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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: March 29, 2005 01:02AM

Hah, took these awhile ago at the greenbriar dunkin donuts.
I wanted a picture of the squad car right in front of the dunkin donuts sign but the tricky bastard parked his cruiser around the corner (probably so people like me couldn't get a hilarious picture)
Yeah the camera work is shoddy but I wanted to be inconspicuous so he wouldn't discover I was shit-faced drunk.

Really this is just a test of image of embedding images in a thread and an excuse to add something new to the media section. I guess it worked!

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: Smobien ()
Date: March 30, 2005 03:03PM

I approve. I think I have seen that guy before...

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: Kristen ()
Date: March 31, 2005 06:21PM

honestly i think if dunkin donuts ever went out of business, cops would go on strike. they eat donuts like there's no tomorrow, its sick how true the story is of cops loving donuts. haha, props to you cary-getting those pictures!

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: April 04, 2005 02:07PM

thanks for the props Kristen. are you who I think you are? How'd you find this place? Anyway no real reply just wanted to say I moved this from Chantilly to western fairfax general cause that's where it belongs.

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: erik ()
Date: April 05, 2005 08:45AM

So last week my wife and I were eating at Carrabba's in Centreville (yea, not the greatest italian place, but okay in a pinch - and the pitcher of wine is a great deal...plus it's kinda funny because it's redneck italian).

There were two of Fairfax County's finest eating in the dimly lit, faux-romantic dining room. In uniform. And they were both dudes.

Don't get me wrong, I love the gay people, but that was just so faggy.

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: charles ()
Date: April 05, 2005 10:12AM

ahaha. you should've got a picture! god bless camera phones. i need to send some of my funny stuff to this site.

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: Me ()
Date: May 01, 2005 07:48PM

One reason officers love Dunkin' Donuts is because they get free food. Not just donuts, but the clerks'll give 'em everything in the place - free.

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: red ()
Date: May 02, 2005 03:58AM

What, you MORONS, aren't cops allowed to eat? Guess you were in the donut shop to buy a salad, huh?

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: May 02, 2005 04:17AM

Red's most effective strategy seems to be insulting the intelligence of others.

And then masturbating furiously after each "victorious putdown".

That thing has got to be raw and bleeding by now.

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: dlee ()
Date: May 02, 2005 11:10AM

I like crullers.

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: May 02, 2005 02:00PM

yeah, Red is a troll.

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: May 02, 2005 03:52PM

lol. it's funny cause they're eating donuts. furthering the stereotype of fat cops eating donuts.

cops anywhere else would be boring.

- captain obvious

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: red ()
Date: May 11, 2005 03:48PM

Too bad I'm NOT MALE you bunch of loser kids. Go back to school and get an actual education about life

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: red ()
Date: May 11, 2005 03:49PM

I'm not insulting your intellignece, because i'ts painfully obvious that YOU DON'T HAVE ANY

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: May 11, 2005 05:02PM

wow. try to laugh a little fuckwad.
and if you can't laugh, just try not to be a douche.
have you made ONE comment on this board without being an ignorant asshole? Oh no wait, i just checked AND YOU HAVEN'T.
Red is probably a cop. And not one of the cool old-timer cops, but one of the dumb, angry, loud rookies that get mad when you question their orders.
oh and you spelled intelligence wrong, dumbshit.

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: red ()
Date: May 13, 2005 03:00PM

No, I am NOT a cop....I'm a photographer. It just amazes me that none of you have anything better to do than pick on the people who help guard and protect YOUR freedom of speech and lifestyle. Why don't you go on a ride along some night (as I have done many times) and SEE what goes on during their days/nights. Then maybe you would have a little RESPECT for what they do instead of WHINING about them EATING like normal people do. I suppose all of you are healthy eaters 24/7 and have never eaten a donut, bag of chips, ice cream, etc...in your entire life, HUH?. Kiss my A**

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: May 13, 2005 06:29PM

I went on the ride-along several times, mr special

Saw nothing compelling towards your argument, but saw plenty of the cop I was with showing off for me and acting like a bozo with other cops. He did, maybe, MAYBE, an hour of work the entire time.

Cops are slacker bitches here. They're fucking fine collectors, they don't stop or solve any meaningful crimes.

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: chuck ()
Date: May 18, 2005 08:36PM

fuckin pigs

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: kendall wayne ()
Date: July 22, 2005 11:59PM

fuck the police. Cops can suck my ballsack.

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: Casey ()
Date: August 09, 2005 07:24PM

......is that me in the picture? i must of been shitfaced i dont remember that.

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: The Police ()
Date: September 08, 2005 06:08PM

kendall wayne Wrote:
> fuck the police. Cops can suck my ballsack.


You are obviously a complete and udder Asshole! You ignorant, little motherfuckin piece of shit! You can suck my ballsack!

You no good cocksucker!

Watch for me in your mirror,
The Police

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: Nik ()
Date: September 08, 2005 07:42PM

The Police Wrote:
> kendall wayne Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > fuck the police. Cops can suck my ballsack.
> >
> Kendall,
> You are obviously a complete and udder Asshole!
> You ignorant, little motherfuckin piece of shit!
> You can suck my ballsack!
> You no good cocksucker!
> Watch for me in your mirror,
> The Police

I believe you were looking for the word UTTER, not UDDER. UDDER is the little dangly thing that hangs underneath a female cow.


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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: hellchild ()
Date: September 09, 2005 12:15AM

apparently the dictionary down at the station was buried underneath dunkin' donuts boxes that day...

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: Rosamunde ()
Date: October 25, 2005 11:09AM

What is wrong with police having donuts and coffee??
I was in there having donuts and coffee!!!
Saw a nice pooliceman,he smiled I smiled back
ergo: donuts and coffee make you smile

and pleeeaaaassse use nicer language. Respect for yourself!!! man

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: TCwrx ()
Date: March 13, 2006 05:51PM


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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: cops in springfield ()
Date: July 24, 2006 02:24AM

there are always fairfax cops in the dunkin dounts over in springfield, on commerce st..

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: TRex ()
Date: September 08, 2006 07:08PM

Funny, he looks fit enough to kick your sorry ass Cary.

Can you DO a pushup?

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: park ()
Date: October 14, 2006 02:32AM

instead of coming in this chat room and crying bout cops in donut shops. say it to his/her's face. nothing but pussies you people are. put your life on the line....

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: October 14, 2006 03:43PM

park Wrote:
> instead of coming in this chat room and crying

"instead of coming in this chat room and crying" about people "coming in this chat room and crying," stop coming to this site.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/14/2006 03:45PM by Gravis.

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: Firrat ()
Date: January 31, 2007 02:55AM

red Wrote:
> No, I am NOT a cop....I'm a photographer. It just
> amazes me that none of you have anything better to
> do than pick on the people who help guard and
> protect YOUR freedom of speech and lifestyle. Why
> don't you go on a ride along some night (as I have
> done many times) and SEE what goes on during their
> days/nights. Then maybe you would have a little
> RESPECT for what they do instead of WHINING about
> them EATING like normal people do. I suppose all
> of you are healthy eaters 24/7 and have never
> eaten a donut, bag of chips, ice cream, etc...in
> your entire life, HUH?. Kiss my A**

OH no!! cmon red + sidekicks lets protect cops from these people!!! We dont want our officers feelings hurt while on the job now do we?

If anyone else has pics of officers eating doughnuts....post it so red can realize over time how harmless this post is.....Her brain keeps giving her the 404 error while trying to pull up sense of humor...

No need to get upset over a stupid reason......Now Enjoy....

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: Nikita ()
Date: April 30, 2007 10:27AM

You need more pictures. If you could catch one of them cramming it in their piehole then you'd have a keeper.

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: redgobblescock ()
Date: July 21, 2007 01:18AM

People who think that a cops job is to serve and protect are fucking idiots. The idea has been hammered into our minds since childhood that police are here to help you in order to keep control. You don't question that as a young child. Over the years I have come to realize that police officers are simply revenue collectors. You want to serve your country and protect Americans (mainly other soldiers hah) ? Join the military.

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: joe ()
Date: July 26, 2007 10:55PM

Why the fuck did you bump a 3 month old thread? The first post was 2 years ago, also!

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: ya ()
Date: September 07, 2007 12:57AM

joe Wrote:
> Why the fuck did you bump a 3 month old thread?
> The first post was 2 years ago, also!

Why the hell should he have to explain it ? Just look at the pictures!! PIGS...COPS....DOUGHNUTS....nuff' said. It should stay bumped as a lesson to all the kids in Fairfaxy County...

robert stidman said it best...

Saw nothing compelling towards your argument, but saw plenty of the cop I was with showing off for me and acting like a bozo with other cops. He did, maybe, MAYBE, an hour of work the entire time.

Cops are slacker bitches here. They're fucking fine collectors, they don't stop or solve any meaningful crimes."

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: mw451 ()
Date: September 30, 2007 07:44PM

This thread is really getting old. So Cops went to a donut shop, big deal.

Would you post the same if the went to StarBucks?


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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: Sheriff ()
Date: July 13, 2008 12:16AM

Go figure..... a cop... ordering food and/or drink at a donut shop. No fucking proof of what was even purchased.

Check out that photo... In the foreground there are two loser citizens that were buying donuts and coffee along with this moron taking pictures.

Does the photographer think that donut shots are for citizens only?

Absolute idiot taking a kodak moment.

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: watchinyou ()
Date: March 04, 2009 01:22PM

kendall wayne Wrote:
> fuck the police. Cops can suck my ballsack.

tell your mother to move over so they can have a turn

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: DeeMeffs ()
Date: March 20, 2009 11:20AM

this is a good enough place for this story i guess.

two nights ago it was around 1am, and my brother and i were bored and hungry. there's a dominos (oakton branch) down the street, and a friend of his worked there some time ago, so we decided to order in person. it was roughly 11 at night. we get there, and there's a k9 unit parked in front of dominos, doors open, headlights on, dog barking (no siren though). we exchanged that "oh fuck" look, but decided to go on in anyway, since we had nothing to hide and were curious. at first we figured that it had been robbed or something, but the cop made no effort to stop us as we walked right past him, all of 10 inches from his car. (that dog was loud as hell, i feel awful that he has to spend all day in a car with it). we walk in, and the guy behind the counter goes "you can't order in this late, but if you go home and call we'll deliver"

that's the dumbest fucking thing i've ever heard, seeing as i'm standing there holding money, but that's not the point. it's a short drive, and the girl wasn't there, so it was no big deal, we get back into the car and as we're pulling out of the space my brother turns and goes WTF...

cop walked out with a pizza.

too late for in house orders my ass.

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: Cream Pie ()
Date: June 30, 2009 02:56PM

Those first pics are pretty hot!

I'd suck the cream filling out of him :-)

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: JC ()
Date: September 06, 2009 05:20AM

red Wrote:
> No, I am NOT a cop....I'm a photographer. It just
> amazes me that none of you have anything better to
> do than pick on the people who help guard and
> protect YOUR freedom of speech and lifestyle.

They protect my lifestyle? My lifestyle sometimes includes my adult self and other responsible adults safely and responsibly enjoying marijuana in one of our homes. Yet obviously it needs to travel to get there. If I get pulled over, searched, and arrested, how is that protecting my lifestyle? I also like hanging out in my car and listening to music within appropriate volume levels. But any time I am hanging out in my car smoking cigarettes in my girlfriend's neighborhood, a cop pulls up to harass, and sometimes searches.

Protect and serve? More like protect their own asses and serve out tickets. I am sure there are exceptions, but this seems to be the NORM, not the exception,

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: Cream Pie ()
Date: December 13, 2009 07:53PM


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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: Don't be stupid ()
Date: March 12, 2011 11:03PM

JC Wrote:
> red Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > No, I am NOT a cop....I'm a photographer. It
> just
> > amazes me that none of you have anything better
> to
> > do than pick on the people who help guard and
> > protect YOUR freedom of speech and lifestyle.
> They protect my lifestyle? My lifestyle sometimes
> includes my adult self and other responsible
> adults safely and responsibly enjoying marijuana
> in one of our homes. Yet obviously it needs to
> travel to get there. If I get pulled over,
> searched, and arrested, how is that protecting my
> lifestyle? I also like hanging out in my car and
> listening to music within appropriate volume
> levels. But any time I am hanging out in my car
> smoking cigarettes in my girlfriend's
> neighborhood, a cop pulls up to harass, and
> sometimes searches.
> Protect and serve? More like protect their own
> asses and serve out tickets. I am sure there are
> exceptions, but this seems to be the NORM, not the
> exception,

Sitting on a neighborhood street in your vehicle smoking and listening to music is not "normal" activity and does raise suspicion. Besides, for all you know - they are responding to a neighbor complaint and are merely "instigating" and doing something called proactive policing a crime prevention.

Don't be ignorant.

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: SiriusB ()
Date: April 10, 2012 08:21AM

Why just DunkinDonuts? Why not Chantilly Donuts or Starbuck's? Because Dunkin'Donuts has a policy that the police eat free. There are some other places around that do the same thing for the police, like the little Greek Restaurant on Dolly Madison on the north end of Vienna; on some days you can't find a place to sit down due to all the policemen taking their meals for free. If you were a cop, you'd be there chowing down too!

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Posted by: Yet2findTheLovers ()
Date: October 22, 2012 07:23PM

GIANT'S has the best cake doughnuts. The larger stores have better quality. Wegman's aren't too bad. GIANT'S are moist and delish. I miss PAM'E K's :(

Dunkin Doughnuts has good coffee but their doughnuts...dry and BLEH!

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Re: Fairfax Police in greenbriar dunkin donuts (pics)
Date: March 11, 2016 07:31PM


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