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ACLU: Blacks More Likely to Be Arrested for Marijuana Posession in Fairfax
Posted by: ACLU Report ()
Date: June 06, 2013 06:52AM

ACLU: Blacks More Likely to Be Arrested for Marijuana Posession in Fairfax
The disparity exists despite comparable usage rates, according to report released this week.

Blacks in Fairfax County are 3.1 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession compared to whites, according to a report released this week by the American Civil Liberties Union.

The report also indicates that black people are 7.8 times more likely to be arrested over whites in neighboring Arlington County, and 3 times more likely to be arrested in Loudoun County.

The disparity exists despite comparable usage rates, according to the ACLU.

"The war on marijuana has disproportionately been a war on people of color," Ezekiel Edwards, director of the ACLU Criminal Law Reform Project and one of the primary authors of the report, stated in a press release. “State and local governments have aggressively enforced marijuana laws selectively against black people and communities.”

The ACLU report is the first to examine marijuana possession arrest rates by race for all 50 states and DC. It looked at the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program and the U.S. Census data between 2001 and 2010.

Between 2001 and 2010, there were more than 8 million pot arrests in the United States, more than half of all drug arrests. The ACLU also found that though blacks and whites tend to use marijuana at similar rates, in 2010 a black person was 3.73 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than a white person.

A non-scientific poll on Fairfax County Patch sites on Sunday indicated that 77 percent of readers (or 99 of 128 poll-takers), support marijuana legalization in Virginia.

A sample of reader comments from Sunday’s poll:

Francis Buxton 7:56 am on Sunday, June 2, 2013

Should we "legalize" cannabis? That's not really the question. The question is should we continue the failed, immoral, and destructive policy of prohibition. Should we should continue to use the violence of the state in a futile attempt to control what individuals choose to put into their own bodies? Should we continue to punish people for making the rational, safer choice to enjoy non-toxic cannabis rather than deadly, addictive, and violence-promoting alcohol? Should we continue to squander billions of dollars we don't have (and forgo billions more in lost tax revenue) on an unwinnable and increasingly-unpopular war that empowers and enriches organized crime, fuels black market violence, promotes official corruption, undermines respect for the law, turns millions of ordinary Americans into criminals, and drives a huge wedge between police and the communities they're supposed to "serve and protect"? Should we continue to send men with guns to arrest our fellow citizens and lock them in cages for the "crime" of possessing a plant or engaging in consensual exchanges for its sale?

Natassia Smith 1:13 pm on Sunday, June 2, 2013

No, Virginia should not legalize it...unless and until business owners and employers have their God-given inherent right to discriminate in hiring and firing.

Until employers have their right to hire and fire whoever they want, then why add to their problems? The problem with marijuana is that it remains in the body for a long time even if one hasn't smoked or ingested any recently, and when on-the-job accidents happen like at construction companies, for example, those employees involved are required to have a drug test. Well, lets say it comes back positive for marijuana. How is the employer to know if the employee has been using while on the job or simply after work? Employers must have the right to deny employment to users of marijuana even if marijuana use is legal.

Do you think there is a disparity in who is arrested for marijuana possession?

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Re: ACLU: Blacks More Likely to Be Arrested for Marijuana Posession in Fairfax
Posted by: Simple Explanation ()
Date: June 06, 2013 07:17AM

Blacks commit crimes at a much higher rate than any other race. That's a fact. Only moronic libs try to spin it as anything other than that.

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Re: ACLU: Blacks More Likely to Be Arrested for Marijuana Posession in Fairfax
Posted by: adsfsgdgasgs ()
Date: June 06, 2013 07:21AM

Simple Explanation Wrote:
> Blacks commit crimes at a much higher rate than
> any other race. That's a fact. Only moronic libs
> try to spin it as anything other than that.

No I think the Mexicans have them beat. Just sayin.

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Re: ACLU: Blacks More Likely to Be Arrested for Marijuana Posession in Fairfax
Posted by: lights on ()
Date: June 06, 2013 02:53PM

Simple Explanation Wrote:
> Blacks commit crimes at a much higher rate than
> any other race. That's a fact. Only moronic libs
> try to spin it as anything other than that.

No moron, if you could read blacks use weed at the same rate (most likely lower) than whites do. It's just cops go after blacks more because the system is obviously beneficial to whites. Cops could have a field day arresting whites in college for alcohol and other drugs, but choose not to.

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Re: ACLU: Blacks More Likely to Be Arrested for Marijuana Posession in Fairfax
Posted by: Liberal Logic 09 ()
Date: June 06, 2013 03:02PM

lights on Wrote:
> Simple Explanation Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Blacks commit crimes at a much higher rate than
> > any other race. That's a fact. Only moronic
> libs
> > try to spin it as anything other than that.
> No moron, if you could read blacks use weed at the
> same rate (most likely lower) than whites do. It's
> just cops go after blacks more because the system
> is obviously beneficial to whites. Cops could have
> a field day arresting whites in college for
> alcohol and other drugs, but choose not to.

Keep the liberal white guilt to your self please.

Cops dont pull people over or search people for pot. If your getting searched or caught your doing it out in the open or giving them a reason to be suspicious of you.

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Re: ACLU: Blacks More Likely to Be Arrested for Marijuana Posession in Fairfax
Posted by: lights on ()
Date: June 06, 2013 03:17PM

Liberal Logic 09 Wrote:
> Keep the liberal white guilt to your self please.
> Cops dont pull people over or search people for
> pot. If your getting searched or caught your
> doing it out in the open or giving them a reason
> to be suspicious of you.

Your mad. Can't argue so you use names. Ignorant logic-cops are fair to everyone. Nobody would pull a black man over for no reason...

And you ignored how police could put tons of whites in prison if they really were doing there job...

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Re: ACLU: Blacks More Likely to Be Arrested for Marijuana Posession in Fairfax
Posted by: Liberal Logic 09 ()
Date: June 06, 2013 03:37PM

lights on Wrote:

> Your mad. Can't argue so you use names. Ignorant
> logic-cops are fair to everyone. Nobody would pull
> a black man over for no reason...
> And you ignored how police could put tons of
> whites in prison if they really were doing there
> job...

No I didnt you just stated a bunch of bullshit like it was fact. Arguing blacks use less pot than whites, yea theres a real factually based argument. Show some proof of your statements.

Cops dont go hunting for every little thing. They go after what pops on their radar such as suspicious behavior or other crimes in progress. They get caught more because of their choices they make, or shockingly because they deal with drugs more.

So again keep your liberal white guilt to yourself and leave adult issues to adults. All your doing is crying that cops deal with crimes as they see them instead of just targeting whites and leaving blacks alone to do whatever the hell they want.

Oh by the way blacks go to college now too racist, targeting colleges doesnt just mean arresting white kids

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Re: ACLU: Blacks More Likely to Be Arrested for Marijuana Posession in Fairfax
Posted by: Kill all niggers...Please ! ()
Date: June 06, 2013 04:19PM

Who the fuck cares?

If the monkeys werent so fucking stupid they wouldnt get caught all of the time.
i swear to fucking GOD that that idiot obama and his brainless followers (ACLU) that spew his nonsene want to start a race war !!!!!!!!

You silly monkeys would LOSE miserably....just like you aready have!!
YOU HAVE LOST!! You are the most useless of all of the conquered shit colored folks. Even when you are GIVEN an opportunity and the standards lowered for you......you still fail !! Just like your half white pimp Oblamer.

And then even if you are successful at anything....you still have to look in the mirror and accept the fact that you are the same color as everyone's shite. Lookin Good ACLU.....

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Re: ACLU: Blacks More Likely to Be Arrested for Marijuana Posession in Fairfax
Posted by: Great! ()
Date: June 06, 2013 04:43PM

Who cares?! Get the NIGGERS off the street in cages where they belong.

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Re: ACLU: Blacks More Likely to Be Arrested for Marijuana Posession in Fairfax
Posted by: lights on ()
Date: June 06, 2013 05:08PM

Liberal Logic 09 Wrote:
> No I didnt you just stated a bunch of bullshit
> like it was fact. Arguing blacks use less pot
> than whites, yea theres a real factually based
> argument. Show some proof of your statements.
> Cops dont go hunting for every little thing. They
> go after what pops on their radar such as
> suspicious behavior or other crimes in progress.
> They get caught more because of their choices they
> make, or shockingly because they deal with drugs
> more.
> So again keep your liberal white guilt to yourself
> and leave adult issues to adults. All your doing
> is crying that cops deal with crimes as they see
> them instead of just targeting whites and leaving
> blacks alone to do whatever the hell they want.
> Oh by the way blacks go to college now too racist,
> targeting colleges doesnt just mean arresting
> white kids

The stats in the article show how pot use is nearly identical. Stop being a sensitive bitch. Did you even read it? Everyone knows whites smoke just as much weed as blacks, most likely more because they have more money for it. And harder drugs are absolutely done more often by whites, due to money. Remember crack back in the day? Whites used it the most, but blacks accounted for 80+ percent of arrests. Why is that...

Cops don't look for every little thing? So why are so many blacks in prison for simple possession of weed? Clearly having weed is not something little, or people wouldn't be getting locked up for it. As stated before, if the system was really fair, colleges which are obviously mostly white would be raided, and prisons would be filling up.

Blacks don't deal with drugs more you idiot. If you read the article you would see that, or just opened your eyes. Suspicious behavior, lol. Like driving while black? I forgot you have to be a model citizen if your black, while whites can go around and do whatever, then get their record expunged.

This has nothing to do with being liberal. I see you think anything that isn't racist is liberal. Go look up liberal and see how this has nothing to do with it genius.

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Re: ACLU: Blacks More Likely to Be Arrested for Marijuana Posession in Fairfax
Posted by: Clobbersaurus ()
Date: June 06, 2013 05:16PM


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Re: ACLU: Blacks More Likely to Be Arrested for Marijuana Posession in Fairfax
Posted by: Liberal Logic 09 ()
Date: June 06, 2013 06:35PM

lights on Wrote:

> The stats in the article show how pot use is
> nearly identical. Stop being a sensitive bitch.
> Did you even read it? Everyone knows whites smoke
> just as much weed as blacks, most likely more
> because they have more money for it. And harder
> drugs are absolutely done more often by whites,
> due to money. Remember crack back in the day?
> Whites used it the most, but blacks accounted for
> 80+ percent of arrests. Why is that...

Again you demonstrate you have no clue what youre talking about.

Whites didnt use crack more or even in significant numbers blacks did. Whites used cocaine which was more expensive hence why the crack laws were challenged as racist.

> Cops don't look for every little thing? So why are
> so many blacks in prison for simple possession of
> weed? Clearly having weed is not something little,
> or people wouldn't be getting locked up for it. As
> stated before, if the system was really fair,
> colleges which are obviously mostly white would be
> raided, and prisons would be filling up.

Theres not a lot of blacks in prison for simple possession. Theyre in prison for the possession because of past criminal behaviors and the possession being a parole violation. Miniscule numbers of people go to jail for simple possession and simple possession alone.

> Blacks don't deal with drugs more you idiot. If
> you read the article you would see that, or just
> opened your eyes. Suspicious behavior, lol. Like
> driving while black? I forgot you have to be a
> model citizen if your black, while whites can go
> around and do whatever, then get their record
> expunged.

Yea that article is as full of shit as you are.

Yes your right no black has ever done everything wrong its all the evil racist white man. The liberal white guilt is strong in you.

> This has nothing to do with being liberal. I see
> you think anything that isn't racist is liberal.
> Go look up liberal and see how this has nothing to
> do with it genius.

This has everything to do with you being liberal and your liberal white guilt. You refuse to admit that a black person can do anything wrong. You assume that theyre all just victims of being black and refuse to acknowledge that they could either be dumber about their drug use, have more of a criminal history, a gang affiliation, or that other circumstances factor into these things. Everything is just the evil white man oppressing the blacks to you.

By the way it is humorous to listen to you accuse the very liberal/progressive FCPD as being racist when this is the same department that has forbidden their officers from reporting immigration status to the INS or even asking about it

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Re: ACLU: Blacks More Likely to Be Arrested for Marijuana Posession in Fairfax
Posted by: lights on ()
Date: June 06, 2013 07:48PM

Here are some facts for you Conservative logic.

1. Most people (blacks) in prison are in for possession. FEW have a violent past. MOST cases are for weed, not hard drugs. Try and dispute this.

2.Blacks and whites SELL AND POSSESS drugs AT the Same Rate. Everyone besides yourself knows this. This is fact, just like the article says. In some states 80-90 percent of those found guilty are black. I'm sure you see nothing wrong with this.

3.Drug possession is a FELONY. So that means prison, and life is messed up forever. No ones hiring you, can't get assistance, lose rights.

Since you have trouble understanding things, I'll summarize. Millions of blacks are having their lives ruined for something white people get away with all the time. All having to do with controlling black males.

You can continue on about white guilt, etc. you just look stupid. You probably don't even understand what white guilt is.

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Re: ACLU: Blacks More Likely to Be Arrested for Marijuana Posession in Fairfax
Posted by: @lights on ()
Date: June 06, 2013 07:58PM

Post data to back your talk or its just JIBBA JABBA!!

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Re: ACLU: Blacks More Likely to Be Arrested for Marijuana Posession in Fairfax
Posted by: Liberal Logic 09 ()
Date: June 06, 2013 08:03PM

lights on Wrote:
> Here are some facts for you Conservative logic.
> 1. Most people (blacks) in prison are in for
> possession. FEW have a violent past. MOST cases
> are for weed, not hard drugs. Try and dispute
> this.

Again you said violent past, you dont have to be violent to commit a crime. None of them or a miniscule amount are in jail for a first time possession charge. If you get caught over and over and over again yes you will get locked up at some point.

So again youre ignoring the criminal history plays a large role and the possession was just another in a long string of violations of the law.

> 2.Blacks and whites SELL AND POSSESS drugs AT the
> Same Rate. Everyone besides yourself knows this.
> This is fact, just like the article says. In some
> states 80-90 percent of those found guilty are
> black. I'm sure you see nothing wrong with this.

More feelings from you being posted as facts.

> 3.Drug possession is a FELONY. So that means
> prison, and life is messed up forever. No ones
> hiring you, can't get assistance, lose rights.

No its not. It all depends where you are. Some states its not even illegal anymore. Most states have laws about the amount you have where if youre under that amount its considered personal use and you spend a night in jail but dont get sent to prison.

That amount is set as a threshold for where youd be considered a seller fyi. So I guess now youre arguing its not fair they arent allowed to sell drugs.

> Since you have trouble understanding things, I'll
> summarize. Millions of blacks are having their
> lives ruined for something white people get away
> with all the time. All having to do with
> controlling black males.

Im not having trouble understanding your feelings at all. The problem is facts are having a hard time trying to fit into the reality that you want to exist.

> You can continue on about white guilt, etc. you
> just look stupid. You probably don't even
> understand what white guilt is.

No I understand exactly what white guilt is, youre an example of it how you think because someone is black theyve automatically been imprisoned wrongly.

You also ignored everything about FCPD being a progressive department, the fact that blacks are far more likely to be in gangs, all the other circumstances that contribute to it.

You also arent even basing any of this is fact, just your feelings that you think the white man is being mean to blacks.

You state that simple possession is a felony which is complete bullshit.

10 states possessing under an ounce isnt even a crime. only 4 states is it a felony to to have any drugs. 3 states you need over a pound. The rest you need over an ounce with some being over a 1/4 pound and overs over a 1/2 pound or more. So in other words the only way your statement is true is if you call selling drugs simple possession.

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Re: ACLU: Blacks More Likely to Be Arrested for Marijuana Posession in Fairfax
Posted by: Liberal Logic 09 ()
Date: June 06, 2013 08:07PM

Sorry its actually 11 states where under an ounce isnt even a crime

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Re: ACLU: Blacks More Likely to Be Arrested for Marijuana Posession in Fairfax
Posted by: I<3Internet ()
Date: June 06, 2013 10:22PM

Wow, made it to 6 posts before the first racial slur, well done internet, well done

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Re: ACLU: Blacks More Likely to Be Arrested for Marijuana Posession in Fairfax
Posted by: Whattttt ()
Date: June 07, 2013 09:54AM

Niggers deal on the street. KKK members (trying to be politically correct here) deal indoors. Which one do you think the cop will see?

If niggers could manage to do their parole or probation without violating it it might be different. Also maybe stop killing hard-working decent black people.

As Weezie Jefferson was fond of saying, "Nigger, please!"

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Re: ACLU: Blacks More Likely to Be Arrested for Marijuana Posession in Fairfax
Posted by: Mr Gump ()
Date: June 07, 2013 10:21AM

Stupid is as stupid does. It's everyone else's fault they are too stupid to get away with it and more of them get arrested? Same for speeding while we're at it.

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Re: ACLU: Blacks More Likely to Be Arrested for Marijuana Posession in Fairfax
Posted by: Because ()
Date: June 08, 2013 11:46PM

It's like the fact that more blacks are ticketed on the NJ Turnpike. They speed more than the average driver, and faster than the avcerage driver, so they are caught more than the average driver.

Same thing here.

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