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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: October 19, 2008 12:23AM

As a resident of Fairfax county and Annandale specifically I resent having to dodge illegals all up and down Little River in Annandale if I need to go to the 7-11, or McD's, etc.

I have been told they aren't allowed to stand around anywhere else in the county to wait for jobs, except on Little River. I have seen bus loads of Hispanics come into Annandale from other areas just to stand on the street. I saw a Hispanic that's a manager at KFC having sex with another man in the fenced in trash area outside KFC, while I was in my car in the parking lot. I saw so many drugs being sold, it's unbelievable. I hollered at one guy on a bike who had just sold and he rode his bike into Safeway and I never saw him come out. I understand the manager there is gay, not sure if that has anything to do with it or not. But there are alot of men just hanging out all up and down the Pike at all hours. Yes, I have reported this and more, only to look the fool.

I can't comfortably go to any business in that area without feeling afraid. I must deal with rude, crude comments, animal noises, several men charging my car if I stop which is scary for anyone. I pay my taxes and I feel like a stranger in my own country and I don't like it one bit.

I have spoken to a few to explain how rude they are being, to only be told, "So?"
They think we owe them and they are like vulgers waiting to grab their pound of flesh. They refer to the USA as L'America and laugh about it.

I'm not laughing.

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: tubby ()
Date: October 19, 2008 12:53AM

How many times to I gotta tell you morons that FCPD and the Fairfax Board are NOT the Border Patrol.

Your bought and paid for politicians are to blame! The special interests want that cheap labor...and they DON"T GIVE A FUCK about you OR Little River Turnpike!

Get a clue, man!

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: William Luther Pierce ()
Date: October 19, 2008 12:56AM

I never meant people to take my book seriously. It was fiction.


One guy already blew up a federal building. I don't want the rest of you zealots doing something else in the name of my imaginary tale of American civil unrest.

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: October 19, 2008 01:21AM

spunky Wrote:
> refer to the USA as L'America

L'America is also a pretty awesome song by The Doors. I just needed to point that out.

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: do you really think you're helping anyone? ()
Date: October 19, 2008 08:42AM

"spunky" -

Fist, I think you must be petty, self-centered, over-protective, anti-America (land of the free?), and only see value in those of similar origin - those who look/act/think (if you can call it that)/live just like you. (That's just the impression I get from your feeble minded post)

With that said, you're best bet would probably to voice your concerns with the local businesses who you are unable to patronize due to the scary illegals.

People should be more concerned about their families, friends, & coworkers, since more often than not, violent/harmful behavior is caused by someone you know very well.

I've been visiting the area you refer to daily for several years, and have yet to see any of the suspicious activity you mention. Just a lot of people who perhaps didn't have the luxury of a college education, who are minding their own business, and looking for work in an area that is known to offer some labor opportunities. I suppose you'd prefer they go "home", and let their families starve - why not just grab you're rifle and do them the favor of ending their misery? Oh, right, you're the type to complain people to death. As long as someone's suffering isn't directly caused by your actions, you couldn't care less about what happens to them.

Maybe stop thinking of yourself as the constant victim, and meet some of these people you're so unjustifiably afraid of. You surely wouldn't want to take a few basic Spanish classes, and see how horrifically different the "illegals" are from yourself - since, as you have clearly demonstrated, they are not human beings, but sex/drug crazed monsters, looking only to violate your precious and superior self.

Any metropolitan area is subject to criminal element, but to classify & over generalize the way you do is pretty despicable. You're precisely the the sort of person who should return to where you/your family came from. This country really doesn't need you, and I expect that anyone who says they actually like you are either 1) just like you, or 2) slowly taking advantage of you for their own personal gain. Your one pathetic post, your attempt to frighten the masses into hysteria over human differences shows exactly the type thinking that has stifled social integration in this country since it's inception. You are partially to blame for all the hate, and socially directed anger people are exposed to every day.

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: hmmm... ()
Date: October 19, 2008 08:46AM

Obviously, that should read "First,"...

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: Frank ()
Date: October 19, 2008 08:55AM

"Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work? "

Because it is a convenient staging point for them to go and illegally vote for Osama Hussein.

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: Reston ()
Date: October 19, 2008 09:09AM

> "Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along
> Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work? "


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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: Price ()
Date: October 19, 2008 09:26AM

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: October 19, 2008 09:28AM

god bless GERRY CONNOLLY for not turning Fairfax County into a Prince William wasteland. What fairfax needs to do is set up a job center for day workers... a place where they can congregate...be treated as human beings.

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: Big Red ()
Date: October 19, 2008 10:13AM

Vince(1) Wrote:
> god bless GERRY CONNOLLY for not turning Fairfax
> County into a Prince William wasteland. What
> fairfax needs to do is set up a job center for day
> workers... a place where they can congregate...be
> treated as human beings.

You need to quit hitting the pipe and get a grip on real life. Not your little meaningless tree hugging peace and love generation. Your are the minority here. People are sick and tired of the Lations roaming the streets and flashing there little tamales at everyone, pissing in the streets, spitting on the side walks and making there lude comments to the very people that are, unfortunetly paying their health care when they get to drunk to go to jail and end up in a private room in the ER and you end up on a bed in the hallway while they sleep it off. Our county is going to hell in a hand basket if we continue to allow this crap to happen. The illegals must go!!!!

And Vince....fuck off you anit-american!!

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: TRICKIE ()
Date: October 19, 2008 12:54PM

I have noticed this too. I never saw any homos having you know what though. I ould be scared to go into any of those stores in Annandale where they hangout. heck I even get the heebie jeebies just waiting at the traffic light.

They won't make a work program place because they already closed the one in Herndon. I guess those guys just sit around or else they are waiting for someone to offer them work. They would be the last people I would hire.


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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: October 19, 2008 01:09PM

Because there's a good chance that not every single one of them is an illegal immigrant, and if the 5-0 shook them down every day, that would draw all sorts of harassment, racial profiling, and intimidation complaints from hispanic activist groups.

I don't particularly like the idea either, but the whole "unlawful search and seizure" thing that the rest of us enjoy goes for them, as well. Just because a bunch of evil brown people are hanging out in the same location doesn't give the police a right to search them all for green cards whenever they want.

I think the most legal basis the police could have is loitering/trespassing, but wouldn't a complaint have to filed by the property owner? If you see drug deals and public buttsecks, file a complaint with the police so they at least have the legal grounds to investigate it.

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: Reston ()
Date: October 19, 2008 03:47PM

As long as Connolly allows this influx of illegal immigration into the county more and more people will be riding in the wagon, eventually there will not be enough tax paying citizens to pull the wagon of economic endeavor.

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: October 19, 2008 05:40PM

do you really think you're helping anyone? Wrote:
> "spunky" -
> Fist, I think you must be petty, self-centered,
> over-protective, anti-America (land of the free?),
> and only see value in those of similar origin -
> those who look/act/think (if you can call it
> that)/live just like you. (That's just the
> impression I get from your feeble minded post)
> With that said, you're best bet would probably to
> voice your concerns with the local businesses who
> you are unable to patronize due to the scary
> illegals.
> People should be more concerned about their
> families, friends, & coworkers, since more often
> than not, violent/harmful behavior is caused by
> someone you know very well.
> I've been visiting the area you refer to daily for
> several years, and have yet to see any of the
> suspicious activity you mention. Just a lot of
> people who perhaps didn't have the luxury of a
> college education, who are minding their own
> business, and looking for work in an area that is
> known to offer some labor opportunities. I
> suppose you'd prefer they go "home", and let their
> families starve - why not just grab you're rifle
> and do them the favor of ending their misery? Oh,
> right, you're the type to complain people to
> death. As long as someone's suffering isn't
> directly caused by your actions, you couldn't care
> less about what happens to them.
> Maybe stop thinking of yourself as the constant
> victim, and meet some of these people you're so
> unjustifiably afraid of. You surely wouldn't want
> to take a few basic Spanish classes, and see how
> horrifically different the "illegals" are from
> yourself - since, as you have clearly
> demonstrated, they are not human beings, but
> sex/drug crazed monsters, looking only to violate
> your precious and superior self.
> Any metropolitan area is subject to criminal
> element, but to classify & over generalize the way
> you do is pretty despicable. You're precisely the
> the sort of person who should return to where
> you/your family came from. This country really
> doesn't need you, and I expect that anyone who
> says they actually like you are either 1) just
> like you, or 2) slowly taking advantage of you for
> their own personal gain. Your one pathetic post,
> your attempt to frighten the masses into hysteria
> over human differences shows exactly the type
> thinking that has stifled social integration in
> this country since it's inception. You are
> partially to blame for all the hate, and socially
> directed anger people are exposed to every day.

You are quick to judge amigo. I mentioned in the beginning how I struck up conversation with some of these Hispanics learning their language in the process. I even hired some only to be burned. I had so much stuff stolen that it was laughable, if it weren't mine. They even stole my car keys to transport the stolen items and then returned my car, but not the keys. I have been terrorized by these Hispanics and their amigos ever since. They even made a duplicate house key since they had purposely unlocked windows in my home. The one Hispanic I suspect has a new car which I know I paid for. I will never hire anyone off the streets again, that's the worse idea I ever had because I became a target. I needed some people to help me move some furniture, but they arrived at my house they were more concerned with casing my house out and not with the job. Even though I tried to control them they were walking all through my home and I couldn't follow them all. I should have called the police, but at that point I wasn't aware of anything illegal going on.

The point is I tried to befriend these Hispanics first but that's impossible, they are only focused on one thing...money and how to get it. There was a time I tried to get someone to rake some leaves but they wouldn't move from McD's for less then $10/hr. and that was several years ago. It's hard for me to understand how they can be so picky if they need money.

Then there's the illegal from El Salvador who killed the older lady in MD and robbed several homes, this is not an isolated case. There have been alot of illegals committing crimes against our citizens.

So, don't dress me down, I know what I'm talking about and I am sick of them. I am also sick of the dollars being spent on them from charities that should be helping American citizens who desperately need help now more then ever. Especially the Catholic church who seems to help get them in our country in order to prop up their rolls, well their moral compass is a askew with what they have allowed to happen to children in their care.

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: ok, let's get to the root of the problem ()
Date: October 19, 2008 06:01PM

I don't think the issue relates to that of FCPD "letting" illegals gather along Little River Turnpike for work.

I think rather it is whether Government at all levels is willing to countenance the influx of illegal immigrants into this country. The problem is not one of xenophobia, but of economics and costs. Our current policies are an invitation to disaster; and we need to break the logjam where the right wants subsidies to business and the left wants open borders out of a naive and utopian sense of fairness. Worse yet, our policies do little to help the countries that are the source of emigration. Mexico (not a poor country) neglects to instill social programs and market reforms that would create more employment and social safety nets because the aristocracy there doesn't need to do it - with immigration to the US their best social program (remittances from the US are their second largest source of income), they have little incentive to do the right thing. Countries often act out of necessity - and Mexico sees no need to.

And local government can do its part. One can criticize Prince William County, but in the long run their policies will avoid significant social, healthcare, educational and correctional costs. Of course, things like lawn care and restaurant meals will cost more there, but frankly, there is no national or local interest in having lawn care and restaurant meals subsidized by taxpayers.
And our national interest would truly be served by ending chain immigration (a 1965 statute) and instituting a preference for immigration for those with valued skills. This won't happen through local government, but if more local governments played a responsible role in curbing illegal immigration, including a status check for any lawful arrest, we could move in that direction.

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: October 19, 2008 06:08PM

That's all well and good long term, but short term, I've been told by several illegals that the reason there are so many illegals on Little River is because the police won't bother them there. Anywhere else they go the police run them off and that's why illegals ride the bus in from other areas to the Pike.

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: Rerun ()
Date: October 19, 2008 06:20PM

We have Connolly and the toothless County Board of Supervisors to thank for this mess. If you want to really get an idea of how bad this situation is, pull into the 7-11 at 236/Annandale Road. Guaranteed you will have 10 illegal immigrants jump into your backseat. You can be sure that Penny Gross would do absolutely nothing to address the problem either. She would probably say it's diversity at it's finest. Keep this in mind when the board comes up for re-election. Last I checked, Prince William County had an across the board reduction in crime with their illegal immigration efforts. The last thing we need is to become a sanctuary county!

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: tba ()
Date: October 19, 2008 08:00PM

How can you tell they're ILLEGALs by looking?

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: October 19, 2008 08:25PM

Newcomers to this thread:

"spunky" has already been determined to be batshit insane. Please do not take any of the outlandish comments seriously. This is either a troll looking for bait, or mentally ill person. Any attempt to reason or verbally beat any sense into him/her will only be met with even more crazy responses. Move along; nothing to see here.

I'm Elliot in the Morning, and I approve this message.

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: detail ()
Date: October 19, 2008 10:50PM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> Newcomers to this thread:
> "spunky" has already been determined to be batshit
> insane. Please do not take any of the outlandish
> comments seriously. This is either a troll
> looking for bait, or mentally ill person. Any
> attempt to reason or verbally beat any sense into
> him/her will only be met with even more crazy
> responses. Move along; nothing to see here.
> I'm Elliot in the Morning, and I approve this
> message.

I never voted, did you take a roll call, because I think "Spunky" rocks. I have been through Annandale and seen what she is speaking about and there's nothing outlandish about it. Your statements are seriously wrong, just because someone has a differing opinion from you, you feel you can take liberties to verbally abuse them? That's sick and twisted, which means you are the mentally ill one here.

I hereby determine that Mr"Mouse"Mephisto, Elliot in the Morning, is batshit insane.

Calling all posters to vote please.

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: October 20, 2008 06:10AM

detail Wrote:
>>, because I think "Spunky" rocks.

Spunky claims to have seen the 9/11 hijackers at Dave & Busters, and thinks there is a government plot to keep her from gaining employment. She also thinks there is a conspiracy on FU that deleted her PM's for some sinister purpose. She's fucking nuts.

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: October 20, 2008 12:00PM

detail Wrote:
> MrMephisto Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Newcomers to this thread:
> >
> > "spunky" has already been determined to be
> batshit
> > insane. Please do not take any of the
> outlandish
> > comments seriously. This is either a troll
> > looking for bait, or mentally ill person. Any
> > attempt to reason or verbally beat any sense
> into
> > him/her will only be met with even more crazy
> > responses. Move along; nothing to see here.
> >
> > I'm Elliot in the Morning, and I approve this
> > message.
> I never voted, did you take a roll call, because I
> think "Spunky" rocks. I have been through
> Annandale and seen what she is speaking about and
> there's nothing outlandish about it. Your
> statements are seriously wrong, just because
> someone has a differing opinion from you, you feel
> you can take liberties to verbally abuse them?
> That's sick and twisted, which means you are the
> mentally ill one here.
> I hereby determine that Mr"Mouse"Mephisto, Elliot
> in the Morning, is batshit insane.
> Calling all posters to vote please.

I cast my vote for Mr"Mouse"Mephisto, Elliot in the Morning, being batshit insane.

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: October 20, 2008 09:17PM

I second that!

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: October 20, 2008 11:07PM

I fucking quadruple that shit, yo.

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: October 20, 2008 11:17PM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> I fucking quadruple that shit, yo.

Hey, do you take your brain out at night?

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: October 20, 2008 11:48PM

No. Do you?

Oh, snap! Now you got burned!

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: October 21, 2008 11:44PM

detail Wrote:
> MrMephisto Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Newcomers to this thread:
> >
> > "spunky" has already been determined to be
> batshit
> > insane. Please do not take any of the
> outlandish
> > comments seriously. This is either a troll
> > looking for bait, or mentally ill person. Any
> > attempt to reason or verbally beat any sense
> into
> > him/her will only be met with even more crazy
> > responses. Move along; nothing to see here.
> >
> > I'm Elliot in the Morning, and I approve this
> > message.
> I never voted, did you take a roll call, because I
> think "Spunky" rocks. I have been through
> Annandale and seen what she is speaking about and
> there's nothing outlandish about it. Your
> statements are seriously wrong, just because
> someone has a differing opinion from you, you feel
> you can take liberties to verbally abuse them?
> That's sick and twisted, which means you are the
> mentally ill one here.
> I hereby determine that Mr"Mouse"Mephisto, Elliot
> in the Morning, is batshit insane.
> Calling all posters to vote please.

Thanks detail for the support. MrMephisto says he's new to this site, but what gets me is he registered 10/10/2008, and this post was 9 days after that, gee he must've done some compressed serious research or been here all along, No? I mean look at the accusations he's making, those can't come from a blind outsider.

Me think I smell I rat, with 3 letters.

Am I correct here, this gay bait admits to being batshit insane ?

MrMephisto Wrote:
> I fucking quadruple that shit, yo.

I mean these are his words after all.

Maybe he needs to spend more time reading each word, before he "SNAPS" himself.

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: October 21, 2008 11:45PM

Please stay on topic.

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: Willie ()
Date: October 22, 2008 07:41AM

Vince(1) Wrote:
> god bless GERRY CONNOLLY for not turning Fairfax
> County into a Prince William wasteland. What
> fairfax needs to do is set up a job center for day
> workers... a place where they can congregate...be
> treated as human beings.

And are nicely pre-packed for jail and then deportation.

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: October 22, 2008 08:54PM

What would happen if instead of men these were all women standing along the street?

There shouldn't be a difference!

I personally have seen some old men actually shopping for "DATES" in this same area. Even seen illegals driving without a driver's licenses. I reported all these to the FCPD, only to be told there was nothing they could do.

The male Hispanics have told me they are constantly offered a 20 for a BJ, and most of them see it as an easy 20 bucks.

I have talked to underage Hispanics, the youngest 15, who says he isn't gay but does it for the money. It was very hard for me as a mom to listen as he explained in detail how he cried from pain during his first experience of taking it in the ass.

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: angelus42774 ()
Date: October 23, 2008 08:51AM

What do you charge Spunky?

Let me guess, you probably baracade yourself in your living room, wearing your Tin Foil hat, looking to the sky for the black helicopters and wondering when the mothership will dock on earth and take you back to "Spunksalum 12" for a brief period of "Re-Neducation". I just happen to speak native Spunksalum.

thevs--~ ack ack chick chick naeigh neight fornum rah.

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: October 23, 2008 10:09AM

Bim simma ack ack a ling-a-ding-dong Mohommad Atta chin ching foo backalacka Elliot emma gremma sloopy-whoop.

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: KEVIN ()
Date: October 23, 2008 02:12PM

do you really think you're helping anyone? Wrote:
> "spunky" -
> Fist, I think you must be petty, self-centered,
> over-protective, anti-America (land of the free?),
> and only see value in those of similar origin -
> those who look/act/think (if you can call it
> that)/live just like you. (That's just the
> impression I get from your feeble minded post)
> With that said, you're best bet would probably to
> voice your concerns with the local businesses who
> you are unable to patronize due to the scary
> illegals.
> People should be more concerned about their
> families, friends, & coworkers, since more often
> than not, violent/harmful behavior is caused by
> someone you know very well.
> I've been visiting the area you refer to daily for
> several years, and have yet to see any of the
> suspicious activity you mention. Just a lot of
> people who perhaps didn't have the luxury of a
> college education, who are minding their own
> business, and looking for work in an area that is
> known to offer some labor opportunities. I
> suppose you'd prefer they go "home", and let their
> families starve - why not just grab you're rifle
> and do them the favor of ending their misery? Oh,
> right, you're the type to complain people to
> death. As long as someone's suffering isn't
> directly caused by your actions, you couldn't care
> less about what happens to them.
> Maybe stop thinking of yourself as the constant
> victim, and meet some of these people you're so
> unjustifiably afraid of. You surely wouldn't want
> to take a few basic Spanish classes, and see how
> horrifically different the "illegals" are from
> yourself - since, as you have clearly
> demonstrated, they are not human beings, but
> sex/drug crazed monsters, looking only to violate
> your precious and superior self.
> Any metropolitan area is subject to criminal
> element, but to classify & over generalize the way
> you do is pretty despicable. You're precisely the
> the sort of person who should return to where
> you/your family came from. This country really
> doesn't need you, and I expect that anyone who
> says they actually like you are either 1) just
> like you, or 2) slowly taking advantage of you for
> their own personal gain. Your one pathetic post,
> your attempt to frighten the masses into hysteria
> over human differences shows exactly the type
> thinking that has stifled social integration in
> this country since it's inception. You are
> partially to blame for all the hate, and socially
> directed anger people are exposed to every day.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: October 23, 2008 05:44PM

KEVIN Wrote:
> do you really think you're helping anyone? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > "spunky" -
> >
> > Fist, I think you must be petty, self-centered,
> > over-protective, anti-America (land of the
> free?),
> > and only see value in those of similar origin -
> > those who look/act/think (if you can call it
> > that)/live just like you. (That's just the
> > impression I get from your feeble minded post)
> >
> > With that said, you're best bet would probably
> to
> > voice your concerns with the local businesses
> who
> > you are unable to patronize due to the scary
> > illegals.
> >
> > People should be more concerned about their
> > families, friends, & coworkers, since more
> often
> > than not, violent/harmful behavior is caused by
> > someone you know very well.
> >
> > I've been visiting the area you refer to daily
> for
> > several years, and have yet to see any of the
> > suspicious activity you mention. Just a lot of
> > people who perhaps didn't have the luxury of a
> > college education, who are minding their own
> > business, and looking for work in an area that
> is
> > known to offer some labor opportunities. I
> > suppose you'd prefer they go "home", and let
> their
> > families starve - why not just grab you're
> rifle
> > and do them the favor of ending their misery?
> Oh,
> > right, you're the type to complain people to
> > death. As long as someone's suffering isn't
> > directly caused by your actions, you couldn't
> care
> > less about what happens to them.
> >
> > Maybe stop thinking of yourself as the constant
> > victim, and meet some of these people you're so
> > unjustifiably afraid of. You surely wouldn't
> want
> > to take a few basic Spanish classes, and see
> how
> > horrifically different the "illegals" are from
> > yourself - since, as you have clearly
> > demonstrated, they are not human beings, but
> > sex/drug crazed monsters, looking only to
> violate
> > your precious and superior self.
> >
> > Any metropolitan area is subject to criminal
> > element, but to classify & over generalize the
> way
> > you do is pretty despicable. You're precisely
> the
> > the sort of person who should return to where
> > you/your family came from. This country really
> > doesn't need you, and I expect that anyone who
> > says they actually like you are either 1) just
> > like you, or 2) slowly taking advantage of you
> for
> > their own personal gain. Your one pathetic
> post,
> > your attempt to frighten the masses into
> hysteria
> > over human differences shows exactly the type
> > thinking that has stifled social integration in
> > this country since it's inception. You are
> > partially to blame for all the hate, and
> socially
> > directed anger people are exposed to every day.



You are quick to judge amigo. I mentioned in the beginning how I struck up conversation with some of these Hispanics learning their language in the process. I even hired some only to be burned. I had so much stuff stolen that it was laughable, if it weren't mine. They even stole my car keys to transport the stolen items and then returned my car, but not the keys. I have been terrorized by these Hispanics and their amigos ever since. They even made a duplicate house key since they had purposely unlocked windows in my home. The one Hispanic I suspect has a new car which I know I paid for. I will never hire anyone off the streets again, that's the worse idea I ever had because I became a target. I needed some people to help me move some furniture, but they arrived at my house they were more concerned with casing my house out and not with the job. Even though I tried to control them they were walking all through my home and I couldn't follow them all. I should have called the police, but at that point I wasn't aware of anything illegal going on.

The point is I tried to befriend these Hispanics first but that's impossible, they are only focused on one thing...money and how to get it. There was a time I tried to get someone to rake some leaves but they wouldn't move from McD's for less then $10/hr. and that was several years ago. It's hard for me to understand how they can be so picky if they need money.

Then there's the illegal from El Salvador who killed the older lady in MD and robbed several homes, this is not an isolated case. There have been alot of illegals committing crimes against our citizens.

So, don't dress me down, I know what I'm talking about and I am sick of them. I am also sick of the dollars being spent on them from charities that should be helping American citizens who desperately need help now more then ever. Especially the Catholic church who seems to help get them in our country in order to prop up their rolls, well their moral compass is a askew with what they have allowed to happen to children in their care.


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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: October 23, 2008 10:44PM

I had a foreign manager at one of the fast-food chains tell me that he was told to go ahead and hire a high-schooler despite their social security wasn't right. In fact I later discovered their relative was making a good income from selling fake social security cards.

I reported this but ICE said there was nothing they could do because the high-schooler was not 18. If she was 18, I needed their social security number, address, date of birth, place of birth, full name...yes...it was ridiculous. I needed to provide them with more information then they gave to obtain the illegal ID's in the first place. The system is set up to aid the illegals and assist in identity thief of our citizens.

This individual expressed a desire to join our military.

Her and her family know I reported them because it was her and her boyfriend who robbed me.

My point, there are alot of illegals being hired by big food chains especially on 236, I know alot of Americans who would take those jobs.

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: October 24, 2008 05:59PM

Do you think instead of men standing on the street they were women, the situation would be handled differently?

if so, then this isn't right on so many levels!

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: October 26, 2008 10:11PM

I noticed the Burger King off Braddock has posted a sign on their drive-thru wimdow, "No photographs!" The one by the old Hechingers area in Springfield. This is also an area where alot of Hispanics stood around waiting for work. Does this actually mean you can get introuble for taking a picture on Burger King property?

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: October 26, 2008 11:12PM

spunky Wrote:
> I noticed the Burger King off Braddock has posted
> a sign on their drive-thru wimdow, "No
> photographs!" The one by the old Hechingers area
> in Springfield. This is also an area where alot
> of Hispanics stood around waiting for work. Does
> this actually mean you can get introuble for
> taking a picture on Burger King property?

Well let me try and explain it you.

You can not take pictures of certain government installations. Whether you can take a picture of a government building that is in the middle of a city block - well it is against the law but the law would never stand if put to the test. Kind of like radar detectors in VA.

So in regard to people, there is the "reasonable expectation of privacy" thing that dictates most situations. Basically, if you step outside your house, you pretty much lost all your expectation of privacy and you are fair game to photograph.

Climbing on top of fence and using a telephoto lens to snap a picture through someones blinds - that person had a reasonable expectation of privacy sitting in his living room, so that would an offence.

Snapping a picture of a clerk at the drive through, I would imagine would be legal, but would be annoying. If she opened the window or stuck her head outside, it would be fair game. Taking pics inside the store - they would have no reasonable expectation of privacy either if they were serving the public. They would probably be annoyed, but it is perfectly legal.

Then there is trespassing. Generally, if you "violate" Burger King "rules", they can ask you to leave. They cant confiscate your camera or take your film etc. Technically, the police should be wary of even intervening officially until you have been asked to leave and refuse to do so.

So go ahead and snap all the pictures you want. Legally, you are protected.

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: October 26, 2008 11:14PM

spunky Wrote:
> I had a foreign manager at one of the fast-food
> chains tell me that he was told to go ahead and
> hire a high-schooler despite their social security
> wasn't right. In fact I later discovered their
> relative was making a good income from selling
> fake social security cards.
> I reported this but ICE said there was nothing
> they could do because the high-schooler was not
> 18. If she was 18, I needed their social security
> number, address, date of birth, place of birth,
> full name...yes...it was ridiculous. I needed to
> provide them with more information then they gave
> to obtain the illegal ID's in the first place.
> The system is set up to aid the illegals and
> assist in identity thief of our citizens.
> This individual expressed a desire to join our
> military.
> Her and her family know I reported them because it
> was her and her boyfriend who robbed me.
> My point, there are alot of illegals being hired
> by big food chains especially on 236, I know alot
> of Americans who would take those jobs.

Your point is ridiculous. Do you think Burger King pays illegals less then legal immigrants and Americans? Of course not..so what is their motivation to hire an illegal..vice legal immigrants and citizens? And who in upper Burger King management would be stupid enough to tell a manager to hire someone with an obvious fake ID....unless legal help was hard to come by? So if "alot" of Americans were trying to get those jobs..they'd be better represented in the fast food industry. The fact is your story seems very anecdotal and probaly false.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/26/2008 11:17PM by Vince(1).

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: October 26, 2008 11:30PM

Vince(1) Wrote:
> spunky Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I had a foreign manager at one of the fast-food
> > chains tell me that he was told to go ahead and
> > hire a high-schooler despite their social
> security
> > wasn't right. In fact I later discovered their
> > relative was making a good income from selling
> > fake social security cards.
> >
> > I reported this but ICE said there was nothing
> > they could do because the high-schooler was not
> > 18. If she was 18, I needed their social
> security
> > number, address, date of birth, place of birth,
> > full name...yes...it was ridiculous. I needed
> to
> > provide them with more information then they
> gave
> > to obtain the illegal ID's in the first place.
> > The system is set up to aid the illegals and
> > assist in identity thief of our citizens.
> >
> > This individual expressed a desire to join our
> > military.
> >
> > Her and her family know I reported them because
> it
> > was her and her boyfriend who robbed me.
> >
> > My point, there are alot of illegals being
> hired
> > by big food chains especially on 236, I know
> alot
> > of Americans who would take those jobs.
> Your point is ridiculous. Do you think Burger
> King pays illegals less then legal immigrants and
> Americans? Of course not..so what is their
> motivation to hire an illegal..vice legal
> immigrants and citizens? And who in upper Burger
> King management would be stupid enough to tell a
> manager to hire someone with an obvious fake
> ID....unless legal help was hard to come by? So
> if "alot" of Americans were trying to get those
> jobs..they'd be better represented in the fast
> food industry. The fact is your story seems very
> anecdotal and probaly false.

This in what Republicans ar lacking - a bit of skepticism.

Ok- first, they may have asked for full name, social security number, date of birth etc. but the fact they said they could not do anything because you did not have it is bunk. Who has that info on anyone?

Second, the fact she was under 18 has nothing to do with it. How do you know if she is 17 1/2, 18, or 22?

And who "told" the manager it was ok to hire illegals? This is like that disney/microsoft/Aol email that says "I called microsoft and they said it was legit". Did you ask the phone operator or the head of marketing at Microsoft? Get my point.

And being a US citizen is not a requirement to join the military. Being a undocumented worker also does not disqualify you.

And what is this robbing nonsence you speak of? YOu make no sence.

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: October 26, 2008 11:47PM

Vince your last sentence is a contradiction in terms, you have no facts other then what I gave you and it was the truth as I couldn't nor would I want to make this up. I am willing to bet you that the MAJORITY OF THE WORKERS AT THE FAST-FOOD PLACES ARE ILLEGAL, and working with fraudalent SS#s. Until the businesses use e-verify there's no way to purge them out of the system, and that's a fact.

Yes businesses are making a choice to hire someone who will accept less pay to do the same job, and that's a fact.

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: October 26, 2008 11:52PM

The corporate headquarters said it was alright to hire the individual with a suspicious ss#, which I am thinking of reporting to ICE next week when I call them back to report on this issue again...Radiophile.

A bit of skepticism is always good!

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: Demoncrat ()
Date: October 27, 2008 05:52PM

Once Obama becomes prez, they will be called US Citizens lining up on 236 LRTNPK

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: October 27, 2008 08:40PM

Demoncrat Wrote:
> Once Obama becomes prez, they will be called US
> Citizens lining up on 236 LRTNPK

That's enough to reconsider my vote, and that he was the biggest recepient of donations from Fannie and Feddie. But McCain, was against equal pay for women.

What's a woman to do?

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: October 27, 2008 09:35PM

spunky Wrote:
> What's a woman to do?

Try getting back in the goddamn kitchen.

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: Frank ()
Date: October 30, 2008 11:40AM

spunky Wrote:
> Demoncrat Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Once Obama becomes prez, they will be called US
> > Citizens lining up on 236 LRTNPK
> That's enough to reconsider my vote, and that he
> was the biggest recepient of donations from Fannie
> and Feddie. But McCain, was against equal pay for
> women.
> What's a woman to do?

You mean he went to your job interview and argued against you being paid what they wanted to pay you?

Don't believe all the garbage the lefties put out.

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: November 04, 2008 05:53PM

I mean he is a sexist!

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: November 04, 2008 08:18PM

spunky Wrote:
> Demoncrat Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Once Obama becomes prez, they will be called US
> > Citizens lining up on 236 LRTNPK
> That's enough to reconsider my vote, and that he
> was the biggest recepient of donations from Fannie
> and Feddie. But McCain, was against equal pay for
> women.
> What's a woman to do?


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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: November 05, 2008 07:54PM

Never mind, I decided to go with a winner.

Someone please tell that IDIOT, MrMephisto (since I refuse to speak to him any longer) that kitchens are an equal opportunity space, a sexist PIG as him should know this.

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Re: Why does FCPD allow illegals to gather along Little River Turnpike in Annandale for work?
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: November 06, 2008 07:55AM

Spunky, eat WORD and die.

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