You're wrong about this. You might think this "billy" is a lunatic... Or an idiot. He might drive you crazy with his antics...
But he deserves the right to post like all of us.
I personally hate all the politics garbage that's on this forum. It doesn't give me any right to flood it with offensive garbage.
Even though this particular thread might be collectively known as a garbage thread, if we allow a piece of shit poster to employ denial of service attacks on this thread, where does it end?
How many other threads will be DoS'd?
The entire forum could be flooded with obscene garbage to the point that no one can express their opinions.
Tough One, you have to put your petty differences aside this time and report the crap flood... Don't think of it as a favor to "billy" (whoever he may be)... Thin of it as a favor to the entire forum... And freedom of speech, as a whole...
[Slow clap]
Tough One Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> Whoever is putting up the pictures of that hideous
> black woman/man, please put up more
Edit: petty ain't pretty
Signatures are for fags
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/02/2014 03:48AM by Harry Tuttle.