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Business DSL
Date: August 04, 2011 04:49PM

I'm looking for recommendations from my fellow Fairfax businessmen and women. I need cheap business DSL for my office. I have Verizon now and I pay $40 per month plus tax for the slowest cheapest plan. They are increasing it to $45 soon and they won't let me take advantage of the promotion they are advertising online for $24.95/mo for the same service with a 2yr contract ("new customers only", they say).

I prefer no contract, but at this point am willing to lock in a 1 or 2yr to get something close to the Verizon promotion deal that they won't let me have.

If I dont find anything I'll just cancel service with them altogether and read newspapers all day long while at my office.

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Re: Business DSL
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: August 04, 2011 06:10PM

Steal WiFi from your neighbors.

Just about any day of the week I'll find 20-30 people stealing mine.

Other than that, you're screwed. Internet access on any level from any provider is too damned expensive. Cox is like gold. Fios is a little better but you have to deal with Verizon and that's as much fun as a root canal.

I do know a friend that uses his cellphone. He's got a one employee other than himself and has a smart phone that has unlimited internet and can be used as a WiFi outlet.

Sorry I don't have any really good news.

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Re: Business DSL
Date: August 05, 2011 03:41PM

actually, I like the idea of using the smartphone as a hotspot. I have unltd data with my provider too, so I might try that out. Or I can just forget about the office and work out of Panera or Starbucks (or even mcdonalds) and use their free wifi.

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Re: Business DSL
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: August 05, 2011 05:47PM

FrostedMiniWheats Wrote:
> actually, I like the idea of using the smartphone
> as a hotspot. I have unltd data with my provider
> too, so I might try that out. Or I can just
> forget about the office and work out of Panera or
> Starbucks (or even mcdonalds) and use their free
> wifi.

If I could get away with that, I certainly would. I use my work Fios for security so a hot spot won't be much good to me.

If you can get away with it, go for it.

A couple of weeks ago my daugher and I were on the road when she pulled out her laptop and went to town. I asked her how she was on the web and she confessed that when I stopped for gas, she set up the hotspot in my phone.

It was just as fast as being at home. Luckily we never hit a bad cell service area.

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Re: Business DSL
Posted by: Grown Man ()
Date: August 05, 2011 05:50PM

D - ick

S - ucking

L - ips

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