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Cannon at Columbia Pike and Backlick
Posted by: Dinosaur ()
Date: December 06, 2021 05:07PM

It just dawned on me that in this age of wokeness, is it a matter of time that the ever growing Hispanic element in Annandale may demand the removal of the cannon which has been in that spot for my lifetime. After all, the cannon was used to fight Pancho Villa in Mexico. I imagine there will be many bleeding hearts who want to apologize or at least move it to the Taco Bell site.

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Re: Cannon at Columbia Pike and Backlick
Date: December 17, 2021 05:28PM

eye seriously doubt any spanish speaking people will make a fuss about it...

they got their commie biden/emhoff approved gringo/gringa face diaper on, wearing it religiously as if white jesus told them to, they getting their covid zombie jab and are ready to obey and comply like the rest of our immigrant population

and that is to be expected...immigrants don't tend to rock the boat

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/17/2021 05:33PM by the real General Mahdi.

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