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Part-timers Lose Pay Due to Affordable Care Act
Posted by: Cali F. ()
Date: May 02, 2013 02:00PM

Some workers are having their hours cut so employers won't have to cover them under Obamacare. But many did not expect state and local governments to follow the lead of the private workforce.

"I understand there are costs to healthcare reform, but it is surely not the intent of the law for employees to lose hours," says Tara Sievers, who works part time as an outreach coordinator.

The law requires large employers offering health insurance to include part-time employees working 30 hours a week or more. But rather than provide healthcare to more workers, a growing number of employers are cutting back employee hours instead.

The result: Not only will these workers earn less money, but they'll also miss out on health insurance at work.

Fairfax County and Fairfax County Public Schools are two of those large employers. With thousands of part-time employees, both organizations are looking toward limiting most of their part-time employees to fewer than 27 hours a week, on average. County officials say that without cutting payroll hours, new health benefits would cost up to $2 million more next year, and that extra expense would trigger layoffs and cutbacks in services.

Part-timer Tara Sievers, 43, understands why, but she still thinks it's wrong.

"I understand there are costs to healthcare reform, but it is surely not the intent of the law for employees to lose hours," said the outreach coordinator. "It's ridiculous the county is skirting the law."

Across the nation, hundreds of thousands of other hourly workers may also see smaller paychecks in the coming year because of this response to the federal healthcare law. The law exempts businesses with fewer than 50 full-time workers from this requirement to provide benefits.

But big restaurant chains, retailers and movie theaters are starting to trim employee hours. Even colleges are reducing courses for part-time professors to keep their hours down and avoid paying for their health premiums.

Overall, an estimated 2.3 million workers nationwide are at risk of losing hours as employers adjust to the new math of workplace benefits, according to research by UC Berkeley. All this comes at a time when part-timers are being hired in greater numbers as U.S. employers look to keep payrolls lean.

One consolation for part-timers is that many of them stand to benefit the most from the healthcare law's federal premium subsidies or an expansion of Medicaid, both starting in January.

The law will require most Americans to buy health insurance or pay a penalty. Yet many lower-income people will qualify for government insurance or be eligible for discounted premiums on private policies.

"For people losing a few hours each week, that's lost income and it has a real impact," said Ken Jacobs, chairman of the UC Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education. "But many low-wage, part-time workers will also have some affordable options under the federal law."

Employers say these cutbacks are necessary given the high cost of providing benefits. The average annual premium for employee-only coverage was $6,540 last year. Family coverage topped $16,000 a year. Those premiums have shot up 170% in the past decade, more than five times the rate of inflation.

Bill Dombrowski, chief executive of the US Retailers Assn., said employers are reducing hours because "it's the only way to survive economically."

The full effect of these changes in the workplace isn't known yet because many employers are still considering what to do. Many companies waited to see whether the landmark legislation would survive a Supreme Court challenge and the outcome of last fall's presidential election.

Now many employers are scrambling to understand the latest federal rules on implementation and are analyzing what makes the most sense for their workforce and for running their business.

There has been widespread speculation that many businesses would drop health coverage entirely in favor of paying a federal penalty of $2,000 per worker. Benefit consultants and insurance brokers say many companies examined that scenario. But they say most rejected it because of the disruption it would cause for employees and the potential for putting an employer at a competitive disadvantage in luring talented workers.

Instead, pruning the hours of part-timers has attracted far more interest.

"That will be a widespread strategy," said Dede Kennedy-Simington, vice president at Polenzani Benefits. "Employers will be making sure their payroll system can flag when part-time workers are getting close to the cap they set."

"It's difficult," said one county official who requested not to be identified because they are not authorized to discuss policy. "We're in the same boat as many employers. We need to maintain the programs and service levels we have now. The county, as well as our Congressional delegation, wants to support the President's health care reforms as best we can. Yet we know that many part-timers are already struggling to get by in these jobs."

Some supporters of the Affordable Care Act say they welcome a gradual shift away from employer-sponsored coverage if new government-run exchanges give consumers a choice of competitively priced health plans. Some low- and middle-income workers who qualify for federal subsidies may end up paying less by buying their own policy next year compared with their contribution toward employer coverage.

"If the exchanges work," said Nelson Lichtenstein, a labor expert, "then I'd be in favor of more people getting covered that way rather than through employers."

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Re: Part-timers Lose Pay Due to Affordable Care Act
Posted by: unforeseen consequences ()
Date: May 02, 2013 02:38PM

"I understand there are costs to healthcare reform, but it is surely not the intent of the law for employees to lose hours," said the outreach coordinator. "It's ridiculous the county is skirting the law."

Amazing - complying with the letter of law now is considered 'skirting' it. The people who write these laws seem have no sense that when a new law/regulation/tax comes into effect, people will adjust their behavior to minimize it's cost to them.

The big bill will come due when lots of young, healthy people who used to buy catastrophic coverage will now opt to just pay the penalty of $95/yr, which is a heck of a lot cheaper than buying coverage. Then, because of guaranteed issue, these people will buy coverage only after they get sick, the cost of which will get passed along to all the other ratepayers. Think that won't happen? I bet they didn't think employers would start limiting hours to 30/wk either.

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Re: Part-timers Lose Pay Due to Affordable Care Act
Posted by: Union buster ()
Date: May 02, 2013 06:47PM

The unions could not bargain for a 30-hour work week. But now they got it. A win-win.

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Re: Part-timers Lose Pay Due to Affordable Care Act
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: May 02, 2013 06:51PM

It's a shame that the government employees who voted for people like Obama and Connolly are the ones hurt most by them. But hey, Dem candidates are always better than the other guys who stick to their religious and gun beliefs.

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Re: Part-timers Lose Pay Due to Affordable Care Act
Posted by: mo free stuff ()
Date: May 02, 2013 06:55PM

All part of the plan. Soon part timers will get sick of working when it will be much more beneficial to be on welfare. Get them on the government heroin of welfare and they are yours for life.

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Re: Part-timers Lose Pay Due to Affordable Care Act
Posted by: morons ()
Date: May 02, 2013 07:57PM

You are some dumb fucks.

Obama knew all along that this would happen. Obamacare was designed to fail so that nationalized health care (like every other civilized country has) could be implemented.

The chumps are taking the bait, just as Obama knew they would.

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Re: Part-timers Lose Pay Due to Affordable Care Act
Posted by: u2raMoron ()
Date: May 02, 2013 11:49PM

morons Wrote:
> You are some dumb fucks.
> Obama knew all along that this would happen.
> Obamacare was designed to fail so that
> nationalized health care (like every other
> civilized country has) could be implemented.
> The chumps are taking the bait, just as Obama knew
> they would.

And tell me Mr. Genius; why is it that National Healthcare is the solution? Nothing about this law, or national healthcare by the way, is addressing the real issue, the underlying cost of healthcare. Nothing. Who thinks it is going to be cheaper if the government takes over? Or, more efficient? The government is tripping over its own d*ck trying to implement this law now. The cost is already double what it was estimated to be and they have missed several deadlines. The exchanges that are supposed to be ready for October 1st enrollments are WAY behind schedule. Unless providers (doctors and hospitals and pharmaceutical manufacturers) are willing to take less and unless AMericans are willing to get and stay healthy and consume healthcare differently (i.e. not like someone else is paying for it) this headache isnt going away no matter who pays the claims.

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Re: Part-timers Lose Pay Due to Affordable Care Act
Posted by: So Cereal ()
Date: May 03, 2013 03:35AM

It's time we really reform healthcare and join the rest of the civilized world and start socialized healthcare. The US healthcare system is a joke. Obamacare was just one teeny tiny step in the right direction.

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Re: Part-timers Lose Pay Due to Affordable Care Act
Posted by: morons ()
Date: May 03, 2013 10:29AM

u2raMoron Wrote:
> And tell me Mr. Genius; why is it that National
> Healthcare is the solution? Nothing about this
> law, or national healthcare by the way, is
> addressing the real issue, the underlying cost of
> healthcare. Nothing. Who thinks it is going to
> be cheaper if the government takes over? Or, more
> efficient? The government is tripping over its
> own d*ck trying to implement this law now. The
> cost is already double what it was estimated to be
> and they have missed several deadlines. The
> exchanges that are supposed to be ready for
> October 1st enrollments are WAY behind schedule.
> Unless providers (doctors and hospitals and
> pharmaceutical manufacturers) are willing to take
> less and unless AMericans are willing to get and
> stay healthy and consume healthcare differently
> (i.e. not like someone else is paying for it) this
> headache isnt going away no matter who pays the
> claims.

National healthcare takes the profit out of medical care. Now, we have a system where the more claims they deny, the bigger the profit. So the medical racketeers employ thousands to create tons of red tape to minimize paying claims. Medical bills are responsible for more than half of bankruptcy filings in this fucking country. The bill for my father's final illness was $1.5 million. They wanted to know when I was coming in to set up a payment plan. They're still waiting 15 years later.

Time to put the crooks in the insurance rackets and Big Pharma out of business.

So, keep listening to Rush and crowing about how fit you are. You can eat your bean sprouts til they're coming out your fucking ears, but one day, you're going to get sick. Guaranteed.

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Re: Part-timers Lose Pay Due to Affordable Care Act
Posted by: IDK... ()
Date: May 03, 2013 10:48AM

"They're still waiting 15 years later."

Sounds as if the system worked. Keep them waiting, you're not responsible. He was the customer and he died. Under national healthcare, he probably would have suffered and died WAITING to get into the hospital. I wouldn't mind getting everything "free" but I'd rather the profit-making company eat the $1.5M cost than have my tax money taken for it. We will still pay, of course, in higher fees, but only when we have our own bills.

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Re: Part-timers Lose Pay Due to Affordable Care Act
Posted by: Libbys Poo ()
Date: May 03, 2013 10:57AM

"Medical bills are responsible for more than half of bankruptcy filings"

Proof please.

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Re: Part-timers Lose Pay Due to Affordable Care Act
Posted by: Libbys Poo ()
Date: May 03, 2013 10:58AM

"The bill for my father's final illness was $1.5 million"

Did he have insurance?

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Re: Part-timers Lose Pay Due to Affordable Care Act
Posted by: Libbys Poo ()
Date: May 03, 2013 11:04AM

So Cereal Wrote:
> It's time we really reform healthcare and join the
> rest of the civilized world and start socialized
> healthcare. The US healthcare system is a joke.
> Obamacare was just one teeny tiny step in the
> right direction.

Over 2400 pages of payoffs and bribes is a 'teeny tiny step in the right direction'?

Potential profits create innovations in medicine. Give the carrot to the donkey and it stops pulling. Just look how our education system is going nowhere.

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Re: Part-timers Lose Pay Due to Affordable Care Act
Posted by: friggin idiots ()
Date: May 03, 2013 11:28AM

morons Wrote:
> Time to put the crooks in the insurance rackets
> and Big Pharma out of business.
> So, keep listening to Rush and crowing about how
> fit you are. You can eat your bean sprouts til
> they're coming out your fucking ears, but one day,
> you're going to get sick. Guaranteed.

Uh dummy, Obamacare is the biggest payoff for the "crooks in the insurance rackets and Big Pharma" ever. That's why you don't hear them complaining. You understand that there were deals cut with them prior to the bill right?

They get +100 million government-mandated paying customers. With government subsidies provided. Operating on a cost-plus basis. Have virtually guaranteed profit margins. With more mandated services. The money river for which all runs through them. All Obamacare did was legislate that they get paid MORE money.

You can argue the merits of Obamacare but you have to lol @ dumb fuckers like you who think they've stuck it to "the insurance rackets and Big Pharma."

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Re: Part-timers Lose Pay Due to Affordable Care Act
Posted by: LetsRock ()
Date: May 03, 2013 01:28PM

So Cereal Wrote:
> It's time we really reform healthcare and join the
> rest of the civilized world and start socialized
> healthcare. The US healthcare system is a joke.
> Obamacare was just one teeny tiny step in the
> right direction.

Doctors who have hundreds of thousands of student loan debt and want to live in the best zip codes will not work for government wages. They will retire or move their practice offshore.

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Re: Part-timers Lose Pay Due to Affordable Care Act
Posted by: Max Baucus ()
Date: May 03, 2013 08:57PM

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Obamacare is a trainwreck. Anyone who bought into this crap is a total idiot! A gullible fool! A typical braindead, lib zombie Obama voter!

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