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•Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: Spank or Not? ()
Date: February 19, 2014 07:28AM

Should Teachers Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?

A Kansas lawmaker is proposing a bill that would allow parents to give permission to caregivers and teachers to spank children hard enough to leave marks.

To spank or not to spank.

The topic is a controversial one among parents. Some believe spanking is necessary to raise well-behaved children. Others that it is a form of child abuse.

In Kansas one lawmaker is proposing that child caregivers, teachers and parents should legally be allowed to spank children hard enough to leave marks, according to a story by the Associated Press.

Wichita Democratic Rep. Gail Finney said he wants to allow up to 10 strikes of the hand and that could leave redness and bruising, according to the AP story. The bill would continue to ban hitting a child with fists, in the head or body, or with a belt or switch.

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Re: •Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: Spank or Not? ()
Date: February 19, 2014 07:29AM

Here's the original article...

Proposed Kansas bill would allow spanking that leaves marks

TOPEKA — A Kansas lawmaker is proposing a bill that would allow teachers, caregivers and parents to spank children hard enough to leave marks.

Current Kansas law allows spanking that doesn't leave marks.

Rep. Gail Finney, a Democrat from Wichita, says she wants to allow up to 10 strikes of the hand and that could leave redness and bruising. The bill also would allow parents to give permission to others to spank their children.

It would continue to ban hitting a child with fists, in the head or body, or with a belt or switch.

Finney says she wants to restore parental rights, and improve discipline.

KCTV reports Rep. John Rubin, chairman of the House Corrections and Juvenile Justice Committee, says he isn't sure the committee will even consider the bill.

Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/2014/02/18/4831665/proposed-kansas-bill-would-allow.html#storylink=cpy

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Re: •Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: NMFbt ()
Date: February 19, 2014 07:34AM

My parents always gave other adults permission to discipline my brother and I whenever we were at someone's house...I figured that that was already a thing.

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Re: •Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: Mother Hen ()
Date: February 19, 2014 07:40AM

Awful. Absolutely barbaric. Being allowed to hit your child TEN times AND leave a mark. I wonder if your assault laws against adults are similar? If you were arrested - would the police be allowed to hit you multiple times, leaving red marks? Would they show it on national TV and say - oh its ok because you committed a crime and it was only 10 strikes NOT 11. Because 11 is illegal. If you forgot to pay your rent on time - is your landlord allowed to hit you as long as its not on your head or body? If you sleep in and arrive late for work - is your boss allowed to humiliate you in front of your colleagues and physically assault you with 10 strikes on the backside- as long as they hit with their hand and not a belt? This is INSANITY!! You think this attitude helps raise healthy obedient children? No, it raises children who are terrified of their parents. It encourages children to lie. It destroys trust. It is a LAZY way to parent. There are much better alternatives to physically assaulting your child. Many many better alternatives.

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Re: •Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: Brett Davenport's Dick ()
Date: February 19, 2014 07:41AM

Why is this on the FFX Co forum? The original post is from Woodbridge patch, in PW county. And shame on you for supporting patch. And the story is about some Dem in Kansas. This belongs on Off Topic.

And it's worthless debating anyhow, the touchy feeling, not my kid parents of FFX co would never allow spanking to happen. Never.

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Re: •Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: DxXtd ()
Date: February 19, 2014 07:46AM

Brett Davenport's Dick Wrote:
> Why is this on the FFX Co forum? The original post
> is from Woodbridge patch, in PW county. And shame
> on you for supporting patch. And the story is
> about some Dem in Kansas. This belongs on Off
> Topic.
> And it's worthless debating anyhow, the touchy
> feeling, not my kid parents of FFX co would never
> allow spanking to happen. Never.

The title of the thread is...

"Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?" and is certainly relevenant in this forum. Off-Topic is for disucssions about anything. This is a discussion about teachers being allowed to spank your kids in Fairfax. Learn to fucking read asshole.

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Re: •Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: Hmmmmm.... ()
Date: February 19, 2014 07:52AM

Maybe not the teacher, but the principal should have this permission, as should parents. There is a difference between a spanking and a whipping. And if it is embarrassing to the kid then perhaps even more incentive to straighten up.

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Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: February 19, 2014 07:59AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/23/2014 08:48AM by chuckhoffmann.

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Re: •Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: YJ4WL ()
Date: February 19, 2014 08:00AM

Va law bans all corporal punishment in public schools.

Teachers have been fired for violating this prohibition.

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Re: •Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: Jerry Sandusky ()
Date: February 19, 2014 08:00AM

I'm in favor of it!

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Re: •Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: Yummy ()
Date: February 19, 2014 08:00AM

There are several teachers in Loudoun County that I would like to spank! They have all the young hotties

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Re: •Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: vxeNH ()
Date: February 19, 2014 08:02AM

chuckhoffmann Wrote:
> I am old enough that I actually remember when
> corporal punishment was allowed in Fairfax County
> Schools. At the time, it required either parental
> notification or parental permission (I don't
> remember which) and was administered by the
> principal with a paddle. However, I was never
> paddled, and I don't remember ever hearing about
> anyone else being paddled.
> Corporal punishment in Virginia schools was
> outlawed in 1989.

Same here, I once was sent to the office for pulling a girl's hair. There was such a stigma and fear of the paddle, that I started to cry when the principal pulled it out. In the end I didn't get paddled, and they felt I had learned my lesson. I did, and behaved alot better after that. Might be something worth bringing back.

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Re: •Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: Father Touchmore ()
Date: February 19, 2014 08:22AM

Spare the rod and spoil the child!

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Re: •Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: Calvin ()
Date: February 19, 2014 10:07AM

I was beat as a child and I don't resent my parents one bit. Looking back at the reasons to why I got spanked I deserved every single one. My father never hit me just to hit me. He always talked to me about what I did wrong and why it was wrong. I'm glad I was spanked growing up. Most kids these days lack respect for authority. Parents yet to be stern and the kids don't take them seriously. It's a shame.

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Re: •Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: uneducated bullies ()
Date: February 19, 2014 10:08AM

YJ4WL Wrote:
> Va law bans all corporal punishment in public
> schools.
> Teachers have been fired for violating this
> prohibition.

These people are completely uneducated bullies who do not understand that spanking is abuse NOT discipline. Discipline is FAR more difficult, requires maturity and intelligence, restraint, thought, compassion, self-control and an understanding of child development. If you want to understand WHY we have such a violent society rife with mental illness you need to look no further than ignorant lawmakers, parents, educators, and such like Rep. Gail Finney. These sorts of bullies who equate abusive use of power over those who cannot defend themselves should be kept far far from children. They are destroying society and we are losing generations of children to the ignorance of these idiots. They are morally bankrupt and completely irresponsible. Please, please Kansas do not continue to elect these sorts of lunatics to office.

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Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: b3eKc ()
Date: February 19, 2014 10:09AM

The problem with children today is not that they don't get spanked, it's that parents aren't being parents. They either don't have the time and energy or they don't care. I get that most families have 2 working parents or one working many jobs but, kids don't raise themselevs. They get their thoughts about the world from their peers (most of whom are in the same position) or from the hours of TV they watch. Most parents now have no clue what is going on with their children and want the schools to raise them. Just like anything else, you get out of it what you put into it. If we start giving a sh*t, maybe our kids would too. Spanking them or letting them go without limits are both the easy way out. It's hard work to be a good parent and create a relationship of respect, morals and values without resorting to violence, shaming, yelling and other forms of punishment. If kids are respected and listened to, they will in turn respect and listen to others. It's disgusting that so many people still don't get the dangers of punishment, especially physical. I certainly hope none of you, that are for this, have children with a mental illness gene. I know first hand what that creates. I promise you, you do not want that gene turned on because you were too lazy to spend time and energy guiding your child in the right direction. Children are people too and they carry the pain of punishment with them for the rest of their lives, in one form or another.

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Re: Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: What's Next???????? ()
Date: February 19, 2014 10:15AM

What the hell is wrong with this state? Why are you advocating child abuse? Can we expect a new law promoting the burning of witches sometime soon? There are other ways to discipline children that doesn't involve laying a single hand on your child. If you have to beat your children to get them to ob-bey, then you're a BAD parent plain and simple and the state should tie your tubes.

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Re: •Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: February 19, 2014 10:17AM

If the child looks like this....hell yes!

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Re: •Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: Gh7TX ()
Date: February 19, 2014 10:22AM

As someone else said, the problem with children today is not that they need to be spanked more, it's that they need more parental input. Personally I think our society has come a very long way in terms of understanding the importance of positive discipline (for want of a better term). From my extensive research on BabyCenter chat boards, it seems clear that a lot of people believe that kids learn what they live, and hitting them (whether to leave a mark or not) is outrageous and teaches them the wrong message. I think there's a real interest out there in developing our understanding of how to raise children that are truly respectful, constructive, in control of themselves, and happy. But set against that, we have parents out working all day, often from the time their children are very young - sometimes from choice, perhaps more often from necessity. It's time for a truly constructive conversation about what children need in all aspects of their lives and how we as a society can be structured to provide that, because there is hardly a more important question in the big scheme of things. A society that spends it's time debating whether we just need to be hitting our kids harder is one that really doesn't know where to look for answers. Very glad to hear that this proposal was thrown out.

Just wanted to add - back in the day, when kids listened to their parents, they also saw a lot more of their parents, not to mention neighbours, friends, relatives, etc. It was a kinder and gentler and more connected time to be a child. I don't agree with hitting a child at all, but certainly do see a distinction between *beating* and *spanking*. Being *beaten* is always bad, but being *spanked* by parents who weren't horribly stressed and while living in a way that wasn't horribly stressful, probably had far less damaging side effects than it may do now. Of course it's important to set limits, spanking was the mainstream way to do it then, and parents had the emotional space and support to set limits more consistently. Nowadays, people are all confused about how to set limits and often don't. It's the lack of firm, consistent, loving limits, not the lack of spanking, that's the problem.

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Re: •Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: Gruntled ()
Date: February 19, 2014 10:48AM

We can't get teachers and administrators to make good decisions NOT involving hitting someone, so I don't think we should find out the hard way that they can't make good decisions involving hitting someone.

That said, parental input is definitely needed. If your kid keeps acting up and disrupting everyone elses educational opportuniites, and the school can't get any help from you, then the school system should kick your child out. When I was a kid, I was scared to death of the boogeyman called "reform school". I didn't find out until later that it required actual criminal activity to get sent there. Other counties have "trade" high schools where they teach trades to people who "don't fit in" at more academically-oriented schools. I don't know what they do to students who don't fit in there, maybe give them a sign and put them in a median strip?

One size does not fit all. Keeping the disruptive students mixed in with the rest only drags the rest down, it doesn't elevate the disruptors.

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Re: •Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: This is Sick ()
Date: February 19, 2014 02:56PM

What the hell is going on in Kansas? First a bill that not only allows but effectively encourages discrimination against gays, and now this ridiculous proposal. Did all the inbred hillbillies from West Virgnia move to Kansas?

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Re: •Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: food for thought ()
Date: February 19, 2014 03:23PM

Here's the problem with spanking by someone other than the parent. First, most parents don't believe their kid will ever need it, second how well do you trust the person who would be administrating the punishment? I don't believe spankings teach violence. I believe that kids get taught by society-murders, carjackings, assaults, school shootings-it's all around us. There are some kids who just will not take you seriously unless you stop what you are doing and get their attention. Some kids will push until they find out your boundaries and dare you to back it up. They are just wired that way. I look back on when I went to school in Indiana and there was paddling with wooden bats (yes with holes drilled in to help overcome wind resistance). There was more respect (some might call it fear) but the classes I sat through were a lot more pleasant as a result. Now a child who wants it has a hard time getting a decent education because there are multiple kids who want to disrupt the class. It is more important that they get their negative attention than it is that my child, or yours, gets the education they deserve and taxpayers pay for. Well, I guess that's why we have concealed weapons laws. So that when those kids who never learned boundaries will learn them the hard way when someone has to defend themselves against them. That's why I don't think spanking is such a bad thing. Better to learn the boundaries with some wounded pride than push until someone pulls out a taser, club, mace, or gun and you learn that way.

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Re: •Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: Otis Spankmeyer ()
Date: February 19, 2014 08:21PM

They can spank my monkey, but not my child.

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Re: •Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: Tough One ()
Date: February 19, 2014 08:38PM

One word: Yes.

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Re: •Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: Paddle Board ()
Date: February 19, 2014 09:17PM

Hell Yes

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Re: •Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: jmEwM ()
Date: February 20, 2014 07:01AM

HItting a child up to TEN TIMES, hard enough to leave "bruising" is NOT a "spanking"!! It IS CHILD ABUSE! This bill is asinine! It would only make child abuse cases harder to prosecute. Child abuse is an epidemic in our country! Stiffer penalties need to be implimented for ANYONE killing a child. If anyone hit one of my grandchildren TEN times and left bruises...there would be hell to pay I can assure...I don't care what the "law" is. I'm so mad over this bill, I can't see straight. God Bless our Children!!!!!

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Re: •Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: spanking should be outlawed ()
Date: February 20, 2014 07:20AM

No one should ever hit a child. People need mandatory parenting classes and this is a major problem. Read the parenting book, Transforming the Difficult Child The Nurtured Heart Approach by Howard Glasser. This really works! I was never hit is a child and I was very respectful child and my parents did not have issues with me and my siblings like many other parents have. Kids need praises every time they do something good even little things and they will continue to do those good things. Read the book! Also, if you hit a child that is assault on another human and that teaches your kids to be aggressive and that it is okay to hit someone smaller than you. It is illegal in over 30 Countries to hit a child and they have parenting help and it is a huge crime in these Countries. It has been illegal to hit a child for over 30 years in Sweden and Norway and many others. Come one people do not hit a child! A child needs love and praises.

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Re: •Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: triple crown ()
Date: February 20, 2014 09:08PM

they should be allowed to dress like slobs, complain about being under paid, and whack your children with a blunt object.

this topic is like asking if clergy should be allowed to sexually abuse children.

should men be allowed to give their wives black eyes?

should health care givers be allowed to steal and beat your mother in nursing homes?

what are you people smoking?

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Re: •Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: Curmudgeon ()
Date: February 20, 2014 09:18PM

yeah this is not going to end well in kansas.

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Re: •Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: Yesssss ()
Date: February 21, 2014 05:40AM

Tear their ass up

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Re: •Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: tDPJ7 ()
Date: February 21, 2014 03:40PM

School official arrested just 12 minutes ago--suspicion of first degree murder in death of a 10-year old girl in Missouri. Again--teaching and loving verses spanking and hitting. Most criminals were abused and spanking is a form of abuse--both mental and physical. No one should ever take the place of loving parents when it comes to the teaching and disciplining of one's children.

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Re: •Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: HateChildAbusers ()
Date: February 22, 2014 12:23AM

It's legal child abuse. Anyone who is for it is probably also a child molester who gets off on hurting children. Sick fucks.

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Re: •Should Teachers in Fairfax Be Legally Allowed To Spank Your Child?
Posted by: dnH3KdnH3K ()
Date: February 22, 2014 09:06PM

first i want to get my hands on punising those fucking democrats who are pushing harmful psycho drugs on kids, false "medical sugg., militarizing schools with police and lockdown, allowing kids to treat each other like crap, crapping on kids, and stealing their future by overspending and ...

then if there's time for babysitting, i'll consider if spankings are warranted. or just some push up

push-ups say democrats ? but that's WORK !!! can't allow anyone to work.

if you've raised kids yes you spank them or they'll be spoiled monsters

it's usually total asshole parents, spoiled as hell and trying to bring hell on earth, that take up a policy of "never spanking"

but especial if they are doing something that can cause injury or financial damage. stop them immediately and spank their ass so they know your not kidding or comprimising.

on the other hand don't cry wolf. don't spank when it's not important

and it will cause a tendancy for the child to fight if done too much and could be abuse. but so can being a bad parent and never spanking.

democrats allot of f'ign foreigners are getting over paid at the schools

they do shit like buy bullet proof equipment for teachers "so kids can't shoot them" which in my mind expresses intent of having kids so mad at you they might. oh also because some democrat stands to make millions of a school grant to "make teachers in more control over students" you know, facists, if students ever protest they want the equipment for a slaughter. and withh all the boondogles they do they'll have it.

no wonder the kids go ballistic. look at the mother fuckers running the place.

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