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New gun Law . Yea Or Nay?
Posted by: Leave Sane Citizens Alone ()
Date: May 27, 2014 10:25PM

Yet another maniac killing people in California. The same story mental illness
in treatment buys guns and knifes and kills people. 3 killed with a knife 3 shot.

The solution ?? Magazine bans No that wont work. Assult ban.. Not that either because the problem is Young People who are mental cases that are doing these killings and they ALL have been under Treatment!

The answer: If some one obtains mental health treatment their name goes to a State Police Do Not Sell Firearm registery. And they are banned from buying a firearm until cleared by a MD. Or a minimum time period.. Sorry about that.

That will stop many of these killings not all but most. It will do nothing to stop gang on gang crime.

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Re: New gun Law . Yea Or Nay?
Date: May 27, 2014 10:30PM

An armed law abiding citizen will stop it before any of that nonsense you listed.

Shut the fuck up.

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Re: New gun Law . Yea Or Nay?
Posted by: Like hell they will ()
Date: May 27, 2014 10:42PM

Thats why these mass shootings occur.. Dont like this new proposed law.. Tough Shit.. you get a DWI and babble your ass off to get out of it,, your a mental case No Guns.

Too Fucking bad.. Time has come to say Fuck the Gun Owning rights of the insane. time to stop the P.C bullshit with this issue.

This kid in Ca. The Red headed ass clown in Co. Cho Sung Hui all had the same
issue.. In Treatment for mental illness.

I wish there was a CCW permit holder that could have taken all these insane asses down but good luck with that. And part of the problem is the rule that law abiding sane adult students in Virginia can't bring a piece to college even though they have a CCW.

Thanks to the libs for that and all the real reasons for these crazy killings.

You Got a Mental Problem ? Tough Shit For That! No Guns For You!

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Re: New gun Law . Yea Or Nay?
Posted by: agree but... ()
Date: May 27, 2014 10:52PM

Leave Sane Citizens Alone Wrote:
> Yet another maniac killing people in California.
> The same story mental illness
> in treatment buys guns and knifes and kills
> people. 3 killed with a knife 3 shot.
> The solution ?? Magazine bans No that wont work.
> Assult ban.. Not that either because the problem
> is Young People who are mental cases that are
> doing these killings and they ALL have been under
> Treatment!
> The answer: If some one obtains mental health
> treatment their name goes to a State Police
Do Not
> Sell Firearm registery. And they are banned from
> buying a firearm until cleared by a MD. Or a
> minimum time period.. Sorry about that.
> That will stop many of these killings not all but
> most. It will do nothing to stop gang on gang
> crime.

Less people would get help, because they don't want their name on some list.

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Re: New gun Law . Yea Or Nay?
Posted by: eff ewe ()
Date: May 27, 2014 10:53PM


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Re: New gun Law . Yea Or Nay?
Posted by: Fairfaxian ()
Date: May 27, 2014 10:55PM

GerrytardRetardtardLOLz Wrote:
> An armed law abiding citizen will stop it before
> any of that nonsense you listed.
> Shut the fuck up.

You're kidding yourself. Even trained shooters aren't as accurate as you imagine yourself - sorry, "an armed law abiding citizen" - to be.

e.g.: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/16/nyregion/firing-at-man-in-times-square-police-wound-two-bystanders.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0

and another: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/25/nyregion/police-decision-to-shoot-in-midtown-left-9-wounded.html

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Re: New gun Law . Yea Or Nay?
Posted by: eff ewe ()
Date: May 27, 2014 10:57PM

Re(publican)tards will be Re(publican)tards until every human is dead....then who will kill the drastic overpopulation in deer?


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Re: New gun Law . Yea Or Nay?
Posted by: Not gonna happen ()
Date: May 27, 2014 11:00PM

Sorry, that won't happen due to opposition to providing access to mental health records on the part of civil liberties and mental health privacy advocates. It's been proposed and defeated on that basis already. The reason that the purchase restriction exists as being *adjudicated* to have mental health issues is that through the legal finding in that regard it then becomes a matter of public record.

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Re: New gun Law . Yea Or Nay?
Posted by: Too Bad For That ()
Date: May 27, 2014 11:05PM

>Less people would get help, because they don't want their name on some list.

Too Bad for that Tough Shit.

And If any such law were passed a provision would state that if a private sale was made, the seller SHOULD call the State police registery and state the name of the gun buyer for approval.. And If the seller CHOOSES not to do that
And the buyer is under mental health treatment and commits a crime with the firearm the seller may be sued by those injured.

And such a law should state that "If a person seeks mental health treatment and is disqualified for gun ownership because of voluntery treatment. All firearms owned by them shall be taken to a place of safe storage by the State at no cost to the person, and when a MD releases them from treatment their lawfull owned firearms shall be returned to them".

That would take care of Gee.. I am bummed out so and so died , divorce ect
And provide a way that people could get the arms back.. (With Libs in charge.. good luck)

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Re: New gun Law . Yea Or Nay?
Posted by: Wild Gander ()
Date: May 27, 2014 11:11PM

US gun deaths are 10 per 100,000 people. In the UK, gun deaths are 0.25 per 100,000. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the US could do with a few laws to try and keep guns out of the hands of nut jobs and retards.

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Re: New gun Law . Yea Or Nay?
Posted by: Yes But And A Big But ()
Date: May 27, 2014 11:26PM

These horrible mass killings are being done by people "Under Treatment" for mental issues. These are just a few of the thousands of gun crime deaths, and the ones that get all the news and attention and proposed new laws to fuck over law abiding gun owners.

The great majority of the rest are Gangster Vs Gangster gun deaths, and a entire culture must change to RESPECT others before those deaths stop. Guns or No Guns, the Gangsters will kill one another any way they find in wars with turf and drugs.

The rest are suicides and accidents. Suicides will happen no matter what, but if a law allows firearms to be taken into safe keeping these may slack off some what also.

Accidents are a small number and shit happens. Sometimes sadly if children are involved. But children fall thru ice , drown in pools .. life some times is not fair and cruel.

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Re: New gun Law . Yea Or Nay?
Posted by: CDC ()
Date: May 28, 2014 12:54AM

Yes But And A Big But Wrote:
> These horrible mass killings are being done by
> people "Under Treatment" for mental issues. These
> are just a few of the thousands of gun crime
> deaths, and the ones that get all the news and
> attention and proposed new laws to fuck over law
> abiding gun owners.
> The great majority of the rest are Gangster Vs
> Gangster gun deaths, and a entire culture must
> change to RESPECT others before those deaths stop.
> Guns or No Guns, the Gangsters will kill one
> another any way they find in wars with turf and
> drugs.
> The rest are suicides and accidents. Suicides will
> happen no matter what, but if a law allows
> firearms to be taken into safe keeping these may
> slack off some what also.
> Accidents are a small number and shit happens.
> Sometimes sadly if children are involved. But
> children fall thru ice , drown in pools .. life
> some times is not fair and cruel.

You have it backwards.

Of the 30,000-ish annual US gun deaths in the US, about 2/3rds or 20,000-ish are suicides. The vast majority of which are middle-aged white men.

The bulk of the remaining 10,000-ish are primarily as you say associated with criminal, gang, and/or drug activity and centered in urban locations. The vast majority of which are young black males aged 15 - 24.

Accidental deaths are relatively trivial in number, typically under about 750/year. 606 in 2010.

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Re: New gun Law . Yea Or Nay?
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: May 28, 2014 11:29AM

My initial reaction was that the idea had promise. Then I started thinking about the problems.

First, when people have problems you want to encourage them to get competent help. It is hard enough getting people with mental issues to seek help. If they know that doing so means losing their right to possess guns or some other rights, they may be even more reluctant to seek help. So which is more dangerous, the gun owner seeing a therapist or psychiatrist or the gun owner not seeing a professional because he's afraid of losing his guns?

Second, many of these nutcases don't use their own guns. They use guns owned by family members or other members of their household. So do we trample on their rights just because their family member or housemate happens to be a little off? And if so how do we identify them?

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Re: New gun Law . Yea Or Nay?
Posted by: Yes Thats True ()
Date: May 28, 2014 12:13PM

Taking guns away from those who already have them could cause more danger then now exists. But stopping any further sales with a registery would not. And it would stop the killers who are in treatment and then want to buy a gun.

Cho, The Co. movie killer and this Ca. kid all bought their guns and thats something like 49 victims between the three.

Gun owners who get treatment for mental health issues can give their guns to friends or family to keep till their well. If they want to...

As far as a family with a person in treatment in the home, thats a tough call.

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Re: New gun Law . Yea Or Nay?
Posted by: sad society ()
Date: May 28, 2014 12:35PM

UK press it reporting the kid was heavy user of creatine and his friends said it drove him crazy.

He shot three people with his knife I guess.

A registry doesn't do anything, CA already tracks sales so this puke WAS on a registry. Didn't stop him from stabbing and shooting people. What, was he going to trip on the registry on the way to his BMW?

America wants a moral-free society where freedom of speech and religion are dead, and we have had that for a little while now. Hollywood sells violence but those that profit (directly and indirectly thru politics) are outraged when someone buys it. You can lose your business if you won't conduct acts against your religion (Christian refusing to bake gay wedding cakes), or if you express a prejudice in private your property can be taken (I don't agree with Sterling's sentiment but hope he sues some sense into our society). Not the America the founders had in mind.

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Re: New gun Law . Yea Or Nay?
Posted by: VG ()
Date: May 29, 2014 08:50AM

Gun & assault rifle owner/CCW holder in FFX here. The general issue with gun laws, at least in the US, is that these registries aren't currently working. If you have certain mental health issues, felonies, etc, yes, in many cases, you're put into a registry. But there's a laundry list of issues with these registries not being kept up to date, not being properly shared between jurisdictions or states, etc. So the registry, as it stands, isn't working. That's part of the issue.

As far as further restrictions or registries, that's all well and good in theory, but the problem is that it's simply not practical. I can certainly register my name, address, and serial number from my assault rifle. I can also be banned from high capacity magazines, or certain military grade .223 ammunition, etc. But my compliance may or may not even be 'successful' if the digital registries are in the state that they are, not synchronizing information, etc. And even if it does, it doesn't prevent my neighbor, or local criminals from procuring the same weapon and same ammunition through non-standard channels, similar to how banning drugs doesn't really prevent their distribution.

So generally, gun laws, gun regulation, they try to address a symptom of a larger problem; mental health. But they also address this symptom in a manner which isn't very effective. Arguing about liberals or conservatives, Republicans or Democrats, that just misses the point entirely. It's a different discussion entirely. If you want to prevent gun violence, let's start by fixing the systems already in place. Gun registry...airline/travel registry while we're at it...and some of the mental health systems we have.

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Re: New gun Law . Yea Or Nay?
Posted by: matt 703 ()
Date: May 29, 2014 11:39AM

Just because you outlaw guns for those in therapy, doesn't meant they can't get them illegally!!! dumbasses, like that will solve the problem.

also, where do you draw the line? what if someone just wants to work on some anger management issues, or marriage counseling? Slippery slope.

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Re: New gun Law . Yea Or Nay?
Posted by: Sgk ()
Date: May 29, 2014 12:13PM

I have a problem with how some people/states would define "mental health problems". Look what happened to Ollie North. He tried to renew his CCW
in Virginia and a Democrat judge turned him down for partisan reasons even
though he was being stalked by a terrorist. Also cited was "counseling"
he'd received while going through a divorce. Divorce counseling is labeled
as a "mental health issue"? I'm afraid the anti Constitution crowd would
use the term to label anyone they didn't like.

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Re: New gun Law . Yea Or Nay?
Posted by: Slippery Slope ()
Date: May 29, 2014 12:48PM

Leave Sane Citizens Alone Wrote:
> The answer: If some one obtains mental health
> treatment their name goes to a State Police Do Not
> Sell Firearm registery. And they are banned from
> buying a firearm until cleared by a MD. Or a
> minimum time period.. Sorry about that.

Nosiree, no chance of governmental abuse there to keep anyone from purchasing a firearm. That would never happen.

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Re: New gun Law . Yea Or Nay?
Posted by: Huey ()
Date: May 29, 2014 05:22PM

Sorry, but you can pass all the gun laws you want. There are about 300 million guns already in circulation in this country. Nothing to stop anyone who wants one from getting one, and it doesn't have to be a new one. Any gun law now is just closing the barn door after the horse has already run off.

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Re: New gun Law . Yea Or Nay?
Posted by: Yes Your Right About That ()
Date: May 29, 2014 10:17PM

>I have a problem with how some people/states would define "mental health problems". Look what happened to Ollie North. He tried to renew his CCW
in Virginia and a Democrat judge turned him down for partisan reasons even
though he was being stalked by a terrorist. Also cited was "counseling"
he'd received while going through a divorce. Divorce counseling is labeled
as a "mental health issue"? I'm afraid the anti Constitution crowd would
use the term to label anyone they didn't like.

True .

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Re: New gun Law . Yea Or Nay?
Posted by: hG9DU ()
Date: May 29, 2014 10:31PM

>Less people would get help, because they don't want their name on some list.

These people don't get help anyway because "There is nothing wrong with them. Everyone else is the problem. I feel fine -- Time to stop my medication."

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Re: New gun Law . Yea Or Nay?
Posted by: observerer ()
Date: May 30, 2014 07:23AM

May 2014: Myrtle Beach fight has three dead from six shootings, all black. "Happens."

May 2014: Hollywood spoiled kid stabs three and shoots three affluent-area people. "NOT ONE MORE!"

66% of gun deaths a year are suicides. 33% are gang-on-gang violence. A fraction of 1% are ones involving white people that make the news, yet they get the most attention.

And still, as with every shooting, new gun laws are proposed that would not have prevented the crime that initiated all the outrage.

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