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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Posted by: Jack dale ()
Date: February 22, 2013 08:05AM

During the 2011-12 school year, more than 430,000 soft drinks were sold from 139 vending machines based in 28 school facilities, according to the Fairfax County Public School system. The machines included Pepsi and Coca-Cola products.

If all 430,000 sodas were purchased by students, the average consumption rate would be less than one soft drink per student a month.

Soda machines are only turned on after school hours, and during weekends and holidays, according to school officials.

While the consumption numbers may seem low, parent advocates for healthier diets say having the machines in schools sends the wrong message to students.

“[E]ven if it is not available during the school day, it’s still there, advertised all day,” said JoAnne Hammermaster, president of the parent advocacy group Real Food For Kids. Hammermaster has a seventh-grader at Kilmer Middle School and a freshman at Marshall High School.

Real Food For Kids, which was founded in 2011, began with a look at the ingrediants in school lunches.

However, Hammermaster said, “We’ve always said at some point we wanted to talk about vending machines. We believe there is no need for sodas in schools.”

About 70 percent of sodas sold through vending machines in schools are regular soft drinks. The other 30 percent are diet or zero calorie drinks. Hammermaster said no matter their sugar content, the fizzy drinks are bad for digestion and need to go.

School Board member Ryan McElveen (At-large) is leading the effort to remove soda sales in schools. A 2004 graduate of Marshall High School, McElveen says the soda vending machine policies today have not changed since his time in high school.

“I don’t want to take away the [vending] machines. I want to substitute [sodas] with something healthier,” said the school board member, adding that booster clubs and student organizations sometimes sell sodas outside of the vending option. “We are not currently allowed to sell sodas [through vending] in our schools during the school day. The machines are turned off until around 2:30 p.m. [or when students are dismissed from schools for the day].”

Promoting alternative vending choices in schools, McElveen said, would help promote similar behaviors for students outside of schools.

“In my opinion, to teach kids how to live healthy lives, we need to offer them options,” he said.

Parents advocating for healthier school diets are joining McElveen’s efforts. “I think [removing soda] is a great thing ... Sodas are one example of something that isn’t terrible but it doesn’t provide you with any nutrition,” said McLean resident and parent Rick Barnard, who served on Superintendent Jack D. Dale’s Nutrition Task Force — a panel of parents, citizens and staff — in 2011.

Barnard said the panel focused primarily on the content of school-provided lunches, but added that sodas and vending of treats should be part of the discussion.

He became involved with student nutrition a few years ago after seeing national movements like First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move!” campaign and celebrity chef Jamie Oliver’s show “Jamie’s School Dinners,” which promotes better nutrition.

“All of these things sort of started happening at the exact same time,” Barnard said, adding that similar trends were seen in Fairfax County.

Schools receive 50 percent of the profits from vending machines as part of a profit agreement with the vender. FCPS’ Food and Nutrition Services department donates a portion of their profits toward high school sports scoreboard repairs.

In fiscal 2012, the schools received $114,604, which included $82,682 from the schools’ share of soda sale profits and $31,976 donated from Food and Nutrition Services.

oda consumption among our youth is a huge concern,” said Alexandria resident and Hollin Meadows Elementary mother Mary Porter. “Sodas have addictive properties. They are dehydrating and they can disrupt the hormones that regulate the body’s messages of hunger and satiation. They are junk food ... The only benefit to them in an academic setting is generating revenue, which in FCPS goes back to Food and Nutrition Services or the individual sports/booster teams that have contracts.”

Porter says removing sodas is an opportunity to bolster nutrition literacy among students.

Herndon mother Heather Metz agreed.

“What children are taught early on stays with them,” said Metz, who has children attending Armstrong Elementary and Herndon High School. “Kids are constantly exposed to marketing and have overworked parents who may not be cooking healthful meals at home, making nutrition education in schools extremely important. I would like to see schools set the best example possible.”

McElveen said the next step for the soda debate will be gaining community input and discussions with fellow School Board members. School officials are currently reviewing food services within the school system.

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Posted by: bs ()
Date: February 22, 2013 10:13AM

This is feel-good bullshit. The HFCS-laden shit that is replacing sodas is just as bad. Only difference is it isn't carbonated. Big deal.

The Coke and Pepsi lobbyists won't protest, they make the supposedly "healthy" crap too.

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Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: February 22, 2013 10:47AM

bs Wrote:
> This is feel-good bullshit. The HFCS-laden shit
> that is replacing sodas is just as bad. Only
> difference is it isn't carbonated. Big deal.
> The Coke and Pepsi lobbyists won't protest, they
> make the supposedly "healthy" crap too.

True...Plus they can probably jack the profit margins up higher on that "healthy" crap once the sodas are no longer there.

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Posted by: Andrew Ryan ()
Date: February 22, 2013 11:08AM

Won't someone think about the children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take away the coffee in the teacher's lounge, make them healthier too!!!!!!!!!!

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Posted by: School food is gross ()
Date: February 22, 2013 03:05PM

The only kids who eat the food at school are the kids on the free lunch program.

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Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: February 22, 2013 03:12PM

I thought this had already been done - every soda machine I see in a school only has bottled water to sale and I'm always like "why the fuck would I buy water when there's a fountain right across the room?" LoLz

why not just remove the damn machines?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/22/2013 03:13PM by Gordon Blvd.

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Posted by: Pics for you ()
Date: February 22, 2013 03:22PM


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Posted by: Young Curmudgeon ()
Date: February 22, 2013 11:38PM

Drinking a Coke isn't any worse for you than drinking one of those "Veryfine" canned fruit juices. They're both sugary. Just the juices aren't carbonated. On a lighter note, studies suggest that drinking high fructose corn syrup flavored beverages more than twice a week raises the risk of pancreatic cancer.

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Posted by: No rocket scientist ()
Date: February 24, 2013 03:58PM

I'm so sick and tired of stupid rich people telling everyone what is good for them. If you want your little fag kids from Kilmer and Marshall to drink your precious urine so they'll grow up to piss on the next generation then go ahead, bottle it up. I'm sure they already love it. What the hell is a hammermaster anyway? Sounds like a slave trader or something.

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Posted by: Yucky24. ()
Date: February 24, 2013 07:16PM

Good. Banning unhealthy food is pretty much the only topic where I agree with the socialist big government totalitarian Left. Way too many fucking fat people these days.

And from a small government Right-wing low taxes point of view, it's also a net positive in the grand scheme of things. Our health care costs are completely out of fucking control. And thanks to the Left ceaselessly pushing for communist collectivism in this country, we're going to have to pay the health care costs for these retarded fat fucks.

On the other hand, obesity, diabetes and heart disease disproportionally affects mud people. And as you all know, I fucking hate brown people with a burning passion. So them dying from eating too much fried chicken, tacos and grape drank is something to encourage and celebrate. It's also easier to run away from mud people as they try to mug, rape and murder you if they're obese. That's another crucial factor that must be taken into consideration.

But obesity is affecting White people as well. And we Whites are going to have to pay for the health care bills of the Left's low IQ 3rd world brown trash base thanks to Obamacare. So, it's time for the Right to start supporting the Left's war on junk food I'm afraid...

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you fucking fat fucks LoLz
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: February 25, 2013 10:32AM


p.s. two other guys have CHOSEN to become this place's mascot AND HAVE DIED FROM HEART ATTACKS since this video aired o_0

anyways, nobodys' saying "illegal" anything so quityerbitchin. School's just saying they dont want to sell it. I have no problem with that. Why the hell should they? If I want my kid to have a soda I'll give it to them.

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Posted by: just sad ()
Date: February 25, 2013 10:35AM

Bunch of fag kids with prius driving fag parents.

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Posted by: The Optimist ()
Date: February 25, 2013 10:53AM

Finally! Wohooo!! No more sodas in school!!! All our problems are solved...

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Posted by: UnderTheCounter ()
Date: February 25, 2013 10:58AM

If I were in school now I'd be making a fortune selling black market sodas and
candy bars. Fuck political correctness. I just want to make money.

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Posted by: Get off your ass! ()
Date: February 25, 2013 11:04AM

Yucky24. Wrote:
> Good. Banning unhealthy food is pretty much the
> only topic where I agree with the socialist big
> government totalitarian Left. Way too many fucking
> fat people these days.
> And from a small government Right-wing low taxes
> point of view, it's also a net positive in the
> grand scheme of things. Our health care costs are
> completely out of fucking control. And thanks to
> the Left ceaselessly pushing for communist
> collectivism in this country, we're going to have
> to pay the health care costs for these retarded
> fat fucks.
> On the other hand, obesity, diabetes and heart
> disease disproportionally affects mud people. And
> as you all know, I fucking hate brown people with
> a burning passion. So them dying from eating too
> much fried chicken, tacos and grape drank is
> something to encourage and celebrate. It's also
> easier to run away from mud people as they try to
> mug, rape and murder you if they're obese. That's
> another crucial factor that must be taken into
> consideration.
> But obesity is affecting White people as well. And
> we Whites are going to have to pay for the health
> care bills of the Left's low IQ 3rd world brown
> trash base thanks to Obamacare. So, it's time for
> the Right to start supporting the Left's war on
> junk food I'm afraid...

When I was a kid our diets were just as bad as kids today, maybe even worse. We drank a ton of soda and ate junk food whenever possible. But we were all thin.

So what's the difference?...we didn't sit on our ass all day playing video games and dicking around on Facebook. Kids today are fat because they're all a bunch of lazy slugs that shy away from physical activity. Its got nothing (or little) to do with soda.

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Posted by: Screw you ()
Date: February 25, 2013 11:13AM

Get your stupid noses out my choices. Really, how much of a true asshole are you?

If you don't want something then don't buy it. Get your prissiness the hell out of the way of my soda machine, french fries and whatever the hell else I want to eat.

Big fucking egotistical douchbags. Find a charity to work for. Get out of your snotty know-it-all environment and see wht the real world is like.

You make me sick.

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Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: February 25, 2013 11:16AM

@screw-, awwwww - so now yr REQUIRED to have so many choices in EVEYR VENDING MACHINE in yr life? STFU YOU SELF-ENTITLED FUCK! Go buy yr own damn soda you want it so bad
@get - it's called parenting. fat kids come from lazy or none existent parents. I dont know where you live, but none of the kids in my neighborhood are even close to fat - but that's cause we all have this parenting thing going on.
@under - I can someone with yr mentality happily selling rock at Thoreau :(
@Optimist - sounds like you've gotta a good life then LoLz
@just - wow..............you seem horny. ewwwwww

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2013 11:17AM by Gordon Blvd.

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Posted by: dennis L ()
Date: February 25, 2013 11:16AM

When I use a public toilet I piss on the seat.

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Posted by: Less Fatties ()
Date: February 25, 2013 11:36AM

Less fat kids clomping around. It's a good thing.

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Posted by: Tough One ()
Date: February 25, 2013 11:37AM

It seems that Mayor Bloomberg is now appearing in Fairfax, interesting enough. We all know sodas are bad, but shouldn't it be all about personal responsibility?

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Posted by: More Complete ()
Date: February 25, 2013 11:39AM

I like it when people blame food for making people fat. It cracks me up.

It's the soda! It's the HFCS! It's McDonald's fault!

Get a grip people.

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Posted by: smoke em if ya got em ()
Date: February 25, 2013 11:41AM

They should put a cigarette vending machine in place of the soda machine. Put a little shot of life into the spoiled fucks.

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Posted by: Still Fat ()
Date: February 25, 2013 11:46AM

Now watch 'em replace all of those awful widdle soda machines with sweet tea/fruit juice/energy drinks.....

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Posted by: Little Hellions ()
Date: February 25, 2013 11:50AM

Still Fat Wrote:
> Now watch 'em replace all of those awful widdle
> soda machines with sweet tea/fruit juice/energy
> drinks.....

Can you imagine them selling energy drinks in schools? Teachers would need to start stocking up on tranquilizer darts.

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Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: February 25, 2013 11:55AM

why? Teachers are gonna be the ones buying them LoLz

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Posted by: Good for Them ()
Date: February 25, 2013 12:01PM

Tough One Wrote:
> It seems that Mayor Bloomberg is now appearing in
> Fairfax, interesting enough. We all know sodas are
> bad, but shouldn't it be all about personal
> responsibility?

You're talking about kids. Personal responsibility isn't their strong suit. By your logic, why not sell condoms in those vending machines?

Schools should model responsible behavior. Kids may drink soda anyway, but the schools shouldn't tacitly promote it.

We have an obesity crisis in this country. Kids are being diagnosed with Type II diabetes, for God's sake! If they are fat when they're young, they're going to stay fat for the rest of their lives, with intermittent periods of normal weight from the dozens of diets that they'll try in a vain attempt to reset their baseline.

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Posted by: Not the school's problem ()
Date: February 25, 2013 12:15PM

Good for Them Wrote:
> Tough One Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It seems that Mayor Bloomberg is now appearing
> in
> > Fairfax, interesting enough. We all know sodas
> are
> > bad, but shouldn't it be all about personal
> > responsibility?
> You're talking about kids. Personal responsibility
> isn't their strong suit. By your logic, why not
> sell condoms in those vending machines?
> Schools should model responsible behavior. Kids
> may drink soda anyway, but the schools shouldn't
> tacitly promote it.
> We have an obesity crisis in this country. Kids
> are being diagnosed with Type II diabetes, for
> God's sake! If they are fat when they're young,
> they're going to stay fat for the rest of their
> lives, with intermittent periods of normal weight
> from the dozens of diets that they'll try in a
> vain attempt to reset their baseline.

Just another example of lazy parents outsourcing their responsibilities to the government.

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Posted by: Still fat ()
Date: February 25, 2013 12:57PM

Aren't the vending machines "off limits" during the school day? I thought they bought sodas and whatnot after school...

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Posted by: Still fat ()
Date: February 25, 2013 01:28PM

Now they'll just bring them from home, or are sodas completely banned now from school premises?

My own kids don't drink that stuff. Never have.

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Posted by: Back off ()
Date: February 25, 2013 01:57PM

You're talking about kids. Personal responsibility isn't their strong suit. By your logic, why not sell condoms in those vending machines?

Schools should model responsible behavior. Kids may drink soda anyway, but the schools shouldn't tacitly promote it.

We have an obesity crisis in this country. Kids are being diagnosed with Type II diabetes, for God's sake! If they are fat when they're young, they're going to stay fat for the rest of their lives, with intermittent periods of normal weight from the dozens of diets that they'll try in a vain attempt to reset their baseline.

You sound like just the kind of self-righteous, self-centered know it all that has already screwed up the world for our kids. Take care of your family and I'll take care of mine!

And, who the hell are you to stop it!! It's a legal product available absolutely EVERYWHERE. Including the concession stand I work at during HS football games. Kids line up, often with their parents, and throw us their money as fast as they can for burgers, hot dogs, all kinds of crappy chips, nachoes with some sort of fake cheese, candy bars. Not one complaint because, you know, NO FUCKING ASSHOLE IS TELLING THEM THEY CAN'T. Try telling your booster club, PTA etc that they can't sell this stuff in their snack bars. Go ahead while you're at it tell them they can only sell "healthy food" but I guess you'll have to give them your description of it because it's YOUR CHOICE.

Send messages at home, get your kids to exercise, or whatever it takes to keep them healthy but we don't need no stinkin' food police!

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Posted by: Still fat ()
Date: February 25, 2013 02:06PM

Back off Wrote:
> You're talking about kids. Personal responsibility
> isn't their strong suit. By your logic, why not
> sell condoms in those vending machines?
> Schools should model responsible behavior. Kids
> may drink soda anyway, but the schools shouldn't
> tacitly promote it.
> We have an obesity crisis in this country. Kids
> are being diagnosed with Type II diabetes, for
> God's sake! If they are fat when they're young,
> they're going to stay fat for the rest of their
> lives, with intermittent periods of normal weight
> from the dozens of diets that they'll try in a
> vain attempt to reset their baseline.
> You sound like just the kind of self-righteous,
> self-centered know it all that has already screwed
> up the world for our kids. Take care of your
> family and I'll take care of mine!
> And, who the hell are you to stop it!! It's a
> legal product available absolutely EVERYWHERE.
> Including the concession stand I work at during HS
> football games. Kids line up, often with their
> parents, and throw us their money as fast as they
> can for burgers, hot dogs, all kinds of crappy
> chips, nachoes with some sort of fake cheese,
> candy bars. Not one complaint because, you know,
> telling your booster club, PTA etc that they can't
> sell this stuff in their snack bars. Go ahead
> while you're at it tell them they can only sell
> "healthy food" but I guess you'll have to give
> them your description of it because it's YOUR
> Send messages at home, get your kids to exercise,
> or whatever it takes to keep them healthy but we
> don't need no stinkin' food police!

Whoa bucko, get a hold of yourself. Seriously, I could give a rat's azz whether or not they sell sodas at skool. My own kids don't drink that crap. They just don't - whether those machines are in skool or not. Whether some kid is selling cans out of the trunk of his car or taking kids on rides to 7-11 to get Big Gulps - it ain't my dam problem 'cause my own kids don't drink that junk.

So chill. The machines are out of the skools, now your problems are over. Now no more energy drinks for you pal - you're cut off.

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Posted by: Bucko ()
Date: February 25, 2013 02:26PM

So chill. The machines are out of the skools, now your problems are over. Now no more energy drinks for you pal - you're cut off.

Nor do mine. I don't care either. My point is singular:. Do not tell OTHER people what to do. What to eat, drink, smoke, what movies to watch, what brand of assault weapon to store in the closet. Obey the law and manage your own life! Leave everyone else to manage theirs.

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Posted by: Still fat ()
Date: February 25, 2013 02:38PM

Bucko Wrote:
> So chill. The machines are out of the skools, now
> your problems are over. Now no more energy drinks
> for you pal - you're cut off.
> Nor do mine. I don't care either. My point is
> singular:. Do not tell OTHER people what to do.
> What to eat, drink, smoke, what movies to watch,
> what brand of assault weapon to store in the
> closet. Obey the law and manage your own life!
> Leave everyone else to manage theirs.

We agree.

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Posted by: Hey Cletus ()
Date: February 25, 2013 02:52PM

Still fat Wrote:
> Bucko Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > So chill. The machines are out of the skools,
> now
> > your problems are over. Now no more energy
> drinks
> > for you pal - you're cut off.
> >
> > Nor do mine. I don't care either. My point is
> > singular:. Do not tell OTHER people what to do.
> > What to eat, drink, smoke, what movies to
> watch,
> > what brand of assault weapon to store in the
> > closet. Obey the law and manage your own life!
> > Leave everyone else to manage theirs.
> We agree.

Of course you do. You're probably both obnoxious assault weapon carrying chain smokers who view any limitation on your 'rights' as a fighting offense. Your rights end at the point that they encroach on my rights not to smell your disgusting smokes or be shot by some asshole with a bone to pick with the rest of the world.

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Posted by: Still fat ()
Date: February 25, 2013 03:40PM

Hey Cletus Wrote:
> Still fat Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Bucko Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > So chill. The machines are out of the skools,
> > now
> > > your problems are over. Now no more energy
> > drinks
> > > for you pal - you're cut off.
> > >
> > > Nor do mine. I don't care either. My point is
> > > singular:. Do not tell OTHER people what to
> do.
> > > What to eat, drink, smoke, what movies to
> > watch,
> > > what brand of assault weapon to store in the
> > > closet. Obey the law and manage your own
> life!
> > > Leave everyone else to manage theirs.
> >
> > We agree.
> Of course you do. You're probably both obnoxious
> assault weapon carrying chain smokers who view any
> limitation on your 'rights' as a fighting offense.
> Your rights end at the point that they encroach on
> my rights not to smell your disgusting smokes or
> be shot by some asshole with a bone to pick with
> the rest of the world.

Wrong. I am a former smoker (I quit all by myself w/o government "intervention" or your worthless opinion).

Limiting my rights will not keep guns away from the loonies. In fact, disarming law abiding citizens would only make the problem worse...we would all be sitting ducks at the mercy of armed and dangerous loons with no way to defend ourselves. Your idea of utopia, I suppose? Not mine.

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Posted by: bucko ()
Date: February 25, 2013 04:14PM

Of course you do. You're probably both obnoxious
> assault weapon carrying chain smokers who view any
> limitation on your 'rights' as a fighting offense.
> Your rights end at the point that they encroach on
> my rights not to smell your disgusting smokes or
> be shot by some asshole with a bone to pick with
> the rest of the world.

Wrong. I am a former smoker (I quit all by myself w/o government "intervention" or your worthless opinion).

Limiting my rights will not keep guns away from the loonies. In fact, disarming law abiding citizens would only make the problem worse...we would all be sitting ducks at the mercy of armed and dangerous loons with no way to defend ourselves. Your idea of utopia, I suppose? Not mine.

Wrong on me too still fat, way, way, way, off base. I don't smoke, would never own a gun, have no need. I'm fit, trim and happy. Church going, law abiding, good husband, father and neighbor. I am not who I am because someone took choices away from me. I've made good ones and learned from bad ones. I've survived when many of my peers have not so I know I have providence beside me.
Once again, I believe in maintaining freedoms even for foolish people who don't understand the connection between poor diet and obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes etc. No one, I repeat, no one should think they have the knowledge to run other peoples lives. Even God doesn't do that.

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Posted by: dieing breed ()
Date: February 25, 2013 07:06PM

just sad wrote:
>bunch of fag kids with
>prius driving fag parents

Good one. Can't Stop laughing.
When I was in high school there were no soda machines. We brought beer to school to go with our cigarrettes at lunch time. Yea that's right, we were allowed to smoke at school.

What are these kids, total retards that don't already know too many sodas are bad for you.
> parent advocates say that soda macines are sending the wrong message.

Who was it that coined the phrase "Get the fuck outa here" ?

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which is why you are a "dieing" breed, my friend :(
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: February 25, 2013 07:11PM

dieing breed Wrote:
> just sad wrote:
> >bunch of fag kids with
> >prius driving fag parents
> Good one. Can't Stop laughing.
> When I was in high school there were no soda
> machines. We brought beer to school to go with our
> cigarrettes at lunch time. Yea that's right, we
> were allowed to smoke at school.
> What are these kids, total retards that don't
> already know too many sodas are bad for you.
> > parent advocates say that soda macines are
> sending the wrong message.
> Who was it that coined the phrase "Get the fuck
> outa here" ?
meanwhile in america.jpg

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Posted by: Tough One ()
Date: February 25, 2013 07:24PM

Good for Them Wrote:
> Tough One Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It seems that Mayor Bloomberg is now appearing
> in
> > Fairfax, interesting enough. We all know sodas
> are
> > bad, but shouldn't it be all about personal
> > responsibility?
> You're talking about kids. Personal responsibility
> isn't their strong suit. By your logic, why not
> sell condoms in those vending machines?
> Schools should model responsible behavior. Kids
> may drink soda anyway, but the schools shouldn't
> tacitly promote it.
> We have an obesity crisis in this country. Kids
> are being diagnosed with Type II diabetes, for
> God's sake! If they are fat when they're young,
> they're going to stay fat for the rest of their
> lives, with intermittent periods of normal weight
> from the dozens of diets that they'll try in a
> vain attempt to reset their baseline.

I don't deny that the US has an obesity epidemic, in fact I'm in complete agreement with you. Actually most developed countries, are getting fatter and fatter.

Yet it does come down to personal responsibility. A high school student knows soda isn't water or orange juice. If they haven't learned that basic concept by high school, they are fucked any way. As for condoms, I wouldn't have a problem with those being there, but that's a whole other subject.

My response to these fat parents and fat kids, better them than me and my family. We eat and drink foods for the most part, that are healthy and exercise. So far its seemed to work fine, without government intervention.

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pro tip: if yr really so pressed, buy a soda BEFORE you get to school o_0
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: February 25, 2013 07:31PM

@tough - and see, that's my ENTIRE POINT! PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY! So then why is everyone all butthurt about this shit? FCPS is taking "personal responsibility" for crap they are selling on their prpoerty. What's the big fucking deal about it? They arent saying NO SODA IN YOUR LIFE they just are saying they arent gonna sell the shit anymore and ppl are acting like the state police are going to bust in their door 2 in the morning and take their precious 2 liters of Moutain Dew LoLz


Dont confuse the issue. Two separate thingees, people. Stick with reality.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2013 07:31PM by Gordon Blvd.

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NEW "YOUR" CITY!?!?!?!!? o_0
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: February 25, 2013 10:36PM


..........................get a rope.


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Posted by: Former Student ()
Date: March 27, 2013 08:47AM

As A Former Student, I don't see why they have to cut off sodas in the school like really I mean you guys are still making money off of use. Like honestly the foods you are feeding us are much more worse than sodas because most people in are school have free and reduced lunch because they don't have money to buy food for them to eat so if your trying to deal with kids have healthier choices why don't you put more focus onto the lunches instead of sodas because like I said most children don't have a choice to bring there own lunch or not they have to eat the nasty, unhealthy food your give them/us so take your mind off the sodas and focus more on the nutriention and what they are consuming.

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Posted by: Non-Racist Person ()
Date: March 27, 2013 08:52AM

You need to shut your mouth you racist white person because NO ONE should be listening to you rachet nasty stinky mouth of your even open in the first place

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Posted by: King Solomon ()
Date: March 27, 2013 10:28PM

I propose a compromise: only fat kids should be banned from buying sodas from a vending machine. Skinny kids obviously have the self-discipline needed to make healthy choices, and have earned the right to eat or drink whatever they want. Fatties need nanny-state government intervention.

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I mean yo DO understand that there is a Safeway right down the street, correct?
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 28, 2013 08:50AM

I propose you all just shut the f**k up and go to a damn store like NORMAL PEOPLE DO to buy a soda.

Schools are for teaching and learning. THEY ARE NOT SHOPPING MALLS.

It is so sad to see that we are so entitled that we actually complain that a SCHOOL doesnt sell soda anymore............................


.,.........SMGDH@some of y'all o_0

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Re: I mean yo DO understand that there is a Safeway right down the street, correct?
Posted by: GettinOld ()
Date: March 28, 2013 08:59AM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> I propose you all just shut the f**k up and go to
> a damn store like NORMAL PEOPLE DO to buy a soda.
> Schools are for teaching and learning. THEY ARE

This here is the point of the whole matter. The soda machines should never have been allowed in the schools in the first place, and that has nothing to do with them being healthy or not. Too much marketing going on under the guise of education nowadays. Happens with many aspects of the classroom, as well as the cafeteria.

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Posted by: green giant ()
Date: March 29, 2013 12:23AM

Good idea. Our parents all died from smoking. We all have diabetes from fast food. Let's save our kids from sugar.

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Re: I mean yo DO understand that there is a Safeway right down the street, correct?
Posted by: Ulysses G ()
Date: March 29, 2013 08:30AM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> I propose you all just shut the f**k up and go to
> a damn store like NORMAL PEOPLE DO to buy a soda.
> Schools are for teaching and learning. THEY ARE
> It is so sad to see that we are so entitled that
> we actually complain that a SCHOOL doesnt sell
> soda anymore............................
> .........................................Soda.
> .,.........SMGDH@some of y'all o_0

Aww, is GB all butthurt? Must be sore subject for GB, having been a loser fattie in high school. LoLzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

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Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 29, 2013 08:38AM

@U - How's that even work that you actually take time out of your real life to waste time processing what you think Gordon Blvd looked like in High School? o_0

@gettin - yeah............well, if you gotta time machine, go back and tell them that LoLz. And yeah, you are VERY right about the "marketing" All ties into the "testing" and "standardization" that we've forced on schools as we attempt to cookie-cutter our kids into "PERFECTION" LoLz

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Posted by: Fit Kid ()
Date: March 30, 2013 07:02PM

STFU GB! No one wants to hear from a loser fatty like you!

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Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 30, 2013 07:04PM

Fit Kid Wrote:
> STFU GB! No one wants to hear from a loser fatty
> like you!


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Posted by: GB sux ()
Date: March 30, 2013 07:11PM

Fit Kid Wrote:
> STFU GB! No one wants to hear from a loser fatty
> like you!

Agree, please shut the fuck up GB. Don't you have an illegal hispanic to hug?

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Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 30, 2013 08:50PM

GB sux Wrote:
> Fit Kid Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > STFU GB! No one wants to hear from a loser
> fatty
> > like you!
> Agree, please shut the fuck up GB. Don't you have
> an illegal hispanic to hug?


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