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Fairfax Underground
Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
I'm going with whatever percentage of broads are getting laid. It's only the dirty/ugly ones that remain bearded.
Where's the trees at though? For real. I'm jonesin' so if anybody can get anything lemme know. You'll be my new best friend.
I'll take some mersh at this stage, or if anybody can get some opiates that'd be even better. I'll check the board on the regs today to see if anybody can be of any help.
actually bro, im not an officer at all, and for the record ive probably been blazin' for more years than you've been alive son. I moved down here from massachusetts, a state that actually tolerates there smokers as opposed to this shithole that fuckin locks you up on a felony for a quarter.....reallly?!?!?! is this still america?!?! dude im no fuckin officer and when I get shit ill hit you up to blaze asshole
honestly?!? you think that a cop has the time to surf a fuckin forum? for what? to catch your weak ass?! sorry man don't flatter yourself. Im ligit lookin' for a bag because pretty much every state that ive ever lived in (10+) are better than where you live,,,,sorry....and for now on why don't you post your name as craftsman....because your the biggest tool on this forum...