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day laborers
Posted by: jonny astro ()
Date: July 14, 2005 03:24PM

Its getting out of hand in herndon, have you seen our 7-11 on alabama?

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Re: day laborers
Posted by: dan ()
Date: July 14, 2005 04:13PM

have you seen downtown herndon? that's the problem right there bud...it's all over herndon...

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Re: day laborers
Posted by: SE ()
Date: July 15, 2005 01:13PM

the 7-11 on Alabama has been like that for years.....its disgusting

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Re: day laborers
Posted by: Hemsk ()
Date: July 15, 2005 10:42PM

Wasn't there a proposal recently to make a gathering place for the day laborers? I bet that meeting went well...

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Re: day laborers
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 16, 2005 10:46PM

Since it is explicitly illegal to hire day labor folks around here, I am intrigued at how this proposal, which has in fact been unofficially made at the county level, will work

make it legal but only at ordained places, I hope

/told a cop I used to hire day laborers and she lectured me

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Re: day laborers
Posted by: American ()
Date: August 28, 2009 09:41PM

Hey I am all for having them work for their money, but get them off my dollar ie social programs. If you can't speak English or produce a valid American birth cert. get the hell out and stop asking for free money! You starting to make my country as poor as yours.

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Re: day laborers
Posted by: Adolf ()
Date: January 04, 2011 06:14PM

The citizens of Fairfax county have no one to blame for the problems that illegal's bring to the county but themselves. They have voted in a Board of Supervisor's that has declared Fairfax County a "Sanctuary City", and with it comes many issue's. What amazes me from reading the various blogs is that when it comes to the issue of paying for tax payer services everybody wants to blame the cost of critical services. Police, Fire, and school's get blamed for all the money woe's. The Supervisor's, embrace everybody for their Diversity agenda cost the tax payers millions of dollar's a year and i can't tell if the citizens are completely blind or just don't care to see it?

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Re: day laborers
Posted by: Adof ()
Date: February 02, 2011 12:28PM

You people are so racist. We must embrace these poor migrants for their Diversity. If you can't, please contact your Board of supervisors. You are in need of a Diversity booster. Also remember it is YOU that votes for the board of supervisors. If you don't like the way Herndon/Fairfax is run? Change it.

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Re: day laborers
Posted by: Made in the USA ()
Date: February 02, 2011 06:28PM

Adof Wrote:
> You people are so racist. We must embrace these
> poor migrants for their Diversity. If you can't,
> please contact your Board of supervisors. You are
> in need of a Diversity booster. Also remember it
> is YOU that votes for the board of supervisors. If
> you don't like the way Herndon/Fairfax is run?
> Change it.

What do you mean YOU people?!?!? Sir, I believe you are the racist.

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Re: day laborers
Posted by: joe397 ()
Date: February 19, 2011 04:33PM


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Re: day laborers
Posted by: Adolf ()
Date: February 21, 2011 05:56PM

I,m sorry, i meant you "Idiots". Since they are here to do the work that American's don't want to do? Can you tell me how much loitering in front of a 7-11 pays?

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Re: day laborers
Posted by: bob the builder ()
Date: April 04, 2011 07:36PM

I think it's great , you hire these guys for slave wages , charge them SS but don't give them SS benefits, make them pay taxes but they don't file tax returns for refunds. It's really better than owning slaves. And unlike slaves, you didn't have to ship them here, they just came while whitey looked the other direction.

And then after the banks fail because all you hum vee folks overbought their bigass houses the slaves built , and the RE market goes belly up , you friggin gringos start whining and belly aching how big a problem it is.

You want to know where the problem began?
mira en el reflejo idiota

Oh the joy of it all.

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Re: day laborers
Posted by: RuleOfLaw ()
Date: July 14, 2011 10:56AM

Unforntately the new council memvers Merkel, Sing, Wolf, and Olem were paid off by the SEIU sympathy groups who funded their political campaigns. In return they wanted 287g dropped and anti-solicitation bill killed which they continue to push. Now the illiterate Sing is trying to change the ordinance to help promote more over crowding.

Merkel tells everyone she has single handedly increased home values in Herndon. Do you know anyone who wants to move their family to Herndon?

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Re: day laborers
Posted by: Logic ()
Date: July 14, 2011 09:55PM

/Do you know anyone who wants to move their family to Herndon?/

Herndon? No.
Oak Hill? Yes.

Herndon is the like swiffer that attracts most of the gunk from the surrounding areas.

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Re: day laborers
Posted by: No goats ()
Date: March 09, 2012 11:45AM

If you search the Wash Posts site about the topic, there are several stories giving background on this...namely 2005/6 stuff.


and this from wikipedia:

The town of Herndon was part of a nationally reported controversy involving illegal immigration beginning in 2005.[7] The controversy revolved around a day labor center called the Herndon Official Worker Center (HOW Center), constructed by the town and operated by Reston Interfaith's Project Hope and Harmony under a grant from surrounding Fairfax County.[8] The HOW Center was created in response to daily gatherings of Hispanic workers at a local 7-Eleven store[7] and resulting allegations of gang activity, public drunkenness, and public urination.[9] What had started as a local issue became national news when the Minuteman Project anti-illegal immigration group joined the local groups opposing the day laborers[10] and watchdog group Judicial Watch sued the town and county to block the center's construction.[11] The HOW Center opened in December 2005, on the site of the former Herndon Police headquarters.[12] The 2006 election for Mayor and Town Council revolved mainly around the issue, and resulted in unseating the pro-center Mayor and two councilmembers.[10] The center closed after less than two years of operation, in September 2007. The Town Council had demanded that any operator of the day-labor center check the laborers' identification, and a subsequent court decision required the town to open the center to all workers.[13] The Town Council chose instead to close the center entirely.[13][14]

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Re: day laborers
Posted by: humanperson ()
Date: March 16, 2015 08:58AM

Be patient folks. Gentrification is coming. Soon all of us will be priced out of Herndon, Reston, and Sterling. I've lived all over NOVA and seen it happen. Herndon now is like Arlington and Alexandria used to be.

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Re: day laborers
Posted by: Timmons ()
Date: July 21, 2017 01:52AM

Can't wait for this place to be fully gentrified.

Change is coming.

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