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OnStar Concern
Posted by: John33 ()
Date: August 26, 2008 08:17AM

Hi all. I’m trying to figure something out. Say, for instance, a guy, (not me) had “OnStar” operational in his vehicle.

And, say, this guy was married and, well, wanted to …you know….have some excursions on the side. For instance, after a long day at work, take a detour from the Rosslyn Metro station, drop by an apt to visit someone he met on Craigslist….

Could a neurotic, suspicious spouse call OnStar and obtain locater information on this guy? Would OnStar give up the guy?

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Re: OnStar Concern
Date: August 26, 2008 09:30AM

John33 Wrote:
> Hi all. I’m trying to figure something out. Say,
> for instance, a guy, (not me) had “OnStar”
> operational in his vehicle.
> And, say, this guy was married and, well, wanted
> to …you know….have some excursions on the side.
> For instance, after a long day at work, take a
> detour from the Rosslyn Metro station, drop by an
> apt to visit someone he met on Craigslist….
> Could a neurotic, suspicious spouse call OnStar
> and obtain locater information on this guy? Would
> OnStar give up the guy?

Don't worry. The STD you will give to your wife will give you away long before OnStar does.

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Re: OnStar Concern
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: August 26, 2008 10:15AM


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Re: OnStar Concern
Posted by: slinkeyts ()
Date: August 26, 2008 10:35AM


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Re: OnStar Concern
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: August 26, 2008 01:34PM

John33 Wrote:
> And, say, this guy was married and, well, wanted
> to …you know….have some excursions on the side.

he deserves to be caught.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: OnStar Concern
Posted by: Yes ()
Date: August 26, 2008 02:07PM

Yes Onstar can give the info to your wife if she is on the account. This has happened to me in the past.

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Re: OnStar Concern
Date: August 26, 2008 02:10PM

John33 Wrote:

> Could a neurotic, suspicious spouse call OnStar
> and obtain locater information on this guy? Would
> OnStar give up the guy?

Odds are this "neurotic, suspicious spouse" has a P.I. following you around town. It doesn't matter how "clever" you are, you are going to get caught. Don't blame OnStar when it happens.

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Re: OnStar Concern
Posted by: John33 ()
Date: August 26, 2008 03:37PM

I'm calling OnStar to find out...and will let you all know. But, from the responses so far, I guess I posted this concern in the wrong kind of forum.

Oh and, could everyone stop assuming I'm the "guy". All I'm doing is helping a friend out.

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Re: OnStar Concern
Date: August 26, 2008 04:13PM

John33 Wrote:
> I'm calling OnStar to find out...and will let you
> all know. But, from the responses so far, I guess
> I posted this concern in the wrong kind of forum.
> Oh and, could everyone stop assuming I'm the
> "guy". All I'm doing is helping a friend out.

If your "friend" has a spouse that is so "neurotic and suspicious" that you have to do this kind of leg work for him, he is toast the minute he gets his dick wet with the herpes queen from Rosslyn.

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Re: OnStar Concern
Posted by: John33 ()
Date: August 26, 2008 05:09PM

Ha! Looks like the coast is clear for my friend. Hes getting lucky tonight!! Or tomorrow since its getting late.

OnStar will NOT disclose the whereabouts of a vehicle to an account holder unless the vehicle is stolen and a police report is made.

We’re really laughing at work. Again, its not me doing this and who are we to judge the guy anyway. Its not like he’s hurting anyone…he could be dumping the wife of two years and hes not doing that.

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Re: OnStar Concern
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: August 26, 2008 06:10PM

John33 Wrote:
> who are we to judge the guy anyway.

modern society.

> Its not like he’s hurting anyone…

right... which is why his wife wouldnt mind hearing about it.

> he could be dumping the wife of two years
> and hes not doing that.

he should because everyone deserves better than a cheating spouse.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: OnStar Concern
Posted by: Janz ()
Date: August 26, 2008 06:59PM

I would be more concerned about the passive monitoring feature, where the microphone inside the passenger compartment can be remotely activated, allowing all conversations to be heard. So much for convenience.....

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Re: OnStar Concern
Posted by: trogdor! ()
Date: August 26, 2008 07:50PM

Onstar, maybe. But how about this: she could get a cheap sprint phone (i bet verizon has this too) add on the "Family Locater" service http://www.nextel.com/en/services/gps/family_locator.shtml, drop the phone in the car...and viola. A cheap GPS tracking tool. I wonder if FCPD is using this as their 'high tech' GPS tracking device they're hiding on cars? Damn...I'm good. And you should be skerd.

Coming up next. A $20 on-demand bug from Virgin Mobile.

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Re: OnStar Concern
Posted by: Dick ()
Date: August 26, 2008 08:21PM

I would be more concerned about the possibility the records could be used in divorce court, when your friends divorce inevitably goes down the tubes. There have already been cases where EZ pass records were used by divorce lawyers to prove infidelity. OnStar promises not to tell--for now.


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Re: OnStar Concern
Date: August 26, 2008 09:03PM

John33 Wrote:
> Ha! Looks like the coast is clear for my friend.
> Hes getting lucky tonight!! Or tomorrow since its
> getting late.
> OnStar will NOT disclose the whereabouts of a
> vehicle to an account holder unless the vehicle is
> stolen and a police report is made.
> We’re really laughing at work. Again, its not me
> doing this and who are we to judge the guy anyway.
> Its not like he’s hurting anyone…he could be
> dumping the wife of two years and hes not doing
> that.

So the wife just needs to file a police report.

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Re: OnStar Concern
Date: August 26, 2008 09:07PM

trogdor! Wrote:
> Onstar, maybe. But how about this: she could get
> a cheap sprint phone (i bet verizon has this too)
> add on the "Family Locater" service
> http://www.nextel.com/en/services/gps/family_locat
> or.shtml, drop the phone in the car...and viola.
> A cheap GPS tracking tool. I wonder if FCPD is
> using this as their 'high tech' GPS tracking
> device they're hiding on cars? Damn...I'm good.
> And you should be skerd.
> Coming up next. A $20 on-demand bug from Virgin
> Mobile.

Why do that? She can track his existing phone number for free...


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Re: OnStar Concern
Posted by: John33 ()
Date: August 26, 2008 09:18PM

Hey, come on people. Lighten up a bit. I hear what you all are saying and I don’t mean to disrespect, but, if you saw my friend’s wife a couple of years ago, I’m telling you, she was hot as shit. “Was” is the operative word.

Then, she gets the gold ring and blimps up. I’m guessing at least 10 lbs. Plus, she won’t let my friend out on Friday nights to be with his buddies so, we don‘t have a hell of a lot of sympathy for her. And, its not like they have kids or anything.

Thanks for the info, even though I think it was meant to deter my friend. Maybe it will. Especially that throwaway cell phone gps concern…..never would have thought about that. LOL

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Re: OnStar Concern
Date: August 26, 2008 10:33PM

"Hey, come on people. Lighten up a bit. I hear what you all are saying and I don’t mean to disrespect, but, if you saw my friend’s wife a couple of years ago, I’m telling you, she was hot as shit. “Was” is the operative word."

It's called marriage. Your "buddy" should never have gotten married if looking up anonymous whores on CraigsList was an option.

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Re: OnStar Concern
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: August 26, 2008 10:35PM

"Hot as shit" plus ten pounds is still going to be "Hot."

Who knows, maybe she's getting tagged by some dude while he's out with his friends. Come to think of it, got her number?

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Re: OnStar Concern
Posted by: trogdor! ()
Date: August 26, 2008 11:48PM

John33 Wrote:
> Hey, come on people. Lighten up a bit. I hear
> what you all are saying and I don’t mean to
> disrespect, but, if you saw my friend’s wife a
> couple of years ago, I’m telling you, she was hot

LOL...do you think anyone here actually believes your story?

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Re: OnStar Concern
Posted by: watcher ()
Date: August 27, 2008 06:56AM

WashingToneLocian Wrote:
> So the wife just needs to file a police report.

Report about what? A cheating spouse?

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Re: OnStar Concern
Date: August 27, 2008 09:25AM

watcher Wrote:
> WashingToneLocian Wrote:
> > So the wife just needs to file a police report.
> Report about what? A cheating spouse?

A missing vehicle. Hey, the guy was supposed to be home at 6pm and it is after 7pm.

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Re: OnStar Concern
Posted by: John33 ()
Date: August 27, 2008 12:53PM

Okay. I hear all of you. Some of the comments made me LMAO!!

FYI, my friends wife is a “nice” girl, so she’d never mess around on the side. Besides, at her current weight, (he named her chubby cheeks) she’s not real marketable, so, can’t imagine anyone hitting on her.!! Unless your desperate. What’s that saying, put a bag over their heads and they all look alike..sort of.

And, just so you know, he practices safe sex, no worries about microscopic bugs accompanying him home to the Mrs. Hehehe She’d be pissed as hell and since she makes the bigger salary, he have the most to lose if things go bust.

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Re: OnStar Concern
Date: August 27, 2008 01:07PM

John33 Wrote:

> And, just so you know, he practices safe sex, no
> worries about microscopic bugs accompanying him
> home to the Mrs. Hehehe She’d be pissed as
> hell and since she makes the bigger salary, he
> have the most to lose if things go bust.

Ummm, condoms don't protect you against herpes...he, he, he....


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Re: OnStar Concern
Posted by: LowStandards ()
Date: August 27, 2008 01:27PM

Hell, the chubby ones are usually more fun anyway. And right, the "nice" girls never fool around...

John33 Wrote:
> Okay. I hear all of you. Some of the comments
> made me LMAO!!
> FYI, my friends wife is a “nice” girl, so she’d
> never mess around on the side. Besides, at her
> current weight, (he named her chubby cheeks) she’s
> not real marketable, so, can’t imagine anyone
> hitting on her.!! Unless your desperate. What’s
> that saying, put a bag over their heads and they
> all look alike..sort of.
> And, just so you know, he practices safe sex, no
> worries about microscopic bugs accompanying him
> home to the Mrs. Hehehe She’d be pissed as
> hell and since she makes the bigger salary, he
> have the most to lose if things go bust.

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Re: OnStar Concern
Posted by: .. ()
Date: August 27, 2008 02:39PM

LowStandards Wrote:
> Hell, the chubby ones are usually more fun anyway.
> And right, the "nice" girls never fool around...
> John33 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Okay. I hear all of you. Some of the comments
> > made me LMAO!!
> >
> > FYI, my friends wife is a “nice” girl, so she’d
> > never mess around on the side. Besides, at her
> > current weight, (he named her chubby cheeks)
> she’s
> > not real marketable, so, can’t imagine anyone
> > hitting on her.!! Unless your desperate. What’s
> > that saying, put a bag over their heads and
> they
> > all look alike..sort of.
> >
> > And, just so you know, he practices safe sex,
> no
> > worries about microscopic bugs accompanying him
> > home to the Mrs. Hehehe She’d be pissed as
> > hell and since she makes the bigger salary, he
> > have the most to lose if things go bust.

just more cushin' for the pushin'

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Re: OnStar Concern
Posted by: John33 ()
Date: August 27, 2008 03:36PM

I think we’ve established the guy has a green light as to the Onstar concern. And, I understand some of the other points made.

Now, I’m speaking for myself, a single, happily hunting and often scoring guy. ..that’s right, smiling all the time!

All this smack talk about STD’s is a real downer. Washingtonlocian, are you suggesting today’s energetic, virile men buy a freakin plastic blow up doll to have “safe sex”?? Not happening. Not this guy…no way. And, not my friend either.

I’ll tell him about FU and see if he wants to join in. He is totally crazy, so, anyone would find him amusing, even if you don’t like his lifestyle. You know, the wife thing.

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Re: OnStar Concern
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: August 28, 2008 12:18AM

John33 Wrote:
> Now, I’m speaking for myself, a single, happily
> hunting and often scoring guy. ..that’s right,
> smiling all the time!

im sure you and your kind will lead this nation to greatness.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: OnStar Concern
Posted by: AnonDave ()
Date: August 28, 2008 09:15AM

Hi. Obviously, my name is not Dave.

My former friend John has it all wrong. I didn’t and will never hook up with anyone from Craigslist. Someone would have to be a total loser to go there. I am trying to be discreet with my indiscretions but apparently failed with my co workers. I realize this is not a good start.

I asked the guys at work about the OnStar question and they all jumped to a lot of conclusions. They find my life totally humorous since I’m the only one married. They even suggest I’ve been living my life vicariously through their nightly dalliances. Not true.

Additionally, I might have made some regrettably offhanded comments about my wife’s weight, but, that’s not the reason I am seeking adventure. I love my wife and she’ll be a great mother some day. But, she’s often traveling with her top dog job and honestly, she has become unavailable and/or boring in the sack. That’s it. Can’t anyone understand that?? This is a question only for the guys. You women, please don’t comment.

This forum had better be anonymous since I will be sliced and diced by her if discovered. Yes, I am afraid of her.LOL

I just wanted to set the record straight and even though my friend “john” thinks this is totally funny, I’m dealing with a little bit of embarrassment at work.

Lesson. Do not trust co workers with your secrets.
John. STFU! This is my life your screwing with and publicizing.

PS. No one will find out if I ever met anyone by the Rosslyn metro, but if you see a guy looking happy, go ahead and imagine. Cuz, ain’t nobody happy commuting….I will be..

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Re: OnStar Concern
Posted by: John33 ()
Date: September 01, 2008 06:20PM

Why did Cary delete most of the postings? Its not just this thread. A few I’ve clicked on, are all messed up. Waz up? Tks !

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Re: OnStar Concern
Posted by: ??????? ()
Date: September 01, 2008 07:48PM

Looks like censorship rearing its ugly head. you must have pissed off the meeper guy.

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Re: OnStar Concern
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: September 01, 2008 07:49PM

It probably had something to do with the server migration, quit being an ass.

??????? Wrote:
> Looks like censorship rearing its ugly head. you
> must have pissed off the meeper guy.

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Re: OnStar Concern
Posted by: Rich ()
Date: September 01, 2008 07:50PM

And who is that queen - save me!

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Re: OnStar Concern
Posted by: ??????? ()
Date: September 01, 2008 08:23PM

Yeah and maybe the data is still migrating, right? And, since any idiot would have a server backup, this can be fixed. Right.

sorry, bro. This looks fishy. Dont think migration snafu story is going to fly.

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Re: OnStar Concern
Posted by: John33 ()
Date: September 01, 2008 08:33PM

To ???????

I don’t know how I could have pissed off the Meeper…..he wasn’t even on this thread….

Admittedly, I had been joking about my friend having an affair….(yes, I know, not a good idea., Washingtonlocian, no need to repeat everything!) and was asking a question about whether OnStar would assist his wife in locating him should he detour from his normal Rosslyn Metro drive home.

Is that type of discussion not allowed on here? If so, Please accept my apologies, Meeper or whoever is in charge. So, my apologies are to everyone.

In the future, I’ll keep it cleaner. LOL

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Re: OnStar Concern
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: September 01, 2008 09:29PM

John33 Wrote:
>>> Meeper or whoever is in charge.

I have nothing to do with the administration of this site nor do I know Cary.

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Re: OnStar Concern
Posted by: John33 ()
Date: September 01, 2008 10:19PM

To The Meeper, Right. Ok. I have no interest in getting into whatever is happening here, but, was my original post offensive?

I just read the “Welcome†thread and in no way does it prohibit what I was talking about.

I’m copying and pasting it here.

“No legitimate post will ever be altered or deleted, regardless of how controversial, without a court order. Free, open, and anonymous means that you can express any thought, idea or opinion without fear of censorship.â€

Therefore, please let me know if I screwed up…..more so, than my friend already has…LOL….ok, I know, poor taste again. Hope I don’t get deleted!!

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Re: OnStar Concern
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: September 01, 2008 10:27PM

I don't know what you're talking about guy

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