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FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Adam ()
Date: August 13, 2006 06:23AM


----- 3 Friends including ME Drinking at a house party
----- On Private Property the ENTIRE time
----- We had DD that was coming to pick us up
------ All Over 21

So we are all drinking at a house party, same old.. Same old... Cops roll up around 3am, party is already dying down. The police rolled up to me first, before he said a word, I said.. “Yes I know, you want to speak to the owner of the property” so I find my friend. He talks to the cops. It’s the whole, I come back twice…. ticket, 3rd time I arrest you for noise violation, so the cops leave.

AS I start getting everyone inside or telling them to leave.. Before I know it, the cops are already walking back to the house. (seriously 5mins MAX has passed) At this point I’m telling everyone to get inside, it doesn’t matter, just get inside. I walk inside with everyone else. (We have aprrox 50-60 people inside) While the owner is outside, I call a DD to drive me home, my DD arrives, (at this point approx 10 FFX are outside), my DD walks in with no problem, passes FFX without one problem walking inside

At this point im like fuck it, We have a DD its time to go home, isn’t that what he police want, DD??? Nope you guessed wrong..

As we walk outside, the police tell us to stop, and tell us we are suppose to be inside and if you’re outside your drunk in public.. We explain to the officer that we have DD and we are just getting a ride home. The cops still told us we were not supposed to be outside because we were “Drunk In public”. One of my friends argued this, and the cops arrested him.. As they were arresting him, my friend told me to take pictures…

Figuring I was not breaking the law by simply taking a picture (Drunk or not), I bust out my camera phone, so I start to take a picture when another FFX cop closes my camera phone, takes it and places it in my pocket.. I asked him why I wasn’t allowed to take pictures, They kept on telling me that I was drunk in public, and If I speak again I’ll be arrested. Being as I didn’t want to get arrssed I said fine.

At this point my friend was on the ground being tackled by 5 cops, Resisting arrest bullshit (all we were doing was leaving the place the cops didn’t want us to be)

So now I’m left with my friend and my DD… .My friend asks the cops why he is being arrested, and the cop says if either of you say one more word your going to jail… While I was about to say this is Bullshit, my friend beat me to it, and got arrested. Just for asking the cops why they were there, and why this is all happening, No threating moves, or anything like that.

At this point, it’s me, about 10 FFX officers and my DD. The whole time my DD is explaining to the officers that he was our ride home. I on the other hand was so amazed at just what happened. I felt if I even asked ANYTHING I would be arrested. So the officer FINALLY asks the DD to get the CAR, and the FFX officer tells me to get in the car or be arrested. I really didn’t know what else to say, or else face a court date.

So I guess what I have to rant about is FUCK FAIRAX COUNTY AND THAT SUPER TROPERS LOOK A LIKE, I would really like to understand what drunk in public is.

I actually asked the cop to define “Drunk in public”

He told me that anything in public view, even if that means we can see you from your window.

So whatever, its 6am, my friends got arrested at 3am, NO one at FFX County still has any idea where they are. I even tried to file a missing persons report, but FFX county said if it looked like cops cars, its probably were. They wouldn’t open one. They also wouldn’t release any inmates information to me anyways because im not immediate family


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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: August 13, 2006 09:17AM

Sorry to hear that dude, cops get too fuckin carried away around here with drunk-in-public fines. I know somebody else with a similar story, it's a bunch of bullshit. Normally I don't have a problem with local law enforcement, but asshole nonsense like this ticks me off.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Princess33 ()
Date: August 13, 2006 09:54AM

Haaa too funny!

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: August 13, 2006 12:12PM

I'd get a lawyer. If you can't figure out whats with your friends, you can sue the cops for stealing property. It's not evidence except against them.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: August 13, 2006 12:46PM

Unfortunately this is typical of the cops here. Do the right thing by getting a DD and they bust you. Better that you had left an hour earlier blasted out of your mind and plowed into someone on the highway I guess. That's the behavior they seem to be encouraging.

The cops are just stupid. Dispersing a crowd is better than keeping lots of drunk people penned up in a house if some of them have DD to get them out of the area. They should have let you go if the story was as you said it was, though I suspect there might be stuff left out that pissed the cops off.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Adam ()
Date: August 13, 2006 12:49PM

Well i just got my friends out, they were charged with "Appears to be drunk in public" hahhaa, they never got a breathlizer or anything. So i'm pretty sure they have a good chance of getting off. The thing with the camera is what pissed me off the most.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Adam ()
Date: August 13, 2006 01:02PM

From what i remember my first friend might have said something stupid. But my 2nd friend was just trying to figure out why he was being arrested and thats when the cops said your out of control, going to jail. This is when he turned to me, Exact words "If you say one more thing, your getting arrsted and charged with drunk in public"

It was only really one cop that was on a MAJOR power trip, this guy was running back and forth looking for anyone to arrest. HE had a bunch of the zipties handcuffs.

I really didn't know what my rights were at the moement, it felt like i had NONE. THey were on private property threating to arrest me for talking?

End of rant, i'll see that pos cop in court

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Tim45 ()
Date: August 13, 2006 01:20PM

You probably pissed the cops off because they had to leave 7-11 to go yell at you and your party. The donuts arent going to eat themselves you know.

BTW not that it matters, but how much did you have to drink and was it a good party besides the ending?

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: typical fairfax ()
Date: August 13, 2006 02:11PM

this shit always happens in fairfax, just one question? are you white, black, spanish??

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: dan1127 ()
Date: August 13, 2006 02:49PM

yeah i would definitely take those bitches on in court...about 5 years ago on a cinco de mayo the cops rolled up to a party at my best friends house for a noise violation..we held out for about 30 minutes while they shouted through their bull horn, banged on the door, and shined flash lights into the house all in an attempt to get my friend to open the door and talked to them. they eventually got fed up with us holding out inside and decided to kick in the basement door and stormed the house..spewing thier power trip BS like they did to you all last night...well to make a long story short, my friend went to court, and the judge dropped all charges because the cops illegally entered the house..way to make a fool out your self in front of a judge FCPD!

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Adam ()
Date: August 13, 2006 04:52PM

The funny part is, we had a bigger party, with more people. and the cops were 1000 times more relaxed when they showed up. I think he even told the owner if your on your property and its not to loud, your arlight. This one cop was just out to get anyone. I'm white and the party was pretty damn good. It was already dying down by the time all this happen.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: August 13, 2006 04:55PM

this is classic FCPD behavior. they are immune to the laws they claim to enforce while violating every right you have. i hate them with valid cause as well.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: come on folks ()
Date: August 13, 2006 06:52PM

Does no one have any sympathy for the neighbors? Maybe they had to work the next day and by 3:00 am thought they needed to get some sleep. The cops don't have a "party detector".....somebody called them! That means you were being assholes. Ever argue with a drunk? It's pointless....taking them away is the only way to deal with them. Good for the cops! For your next party...there are numerous public venues you can rent where you can make all the noise you want.

That said, the young guys that rent the house next door to me throw parties regularly. They're more mature though...they tell (and invite) the surrounding neighbors and tell them to please call them (not the cops) if they are being disturbed. It ain't all about you!

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: August 13, 2006 07:10PM

Does no one have any sympathy for the neighbors?

Sure, I don't think it's cool to disrupt the privacy of your neighbors. But if these folks were not making any noise and leaving the party with a designated driver, there's no reason for a cop to act like that.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Adam ()
Date: August 13, 2006 07:11PM

No shit the surrounding neighbours called the cops. I think 5mins after the first warning is a little to extreme to calm down 50 plus people. We didn't even have enough time to tell everyone to go home or go inside.

Its Fairfax, I rarely EVER see a house party that the cops don't get called. It’s to be expected. When they arrived we knew the party was over, it was 3am. We had a nice party and that was it.. Time to go home, but when the cops tell me I can't go home with my DD, and that we are causing a noise violation. im going to get a little pissed. Drunk or not, its bullshit. WTF do the police want.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Adam ()
Date: August 13, 2006 07:35PM

Does anyone know where you can get FFX mugshots??? Like a site online or somthing

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: come on folks ()
Date: August 13, 2006 07:57PM

Yeah, years ago I got a quick count too. My buddy was being arrested for DWI, and I thought I'd get out of the car and give the cop some shit. He said' "If you're not back in that car on the count of three...you're under arrest for DIP". "One....." And the next thing I knew he was slapping the cuffs on! I said, "What happened to two and three, you motherfucker?" LOL

But, when I grew up....I learned how to get smashed without attracting the attention of the po po. You will too, I'm sure.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: jose ()
Date: August 13, 2006 11:40PM

I call the cops on loud parties all the time! Fuck you asshole.If the cops came in and start shooting people the world would be a quiter place.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: August 13, 2006 11:42PM

Someone is doing the drink-and-dial thing on the internet tonight..lol

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/13/2006 11:45PM by RESton Peace.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: August 14, 2006 01:34AM

jose Wrote:
> If the cops came in and start shooting
> people the world would be a quiter place.

guns are really loud when fired. i assure you that it is much louder than the party itself.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Smith or Wesson? ()
Date: August 14, 2006 08:37AM

Gravis Wrote:
> > guns are really loud when fired. i assure you
> that it is much louder than the party itself.

For a split second, yes. But overall, the world would be a better place without these clowns in the world anyway. Seriously, who gets in trouble and then seeks out an internet message board to come whine about it? Someone at your party pissed off the police, so that is the person you ought to be complaining to. OR, don't have loud parties that go on until 3 am. Either way, it's time to grow up and handle situations like an adult.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: brianl703 ()
Date: August 14, 2006 09:10AM

Yes, but guns make a single loud noise.

After the gunshot, you can go back to sleep.

Can't do that with continual noise.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: cliftonite ()
Date: August 14, 2006 10:03AM

"After the gunshot, you can go back to sleep. "

so you don't really care if someone just git shot or if there shooting at you? Oh, ok. just go back to sleep then

and 50 people in a house in fairfax county is going to piss people off, especially cops. Cops like to be in control! thats why they told you how its going to be. it doesnt matter if you doing the "right" thing...you going to do as your told

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: August 14, 2006 10:12AM

I still don't get the refusal to let someone leave with a designated driver. Why have a designated driver at all if they can't drive you home? Baffled.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: brianl703 ()
Date: August 14, 2006 10:14AM

If I heard a gunshot I'd probably call the police. That's about it.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Adam ()
Date: August 14, 2006 10:20AM

For one, learn how to use the internet. On A Fairfax Message board you POST STUFF ABOUT FAIRFAX!

Handel the situation like an adult, WTF are you talking about. I called my DD and they wouldn't let me leave with him. I say that’s pretty responsible. I say out of the 4 of us the only one NOT handling it like an adult was FFX. But then again I can’t prove this because they took my camera from me.

I’m going to voice my opinion if I think my rights were violated. Don’t give me Disturbing the peace bullshit, this had nothing to do with it. All I was doing was leaving a party the cops didn’t want me to be. I got harassed, my friends got arrested. Had they let us walk to our car in PEACE it wouldn’t even be an issue.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Adam ()
Date: August 14, 2006 11:24AM

How long does it take for a charge to appear on the Ticket/Arrest list??

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: come on folks ()
Date: August 14, 2006 12:22PM

You shoulda left like about 3 hours before the cops showed up.

PS: Did your DD look like he has shitfaced......or stoned?

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: ffxmotorist ()
Date: August 14, 2006 01:12PM

It was probably a "slow night" for them ticket writing wise so they pounced on the opportunity for drunk a drunk in public arrest/ticket.

Pig scumbags, why don't ya'll go after the REAL criminals... ie. MS-13 etc?!

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: brianl703 ()
Date: August 14, 2006 01:26PM

Real criminals shoot back.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: El Mono Rojo ()
Date: August 14, 2006 04:34PM


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/09/2014 04:05PM by El Mono Rojo.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: August 14, 2006 04:51PM

defines "public" as anywhere within public view, including one's private property within view of the community

So I'm technically breaking the law if I sit on my front patio after drinking a sixer of Bass? I wonder what that Linda Idiot thinks about this. There are clearly situations where cops need to apply common sense, unlike the ones in Adam's post. It's scary to see how some folks simply condone or encourage the manner in which the police acted in Adam's case. We're not living in a police-state. I'd much prefer to live in a community where people are free to pursue the things they want to do even though that might risk having a drunk person in public, rather than to live in a community where cops use threats and scare tactics to enforce technical infractions of the law and create fear in the name of authority.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: come on folks ()
Date: August 14, 2006 05:11PM

So, if one of the things "people want to pursue" is keeping you up all night...that's OK?

Face it, Adam's crew sounds like barely legal kids that can't hold their liquor...and don't give a shit about anybody's "rights" but their own. We've all seen 'em. I think the neighbors showed amazing restraint...they could have called the po-po WAY before 3:00 am. The cops handled this complaint perfectly! They broke up the party....and who cares if they hurt some punk kid's feelings in the process.

My friends and I drink beer on my front porch, in plain view of the street ALL the time.....the difference is we have the maturity to not act wild and crazy and get the cops called on us. Grow up!

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: August 14, 2006 05:51PM

So, if one of the things "people want to pursue" is keeping you up all night...that's OK?

No, it's not OK. Your whole arguement gives you the appearance of addressing the issue in question, while it really addresses another (aka "missing the point").

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/14/2006 06:02PM by TheMeeper.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Adam ()
Date: August 14, 2006 05:59PM

I never said it was okay to keep people up all night. I do think it's okay to have a party, till whatever time we want. If YOU have a problem with that. Come tell me, don't hide behind FFX. Like everyone does with noise problems.

We did exactly what the officer said to do. Keep quite, we broke up the party or told everyone to get inside. The fact that the police officer didn't even get to his cop car before he came back, is ridiculous. We didn’t even have time to get everyone inside. And he could tell we were running around telling everyone the party was over. The fact is, this officer and most of FFX will abuse just about every power they have given the opportunity. And i witness this first hand.

Is it also against the law for cops not to be photographed? This cop seemed to think it was.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: August 14, 2006 06:21PM

Is it also against the law for cops not to be photographed?

It is aganst the law in some states, not sure about here though. I remember an article a few years ago where a guy videotaped police activity and they charged him with violating eavesdropping and wiretapping laws.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: dirtyharry ()
Date: August 14, 2006 07:04PM

you have zero problems my friend.The judges in Fairfax are throwing out all this DIP bullshit arrest faster than Jose Can post stupid shit on this site.

P.S. Jose I eat at Anita's all the time and if I ever suspect something is not right- you are one dead wetback.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: n ()
Date: August 14, 2006 07:55PM

A quick search for 'drunk' and 'public' on the arrest list turns up 10,601 entries. That is an absolutely ridiculous number. To me, it shows that any time the cops feel like picking someone up, they just slap a DIP charge on them (as long as they have been drinking, of course) whether the charge is warranted or not. I'd be interested to see how many of those charges eventually get dropped.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Ansel Adams ()
Date: August 14, 2006 11:16PM

What exactly did you think the cell phone picture of your friend in handcuffs was going to do? Did you think that you were suddenly in some Third World Country where the police take people away and they never return so you needed some evidence? You are quite lucky that you didn't get a set of bracelets yourself just for being an ass trying to take pictures and playing Junior Lawyer. The police wouldn't need to charge you with anything for taking pictures, but DIP just like your friends would work.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Adam ()
Date: August 14, 2006 11:21PM

WTF does it matter if i want to take pictures, Is it against the law?? If it is, then so be it.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Adam ()
Date: August 14, 2006 11:29PM

Here a artical I found on google. It appears that as of May 15th 2004 you are allowed to take pictures. But that didn't stop the FFX.


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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Adam Ant ()
Date: August 15, 2006 07:46AM

It might not matter if you can take pictures legally, but if it 1) serves absolutely no purpose as pointed out, and 2) only further pisses the police off who are locking your friends up, why would you? By that same logic, do you go around poking sticks into hornets nests when you see them just because you can? I'm pretty sure you don't. You sound like a typical immature and probably spoiled kid who thinks he knows everything and has the world by the balls in your early 20's. For every behavior there are consequences. Learn it, live it, love it, son.

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a little info for the old man yellin at the wind to be quite
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: August 15, 2006 09:16AM

Adam Ant Wrote:
> It might not matter if you can take pictures
> legally, but if it 1) serves absolutely no purpose
> as pointed out

neither did your condecending post but i dont see anyone taking your computer away.

> do you go around
> poking sticks into hornets nests when you see them
> just because you can? I'm pretty sure you don't.

so you compare the police to volitile uncontrollable hornets? sounds like a fair comparison.

> You sound like a typical immature and probably
> spoiled kid who thinks he knows everything and has
> the world by the balls in your early 20's.

kids these days have no respect and they wont stay off the lawn!

> For every behavior there are consequences.

that's not true at all. the cops act like complete assholes without a consequence of any kind.

> Learn it, live it, love it, son.

by adding "son", you clearly imply your perspective of superiority. thanks for the advice, asshole.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Gradam ()
Date: August 15, 2006 11:53AM

Thanks for answering for the kid, Grabass.

The kid was taking pictures to piss the cop off...and the kid is aghast that he succeeded? In legal circles, it's called "the logical result of the intended act".

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Adam Ant ()
Date: August 15, 2006 02:27PM

Oh, poor little Gravis. I don't know if you are reading too much into my post or not, but I am NOT defending the behavior or actions of the police. I was simply saying that this young man did nothing to help his situation and to continue to justify himself here is not helping anyones opinion of him or his character.

Now to specifically respond to your points:

Yes, I think the comparison of the police to a hornets nest in this situation is apt. Although, a few stings would go away shortly, the consequences for popping off to the police have much more of a far-reaching effect.

I'm not sure what you are talking about with kids staying off the lawn, but the fact that you chose that sentence to respond to tells me a lot about you too. How's that shoe fit, anyway?

Don't be so sure about the police not having any consequences for their behavior. If they were truly as Gestapo-like as the OP would have us believe, trust in karma to take care of them. Earl Hickey would agree.

As for your last quote, I do indeed feel superior to the OP in this situation as I have been to MANY a party in my day and have NEVER been arrested or even come close. Police have shown up several times and each time, I responded by taking their advice and quieting the party down and ending things. Apparently someone needs to learn that lesson and hopefully did at the expense of his friends criminal record.

Finally, for me to be concerned with your calling me an asshole would require me to give two shits about your opinion. After reading plenty of your drivel here, your credibility is zero with me, so your insults are meaningless.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: August 15, 2006 02:38PM

Why would anyone waste time responding point-by-point to Gravis? That's like an adult arguing with a five-year-old. At the end of the argument the adult is the only one that looks stupid...

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Kid ()
Date: August 15, 2006 02:42PM

Adam Ant is just mad he hasnt been laid in years. Its alright brother, pop a viagra and get back to the life you miss.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: § ()
Date: August 15, 2006 04:02PM

Future advice: Purchase a handheld mini-recording device available just about anywhere for $5. If pulled over or questioned on foot by police, press record, place it on your dash (out of view) or in your pocket (mic-side up w/ pockets open). It's best to have an audio transcript of events despite the minimal consequences. I carry one in my car for this purpose.

There once was a wise man who said, "Ye who acts reasonable and prudent shall prevail". That said, it is reasonable to expect "House of Pain" to be played at low volumes at 3am when carrying out your Lambda Lambda Lambda rituals. -§

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Adam ()
Date: August 15, 2006 04:15PM

Adam Ant Wrote:
> As for your last quote, I do indeed feel superior
> to the OP in this situation as I have been to MANY
> a party in my day and have NEVER been arrested or
> even come close. Police have shown up several
> times and each time, I responded by taking their
> advice and quieting the party down and ending
> things. Apparently someone needs to learn that
> lesson and hopefully did at the expense of his
> friends criminal record.

Did you even read my post?? I'm not responding to this thread anymore. I made my point.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: August 15, 2006 04:49PM

He responded to the thread to say he's not responding to the thread...

It's like those people who declare they are done posting to some group on the internet, and then they keep showing up.

Adam, I personally feel your pain, cops are assholes, but you should have stayed the fuck away from them completely....

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: August 15, 2006 05:22PM

Gradam Wrote:
> The kid was taking pictures to piss the cop
> off...and the kid is aghast that he succeeded? In
> legal circles, it's called "the logical result of
> the intended act".

had you read the original post, you would understand their was no intent of pissing off the police. in internet circles, it's called "being a fucking retard".  :)

Adam Ant Wrote:
> Oh, poor little Gravis.

actually, im middle class but it you wish to give me money, that's cool too.

> Yes, I think the comparison of the police to a
> hornets nest in this situation is apt.

it's always an apt comparison. if you do anything that could possibly adjatate a cop, they explode like 5-year-old who was refused desert.

> If they were
> truly as Gestapo-like as the OP would have us
> believe, trust in karma to take care of them.
> Earl Hickey would agree.

lol. karma: relying on your imagination to keep the universe in check. you know, why have the police at all if we have karma?

> I do indeed feel superior to the OP

admitting you have a superiority complex is the first step to recovery.

> I'm not sure what you are talking about with kids
> staying off the lawn

not the sharpest tool in the shed, eh?

> Police have shown up several
> times and each time, I responded by taking their
> advice and quieting the party down and ending
> things. Apparently someone needs to learn that
> lesson and hopefully did at the expense of his
> friends criminal record.

it would seem you didnt read the original post. reading is fundamental.

> Finally, for me to be concerned with your calling
> me an asshole would require me to give two shits
> about your opinion.

had you actually not cared, you wouldnt have responded to the post.

> After reading plenty of your
> drivel here, your credibility is zero with me, so
> your insults are meaningless.

why do you keep reading my posts if you think they are drivel? you must be a fan.   :)

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: August 15, 2006 05:40PM

I almost posted my own message similar to your last point there, Gravis. For all the posts aimed toward you and I, decrying our mere affiliation with this site, they sure do pay close attention to what we write...

it's flattering.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/15/2006 05:41PM by RESton Peace.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Your fucking mom ()
Date: August 15, 2006 06:11PM

Sounds like you are full of shit and missing several important details...

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Dirtyharry ()
Date: August 15, 2006 09:58PM

If you were at your home or friends You legally are not in public.The judge will toss anything except the noise violation.If I were your neighbor I wouldn't have even bothered to call the cops.I would just get my navy seal knife and go to work on you guest's tires.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: brianl703 ()
Date: August 15, 2006 10:02PM

Knife? Tires?

No, no..what you want to do is to go to the auto parts store and get a valve core removal/installation tool

Then remove the valve core from one of their tires (or all of their tires).

If they try to fill up the tire, it'll hold air--till they pull the hose off and all the air comes right back out.

It's especially great if they use a foot pump. You just made them waste a major amount of time and effort.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: DeathByCop ()
Date: August 15, 2006 10:19PM

fuk drunks...fuk cops...they both suck! but the lesser of 2 evils in this case is the cops. I have to side w/ them because it was 3am and y'all should have had the common sense to keep it down and stay inside. They were just responding to a call... what did you expect considering you wouldn't open the door? Did you expect them to be waiting outside w/ open arms? PLEASE... how naive can you be?

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: August 15, 2006 10:23PM

I think the dude has proven he doesn't know how naive he can be, so maybe it's a waste of time to ask...

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: DeathByCop ()
Date: August 15, 2006 10:23PM

fuk drunks...fuk cops...they both suck! But the lesser of 2 evils in this case is the police. I have to side w/ them because it was 3am and y'all should have had the common sense to keep it down and stay inside. They were just responding to a call... what did you expect considering you wouldn't open the door? Did you think they would be waiting outside w/ open arms? PLEASE... how naive can you be? Grow up, turn 21, and use some common sense next time.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Lawman ()
Date: August 16, 2006 12:59AM

Police are only as good as the citizens they protect.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: August 16, 2006 05:19AM

Amen to that, I always say the cops here suck ass, but I do not mention enough how the populace of this area is hopeless, myself included...

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Lurker ()
Date: August 16, 2006 11:25AM

Just for future reference, cops don’t show up at parties because they want to have people argue at them about shutting down a party. They show up because neighbors call and complain. So next time bitch at your neighbors, not the cops.

My guess is that the cops came back because somebody called them again and complained that they didn’t do anything to stop the noise.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: My Guess ()
Date: August 16, 2006 03:22PM

I would guess that the police never left the first time if the story goes as the OP tells it. If the kids at the party are too busy out arguing with the police and trying to get pictures for posterity sake, then who is trying to control the other 50 to 60 people that were at the party? The noise probably continued at such a level that the police couldn't just roll out without finding a way to end the party themselves. If the children can't control themselves, someone will find a way to control them.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: August 16, 2006 10:52PM

Lawman Wrote:
> Police are only as good as the citizens they
> protect.

that's just it, they only protect themselves.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: August 16, 2006 11:09PM

Police are only as good as the citizens they protect.

Ha. What a convenient and ignorant "slogan". No thought required, just believe it.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: john q ()
Date: August 17, 2006 12:48PM

If I were you, I would contact the ACLU right now and lodge a complaint. Along with that, contact the county government and ask to file with the CCRB (Citizen's Complaint Review Board). If they don't have one (and they might not) call a lawyer and file a lawsuit because, speaking as one who knows, you have a great case for a complaint of police misconduct.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: LMFAO ()
Date: August 17, 2006 02:49PM

John Q you are such a dumbass, if all that were true those officers would already be in trouble. But guess what? I bet the boys here who are all hot and bothered over these officers' misconduct may have changed the story a wee bit.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Remember... ()
Date: August 17, 2006 10:09PM

john q Wrote:
> Dude,
> If I were you, I would contact the ACLU right now
> and lodge a complaint. Along with that, contact
> the county government and ask to file with the
> CCRB (Citizen's Complaint Review Board). If they
> don't have one (and they might not) call a lawyer
> and file a lawsuit because, speaking as one who
> knows, you have a great case for a complaint of
> police misconduct.

Keep in mind that this is one drunk guys point of view that may or may not be distorted based on either his state of mind at the time, or flat out embellishment to make a better story on the internet. Don't be so quick to believe what he posts.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: FFX 5.0 ()
Date: August 18, 2006 08:37AM

Now for the story of what happened that night from someone who was there, and was not intoxicated.

At 2:53am two police officers responded for a loud party call at a home where they received not one, not two, but four, yes four complaints from four separate neighbors. This smaller house had approximately 100 people in attendance who were partaking of alcoholic refreshments in the front, side, and back yards. Not having any free parking spots the officers parked 7 to 8 houses away. From this distance away the loud party could be heard and appeared to be in full swing. Officers walked up to the side yard of the house and spoke with a young man in a blue shirt who identified himself as the homeowner.

They informed him that they had received several complaints from the neighbors in reference to the noise, and advised him that the exterior music playing would have to be turned off, and his guests would have to either take the party inside the house or leave as they were disturbing the neighbors. He advised that he would take action to control his guests and quiet them down. After obtaining some information from him the two officers then left his side yard and proceeded to return to their vehicles to leave. As they got approximately 1 house away they heard a shout of “F--- the Police” ring out. This being an obvious sign of disrespect, the officers then turned around and returned to the house. The one officer raised his voice and addressed the crowd and told them why they were there, that the party was too loud, he saw many people who he believed were intoxicated as well as many he believed were underage. He also explained that if the noise didn’t stop right away it would not trouble him to request the response of the Paddy Wagon to the house, to begin to checking the identification of every person in attendance of the party, and begin issuing citations to people and making arrest for violations of criminal law that he observed.

The officers then turned to leave a second time and began to return to their cruisers. This time approximately 2 houses away a shout of “you think you’re tough….lets see how tough you are” along with “F--- the Pigs” ring out. Believing that the level of intoxication and the stubbornness of the party goers were too much for the owner to handle alone, the officers returned to their cruisers and requested the response of the Paddy Wagon as well as additional officers.

After several more minutes it was evident to the two officers that their warning had no effect on the party goers as the noise level had not appeared to subside. The two officers gathered some additional equipment and proceeded to walk back to the house. Upon closer approach of the house, shouts of “the cops….run, run” and “everyone inside now” could be heard from the crowd. The majority of the crowd did indeed return into the confines of the home (which was the goal of the officers to begin with) while a few stragglers who felt they would not make it in time went running of into the backyard woods to become lost in the thorny brush. In an effort to insure that everyone had returned into the domicile one officer proceeded to the back of the property where he became engaged in an altercation with a very intoxicated young man. That young man was subsequently arrested for being intoxicated (not either of the friends that Adam mentioned).

That young man was then walked back to the front of the home where the 2 officers again engaged in conversation with the homeowner. Shortly after, 5 additional police officers arrived along with the Paddy Wagon (7 officers total). These additional officers assisted with rounding up stray party goers and assisting them into the home in an effort to keep them from wandering the street as well as contain the noise level. With the majority of the noise diminished the officers then turned their attention to their next concern – How all of the intoxicated people inside the house would manage to get to their home. The homeowner advised there were several people there who were designated drivers and would see everyone got home safely. The officers asked the homeowner to retrieve the designated drivers so that they could speak to them and begin to send some of the party goers home. The homeowner went into the house and could be heard stating “anyone who is sober please go out and talk to the cops”. A few minutes later the homeowner came back out alone and advised the DD’s appear to have either left or started drinking. He then assures the police officers that he has more than enough room in his house for everyone and that he will keep them all inside (which the officers know is not true).

Just as he assures the officers that no one is leaving and everyone is staying, 4 young men (including two who appear to be very intoxicated) venture out of the home. The officers did stop them and question them as to why they are leaving and explained that they needed to return to the home. One of the young men begins to explain that he just arrived and was there to pick up the other 3. Before he can complete his statement however, one of the more inebriated young men states “you can’t be here…..this is private property”. It was true that the officers were on private property, but he was wrong in his assumption that the officers couldn’t be there. The only section of the 1950 Code of Virginia (Virginia Law) that is restricted from being enforced on private land is the traffic law section (Title 46.2). The Criminal code (Title 18.2) is enforceable on both public as well as private land (public drunkenness, underage consumption of alcohol, as well as the noise ordinance all fall under the criminal code section). The officers tried to continue their conversation with the “DD” of the group but were interrupted by the drunk twice more stating “you’re on private property and you can’t be here”. The officers then finally told the inebriated young man that he need to shut his mouth and stop talking or else he would be arrested for being drunk in public. Even the homeowner began yelling at the group to shut up and listen to the officers.

The drunken young man failed to heed these warning however, and continued to tell the officers that they couldn’t be there. Finally having enough of him rambling on in a drunken state, one of the officers informed him that he was under arrest. One officer took a hold of one of his wrists while a second officer took a hold of the other. The drunken subject then began to struggle in a futile attempt to pull himself free of the officers grasp, and began to lead the officers in a game of Ring-around-the-rosy. After going around in a circle twice with the drunken young man the two officers then put the young man onto the ground in an attempt to gain control over him and place handcuffs on him. Again this was done by two officers, not the 5 that Adam remembers. The drunken young man was not tackled, thrown, flung, beaten, maced, tazered, transported or teleported as Adams memory recalls. This drunken young friend did began some type of screaming fit of “take my picture”, but Adam was advised against it. For the safety of the police officers they didn’t want to deal with intoxicated young men with any type of objects in their hands. People would be amazed at how often these “objects” become weapons (submitted to the video section is a file where a cell phone has been rigged into a 4 round .22 caliber firearm). Adam’s drunken friend was then escorted off to sit on the front curb next to the other young man who had been arrested in the back yard.

Officers then managed to finish their conversation with the groups DD and assured that he indeed was sober. He was then sent to go get their car so he could retrieve his remaining two friends. As he wandered off the second very drunken young man (Adams drunk friend #2) speaks up and makes the statement “this is bulls—t….I live in Vienna….we would have kicked your a-- off of our property a long time ago”. It was clear to the officers that this young man obviously did not learn from his first friend’s mistake. Not wanting to listen to another tirade of “you’re on private property” another officer placed drunken friend #2 under arrest for being drunk in public. This time however, this friend did not resist the officers and complied with their requests. He was handcuffed and also led over to sit with the other two intoxicated individuals. Adam remained quiet and cooperative for the final few minutes it took for his friend to retrieve his car. Once Adams friend arrived with the car he was sent on his way.

The officers remained at the house for a while longer and assisted in obtaining taxi cabs for the remaining party goers to ensure that they had a safe and sober ride home. Addition people were found to be very intoxicated as well as many underage people were found to have been drinking. All remaining people were polite and courteous however and none were arrested or charged. All were sent home when their taxies arrived.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: August 18, 2006 08:49AM

"fuck the police" is one of those things that is more effective when unspoken...

Good reporting there, Adam pretty much wanted us to buy his bullshit like his guests didn't do anything wrong.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: August 18, 2006 09:35AM

Hmm. Very interesting. People do dumb things when they're drunk. I prefer root beer.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: August 18, 2006 09:51AM

Smoking pot never made anyone want to do anything but vegetate... the kids should be smoking the pot.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: stinkypoon ()
Date: August 18, 2006 10:55AM

Thank you, FFX 5.0. There is always more than one side to every story. As someone that has been to his share of drunken parties, I can much more easily picture your account of this story than Adam's.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: August 18, 2006 01:18PM

I like the FFX 5.0 version better, it has people running and hiding in thorning bushes, people yelling "f'the pigs", paddy wagons and in general a lot more drunk idiots. LOL

I've have attended my share of large drunk parties where police show up and find the 5.0 version much more credible.

Why does Adam remind of "the guy who goes to Vegas each month and says he always wins big."

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: John Q ()
Date: August 18, 2006 03:45PM

LMFAO, You're an idiot.
Obviously, you know nothing about the police or the legal system or your rights. I'd be suprised if you can tie your shoes after that foolish comment.

The reason those officers aren't in trouble is because nobody has lodged any kind of real complaint. That's how police get away with misconduct- you moron- by hiding behind a wall of silence and expecting the abused citizenry to just keep quiet.

The only reason we've ever heard of incidents where the police have crossed the line at all is because someone video taped them, photographed them or people came forward to speak up.

On the other hand, Remember... made a good point. I don't know if this story is entirely true. I'm just taking their word for it.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Jpeg ()
Date: August 18, 2006 04:19PM

A complaint about what? A complaint that they didn't ticket all the underage drinkers at that party! A complaint that they didn't issue noise violation for 3am moise! A complaint that they didn't issue more drunk in public tickets!

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: August 18, 2006 06:56PM

note: i do not condone drunken stupidity but i also do not condone abuse of power. please excuse me as i play devil's advocate... and mispellings as im feeling lazy today.

FFX 5.0 Wrote:
> After
> obtaining some information from him the two
> officers then left his side yard and proceeded to
> return to their vehicles to leave. As they got
> approximately 1 house away they heard a shout of
> “F--- the Police” ring out. This being an obvious
> sign of disrespect, the officers then turned
> around and returned to the house.

disrespect or not, they did what they came to do (tell them to stfu) and should not have returned simply because of a bruised ego.

> He also explained that if the noise
> didn’t stop right away it would not trouble him to
> request the response of the Paddy Wagon to the
> house, to begin to checking the identification of
> every person in attendance of the party, and begin
> issuing citations to people and making arrest for
> violations of criminal law that he observed.

a perfect description of a cop acting intimidating.

> The officers then turned to leave a second time
> and began to return to their cruisers. This time
> approximately 2 houses away a shout of “you think
> you’re tough….lets see how tough you are” along
> with “F--- the Pigs” ring out. Believing that the
> level of intoxication and the stubbornness of the
> party goers were too much for the owner to handle
> alone, the officers returned to their cruisers and
> requested the response of the Paddy Wagon as well
> as additional officers.

they didnt even give the guy a chance. another bruise on his ego and he have "had enough".

> After several more minutes it was evident to the
> two officers that their warning had no effect on
> the party goers as the noise level had not
> appeared to subside. The two officers gathered
> some additional equipment and proceeded to walk
> back to the house.

additional equipment? does that mean more/different weapons? shouldnt they have waited for the backup they just called for?

> Upon closer approach of the
> house, shouts of “the cops….run, run” and
> “everyone inside now” could be heard from the
> crowd.

clearly they were intimidated.

> The majority of the crowd did indeed
> return into the confines of the home (which was
> the goal of the officers to begin with) while a
> few stragglers who felt they would not make it in
> time went running of into the backyard woods to
> become lost in the thorny brush.

mission accomplished, right? im sure those in the bushes would return to the house. so why press the issue? perhaps a buised ego?

> In an effort to
> insure that everyone had returned into the
> domicile

i somehow doubt they were thinking, "we better help the stagglers get inside!" rather than, "let's teach them a lesson"

> one officer proceeded to the back of the
> property where he became engaged in an altercation
> with a very intoxicated young man. That young man
> was subsequently arrested for being intoxicated
> (not either of the friends that Adam mentioned).

it would seem this dunken fellow bruised the cops ego again. arresting him for DIP was a bullshit charge.

> That young man was then walked back to the front
> of the home where the 2 officers again engaged in
> conversation with the homeowner. Shortly after, 5
> additional police officers arrived along with the
> Paddy Wagon (7 officers total). These additional
> officers assisted with rounding up stray party
> goers and assisting them into the home in an
> effort to keep them from wandering the street as
> well as contain the noise level.

well ok, there you go, they are done there, right?

> With the
> majority of the noise diminished the officers then
> turned their attention to their next concern – How
> all of the intoxicated people inside the house
> would manage to get to their home. The homeowner
> advised there were several people there who were
> designated drivers and would see everyone got home
> safely. The officers asked the homeowner to
> retrieve the designated drivers so that they could
> speak to them and begin to send some of the party
> goers home. The homeowner went into the house and
> could be heard stating “anyone who is sober please
> go out and talk to the cops”. A few minutes later
> the homeowner came back out alone and advised the
> DD’s appear to have either left or started
> drinking. He then assures the police officers
> that he has more than enough room in his house for
> everyone and that he will keep them all inside
> (which the officers know is not true).

you cant arrest people for crimes they have not committed yet.

> Just as he assures the officers that no one is
> leaving and everyone is staying, 4 young men
> (including two who appear to be very intoxicated)
> venture out of the home. The officers did stop
> them and question them as to why they are leaving
> and explained that they needed to return to the
> home. One of the young men begins to explain that
> he just arrived and was there to pick up the other
> 3. Before he can complete his statement however,
> one of the more inebriated young men states “you
> can’t be here…..this is private property”. It was
> true that the officers were on private property,
> but he was wrong in his assumption that the
> officers couldn’t be there. The only section of
> the 1950 Code of Virginia (Virginia Law) that is
> restricted from being enforced on private land is
> the traffic law section (Title 46.2). The
> Criminal code (Title 18.2) is enforceable on both
> public as well as private land (public
> drunkenness, underage consumption of alcohol, as
> well as the noise ordinance all fall under the
> criminal code section). The officers tried to
> continue their conversation with the “DD” of the
> group but were interrupted by the drunk twice more
> stating “you’re on private property and you can’t
> be here”. The officers then finally told the
> inebriated young man that he need to shut his
> mouth and stop talking or else he would be
> arrested for being drunk in public.

while the drunk was an idiot, he was on private property.

> The drunken young man failed to heed these warning
> however, and continued to tell the officers that
> they couldn’t be there. Finally having enough of
> him rambling on in a drunken state, one of the
> officers informed him that he was under arrest.

the charge was DIP... on private property.

> One officer took a hold of one of his wrists while
> a second officer took a hold of the other. The
> drunken subject then began to struggle in a futile
> attempt to pull himself free of the officers
> grasp, and began to lead the officers in a game of
> Ring-around-the-rosy. After going around in a
> circle twice with the drunken young man the two
> officers then put the young man onto the ground in
> an attempt to gain control over him and place
> handcuffs on him.

i would only expect this much from a drunk that was already upset. seriously, no surprise... and i think they were counting on that.

> Again this was done by two
> officers, not the 5 that Adam remembers.

you said there was a total of seven had arrived at the house. where were the other five?

> The
> drunken young man was not tackled, thrown, flung,
> beaten, maced, tazered, transported or teleported
> as Adams memory recalls. This drunken young friend
> did began some type of screaming fit of “take my
> picture”, but Adam was advised against it. For
> the safety of the police officers they didn’t want
> to deal with intoxicated young men with any type
> of objects in their hands. People would be amazed
> at how often these “objects” become weapons
> (submitted to the video section is a file where a
> cell phone has been rigged into a 4 round .22
> caliber firearm).

so you honestly believe the cops thought/were concerned that the phone was a gun? the guy was screaming that someone take his picture, not shoot the cops.

> Not wanting to listen to
> another tirade of “you’re on private property”
> another officer placed drunken friend #2 under
> arrest for being drunk in public.

once more DIP on private property.

> Once Adams
> friend arrived with the car he was sent on his
> way.

so he was ordered to leave friend #3 that had done nothing?

...begins to explain that he just arrived and was there to pick up the other 3
were there two or three friends of the driver?

> people were
> found to be very intoxicated as well as many
> underage people were found to have been drinking.

did they check everyone's ID?

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: and Gravis goes on and on... again ()
Date: August 18, 2006 09:41PM

Once again, another long, pointless diatribe by Gravis, the not so great monologuist!!

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: burpgun ()
Date: August 18, 2006 10:55PM

FFX 5.0 sounds pretty rational, except for one thing - the cell phone as dangerous weapon bit. When cops get in a corner they always cite "officer safety." It's total BS, and the only threat from that phone was that it contained a camera that could record an image of a cop abusing a citizen if that were to possibly occur. The good cops know that one of their nutty-ass, steroid-abusing colleagues can snap and go all Rodney King on a punk kid in the blink of an eye, and they're going to look out for them because those violent ones are good to have around in the event of a real threat. So there's Adam's story, there's the cop's professionally formatted story, and somewhere in between is the truth...

And Gravis, you gotta stop man.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: August 19, 2006 02:18AM

I see your point and give credit to you for your to ability to divide a long post. LOL

With that said, what the F are you talking about????? 95% of us here have already said the "cops version" we agree with. It is more CREDIBLE and we are hard core partiers! We drink more, smoke more pot etc.. Oh, with one difference, we respect our neighbors, go figure!

Stop insulting our intelligence with your "I can spin a story and make it look like I'm right" FACTS.. brother FACTS. Your story is weakkkkkkk and I'm sure that is what "Judge Judy" is going to say. LOL

Once again our tax dollars wasted on babysitting drunk kids "who are self professed lawyers(LOL)" at a party. Can't we spend that money on better GANG informants. You know MS-13, school progams, etc...

So you tied up 10 cops for about 3 hours on a weekend. That cost FFX County residents of about $12,000(low estimate) That's not even considering the time it cost to process your lame drunk friends in jail and court.

All FFX county residents salute you for wasting our tax dollars. Thanks!

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: August 19, 2006 09:19AM

and Gravis goes on and on... again Wrote:
> Once again, another long, pointless diatribe by
> Gravis, the not so great monologuist!!

burpgun Wrote:
> And Gravis, you gotta stop man.

what part of "please excuse me as i play devil's advocate," did you douchebags not understand?

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Tim45 ()
Date: August 19, 2006 11:09AM

Either you didnt say or I missed it, was it a good party? Sometimes even when you lose it was worth it if the party was that good.
If the party was that great consider it a wash, you had a good time, got drunk or whatever.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: August 20, 2006 03:00PM

I think the cop story is more true, but there's no reason they could take his phone unless the cops were doing somthing wrong, in which case we've got a lawsuit coming. I think Adam may have left out the part about verbally abusing the cops, but other than that it's beliveable.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: 911 ()
Date: August 21, 2006 12:41AM

You don't like it don't live here! HAHAHAHHAHAHHAAAAAAAAAAA

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Uh Huh ()
Date: August 21, 2006 07:24AM

Yeah, I don't see any of these police bashers moving to any place where the police don't do as much work like inner city DC or Baltimore or even Richmond. Need help finding a moving company or U Haul, Gravis? Yeah, I thought not. Hmmmmm...

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: August 21, 2006 08:49AM

Uh Huh Wrote:
> Yeah, I don't see any of these police bashers
> moving to any place where the police don't do as
> much work like inner city DC or Baltimore or even
> Richmond. Need help finding a moving company or U
> Haul, Gravis? Yeah, I thought not. Hmmmmm...

it's true, jobs in the tech world (and people worth talking too) are not located in BFE.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Sam ()
Date: August 21, 2006 10:43AM

Seems by the book to me. You can certainly complain all you want, but the police did nothing illegal. Whether you believe it or not, their definition of drunk in public IS the legal definition and you guys must have qualified through their observation.

Considering that the three of you were most likely in violation of the law, the matter of police discretion comes into play. They had every right to lock all of you up right on the spot. So why did they do that to your two friends and not you? Because you didn't do anything that would agitate them. It wasn't that the mouthing off of your friends got them into trouble, it was that their mouthing off eroded the leiniancy of the officers' discretion.

You and your friends were in violation of the law. They mouthed off and got arrested. You didn't, and you went home that evening.

Good for you! Now your friends just need to catch on...

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: August 21, 2006 11:19AM

Sam Wrote:
> the police did nothing
> illegal.

Then taking personal property of a person w/o arresting them or otherwise telling them why they are taking it is now legal?

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: August 21, 2006 12:27PM

"They mouthed off and got arrested. You didn't, and you went home that evening." Well put.

We've all done stupid things when we were drunk, chalk it up to that and a learning experience.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Adam ()
Date: August 21, 2006 02:12PM

Wow, I’m stirring things up here, Yes the party was good.

Thank you for responding FFX 5.0. You did give an accurate account of what happen, and even some stuff I didn’t even know about. My intent was to never give false information; I wrote this post after it happen and was pretty pissed off. Why the cops arrested my friends is exactly true. They talked back to the cops after they told them to shut up. I would have done the same thing, if I didn’t see my friends arrested first. No one ever checked my ID, (I thought that was strange) I even started to pull it out of my wallet, until my friend started getting arrested.

I personally did not know you could get arrested on private property for being drunk. I don’t think you can do much now a days without breaking some kind of law.

FFX 5.0 Wrote:
As they got approximately 1 house away they heard a shout of “F--- the Police” ring out. This being an obvious sign of disrespect, the officers then turned around and returned to the house.

FFX 5.0 Wrote:
The officers then turned to leave a second time and began to return to their cruisers. This time approximately 2 houses away a shout of “you think you’re tough….lets see how tough you are” along with “F--- the Pigs” ring out.

I knew nothing about this, but that would explain why the cops came back so fast. They were not with my group. I stood there and watch the police come the first time and after that we were trying to gather everyone inside or go home. It takes a little time to control 50+ people drinking. It’s NOT like we started taking shots and blasting music as soon as they left.

Jester Wrote:
So you tied up 10 cops for about 3 hours on a weekend. That cost FFX County residents of about $12,000(low estimate) That's not even considering the time it cost to process your lame drunk friends in jail and court.

I didn’t call them, and I didn’t even want to speak to them. They stopped me and spoke to me. So how am I wasting your money?? BTW, I pay taxes too. And there is nothing more then I would like to see FFX out busting MS-13, a robbery, or the million other worst crimes then what I did.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Cm ()
Date: August 21, 2006 02:54PM

Adam Wrote:
> I personally did not know you could get arrested
> on private property for being drunk.

The arrested partygoers were in public by being outside of the house. Just because they were still standing on private property does not make them immune to DiP charges.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: LMFAO ()
Date: August 21, 2006 04:19PM

Whoa Adam how much do you think ffx ofc's get paid an hour? Let's start with saying not enough to keep your dumb ass in line. Secondly Mister Adam, pay for officers generally starts at 23-25$/hr for the first year, the majority of officers only stay on patrol for the first five years before moving on to speciality units. So on the high end, this is on the very high end mind you, they MAY be getting up to 35$/hr, but thats very unlikely. But hey, lets go with it, get your calculator out. Ok ready? 10 officers X 3 hours X 35 dollars an hours = $1050 ... where in the world you grabbed $12,000 we may never know. I think I would grab that job in a heart beat if 3 hours of telling idiot party go'ers to keep it down scored me a hot $1200. It's okay though, you were probably confused... it's lawyers that make that kind of money hun. Try spending a little more time online actually learning something rather than complaining. *sigh*

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Adam ()
Date: August 21, 2006 04:38PM

LMFAO Wrote:
> Whoa Adam how much do you think ffx ofc's get paid
> an hour? Let's start with saying not enough to
> keep your dumb ass in line. Secondly Mister Adam,
> pay for officers generally starts at 23-25$/hr for
> the first year, the majority of officers only stay
> on patrol for the first five years before moving
> on to speciality units. So on the high end, this
> is on the very high end mind you, they MAY be
> getting up to 35$/hr, but thats very unlikely. But
> hey, lets go with it, get your calculator out. Ok
> ready? 10 officers X 3 hours X 35 dollars an hours
> = $1050 ... where in the world you grabbed $12,000
> we may never know. I think I would grab that job
> in a heart beat if 3 hours of telling idiot party
> go'ers to keep it down scored me a hot $1200. It's
> okay though, you were probably confused... it's
> lawyers that make that kind of money hun. Try
> spending a little more time online actually
> learning something rather than complaining. *sigh*

For one, I don't care how much they get paid.

2nd I really doubt Fairfax County only pays cops when they are On a Call. So this
"12,000 dollers" is already being spent regadless if they came to a party or not.

3rd I really hope if there was a robbery/murder/ect down the street it would take the priority over our party.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Cm ()
Date: August 21, 2006 04:39PM


In Adam's defense, that was Jester who made the math error.

I'm sure that still doesn't add up to the $12,000, but if we're going to argue cost, should we not consider the magistrate that they took these DiPs to, and the sheriff's deputies that in-processed them and watched them in the drunk tank? What about the cost to transport them to the jail (gas, vehicle wear)?

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Adam ()
Date: August 21, 2006 04:42PM

I think you misread my post LMFAO, Jester said it cost 10,000.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: August 21, 2006 05:12PM

I gave the figure of $12,000, not $10,000. I took the national arrest cost average $4,000 and multiplied it by 3. I can assure that the patrol officer hour wage is probably a trivial part of the equation. It has to do more with patrol car uses, dispatchers, jail processing, jail use, magistrate, court processing, records keeping, county lawyers, etc... plus remember we live in FFX so double your $$ numbers for fun! LOL

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: August 21, 2006 05:40PM

theonly way I culd see 12 grand being spent is if they got ALL the FFX helicopters and some more out to look for the people that ran off into the thorn bushes. (that is still amusing)

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: RbF_dark420 ()
Date: August 22, 2006 07:34AM

I already knew what was going on from the orginal post, just drunk kids when they get in groups act like tards and mouth off.

* never curse at any point in time, cause then it gives them the moral high ground to do whatever they want. once they cursed at the cops you where fukt nothing could be done to help you.

* your permissable by law to take pics of cops, the police like to have their picture taken! :) - and would make the post better if there was a video of your friends getting pwnd by the cops hahaha - Your Photography Rights: http://www.krages.com/phoright.htm [ print the .pdf and keep a copy in your wallet ]

and you didnt realize a party with 60 ppl spilling out into the neighborhood wasnt going to attract the cops? if your over 21 goto a fuking bar like a normal person and stop tryin to get laid by drunk underage girls.

* If your still bent out of shape about it try throwing a cake party: http://www.cakeparty.org/ with a shitload of ppl. and dont forget to take pics. its a fun passive way to get revenge on police for crashing parties.

But all in all i disagree with your post, I like the cops they protect you while you sleep at night from zombies and gravis. there are 2 kinds of people/ffx-cops: dudes and dicks, if you see a dude be nice and respectful and they will hook you up. if you see a dick be short and sweet with your conversation and get away from them ASAP. even if that means getting a ticket or whatever just be thankful and walk away with your mouth shut. which you did since you didnt get arrested congrats.

Only the paraniod will Survive...

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 08/22/2006 07:59AM by RbF_dark420.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Fish Wrap ()
Date: August 22, 2006 08:52AM

Adam Wrote:
> > Thank you for responding FFX 5.0. You did give an
> accurate account of what happen, and even some
> stuff I didn’t even know about.

So it looks like (yet again) Gravis has been proven full of shit. His long "devils advocate" wanna-be lawyer post is a complete waste of bandwidth since the police and the young man involved admit it was all true. So sad. Poor Gravis. A legend in his own mind.

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: August 22, 2006 02:14PM

Fish Wrap Wrote:
> So it looks like (yet again) Gravis has been
> proven full of shit. His long "devils advocate"
> wanna-be lawyer post is a complete waste of
> bandwidth since the police and the young man
> involved admit it was all true. So sad. Poor
> Gravis. A legend in his own mind.

for someone worried about wasting bandwidth, you seem to be wasting MUCH more bandwidth on replying. post something when you have a real insult. thanks for being a fan!

RbF_dark420 Wrote:
> * never curse at any point in time, cause then it
> gives them the moral high ground to do whatever
> they want. once they cursed at the cops you where
> fukt nothing could be done to help you.

this is what i take issue with.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: FFX Police Suck
Posted by: RbF_dark420 ()
Date: August 22, 2006 03:01PM

Gravis take no issue with it. beleive me not only cops but EVERYBODY even civilians you cant cuss at or they get the moral high ground to do whatever they want which includes shooting you dead... the new "Stand your ground" law that is being passed nationwide (soon to be in VA) is a broad rule and inlcudes cursing at someone a threat on on thier life and they can respond with deadly force and execute you. already happened with a tow truck driver in Florida shot some do0d dead for cursring at him and he got off with self-defense. and the do0d got shot in the back while he was driving away from the tow truck driver half a block away.

Federal/Civil Laws are passed to help protect good hardworking civilians and police, NOT criminals!

* Undercover police dont have to admit they are cops. and havent since 1948.

* Dont curse at anyone in public, save that sh1t for your buddies and the interweb.

* Yes you have to take the breatalizer test.

And Yes Gravis your posts are annoying board members, and are not being read, the only reason i read your last one cause it was only 1/2 a page long this time. Stop qouting people cuntcake.

Only the paraniod will Survive...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/22/2006 03:04PM by RbF_dark420.

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