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cigar bars in/near Fairfax
Posted by: dlee ()
Date: April 22, 2005 01:17PM

Y'all know of any place/bar that allows cigars in or around Fairfax proper?

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Re: cigar bars in/near Fairfax
Posted by: sd ()
Date: December 17, 2005 05:20PM

virginia tobbaco company in dulles town center. it isnt really a bar though

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Re: cigar bars in/near Fairfax
Posted by: BJ ()
Date: November 22, 2011 08:08AM

Alto Plaza used to have a bar, but the indoors smoking ban in Virginia has basically ruined all of these places

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Re: cigar bars in/near Fairfax
Posted by: smokin' ()
Date: February 14, 2012 02:19PM

Hard Times Cafe in Fairfax allows cigars.
Same for the Hard Times in Manassas and Mackey's Tavern in old town Manassas

And if you want a good cigar shop/lounge then check out Saler's in Manassas. Great selection, okay prices, nice couches in front of a big TV and the family running it are good people.

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Re: cigar bars in/near Fairfax
Posted by: 3rd Generation Ffx ()
Date: July 28, 2012 03:56AM

The Texas de Brazil Restaurant at Fair Oaks Mall has a bar in the lobby that sells & allows cigar smoking so people can leave the restaurant for a smoke at the bar.

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Re: cigar bars in/near Fairfax
Posted by: Just A Guy ()
Date: September 19, 2012 10:31PM

3rd Generation Ffx Wrote:
> The Texas de Brazil Restaurant at Fair Oaks Mall
> has a bar in the lobby that sells & allows cigar
> smoking so people can leave the restaurant for a
> smoke at the bar.

Texas de Brazil hasn't been able to allow cigar smoking since December 1st, 2009, when the smoking ban hit.

As far as Fairfax City, the only places I'm aware of which allow indoor CIGAR smoking are Hard Times on 123 (upper floor main bar) and Johns Place on 29 near where Borders used to be (in the main bar area, which is now sealed off).

Outside of Fairfax City there is Bluewater Grille off of 28, Bailey's in Ballston, some place in Tysons Corner where E-Cities was, and an oddly large number of places in Alexandria (although I hear a lot of them have membership fees).

Unfortunately the way which the VA restaurant smoking ban is done makes it quite hard to have a place where you can smoke. You can smoke in Hard Times because their downstairs area with the "cafe" and kitchen was already physically separate with separate ventilation from the upstairs. Bailey's in Ballston put in large amounts of cash to add ventilation and seal off the middle section which contained the kitchen to allow smoking in the main bar area.

Due to the above I find it highly doubtful that any new and decent actual cigar bars (not a restaurant where you happen to be able to smoke a cigar) will open up in Fairfax County in the near future.

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