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Westfields High School teacher arrested for weapons
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: April 26, 2005 09:49PM

I can't put it any better myself, so here is the text from the Fairfax County police news release (which has for some reason since been removed from their site):

An anonymous tip led school officials to search a teacher’s vehicle on Monday, April 25, around 10 a.m. resulting in staff members locating a loaded handgun inside the car. Following an investigation by the School Resource Officer, a teacher, Timothy D. Fudd, 31, of 2927 Stuart Drive, Falls Church, was charged with possession of a weapon on school property (18.2-308.1). Fudd turned himself into police this morning at 10 a.m. and was released on his own recognizance.

Possession of a weapon on school property is a Class 6 Felony. Penalties for a Class 6 Felony can be a term of imprisonment of not less than one year, nor more than five years and a fine of not more than $2,500.

Click to download the news release

Picture of the teacher:

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Re: Westfields High School teacher arrested for weapons
Posted by: ben ()
Date: April 26, 2005 10:41PM

What kind of weapon? Was it a steak knife this time, or something actually serious?

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Re: Westfields High School teacher arrested for weapons
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: April 26, 2005 11:19PM


loaded handgun

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Re: Westfields High School teacher arrested for weapons
Posted by: ben ()
Date: April 27, 2005 01:38AM

rstidman Wrote:
> rtfa

I'm a busy guy. I have you to rtfa instead.

It doesn't mention if he has a concealed carry permit. I really don't see the problem if he does have a valid permit. It's just some more knee-jerk reaction legislation that does only harm.

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Re: Westfields High School teacher arrested for weapons
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: April 27, 2005 11:13AM

other articles say he does have the permit...

if he does have the permit they should nail him harder. They takes great pains to tell you what's cool and not cool when you get the permit.

Schools + guns = not cool and this guy knows it

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Re: Westfields High School teacher arrested for weapons
Posted by: ben ()
Date: April 27, 2005 01:57PM

The best part is that he allowed them to search his car. When will people learn that if they ask you to search your vehicle or person, you can say no?


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Re: Westfields High School teacher arrested for weapons
Posted by: dlee ()
Date: April 27, 2005 04:00PM


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Re: Westfields High School teacher arrested for weapons
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: April 27, 2005 04:02PM

Okay before you razz the guy too badly, laws changed so that _IF_ you have a conceal carry permit you can have a loaded, concealed handgun in a vehicle on school property as of July 1, 2005 when the change goes into effect. So by the time he gets to court it will be a legal action.

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Re: Westfields High School teacher arrested for weapons
Posted by: red ()
Date: May 02, 2005 03:56AM

It doesn't matetr if the law changes AFTER he was charged you idiot. The law that was in effect at the TIME HE WAS CHARGED is what the court will go by...not a law that WILL be in effect. And his court date certainly won't be three months away (not that that matters). God you people are morons.

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Re: Westfields High School teacher arrested for weapons
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: May 02, 2005 08:19AM

red: no shit sherlock. I'm saying it sucks for him that he'll be tried for something that will be legal at the time of the trial. And his trial won't happen before July unless he's copping a plea.

He should have known where one isn't allowed to store or carry. Not sure who he advertized it to either... someone tattletaled.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/02/2005 11:04AM by pgens.

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Re: Westfields High School teacher arrested for weapons
Posted by: dan ()
Date: May 03, 2005 04:03PM

Mr. Fudd taught the people who were given one last chance in the school before they get expelled, so it's not like he had the gun just for shits and giggles...

but anyways, the only reason he got caught with it(beside the search, and turning himself in) is because one of his students actually broke in to his car, was looking around for something, and well...happened upon the gun. you dont hear about this shit now do you?

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Re: Westfields High School teacher arrested for weapons
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: May 03, 2005 07:09PM

Yeah, that doesn't get reported unfortunately. I figured it was either that or an ex or something trying to nail him.

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Re: Westfields High School teacher arrested for weapons
Posted by: chris c. ()
Date: May 11, 2005 12:19AM

Nobody knows this history on Timothy d Fudd

look this up on the internet... FLAGRANT CHEAP SHOTS CAA NO-NO
American university Tim Fudd suspend, nearly killed the kid...

Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, February 7, 1996 TAG: 9602070555

Yeager on Monday levied a five-game suspension against American forward Tim Fudd, a first-team all-conference pick two seasons ago. Fudd threw an unprovoked forearm at East Carolina's Morris Grooms Saturday, and Grooms has been in the Pitt County Memorial Hospital since with a collapsed lung.

should have been arrested for that or atleast kicked of the league......


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Re: Westfields High School teacher arrested for weapons
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: May 11, 2005 10:58AM

He threw a foul in a basketball game over nine years ago, and now helps kids with their last chance to turn around before getting expelled from Westfields.

Maybe you should play a basketball game... it is a little different down on the court than it is in front of the TV set. So he got excited during a game and threw a forearm... big deal.

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Re: Westfields High School teacher arrested for weapons
Posted by: dwillett ()
Date: May 14, 2005 02:48PM

chris c: it's not so much the fact that you brought up a media story from nine years ago about a basketball game mishap only bad enough to warrant a five-game suspension and that you're trying to say he should have been arrested for it, or the fact that you think you know his history because you googled a story about him that shows just how incredibly stupid you are.

It's the fact that you write words, and entire sentences even, in all capital letters.

I heard jumping off bridges is a pretty good time, it would be best for everyone if you tried it.

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Re: Westfields High School teacher arrested for weapons
Posted by: chuck ()
Date: May 18, 2005 08:33PM

look you assholes get to no tim fudd before you start saying shit about him hes the fuckin coolest guy youll ever meet so what he made a mistake we all make mistakes hes still a fuckin cool guy and all you guys are fuckin faggots you stupid douches

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Re: Westfields High School teacher arrested for weapons
Posted by: chris c. ()
Date: May 27, 2005 12:30AM

I guess I better jump off that bridge now!! ha ha
While Fudd drops that soap!!

I hope prosecution doesnt get any of Fudds ex-girlfriends to testify about him beat up on them. he is a good guy still, CHUCK? haha shut up!!
ooppps, you guys didnt know that either!
I guess he wears wife beater "t's"

Know the laws before you register for a gun.......... straight dumb

The boy drives to DC all the time. If he gets caught there, he gets 5 years for every bullet in the gun. And I dont know how many years he get for just having a gun. He would be gone for a long time if that happened. so he basically got lucky sorta. You guys didnt know that either.

sorry to see your boy go away for awhile

Gametimeskills.com, oh they took him off the website

position at Westfields is available........

He did help the kids on and off the court...


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Re: Westfields High School teacher arrested for weapons
Posted by: Fabio ()
Date: July 05, 2005 07:31PM

Mr.Fudd is a cool person, but the class made him be that way all hard and shit..but u bitches would even last one fucking single day with us cause i couldnt take it..but chuck mess it up.. chuck snitched in him and thats fukced up we had a code man.. SP8 shit was to stay with us and not out of school.. well i give him his license plate number to chuck .. but i dont know what did he do with it..chuck hated snitchers but he was the one sniching on people..wich was really fucked up..pc out chintss..

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Re: Westfields High School teacher arrested for weapons
Posted by: SP8----mike ()
Date: July 05, 2005 07:36PM

yo mr. Fudd waz da best teacher nEobdy could eva had. sum1 who he tought he waz kool with told on him...........thatz sad.


THa original SP8---MIKE, -george Aka fat-Head sucka, Chuck, brad,
Mo Aka Camel, fabio aka Flathead, pablo, armando

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Re: Westfields High School teacher arrested for weapons
Posted by: SP8 ()
Date: July 05, 2005 08:15PM

N E of u guyz that wazn't part of summit program 8 should'nt b talkin about this !*%^

freeFudd FREE FUDD


sp7 n chuck

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Re: Westfields High School teacher arrested for weapons
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 05, 2005 08:19PM

wow no wonder you fucking retards are in the LD class

and let me tell you what that means:

it means you're both riding the short bus home

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Re: Westfields High School teacher arrested for weapons
Posted by: fabio ()
Date: July 05, 2005 08:21PM

fuck u white boy

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Re: Westfields High School teacher arrested for weapons
Posted by: chris c. ()
Date: July 14, 2005 12:36AM

rstidman Your right about that BUS!!!



While he is lock up(let me out) maybe he can write some rap lyrics and become rapper when he gets outs.. hahaha

Tim Fudd Who cheya!!!!!! chantilly Highschool baby hahaah

How can you have a LD teacher, teaching the LD students...

sp8 criminals stick together, holla!!! Dumb A--essssssssssss

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Re: Westfields High School teacher arrested for weapons
Posted by: fabio ()
Date: July 14, 2005 10:47PM

white people OMG!! no life!!

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Re: Westfields High School teacher arrested for weapons
Posted by: chris c. ()
Date: July 15, 2005 12:44AM

Why I gotta be white?

could be black

Hey ESA oh my bad

Dude you are boguse man!!!!!

Free tim fudd not!!!!!

Hey, tim still hitting you girlfriends
real man!!!

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Re: Westfields High School teacher arrested for weapons
Posted by: Mark H. ()
Date: July 18, 2005 01:40AM

I actually had this guy for a teacher when he was at fairfax highschool last year. He was actually a pretty cool guy if you respected him. Really good bball player too. Aparently he played in the European Basketball league and had a chance at making the NBA, but his knee got messed up

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Re: Westfields High School teacher arrested for weapons
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: August 01, 2005 07:28AM

Update here, pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor counts. Felony counts dropped (watch wrap).


"Virginia law at the time of Fudd's arrest made having a loaded handgun in a car on school property illegal. On July 1, it became legal in Virginia for someone with a concealed handgun permit to have a loaded gun on school property, so long as it is away from public view.

Mark Schamel, Fudd's attorney, was angry with the verdict and the prosecution.

“I have never seen a law pending to be changed and then changed and still have the state go forward with the case,” he said.

Fudd could have faced a maximum of five years in prison. As part of the plea agreement, he will serve no time unless he violates his probation.

“We need these types of men teaching in our county,” Schamel said after the trial.

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Re: Westfields High School teacher arrested for weapons
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: June 07, 2006 12:07AM

I hate it when they only report the bad shit about people. Like if some student was breaking into his car, why don't they put the studnet in the newspaper. Or at least suspend the student for breaking in to a teacher's property.

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Re: Westfields High School teacher arrested for weapons
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: June 15, 2006 10:30AM

Don't know... in relation to that I wish laws would be updated to where in the case of any sexual crime the accused is not revealed unless convicted. Even if one is innocent and not convicted, such as (possibly) the Duke lacrosse guys, it probably ruins your life anyway. I think that's abused way too much and it's not right to shield the victim while not shielding the accused until a conviction occurs.

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