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"But mom, I want to be a self absorbed moron and drive drunk"
Posted by: IM ()
Date: December 24, 2006 10:01PM

*Sound of soapbox being pushed into the room*

Here is one more thing that I am sure will chap the asses of all you whiny, self-righteous, anti-governmental types that have invested countless keystrokes posting "screw da police" messages on this thread about checkpoints, tickets, window tint, and personal experiences in an effort to deflect on to others your personal shortcomings, mistakes, inadequacies, alcoholism etc etc, thereby reinforcing your obvious inability to exhibit any semblance of common sense, you "woe is me" persecuted victims of free world democracy (and when is your US sequel to the Gulag Archipelago coming out anyway?):

The VA General Assembly passed a law, effective July 2006, that makes all public safety costs resultant to a DWI accident recoverable by the responding jurisdiction.

Let me Fisher Price this down a bit for the aforementioned audience: You drive drunk, you wreck your "import" into a real car, you pay actual cost for all the equipment with the pretty lights, and the nice men in yellow jackets to cut your sorry ass out. Oh yeah, the po-po can charge you for the road flares too.

(I cant wait for your conspiracy theory on this one....wait let me guess...maybe the money will go for a dunkin donuts IN THE POLICE STATION...and I see your point, thats money that could be used for important things like a case of Natty Light or tuition for your 6th year of kolledge).

Waaah waaaah poor you. Oh wait...I forgot, The "man" is infringing upon your inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of inebriation...

Make sure to be careful crossing the road on your Tomos moped after your DWI 3rd, you future darwin award winners...and while your at it can you all please try to remember to put a straw in the bags at the drive through?

My apologies for the run-on sentence which constitutes the 1st paragraph, as well as the fact that some of the above information was contained in another post in a different thread. Now excuse me while I enjoy a beverage in the comfort and safety of my own home (too bad I wont be able to bitch about getting locked up for DWI later...bummer).

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Re: "But mom, I want to be a self absorbed moron and drive drunk"
Posted by: Jailbird ()
Date: December 24, 2006 10:12PM

Sorry to bust your bubble but we have already bashed the July 2006 changes.

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Re: "But mom, I want to be a self absorbed moron and drive drunk"
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: December 25, 2006 05:29AM

I don't even drink, this is a fact, and I still think the checkpoints are bullshit.

IM never bothers too mention, because low IQ makes it hard for him to move beyond the flow of a diatribe, that the checkpoints rarely catch impaired drivers and are, in fact, just a tactic derived literally from the gestapo to catch people for minor offenses the police know do not endanger society.

Not to mention, it has been proven the police are more effective against DWI when they are in motion, driving around, doing what they should be doing...

COVERING THE WHOLE AREA, PROTECTING US ALL, DEFENDING AGAINST ALL CRIMES. Not sitting in one place pouncing on people for their inspection sticker.

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Re: "But mom, I want to be a self absorbed moron and drive drunk"
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: December 25, 2006 06:40AM

i agree with RESton Peace.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: "But mom, I want to be a self absorbed moron and drive drunk"
Posted by: IM ()
Date: December 25, 2006 08:37AM

Reston -

The point of my diatribe was not to argue for or against checkpoints, it was a venting mechanism,,,checkpoints were thrown into the mix based on other posts.

However since you brought them up, I agree they are not very effective in terms of actual arrests. I would think that the reason they are still so popular is the perceived deterrent effect and public service aspect associated with them. All drivers that pass through are given "educational material" with statistics etc.

he line of thinking I guess is akin to the please one customer and they will tell 10 more type of deal...stop one car and they will tell their friends (as if people dont already know about checkpoints).

Also agree that dedicated DWI patrols like you described would prove more effective and be a better allocation of resources.

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Re: "But mom, I want to be a self absorbed moron and drive drunk"
Posted by: IM is a Dumbass ()
Date: December 25, 2006 10:48AM

IM Wrote:
> However since you brought them up, I agree they
> are not very effective in terms of actual arrests.
> I would think that the reason they are still so
> popular is the perceived deterrent effect and
> public service aspect associated with them. All
> drivers that pass through are given "educational
> material" with statistics etc.
> Also agree that dedicated DWI patrols like you
> described would prove more effective and be a
> better allocation of resources.

Ok then, why even have them? And if they really are "DWI" Checkpoints, then why aren't people w/ bad safety inspections just let go.

And how are the July 2006 laws fair? Driving while asian is preventable, driving while distracted is preventable, as are driving aggressively, failure to use turn signals, failure to use your brain, and so is driving while tired. You don't see these situations being held under the same provisions. Why would DUI be any different? they are all preventable.

Believe it or not, I am all for not driving drunk. However my definition of drunk is a little different than '.08' zero tolerance crap. There are too many variables. How about a 300 lb offensive tackle who needs quite a few beers to even get a buzz. Much different than a 110 lb asian woman who's never drank before in her life. Plus, the amount of food in stomach makes a big difference, as does tolerance, sleep, environment, and mood, and the actual person and how their body is affected by alcohol! All of these influence in one way or another the effects of alcohol when ingested so a one size fits all solution is not only unfair but completely bogus.

What's even worse is when someone who's driving over the legal limit, who's actually unaffected, gets involved in an accident which is clearly not his fault, or otherwise, and gets hauled away to jail.

The worst is when people are totally tanked and decide to drive and hurt themselves or others, and the responsible drinkers get the limits lowered on them.

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Re: "But mom, I want to be a self absorbed moron and drive drunk"
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: December 25, 2006 11:16AM

Personally, I'm not even sure how checkpoints are Constitutional. I was always under the impression that you had to actually be suspected of doing something wrong before a cop could pull you over. Pulling EVERYONE over with the hope of catching someone who is breaking the law seems to contradict the Constitution regarding reasonable searches.

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Re: "But mom, I want to be a self absorbed moron and drive drunk"
Posted by: duh ()
Date: December 25, 2006 12:06PM

Never mind the DWI stuff...IM's repeated references to "Real cars" vs. imports is reveals much about the guy. Gotta be a Fox watching, buy 'murcan, flag waving, fightin' terra (somebody else's kid) Dittohead.

There's no comparison between real cars and imports in terms of quality and dependability. And most imports are made right here by 'Murcan workers earning wages comparable to that of a UAW worker. A lot of "real cars" are built in Mexico by beaners making a few dollars a day. Example...you probably consider a Chevy Suburban to be a "real car"....they are assembled in Mexico.

My Honda Accords are built in Maryville, Ohio by 'Murcan workers. Plant management is almost all US born also.

Here's a little education for you IM...so you don't get had on your next "real car"....the first digit of a vehicles' VIN indicates the country of origin:


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Re: "But mom, I want to be a self absorbed moron and drive drunk"
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: December 25, 2006 02:22PM

"you wreck your "import" into a real car"

Somebody needs to educate IM about crash safety tests. Seems to me most of the cars that rate highly for safety on these tests are made in Japan or Europe while most of the ones that result in the driver being decapitated or paralyzed are "real cars" made in the good ol' USA.

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Re: "But mom, I want to be a self absorbed moron and drive drunk"
Posted by: ... ()
Date: December 25, 2006 03:14PM

The Chevy Malibu did pretty well in crash tests..but it is based on the Epsilon platform...also used by Opel and Saab for the Vectra and the 93 respectively.

Incidentally, State Farm gives the Saab 93 a 40% vehicle safety discount, and nothing made by Toyota (not even the Land Barge, oops, I mean, Land Cruiser) nor Honda gets a rating that high.

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Re: "But mom, I want to be a self absorbed moron and drive drunk"
Posted by: IM ()
Date: December 26, 2006 08:31AM

Talk about missing the point and focusing on minutia in a feeble effort to bust balls...

For the record, I happen to drive an "import", with great gas mileage, excellent crash ratings, and assembled here in the US. The use of the term was not intended to make a, how did you put it, buy 'murcan, flag waving, fightin' terra (somebody else's kid) Dittohead stance. It was one of many statements made to reinforce a point. Geezus, when do the spelling corrections start? Anybody want to critique my grammar and punctuashun?

And thank you for the VIN tidbit, your ability to cut and paste impresses the hell out of me, I have been humbled into submission, you all really showed me.

And one more thing...

You Wrote:

>Ok then, why even have them? And if they really are "DWI" Checkpoints, then why >aren't people w/ bad safety inspections just let go.

>And how are the July 2006 laws fair? Driving while asian is preventable, driving >while distracted is preventable, as are driving aggressively, failure to use >turn signals, failure to use your brain, and so is driving while tired. You >don't see these situations being held under the same provisions. Why would DUI >be any different? they are all preventable.

Were you under the influence of phychotropic drugs when you posted this or is this truly how you feel? Based on your logic, since a DWI checkpoint is only designed to interdict impaired drivers, if Bin Laden or someone with a stack of kiddie porn came through a checkpoint, the police should let em pass. How does that make any sense?

As for your suggestion for DWA (driving while Asian) checkpoints, I wont event legitimize that with a response. Targeted enforcement for the other violations you presented DO exist, however a checkpoint would not be practical to enforce them, it wouldnt work.

Anxiously awaiting your inevitable response.

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Re: "But mom, I want to be a self absorbed moron and drive drunk"
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: December 26, 2006 09:17AM

So to summarize, IM posted a pointless and not very well-thought-out stream of complaints. Subsequent posts reveal that he resembles all of the people he is complaining about. So it is basically a big, useless post complaining about himself. Why not just use a mirror? Why waste our time with this?

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Re: "But mom, I want to be a self absorbed moron and drive drunk"
Posted by: Potato ()
Date: December 26, 2006 09:53PM

After reading this post, I'm Glad I moved out of Fairfax because you people are moronic.

First let’s start with IM. She is obviously a gifted writer and a player hater. The argument of semantics she brings to the table is just ridiculous.

RESton Peace – I do agree that checkpoints may be less effective then moving patrols. But the impacts of those checkpoints are sometimes immeasurable. No one will ever know if a DWI was prevented by its presents but statistical information provide on the web clearly show that alcohol related deaths due to accidents are down.

IM is a Dumbass - Not a gifted writer and a dopy racist. To even bring the choices of different check points into the conversation (i.e. DWO, Driving While not using your brain, etc...) is stupid and was not a well thought out response. The only thing detectable of those choices is DWO, which is a racist thing to do. Driving while stupid is only detectable on you (but not a crime until you hit something). And your variable comment is stupid, to think that no one is aware that there is a difference between 300lb tackle and a small framed female. What do you think sobriety test are for? Why do you think that people are standing on the side of the road with a foot in the air? It's to determine if you are drunk or not. To educate you a little further: Food does not lower your blood alcohol it only slows the rate of absorption (which does not make much of a difference). A person’s BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) is different for different size people (please read Henry’s Law to understand). Plus I don’t want to be on the road with the drunken asshole or the person just over the legal limit. Both have an impaired ability to drive and I don’t feel that I sure have to share the road with those types of people. The selfish self absorbed moron’s types.

PS I’m glad you got a ticket for an expired inspection. You shouldn’t have been on the road with a car that is unsafe to drive. And expired inspections are preventable.

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Re: "But mom, I want to be a self absorbed moron and drive drunk"
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: December 26, 2006 10:10PM

Potato Wrote:
> No one will ever know if a DWI was
> prevented by its presents but statistical
> information provide on the web clearly show that
> alcohol related deaths due to accidents are down.

Oooh - they give out presents at the checkpoints? Maybe I should be driving around late at night more often!

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Re: "But mom, I want to be a self absorbed moron and drive drunk"
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: December 26, 2006 11:59PM

And I paid a shitload for presents this year... if I had only known I could have driven through a couple of months' worth of checkpoints and gotten it all for just time and fuel.

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Re: "But mom, I want to be a self absorbed moron and drive drunk"
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: December 27, 2006 12:40AM

Potato, I hope your whole family is killed in a horrible house fire this holiday season, you twat. "I'm glad you got a ticket for your inspection sticker"... eat my ass.

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Re: "But mom, I want to be a self absorbed moron and drive drunk"
Posted by: Potatoe ()
Date: December 27, 2006 10:33AM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> Potato, I hope your whole family is killed in a
> horrible house fire this holiday season, you twat.
> "I'm glad you got a ticket for your inspection
> sticker"... eat my ass.

They probably will because the Fire Department will be to busy at your house, saving your dumb ass pulling the plastic bag off your head because you failed again to commit suicide by autoerotic asphyxiation.

PS I hope you get a ticket for your tinted windows too, you twat.

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Re: "But mom, I want to be a self absorbed moron and drive drunk"
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: December 27, 2006 11:06AM

Potatoe Wrote:
> you failed again to commit suicide by autoerotic
> asphyxiation.

wow you are stupid. it doesnt take a genius to know that the point of autoerotic asphyxiation isnt to kill oneself.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: "But mom, I want to be a self absorbed moron and drive drunk"
Posted by: Potatoe ()
Date: December 27, 2006 01:07PM

You would know. I hope your dog bites your nuts when he licks the peanut butter off.

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Re: "But mom, I want to be a self absorbed moron and drive drunk"
Posted by: IM ()
Date: December 27, 2006 01:36PM

Presence, presents, doomas, dumbass..you guys are unreal. The speed in which this thread deviated off topic, if there was one to begin with, and digressed to the point of dogs eating off the nuts of Gravis is astounding. This thread has turned into a shooting gallery for drive by sniping of typos.

Am I really the only one who feels the sentiment expressed in the original post? Obviously hit too close to home for my esteemed co-posters on this site....

Reston Peace - your thoughts are spoken like a true reston-ite, you have established yourself as a member of the target audience I originally posted about.

You too pgens (who cant seem to understand that driving an import is only one aspect of my definition of "self absorbed moron" and lended to the comedic undertone that was intended.)

Do you guys actually read what you write before you hit the post message button? Quit spending money or thereapy, I can tell you why your daddy beat you as I child.

And Gravis, since you seem to be the resident guru on choking yourself while you wax the carrot, can you please post some advice on how to do it right? I would open the question up to everyone else, but something tells me you are a subject matter expert on this one....

Man, now I have stooped the level of self-absorbed moron myself. You guys are right, Im an idiot. Thank you for showing me the error of my ways.

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Re: "But mom, I want to be a self absorbed moron and drive drunk"
Posted by: $burpgun$ ()
Date: December 29, 2006 01:43AM

Better watch it IM. RESton Peace has at least about twelve sophmoric insults at his disposal, and pgens will co-opt your "anonymous" handle in a Herndon minute...

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Re: "But mom, I want to be a self absorbed moron and drive drunk"
Posted by: 4wheeler ()
Date: January 03, 2007 03:24PM

IM, i could've told you that the topic was going to deviate totaly off track since a good number of members in this forum go around complaining about PD, FD, goverment, etc, etc. since all they want to do is enforce "their" rights and F--- everyone else. It's funny how much they know about law when it comes to "question" DWI Checkpoints for being unconstitutional, That's funny.

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Re: "But mom, I want to be a self absorbed moron and drive drunk"
Posted by: mr nash ()
Date: December 25, 2011 11:55PM

WashingToneLocian Wrote:
> "you wreck your "import" into a real car"
> Somebody needs to educate IM about crash safety
> tests. Seems to me most of the cars that rate
> highly for safety on these tests are made in Japan
> or Europe while most of the ones that result in
> the driver being decapitated or paralyzed are
> "real cars" made in the good ol' USA.


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