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Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: Wow ()
Date: December 03, 2008 10:45PM

Get a load of this:

so they KNOW about their student body's reputation sinking lower and lower to the ground, and yet they exemplify exactly what's wrong with kids today.

See how much Robbie can take of a glass of used dip tobacco and saliva from others, and come and enjoy the party. And make sure to pay your $5....

What is our youth coming to? And clearly "Jake" isn't very bright, PUBLICLY displaying and describing this event. btw all of these kids are minors.

There is more than one thing wrong with this. Legally, morally, and in just about every other way.

These are the same kinds of kids who were accused of racism. These are the kids who've probably been setting fires in bathrooms at WHS (yes, in the past few days).

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: seriously? ()
Date: December 04, 2008 12:22AM

um who cares? it should be fun to watch actually. i used to go to westfield but i might still show up. sounds like good ole fashioned centreville fun. i like it

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: go bulldogs ()
Date: December 04, 2008 12:29AM

For real. at least this kid is getting rid of some debt without violence. in some places people get shot for owing money. this seems like a legit way to take care of it. and STOP BASHING WESTFIELD YOU MOTHER FUCKERS.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: December 04, 2008 09:08AM

Yeah, better to just rob people and shoot up establishments than pull some funny, harmless gag to make some money? That's a dopey argument.

This is good for the kid... the next time he faces an overspending decision he's going to remember the taste of the stuff.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: MikeJ ()
Date: December 04, 2008 02:52PM

What do you care? He's not hurting anyone or doing anything illegal. Yeah it's gross but it's not hurting you so go find something better to do than insult a bunch of highschool kids.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: Mikeisadumbass ()
Date: December 06, 2008 11:32AM

Mike, I'm not sure where you are from, but in the commonwealth of Virginia you must be 18 years of age to use tobacco products. So, yes, they are doing something illegal.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: SNG ()
Date: December 06, 2008 01:54PM

How about just sending your worrisome info to the principal. Why bother posting here?

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: mikej ()
Date: December 07, 2008 03:02PM

how do you know they are under 18? a lot of seniors in high school are 18, and even if Robbie isn't, i'm pretty sure no cop cares about a kid drinking dip spit, it's punishment enough itself.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: How do I know? ()
Date: December 07, 2008 03:05PM

I know because I looked at the Facebook page of the kids who were contributing the dip spit. And their Birthdays indicated that they were minors.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: mikej ()
Date: December 07, 2008 03:56PM

Yeah, going to all those kids' facebook pages isn't creepy or anything.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: fuku ()
Date: December 07, 2008 04:19PM

You're right, it's not creepy. I am the same age as them and I know who they are. There's nothing creepy about that. And I didn't say it affected me. THis thread was about how it looks Westfield students look worse after everything that has happened lately.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: mikej ()
Date: December 07, 2008 04:37PM

Look, I know a ton of people that go to Westfield. Some things ARE bad like whoever set fires in the bathrooms, the people caught up with heroin, etc etc etc. But a kid doin a dipshot? C'mon, get a life. You know what REALLY makes Westfield look bad? Losers like you whining about other people on the internet.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: December 07, 2008 04:38PM

Avoid the needles and get AIDS straight from Westfield students spit. Brillant!

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: December 08, 2008 10:50AM

Jester Wrote:
> Avoid the needles and get AIDS straight from
> Westfield students spit. Brillant!

In a bizzaro world where HIV has any significant probability of transmission by saliva, you are totally correct! Brilliant!

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: December 08, 2008 12:57PM

And of course you would want the spit of intravenous heroine users.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: yeah ()
Date: December 09, 2008 03:07PM

I'm sure underage tobacco use is the least of a Fairfax County Cops worries, besides i'm sure this board is checked by the FCPD so if they want to stop in they will.
i'm gonna have to back mikej on this

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: hucares ()
Date: December 09, 2008 03:29PM

Thanks, "yeah," I am not sure what we would have done if you had not backed up mikej

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: hucares ()
Date: December 09, 2008 05:27PM

i'm a douche by the way

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: siii ()
Date: December 10, 2008 06:13AM


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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: ouioui ()
Date: December 10, 2008 04:00PM

They went through with it. School did absolutely nothing about it


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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: fukallupeeple ()
Date: December 10, 2008 09:05PM

all i have to say is tht im close to this topic and the person who started this can burn in hell. your a pathetic piece of shit who has nothing better to do than start bullshit. why would some kids trying to make money start a fire in a bathroom? your a fuckin joke and need to take a better look at life. for you to go accusing people is wrong. and the suggestion to send this to the principle... it was taken, the boys were called down and nothing happened, the school couldnt get anyone in trouble cuz no one did anything illegal besides post some stupid stuff online. and so what if they were minors? did your dumbass ever slow down to think tht maybe there were kids over 18 there? my personal opinion is tht sites like this need to be done with, its just an excuse for pathetic FUCKS to start bullshit. have a nice life assholes

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: bulldog pride- G.Co ()
Date: December 10, 2008 09:17PM

OK, Seriously, I am sick of people just going out and LOOKING for thing to trash Westfield with. We're kids, Yeah, I agree with you that the kids setting fires are dumb, But for you to even comment about this is beyond rediculous. I'm sure where ever you went to high school kids probably never did things like this, because i'm sure everyone at that school was perfect just like you were. Seriously, get a life and find other things to do than trash Westfield. Why don't you comment on our good aspects. Such as, sports, deca team, theatre,debate team, band, etc. They're all great and award winning. Get a life "Wow" or whatever your real name is.

And if you notice ^^ no spelling errors and all correct punctuation. Because my English Teacher tought me well. (another great thing at westfield)

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: G-Co ()
Date: December 10, 2008 09:28PM

One last thing, For you to ASSume that Jake isn't very bright is just ignorant. I happen to know him and he's a very creative and intelligent person. It's the 21st century where almost every aspect of a kids' life envolves the internet. Maybe you could call Jake not very bright if he put up a video of him robbing a house or stealing a car, but not this. Get a life.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: aaasgg ()
Date: December 10, 2008 09:37PM

hes a douche

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: December 10, 2008 09:40PM

Fact: The guy drank a glass of peoples' tobacco spittle.

I'm not sure the burden is on us to prove he is NOT intelligent.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: hmm??? ()
Date: December 10, 2008 09:43PM

lets have a look at the "intelligent" conversations of Robbie and Jake and some others involved..

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: yads ()
Date: December 10, 2008 09:45PM

these are the kids who most commonly use "you're gay" as a response to just about everything dissenting or even remotely intellectual, creative, or non-conformist.


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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: FUKUPEEPLE ()
Date: December 10, 2008 09:54PM

you all can fuck off. westfield is a great school and say what you want. youd think youd learn tht you cant bring us down. all the shit tht people talk about westfield and were still leading all the areas highschools in a lot of things. im sure none of you ever called anyone "gay" or used a "homophobic" phrase. get your head out of your ass. and as jake said... you all are some TOOOOOOOOOOOOLSSSS

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: oihoh ()
Date: December 10, 2008 09:57PM

I have no doubts that Westfield is a good school.

BUT Gus, my question (and point) was IS Jake really how you say he is? really?? AND I was wrong. he's 18. but the rest aren't. It's still illegal. The whole event business and all these conversations on these PUBLIC groups and such... How much character does he REALLY show? this was my purpose.

i'm not saying Westfield students in general do that. i'm saying that THESE kids are ruining it for the rest of them.

how far can you deny that? You seem like the only kid with a brain among them Gus. What do you think?

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: G Co ()
Date: December 10, 2008 10:03PM

Well, I can say that I do know Jake very well, and he REALLY is in fact the person I said he is. I also dont believe it is right of you to say that Jake is 'ruining it' for all other Westfield Students. That is a very ignorant statement. In my opinion.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: G- co ()
Date: December 10, 2008 10:08PM

How do you know who I am?

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: bulldog101 ()
Date: December 11, 2008 07:24PM

okay seroiusly every single person on here who isnt from westfield needs to GET OFF THE INTERNET and go do something USEFUL with your lives. why do you honestly care if a bunch of dumb high school boys are using chewing tobacco or not? you trying to get them in trouble now, or just insulting them annoynomously for the fun of it, is clearly POINTLESS. they will regret it later when they end up with jaw cancer or a hairy tounge. just because a small group of boys was having a little fun doing something you may think is retarted, and i agree disgusting, it really doesnt effect you in any way shape or form, so keep your opinions to yourslef and STOP INSULTING WESTFIELD HIGH SCHOOL

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: hahahehehohoFUCK ()
Date: December 11, 2008 09:56PM

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: cactucs man ()
Date: December 12, 2008 08:56AM


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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: big CACTUS ()
Date: December 12, 2008 08:58AM


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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: tillyisdabest ()
Date: December 12, 2008 09:02AM

I wish these two studly boys came to Chantilly...they have fun and are really cute

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: balls ()
Date: December 12, 2008 11:48AM

Alright jake doesnt play for westfield football and neither does the kid that took the shot. dont go dragging the football team into this

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: dsag ()
Date: December 12, 2008 03:15PM

balls Wrote:
> Alright jake doesnt play for westfield football
> and neither does the kid that took the shot. dont
> go dragging the football team into this

okay sorry, BASEBALL. WHS athletes in general.

intelligent people.


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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: G Co7 ()
Date: December 12, 2008 11:24PM

Once again, your making ignorant assumptions. Except now it's not about our student body. It's about all of our athletes. You need to think about what you're saying.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: Awakened ()
Date: December 12, 2008 11:40PM

hmm??? Wrote:

Some nice friends you've got, GCo

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/12/2008 11:40PM by Awakened.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: Jewtastic ()
Date: December 12, 2008 11:54PM

wow serioiusly westfield ppl? u guys try to make it seem like ur school isnt the breeding ground for like the future drug dealers and killers in our area, yeah u guys have a good sports program but that doesnt make up for all the fucked up kids u have there. u say look past the what seems like monthly news reports on ur school of all the fucked up stuff happening there or all the drugs ppl are doing there or the VT shooter coming from there, have u ever realized that it seems each time u tell ppl to look past things happening at ur school the list keeps growing? i am sure there are good ppl and kids at ur school like there is at every school, but they are far outweighed by all the dumb retard druggies and fake gangsta wannbes who think they are so cool, but all they are is the bottom of the barrel in society. yes kids at other schools in our area do shit, but herion rings and stuff like that? wtf i mean u might have ur 1 or two fucked up kids here and there but other drug rungs at schools? gimme a break ur arguments dont hold water

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: really? ()
Date: December 13, 2008 12:07AM

Jewtastic Wrote:
> wow serioiusly westfield ppl? u guys try to make
> it seem like ur school isnt the breeding ground
> for like the future drug dealers and killers in
> our area, yeah u guys have a good sports program
> but that doesnt make up for all the fucked up kids
> u have there. u say look past the what seems like
> monthly news reports on ur school of all the
> fucked up stuff happening there or all the drugs
> ppl are doing there or the VT shooter coming from
> there, have u ever realized that it seems each
> time u tell ppl to look past things happening at
> ur school the list keeps growing? i am sure there
> are good ppl and kids at ur school like there is
> at every school, but they are far outweighed by
> all the dumb retard druggies and fake gangsta
> wannbes who think they are so cool, but all they
> are is the bottom of the barrel in society. yes
> kids at other schools in our area do shit, but
> herion rings and stuff like that? wtf i mean u
> might have ur 1 or two fucked up kids here and
> there but other drug rungs at schools? gimme a
> break ur arguments dont hold water

First off, the VT shooter had a mental issues that were maintained and thoroughly cared to when he was at WHS. After he left, that's when the skecthy part in his medical history occurred, essentially taking a turn for the worst slightly over a year and a half ago. The person who shot up the police station also had mental issues which were tended to when he was at WHS, and he was also schizophrenic. Nevertheless, both events occurred AFTER they had graduated, and when it was out of Westfield's hands. Oh, and did you forget the two girls that were from Westfield who were shot and killed during the Tech shooting? Do your research.

Secondly,there are "dumb retard druggies" and "fake gangsta wannbes" at almost every FCPS high school, and many other counties within the DC metropolitan area. Don't even go there.

Third, Westfield is the LARGEST public high school in FCPS. While the security and administration are affective, it is difficult to maintain about 3,000 students each day. It is a miracle that some sort of catastrophe hasn't actually occurred in the school yet.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: u r gay ()
Date: December 13, 2008 12:33AM

actually if u did ur research u would have known that they sited the problem for both of those shooters as the school(westfield) new about the problems but never saught immediate attention to these students, so basically they knew things were wrong with these 2 students but they let it slide cause they didnt really want to deal with the problem and now look what happened in the end. maybe if they took the time to even get the kids a little help all these things could have been avoided. yes there are druggies and stuff at all schools, but the shear amount at westfield is ridiculous, and oh Chantilly HS has about the same amount of kids as WHS and u never see shit like this or hear really anything like problems with security and drug rings and stuff, it all has to do with the make up of the ppl. Westfield now a days seems like a very troubled school that is going down hill fast, i believe my friend said it best, at least they redistricted the school boundaries and those kids no longer go to Tilly and other schools in the area. so u do ur research u pompous asshole

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: Hokies5 ()
Date: December 13, 2008 01:06AM

honestly..whoever started this topic needs to find better things to do. You went on people's facebooks who you don't even know...looked up the groups they're in and their birthdays just to prove the point that they're minors....that's imbarassing. Find something better to do. Go break up all the heroin rings at westfield cause we know they're run through the school right? STOP BASHING WESTFIELD

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: RESEARCH! ()
Date: December 13, 2008 01:30AM

Stop bickering about the VT shooting. It was horrible, and not Westfield's fault. It happened way after they were in control. If it had happened at Westfield, that would be a diffrent story. However, it happened years ago and isn't even affiliated with what this thread was originally talking about.
Anyway, "really?" is right about the Tech guy. Most media did report that, aside from how he was bullied in middle and high school. See research below from what I took from the first page I of google results for "virginia tech massacre" and "seung-hui cho" as proof if you want, just get back to issue at hand on the thread, please.

"Cho's family sought therapy for him, and he received help periodically throughout middle school and high school.[1] Early reports also indicated Cho was bullied for speech difficulties in middle school, but the Virginia Tech review panel could not officially confirm this.[47] High school officials worked with his parents and mental health counselors to support Cho throughout his sophomore and junior years. Cho eventually chose to discontinue therapy. When he applied and was admitted to Virginia Tech, school officials did not report his speech and anxiety-related problems or special education status because of federal privacy laws that prohibit such disclosure unless a student requests special accommodation.[46]"

"In 1999, during the spring of Cho's Eighth grade year, the Columbine High School massacre made national news. Cho was transfixed by it. "I remember sitting in Spanish class with him, right next to him, and there being something written on his binder to the effect of, you know, ' 'F' you all, I hope you all burn in hell,' which I would assume meant us, the students," said Ben Baldwin, a classmate of Cho.[19] Also, Cho wrote in a school assignment about wanting to "repeat Columbine." The school contacted Cho's sister, who reported the incident to their parents. Cho was sent to a psychiatrist.[26]"
"Cho attended secondary schools in Fairfax County, including Stone Middle School in Centreville[15] and Westfield High School in Chantilly,[8] and by eighth grade had been diagnosed with selective mutism, a social anxiety disorder which inhibited him from speaking.[20]"

The theory is built from an analysis of “the life of Cho along the five dimensions of human growth and development:”

Physically: “Cho was average to below average. He was frail and sick as an infant/toddler. Even the autopsy report remarked about his lack of muscle for the body of a 23-year-old male.”

Emotionally: “His growth was stunted as a result of his ‘selective mutism.’ ”

Spiritually: “He showed little interest and dropped out of his church before experiencing a growth in faith.”

Socially: “He could not function at all. He was virtually devoid of social skills due to his extreme social anxiety disorder.”

Intellectually: “His strongest attribute. … He was average to above average in his academic pursuits, but even these afforded him little or no consistent or positive sense of achievement based on the feedback from his peers or others.”

Oh, and while Chantilly may be similar to Westfield in terms of population, the building is far smaller in size than Westfield, therefore making it somewhat easier to maintain order.

When they redistricted the boundaries, they sent kids who were feeding from mainly the herndon area into Westfield (those who had gone to Floris ES and Carson MS) to SLHS. Cho and the other killer, as well as the druggies that were recently exposed, all lived in the Centreville district area of Westfield. So, if you want to push the envelope even farther, they didn't really do anything in terms of making other FCPS high schools "safe" from WHS kids or whatever you were getting at when you said "at least they redistricted the school boundaries and those kids no longer go to Tilly and other schools in the area", isn't really valid anyway based on where the rate of crime/catastrophe is coming from in the County.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: blahdeedah ()
Date: December 13, 2008 10:22AM

Hokies5 Wrote:
>...looked up the
> groups they're in and their birthdays just to
> prove the point that they're minors....that's
> imbarassing.

Spelling "embarassing" as "imbarassing"; now THAT's embarassing.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: fags ()
Date: December 13, 2008 11:09AM

even if there were a law against giving up info to VT about his condition, couldnt someone still have hinted at something after he got accepted to the college? maybe not full out tell them but kinda just go hey this kid is a bit troubled plz keep an eye on him, but no it seems after they gave him "help" as soon as he got in they kept everything hushed and it looks like they were just trying to move on from the situation. and wtf a smaller building means its easier to maintain? i have seen WHS and its not that much bigger and the school has only a50 more kids than Tilly, and Tilly has a security staff of now 2 to 3 ppl and thats about it for who check the school around the day. so ur argument is bs the schools are roughly the same and the difference between them in student behavior and criminal activity is very different. did u know before the WHS vs CHS football game some WHS kids came to Tilly and spray painted over al lthe banners, put quick drying cement on the field with penises and kkk written all over it, then spray painted WHS all over the track. thanks to the CHS kids who did weight training during the day, everything was cleaned up and no one could tell by the game anything could happen. but oh did u hear of any Tilly kids going and doing something back to WHS? NO! lets say the situation was switched around WHS kids would have definitely gone back over to Tilly and vandalized the school. yes there are a lot of good kids at WHS, but the amount of ppl at the school doing dumb shit like this outweighs all the good coming out of the shcool, like the drama dept and their good sports programs. things like this tobacco thing dont need to be happening but they do and it always seems like stuff like this is happening at WHS.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: grow up ()
Date: December 13, 2008 11:42AM

I think everyone whose written on this subject can agree that it was started for a stupid reason. The best thing to do would be to grow up and stop surrounding your lives with stupid stuff like this. It's immature and childish to be fighting over who has the best highschool and who doesnt. Yes, I will agree, Westfield has had a serious of events associated with it that are pretty bad, but if you take a step back and think about it, Chantilly and Westfield are close enough that Cho couldve gone to Tilly, or any of the kids in the heroin ring could have gone to Tilly. Its pointless to be on here fighting like thise. So to all of you... Grow up

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: STFU ()
Date: December 13, 2008 11:58AM

u sir are a n00b

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: dont tell me to 'STFU' ()
Date: December 13, 2008 12:02PM

hahahahahahah, 'u sir are a n00b' my previous point of "growing up" is proven by tht idiotic statment, sir.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: hmmmmm ()
Date: December 13, 2008 12:03PM

and u talk about pointless arguing, now calling ppl childish? hahaha always new arguments started by ppl on FFU

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: HOKIES5 ()
Date: December 13, 2008 01:40PM

EMBARASSING (forgive me for the mispelling of the previous word you dictionary deush bag) is when you criticize people's spelling on FAIRFAX UNDERGROUND. Get a life and stop criticizing Westfield. If everyone is so worried about the school and everything that goes on within it, just second your kids to a private school. I'm sure they'll learn all of the social skills they need to be successful in life from the perfect little environment of uniforms and cashmere sweaters. Who cares about doing the DIP SHOT if it doesn't affect you. Last time I checked dip spit isn't illegal.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: woah ()
Date: December 13, 2008 03:08PM

i guess its that time of the month again, and i am guessing u have never been to private school cause more shit happens there than in public, it comes from that environment u just described, sometimes it gets so perfect the kids are super stressed and go out and do stuff. i rather send my kids to public than private any day. and i think ppl only say things because its worries them that it seems like nothing is being done by parents or students to quell these recent problems. but then again no one on this site is doing anything either so i guess everyone is in the wrong when u look at it.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: mis-spelling ()
Date: December 13, 2008 03:10PM

HOKIES5 Wrote:
> EMBARASSING (forgive me for the mispelling of the
> previous word you dictionary deush bag) is when

it's *douche bag, actually.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: HOKIES5 ()
Date: December 13, 2008 03:28PM

Woah I can see what you're saying about nothing being done about the problems, but I go to westfield and to be honest it's never going to be a perfect school. It's the largest high-school in Virginia and with over 3,000 students it's hard to make sure that nothing bad is going on. With that many people, something is bound to happen. I just don't think it's fair that forums like this are started about Westfield for stupid reasons. I never hear anything about any other schools in our area and don't even try to tell me that there aren't problems at other schools.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: Bobb ()
Date: December 13, 2008 03:35PM

HOKIES5 Wrote:
> Woah I can see what you're saying about nothing
> being done about the problems, but I go to
> westfield and to be honest it's never going to be
> a perfect school. It's the largest high-school in
> Virginia and with over 3,000 students it's hard to
> make sure that nothing bad is going on. With that
> many people, something is bound to happen. I just
> don't think it's fair that forums like this are
> started about Westfield for stupid reasons. I
> never hear anything about any other schools in our
> area and don't even try to tell me that there
> aren't problems at other schools.

well go visit the redistricting thread and you fell better

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: Bobb ()
Date: December 13, 2008 03:36PM


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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Date: December 13, 2008 04:00PM

its funny, me drinking 1 shot worth of DIPSPIT, has linked my friends and I to the heroin ring, the VT shooting,and fires in the bathroom.

fuck all of you and take a dipshot of my cum you critical over- protective soon-to-be parents( or in most of ur cases, never parents)

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: hahahah ()
Date: December 13, 2008 04:11PM

haha most of us were just stating things that have happened to/at the school over the last year or so. no one ever linked YOU to these things rofl. way to go overboard, u should have actually read the posts than assume everything ur friends say is true. i am happy ppl actually care about the subject, even if they arent rly doing much to solve it, i rather have ppl who are worried about their kids (future kids) doing dumb stuff like drinking dip spit and other things that will probably harm their health. and if u say that doeasnt i would like to see u drink dip spit everyday for a year then come back to this forum and post how ur health is. so next time when some ppl on here are trying to look out for their own kids and others, dont generalize them like u said others were generalizing u u faggot asshole

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: Awakened ()
Date: December 13, 2008 04:47PM


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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: December 13, 2008 04:52PM

HOKIES5 Wrote:
> Woah I can see what you're saying about nothing
> being done about the problems, but I go to
> westfield and to be honest it's never going to be
> a perfect school. It's the largest high-school in
> Virginia and with over 3,000 students it's hard to
> make sure that nothing bad is going on. With that
> many people, something is bound to happen. I just
> don't think it's fair that forums like this are
> started about Westfield for stupid reasons. I
> never hear anything about any other schools in our
> area and don't even try to tell me that there
> aren't problems at other schools.

Robinson SS, with 4000 students is the largest public school in Virginia, due to it having the middle school in with it. And yet it has no shootings (even though it has a rifle team) and no significant drug events.

It is clear to me that I should be hiring graduates of James W Robinson Secondary School, but not Westfield graduates

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: wow ()
Date: December 13, 2008 04:58PM

rofl this is what happens when ppl with true facts come nito the equation

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: falcons ()
Date: December 13, 2008 05:34PM

are u serious robinson is a school with a bunch of little kids whats your point

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: jenn ()
Date: December 13, 2008 06:04PM

robinson may have never had a shooting, but neither has westfield

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: okthen ()
Date: December 14, 2008 10:11AM

Is there no god?!, there's some minors using dip!

Quickly! To the internet to complain and make myself look like a tool!

I find it hard to understand why you, someone who stated that they were the same age as these children, would purposefully point out that your peers were doing something "wrong". Id hate to see your interactions at school.

High School is supposed to be wild and fun. "The Golden Years"

and to be quite honest. Westfield has missed out on that sense of fun. The administration really brings down the hammer on these kids, we all feel like people need to just back off, because we're missing out on the fun that we've dreamed about since 2nd grade.

Honestly, when I was at Cub Run I heard all these people talking about highschool and how it was so great, how they missed it so much, a whole bunch of friends, amazing teachers, lots of fun.

Now, at Westfield, I'm really disappointed. Everyone is an asshole, people wont stop talking about their "Problems" or their Relationships, or how they missed one question on a test and now their scared they might become a hobo.

Its really sad to watch my childhood dreams of "The Golden Years" crumble before me in a pile of books, lectures, and punishments.

So when I see a couple of kids acting out I'm rather proud of them actually. For enjoying the 4 years of greatness that they wanted for so long.

And at the risk of babbling and making myself look more like a dick, I'll leave it at that. Grow up kid.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: okthen ()
Date: December 14, 2008 10:20AM

don't try to pull any of that "drinking dip spit is part of 4 years of greatness ROFL!!!" crap.

You heard them laughing, and having a good time. (dip drinker, somewhat excluded)

I'm not talking about the dip spit man in particular, I'm talking about every time i see someone goofing around and just plain not giving a shit about what others may say. Those are the moments that make me proud.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: Wow ()
Date: December 14, 2008 10:35AM

so basically u just contradicted urself right? cause the post before this last one, u do make the dip spit part, a part of the "golden years", which idk but i believe the golden years are truly in college but whatever. so basically u had to come back and cover ur ass so u didnt sound retarded alright. but how bout we all stop saying shit and just stop posting in this thread? i mean no ones views are changing, no one is doing anything to stop the problem. so i mean what is the point?

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: okthen ()
Date: December 14, 2008 11:32AM

Actually I just wanted to make the point that dip spit man, while still not that great, was still having a good time. that way, no one would come back and say "DRINKING SPIT ISN'T FUN" making it so i wouldn't have to make the point twice.

Unfortunately, that did not occur.

I did not come back to Cover my ass.

And stop the problem? There is no problem. other than people keep flipping a shit every time a couple of kids do something "wrong" and its bullshit because they're just having fun. Which was my entire point.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: alrightyTHEN ()
Date: December 14, 2008 02:04PM

As to what "the dip shooter himself" said, in the very first post on this forum the jackass who started this mess said, and i quote, "These are the kids who've probably been setting fires in bathrooms at WHS (yes, in the past few days)." Nobody accused these kids of doing anything else? sounds like bullshit to me. Theres two sides to this forum, the jackass who think its wrong, who are also the same people who buttoned up their polos everyday, and wore pocket protectors to school and still do today, and then the people who are living life, and not letting the little shit get to us. im proud to say that i AM Jake Chelena, and this forum is partly because of me, and im not ashamed to say tht i have no regrets about any of my decisions to this point in my life and all you can kiss my ass. FUCK OFF YOU TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLSSSSS

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: Westfield goer ()
Date: December 14, 2008 03:01PM

HEY FAGGOT you should kill yourself. Do you have nothing better to do than get in somebody elses buisness and complain that what SOMEBODY ELSE DID is illegal. You are worthless and should go by a gun and put it in your mouth and pull the trigger

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: rofl ()
Date: December 14, 2008 03:08PM

all you ppls make me laugh, u all accuse each other of dumb stuff, then those who say it doesnt get to them come back and tell ppl to kill themselves and call ppl shit. rofl, seems like its getting to u from my point of view. everyone's opinion on stuff like this will always be different, some ppl wont be changed some will. but by coming back and instigating the matter....what purpose does that serve? its like u want them getting pissed so they can come back and say more stuff against u. so why dont U put an end to it, no point in stressing ur point in such a negative view, sure u could be a good kid who did this for fun, but y come on here after u told everyone ur feelings and just start degrading ppl? i mean come on i am sure u are better tha nthat even if others on here arent

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: chucknorris ()
Date: December 14, 2008 05:18PM

honestly, you can't pull any of the other tragic events into this whoel dip shot thing. its just a few highschool kids doing stupid things. it had nothing to do with you. and WOW is such a stalker. you dont just go onto kids facebook pages and post their converstions. stalking is illegal as well. while alot of bad stuff does happen at WHS, so does good stuff. its just over shadowed by all the bullshit that pathetic people go looking for cause they seem to have not been to sucessful in highschool

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: Westfield Student ()
Date: December 14, 2008 07:19PM

THE DIPSHOT IS FUCKIN HILARIOUS and yeah its gross but thats why it is so funny. And for all the Chantilly and Oakton kids SHUT THE FUCK UP, sure Westfield might be known as the bad school of the county but Chantilly and Oakton kids are the bitches of FFX County and everyone knows it

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: westfielder ()
Date: December 14, 2008 07:48PM

If you think a harmless shot of dip spit is bad how about those two sophmores who ate out eachothers vaginas while a college student watched. After the girls finished up the college kid had intercoarse with one girl and then afterwards the same night the same sophmore girl had sexual relations with two more students at Westfield

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: wah ()
Date: December 14, 2008 08:14PM

um yeah i have read this forum a lot....btu WTF, this is straight out of left field.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: westfielder? ()
Date: December 14, 2008 08:16PM

hahhahahhaahha westfielder wtfffff. tht was random as shit. and it wasnt a college kid, it was a westfield student, tht just shows how awesome westfield is becuase stuff like tht can happen. even a loser virgin could get laid any night of the week. its beautiful!

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: Prominent Buisnessman ()
Date: December 14, 2008 08:18PM

THIS IS TERRIBLE! EASILY THE WORST THING TO HIT FFX COUNTY IN DECADES! I mean a minor drinking dip spit that is so much worse than a heroin ring and a school shooting. Because of this kid drinking dip spit I will never hire anyone who went to Westfield. Ill hire those rich kids who had everything handed to them from Oakton. BUT I WILL NEVER HIRE A PERSON FROM WESTFIEELD BECAUSE OF THIS AUTROCiTY. THIS MINOR DRINKING DIP SPIT IS WORSE THAN 9/11 I AM APPAULED

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: class of 08 ()
Date: December 14, 2008 08:27PM

If you think a kid drinking dipspit is gross what about that girl who was a freshman when we was juniors who was giving trey head and then he pissed down her throat

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: oh god ()
Date: December 14, 2008 08:30PM

i think i threw up a little reading that last one rofl

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: G Co7 ()
Date: December 14, 2008 08:31PM

I can't even deal with how stupid the arguments against Westfield sound right now.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: huhhh ()
Date: December 14, 2008 09:39PM

okay businessman, if you are going to base you opinons about everyone on westfield from what a few kids do, then you honestly need to re-evaluate your life. kids from oakton and chantilly get into the same shit that westfield, it's just not as publicized.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: curious george ()
Date: December 14, 2008 09:45PM

so who are these 2 girls who ate out each other

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: Patty ()
Date: December 14, 2008 10:03PM

alrightyTHEN Wrote:
> As to what "the dip shooter himself" said, in the
> very first post on this forum the jackass who
> started this mess said, and i quote, "These are
> the kids who've probably been setting fires in
> bathrooms at WHS (yes, in the past few days)."
> Nobody accused these kids of doing anything else?
> sounds like bullshit to me. Theres two sides to
> this forum, the jackass who think its wrong, who
> are also the same people who buttoned up their
> polos everyday, and wore pocket protectors to
> school and still do today, and then the people who
> are living life, and not letting the little shit
> get to us. im proud to say that i AM Jake Chelena,
> and this forum is partly because of me, and im not
> ashamed to say tht i have no regrets about any of
> my decisions to this point in my life and all you
> can kiss my ass. FUCK OFF YOU

Aunt Patty is sure proud!

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: ahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahayouguysareallfags ()
Date: December 15, 2008 06:59PM

"so they KNOW about their student body's reputation sinking lower and lower to the ground, and yet they exemplify exactly what's wrong with kids today.

See how much Robbie can take of a glass of used dip tobacco and saliva from others, and come and enjoy the party. And make sure to pay your $5....

What is our youth coming to? And clearly "Jake" isn't very bright, PUBLICLY displaying and describing this event. btw all of these kids are minors.

There is more than one thing wrong with this. Legally, morally, and in just about every other way.

These are the same kinds of kids who were accused of racism. These are the kids who've probably been setting fires in bathrooms at WHS (yes, in the past few days)."

"You're right, it's not creepy. I am the same age as them and I know who they are. There's nothing creepy about that. And I didn't say it affected me. THis thread was about how it looks Westfield students look worse after everything that has happened lately."

hmmm where should i start...i dunno does the poster go to westfield highschool? maybe because hes claiming these are racist, you say they are probably kids that set fires in the bathrooms...let me tell you this none of those kids have been accused of racism...and none of them would ever think about starting a fire in a bathroom...i know them all very well trust me your a fuking dumbasss kid.

You say westfield students look worse after everything that has happened lately. Yea you might very well go to Westfield if you know all this shit about them apparently like they are real fuking bad kids. So what im saying is your bringing the attention to Westfield the negative attention. So pretty much its all your fucking fault. Granted posting stuff on the internet is dumb but kids will be kids its not the end of the world you can let some1 deal with it and dont have to post and rant on websites like this.

Third i would like to comment about the "intelligent conversations" yes homophobic comments were made...last time i checked that was not fucking illegal not to mention only the vast majority of america does not allow gay marriage so alot of people are on their side...yea your a tool. and the massachussettes comment was semi intelligent btw...btw you said btw and fags use btw yes im calling you a fag... yes thats a homophobic response...darn get a life.

Fourth you obviosuly dont go to fucking westfield or you have no friends at all. Its a nice place to go to school theres not rampant drugs and fires blowing up the school you moron.

Fifth you dont know these kids at all its apparent to me because you said they are the kind of kids that would probably set fire to the school...YEA...No your an idiot.

Sixth all of you need to undestand this is about a DIPSHOT...A DIPSHOT...ladies and gentlemen...in this case fags and faggettes...a DISHOT...we arnt talking rob campbell takes the biggest bong rip of his life for 100 dollars...we are talking about this kid is obviously just a big fucking idiot that needed some money he did not harm anyone else noone else took the shot just his dumbass. I would love to see a cop arrest a bunch of 17-18 year old kids for having a big juicy lip in their mouths...btw mr btw man try one and your panties might not be all up in a wad all the time.

Seventh im done ranting go ahead rant about my post because i dont care Westfield is a great school these kids are obviously retarded. But im sure the 2,995 other kids are Westfield are not so the headline should be...10 kids at westfield put a bad name to themselves other wise your just picking a fight to pick a fight and thats dumb man im sure you wouldnt want to pick a fight in real life either if your only outlet is this computer BLOG your a BLOGGER MAN SWEET DEAL

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: ... ()
Date: December 15, 2008 07:04PM

"This pick is primarily about one thing, and that is CHARACTER.

And even though Royal's skillset will probably make him a good choice to replace Stokely eventually in the slot, I will go out on a limb here and say that Royal could really be in line to replace a much different kind of receiver, with a much different style of play, but similar results: Rod Smith.

You see, Royal gets it, and what the Denver staff must have seen from him is the same kind of maturity that they have seen in guys like Smith, and Foxworth. More than anything, Denver just wants to get some players on this team that they can DEPEND on, and nothing is a better indicator of that than character."

Good thing about Westfield...there not all bad

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: huh? ()
Date: December 15, 2008 09:12PM








(im a faggot from chantilly, because only a chantilly kid would say things like, fuck, shit, cock, balls, tits, ass, or vagina.)

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: bahabahsfasjkgashdgh ()
Date: December 15, 2008 09:24PM


Can we turn our beds into bunkbeds?
It will give us so much extra space in our room to do activities!
Your adults, you can do what you want.
This is the funnest night ever!

Hey nice cow outfit. Where can I pick one of those up at, the gay zoo? Homo.
No, no. It's not a cow. It's a a minotaur. It's a creature of myth. And he got this one out of your mom's closet.
She let me keep it after I fucked her.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: yourestupid ()
Date: December 15, 2008 10:07PM

ahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahayouguysareallfags Wrote:
> "so they KNOW about their student body's
> reputation sinking lower and lower to the ground,
> and yet they exemplify exactly what's wrong with
> kids today.
> See how much Robbie can take of a glass of used
> dip tobacco and saliva from others, and come and
> enjoy the party. And make sure to pay your $5....
> What is our youth coming to? And clearly "Jake"
> isn't very bright, PUBLICLY displaying and
> describing this event. btw all of these kids are
> minors.
> There is more than one thing wrong with this.
> Legally, morally, and in just about every other
> way.
> These are the same kinds of kids who were accused
> of racism. These are the kids who've probably been
> setting fires in bathrooms at WHS (yes, in the
> past few days)."
> "You're right, it's not creepy. I am the same age
> as them and I know who they are. There's nothing
> creepy about that. And I didn't say it affected
> me. THis thread was about how it looks Westfield
> students look worse after everything that has
> happened lately."
> hmmm where should i start...i dunno does the
> poster go to westfield highschool? maybe because
> hes claiming these are racist, you say they are
> probably kids that set fires in the
> bathrooms...let me tell you this none of those
> kids have been accused of racism...and none of
> them would ever think about starting a fire in a
> bathroom...i know them all very well trust me your
> a fuking dumbasss kid.
> You say westfield students look worse after
> everything that has happened lately. Yea you might
> very well go to Westfield if you know all this
> shit about them apparently like they are real
> fuking bad kids. So what im saying is your
> bringing the attention to Westfield the negative
> attention. So pretty much its all your fucking
> fault. Granted posting stuff on the internet is
> dumb but kids will be kids its not the end of the
> world you can let some1 deal with it and dont have
> to post and rant on websites like this.
> Third i would like to comment about the
> "intelligent conversations" yes homophobic
> comments were made...last time i checked that was
> not fucking illegal not to mention only the vast
> majority of america does not allow gay marriage so
> alot of people are on their side...yea your a
> tool. and the massachussettes comment was semi
> intelligent btw...btw you said btw and fags use
> btw yes im calling you a fag... yes thats a
> homophobic response...darn get a life.
> Fourth you obviosuly dont go to fucking westfield
> or you have no friends at all. Its a nice place to
> go to school theres not rampant drugs and fires
> blowing up the school you moron.
> Fifth you dont know these kids at all its apparent
> to me because you said they are the kind of kids
> that would probably set fire to the
> school...YEA...No your an idiot.
> Sixth all of you need to undestand this is about a
> DIPSHOT...A DIPSHOT...ladies and gentlemen...in
> this case fags and faggettes...a DISHOT...we arnt
> talking rob campbell takes the biggest bong rip of
> his life for 100 dollars...we are talking about
> this kid is obviously just a big fucking idiot
> that needed some money he did not harm anyone else
> noone else took the shot just his dumbass. I would
> love to see a cop arrest a bunch of 17-18 year old
> kids for having a big juicy lip in their
> mouths...btw mr btw man try one and your panties
> might not be all up in a wad all the time.
> Seventh im done ranting go ahead rant about my
> post because i dont care Westfield is a great
> school these kids are obviously retarded. But im
> sure the 2,995 other kids are Westfield are not so
> the headline should be...10 kids at westfield put
> a bad name to themselves other wise your just
> picking a fight to pick a fight and thats dumb man
> im sure you wouldnt want to pick a fight in real
> life either if your only outlet is this computer

Are you on drugs? what are you trying to say, here? you make no sense and whatever point you are trying to make is lost in your blabbering English.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: fuckinREDICULOUS ()
Date: December 15, 2008 10:45PM

yourestupid Wrote:
> ahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahayouguysareallfags
> Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > "so they KNOW about their student body's
> > reputation sinking lower and lower to the
> ground,
> > and yet they exemplify exactly what's wrong
> with
> > kids today.
> >
> > See how much Robbie can take of a glass of used
> > dip tobacco and saliva from others, and come
> and
> > enjoy the party. And make sure to pay your
> $5....
> >
> >
> > What is our youth coming to? And clearly "Jake"
> > isn't very bright, PUBLICLY displaying and
> > describing this event. btw all of these kids
> are
> > minors.
> >
> > There is more than one thing wrong with this.
> > Legally, morally, and in just about every other
> > way.
> >
> > These are the same kinds of kids who were
> accused
> > of racism. These are the kids who've probably
> been
> > setting fires in bathrooms at WHS (yes, in the
> > past few days)."
> >
> >
> > "You're right, it's not creepy. I am the same
> age
> > as them and I know who they are. There's
> nothing
> > creepy about that. And I didn't say it affected
> > me. THis thread was about how it looks
> Westfield
> > students look worse after everything that has
> > happened lately."
> >
> >
> > hmmm where should i start...i dunno does the
> > poster go to westfield highschool? maybe
> because
> > hes claiming these are racist, you say they are
> > probably kids that set fires in the
> > bathrooms...let me tell you this none of those
> > kids have been accused of racism...and none of
> > them would ever think about starting a fire in
> a
> > bathroom...i know them all very well trust me
> your
> > a fuking dumbasss kid.
> >
> > You say westfield students look worse after
> > everything that has happened lately. Yea you
> might
> > very well go to Westfield if you know all this
> > shit about them apparently like they are real
> > fuking bad kids. So what im saying is your
> > bringing the attention to Westfield the
> negative
> > attention. So pretty much its all your fucking
> > fault. Granted posting stuff on the internet is
> > dumb but kids will be kids its not the end of
> the
> > world you can let some1 deal with it and dont
> have
> > to post and rant on websites like this.
> >
> > Third i would like to comment about the
> > "intelligent conversations" yes homophobic
> > comments were made...last time i checked that
> was
> > not fucking illegal not to mention only the
> vast
> > majority of america does not allow gay marriage
> so
> > alot of people are on their side...yea your a
> > tool. and the massachussettes comment was semi
> > intelligent btw...btw you said btw and fags use
> > btw yes im calling you a fag... yes thats a
> > homophobic response...darn get a life.
> >
> > Fourth you obviosuly dont go to fucking
> westfield
> > or you have no friends at all. Its a nice place
> to
> > go to school theres not rampant drugs and fires
> > blowing up the school you moron.
> >
> > Fifth you dont know these kids at all its
> apparent
> > to me because you said they are the kind of
> kids
> > that would probably set fire to the
> > school...YEA...No your an idiot.
> >
> > Sixth all of you need to undestand this is about
> a
> > DIPSHOT...A DIPSHOT...ladies and gentlemen...in
> > this case fags and faggettes...a DISHOT...we
> arnt
> > talking rob campbell takes the biggest bong rip
> of
> > his life for 100 dollars...we are talking about
> > this kid is obviously just a big fucking idiot
> > that needed some money he did not harm anyone
> else
> > noone else took the shot just his dumbass. I
> would
> > love to see a cop arrest a bunch of 17-18 year
> old
> > kids for having a big juicy lip in their
> > mouths...btw mr btw man try one and your
> panties
> > might not be all up in a wad all the time.
> >
> > Seventh im done ranting go ahead rant about my
> > post because i dont care Westfield is a great
> > school these kids are obviously retarded. But
> im
> > sure the 2,995 other kids are Westfield are not
> so
> > the headline should be...10 kids at westfield
> put
> > a bad name to themselves other wise your just
> > picking a fight to pick a fight and thats dumb
> man
> > im sure you wouldnt want to pick a fight in
> real
> > life either if your only outlet is this
> computer
> Are you on drugs? what are you trying to say,
> here? you make no sense and whatever point you
> are trying to make is lost in your blabbering
> English.

you know what 'yourestupid'... YOURE STUPID YOU FUCK. the person who you commented on made a very intelligent point that you should take the time to think about. fuck off all of you. and go take a dick up the ass. you homos!!....sorry for the homophobic statement

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: Awakened ()
Date: December 15, 2008 11:11PM

its "Ridiculous". Jeez, you kids can't even spell, punctuate, or overall speak properly, and then refute our claims about anti-intellectualism and lack of intelligence and rationality.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: December 15, 2008 11:12PM

fuckinREDICULOUS Wrote:
> you know what 'yourestupid'... YOURE STUPID YOU
> FUCK. the person who you commented on made a very
> intelligent point that you should take the time to
> think about. fuck off all of you. and go take a
> dick up the ass. you homos!!....sorry for the
> homophobic statement

I am screen capping this thread, and any time I'm sad, I will look at this and laugh.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: andy ()
Date: December 15, 2008 11:54PM

hahaaha why is everyone bashing westfield HS?

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: youareafag ()
Date: December 16, 2008 07:44PM

This is to:

1) The original poster...whats your name man...Also do you have a homophobic phobia?

2)yourestupid...if you read the post my point wouldnt of gotten lost... You proabably just can't read therefore...your the stupid one my friend

3)Awakened...Wake the fuck up get off the internet...find some friends id start at a local role playing war group...like in role models...you dont know what i mean because you dont get out of the house so try to ask your mom if you can borrow her car leave the basement go to a cafe with wireless internet try to chat with some people maybe make some friends...and if still no friends since you spell so well and write sooooo properly enter into a spelling bee and maybe do something with your life...your gay...and yes thats a homophobic statment

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: hah ()
Date: December 16, 2008 08:26PM

a homoPHOBIC....phobia, nice choice of words man

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: yea ()
Date: December 16, 2008 10:12PM

you did not understand what i meant at all. What i meant was he has a phobia of people being homophobic and i thought you would understand what i meant by homophobic phobia nvm.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: pwnz0rs ()
Date: December 17, 2008 08:40AM


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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: hughz ()
Date: December 17, 2008 08:49AM

Let him do it, let anyone do anything stupid if they want and stop interfering with the natural selection process :))

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: digsby ()
Date: December 19, 2008 06:50PM

you westfielders are real pricks.

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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: Awakened ()
Date: December 20, 2008 10:03PM


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Re: Westfield students making themselves look even worse.
Posted by: josh42070369 ()
Date: December 24, 2008 10:03PM

ahahahahhaha this digsby kid is a faggot bitch what a pussy

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