10PM


Never Run Out of Ammo

Guns Don't Kill People. People Kill People

Them or You

The two most important days in your life are the day your were born and and the day you find out why

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Re: Speeding ticket
Posted by: EUVpp ()
Date: July 23, 2014 05:31PM

Jcrow Wrote:
> I just got a speeding ticket for going 20 mph over
> posted limit. The ticket isn't pre-payable, but
> doesn't say reckless. Do I need a lawyer when I
> show up in court, or will the fine be imposed
> then?
> I have a minor stop sign ticket from a while back,
> and that's all. I just don't know what to expect
> on the court day....I'm wondering if the ticket
> would say reckless if that was the charge, or if
> it's not written and is the charge anyway.

How was your speed measured? If by radar or laser, the officer has to be certified to use the equipment and he must follow and document specific procedures. If you can learn enough, you can cross-examine him and try to trip him up. Chances are you will fail, but as long you are polite and respectful the judge might decide to reduce the penalty.

You might also look to see whether the speed limit was properly posted. If the road is one where the limit suddenly drops from, say, 45 to 35, and the cop just happened to be parked right after the point where the limit changes, that might be another argument for a reduced penalty.

You might also examine the ticket closely and see if there are any errors or omissions. A mistake in anything -- your tag number, car description, middle initial etc. -- might be used to raise doubts about the certainty of the officer's allegation.

You might also call the court and find out whether it's really a non-prepayable offense. Maybe there's a way you can pay the fine and be done with it.

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Re: Speeding ticket
Posted by: Hrundi V Bakshi ()
Date: July 23, 2014 09:08PM

EUVpp Wrote:
> >
> How was your speed measured? If by radar or laser,
> the officer has to be certified to use the
> equipment and he must follow and document specific
> procedures. If you can learn enough, you can
> cross-examine him and try to trip him up. Chances
> are you will fail, but as long you are polite and
> respectful the judge might decide to reduce the
> penalty.
> You might also look to see whether the speed limit
> was properly posted. If the road is one where the
> limit suddenly drops from, say, 45 to 35, and the
> cop just happened to be parked right after the
> point where the limit changes, that might be
> another argument for a reduced penalty.
> You might also examine the ticket closely and see
> if there are any errors or omissions. A mistake in
> anything -- your tag number, car description,
> middle initial etc. -- might be used to raise
> doubts about the certainty of the officer's
> allegation.
> You might also call the court and find out whether
> it's really a non-prepayable offense. Maybe
> there's a way you can pay the fine and be done
> with it.

Great advice. You mentioned everything except slow the fuck down.

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Re: Speeding ticket
Posted by: speeding ticket? whats that? ()
Date: July 24, 2014 12:24AM

Get yourself a beltronics stir+, with AntiLaser laser jammers. Worth their weight in gold around here.

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Re: Speeding ticket
Posted by: orb ()
Date: July 24, 2014 05:16PM

Jsut remember the left lane if for passing. If you are going the spped limit in the lft lane, you are breaking the law. I will never tailgate anyone going the speed limit or below in the far right lane. Also remember that if someone is behind you in the laft lane and you fail to get over, you are in the wrong legally. Its plain and simple. Let people who speed get the speeding tickets and not have to worry about road rage accidents.

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