red Wrote:
> No, I am NOT a cop....I'm a photographer. It just
> amazes me that none of you have anything better to
> do than pick on the people who help guard and
> protect YOUR freedom of speech and lifestyle. Why
> don't you go on a ride along some night (as I have
> done many times) and SEE what goes on during their
> days/nights. Then maybe you would have a little
> RESPECT for what they do instead of WHINING about
> them EATING like normal people do. I suppose all
> of you are healthy eaters 24/7 and have never
> eaten a donut, bag of chips, ice cream,
> your entire life, HUH?. Kiss my A**
OH no!! cmon red + sidekicks lets protect cops from these people!!! We dont want our officers feelings hurt while on the job now do we?
If anyone else has pics of officers eating it so red can realize over time how harmless this post is.....Her brain keeps giving her the 404 error while trying to pull up sense of humor...
No need to get upset over a stupid reason......Now Enjoy....