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The fastest you've driven through an EZ Pass/toll plaza?
Posted by: Speedy Niggahz ()
Date: December 26, 2013 07:31AM

So what's the fastest you've driven through a toll plaza equipped with an EZ Pass? They say the speed limit is 25 and the lane gets skinny between the booths.

I usually slow down as I go through the gates but I've noticed others (usually niggers in old cop cars) just cruise through around 50-60. The EZ pass keeps up with the speed, and the light turns green (probably an Obama pass) for them.

So I'm wondering...What's the fastest you've gone through a gate? Did the sensor pick up your EZ pass?

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Re: The fastest you've driven through an EZ Pass/toll plaza?
Posted by: 1972 FordGranTorinoSport SCJ ()
Date: December 26, 2013 09:08AM

108 mph

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Re: The fastest you've driven through an EZ Pass/toll plaza?
Posted by: Atom ()
Date: December 26, 2013 09:13AM

I've hit em b/w 70 and 80 since the biginning of fasttoll.

You can't go fast enough to beat their cameras and ezpass registration (for at least the last decade.)

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Re: The fastest you've driven through an EZ Pass/toll plaza?
Posted by: jdbcjsdbvjdhfvjdbhj ()
Date: December 26, 2013 09:15AM

usually around 55-70. no problems.

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Re: The fastest you've driven through an EZ Pass/toll plaza?
Posted by: snowdenscold ()
Date: December 26, 2013 09:25AM

Wait, so you established this thread to make the point that all the drivers you see going over the speed limit thru the EZ pass toll lanes are usually poor, black people? Brilliant.

Do you even drive on these roads or is this just a particularly terrible case of confirmation bias?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/26/2013 09:26AM by snowdenscold.

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Re: The fastest you've driven through an EZ Pass/toll plaza?
Posted by: elf ()
Date: December 26, 2013 05:59PM

I love santa claus.

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Re: The fastest you've driven through an EZ Pass/toll plaza?
Posted by: Dat E-Z Pass nigga ()
Date: December 26, 2013 06:00PM

Last time I did more than 60 through the main toll booth near Tysons I got a ticket in the mail from the EZ Pass folks. It was like $105. That was about 6 years ago. I will do 25-35 through the small booths on exits but no problem flying through the dedicated 2 lanes at the main booth, as I laugh at all the people who are too dumb to buy an EZ Pass.

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Re: The fastest you've driven through an EZ Pass/toll plaza?
Posted by: Greybeard ()
Date: December 26, 2013 07:39PM

Dat E-Z Pass nigga Wrote:
> Last time I did more than 60 through the main toll
> booth near Tysons I got a ticket in the mail from
> the EZ Pass folks. It was like $105. That was
> about 6 years ago. I will do 25-35 through the
> small booths on exits but no problem flying
> through the dedicated 2 lanes at the main booth,
> as I laugh at all the people who are too dumb to
> buy an EZ Pass.

Did the alarm go off?

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Re: The fastest you've driven through an EZ Pass/toll plaza?
Posted by: kip fat ()
Date: December 26, 2013 09:00PM

Dat E-Z Pass nigga Wrote:
> Last time I did more than 60 through the main toll
> booth near Tysons I got a ticket in the mail from
> the EZ Pass folks. It was like $105. That was
> about 6 years ago. I will do 25-35 through the
> small booths on exits but no problem flying
> through the dedicated 2 lanes at the main booth,
> as I laugh at all the people who are too dumb to
> buy an EZ Pass.

Did you actually pay that? Sounds like bullshit

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Re: The fastest you've driven through an EZ Pass/toll plaza?
Posted by: Dat E-Z Pass nigga ()
Date: December 27, 2013 01:00AM

Yeah, I did pay it. Not bullshit. Try going over 60 through a speed pass lane and enjoy receiving a fine from those asshole Australians that own the Toll Road.

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Re: The fastest you've driven through an EZ Pass/toll plaza?
Posted by: snowdenscold ()
Date: December 27, 2013 01:10AM

Dat E-Z Pass nigga Wrote:
> Yeah, I did pay it. Not bullshit. Try going over
> 60 through a speed pass lane and enjoy receiving a
> fine from those asshole Australians that own the
> Toll Road.

The Australians own the Greenway, not the Toll Road.

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Re: The fastest you've driven through an EZ Pass/toll plaza?
Posted by: Greybeard ()
Date: December 27, 2013 07:58PM

Dat E-Z Pass nigga Wrote:
> Yeah, I did pay it. Not bullshit. Try going over
> 60 through a speed pass lane and enjoy receiving a
> fine from those asshole Australians that own the
> Toll Road.

What was the fine for?

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