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IPV4 64 versus IPV6 - why ipv6 is just a lie upon a lie
Posted by: tech talk ()
Date: July 21, 2019 01:59PM

IPV4 had rules. routers that "cheated" could be notified and shut down by authorities - even penalized. home users could test if routers were cheating and which were involved

IPV6 is extremely complicated (intentional burden upon the little guy). But what do you get if you jump through all the hoops?

ISP DENY ANY LIABILITY FOR IPV6. they don't follow the rules don't support features especially no the security rules. they don't publish what they do support.

THEY ARE NOT LIABLE FOR ANYTHING, you cannot ask if their router works, what it supports when, or if they are allowing (police, politicians, workers) to spy on your internet or even inside your PC (ipv6 can do that: code inside delivery mandatory - and it even allows china to hack USA cell towers - europe demanded the feature be in ipv6)

it was always assume and said IPV4 would become 64 bit, 128 bit when needed, and everyone would have multiple IP

TODAY: they are still charging for IP, 64 bit IPs have already "run out", and ISP are not liable to shut down a "suspicious router" infact they're promoted for making suspicious routers

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Re: IPV4 64 versus IPV6 - why ipv6 is just a lie upon a lie
Posted by: tech talk ()
Date: July 21, 2019 02:05PM

so with ipv6 you let germans UBUNTU (hugely hackers) set up ipv6 because its' too complicated, unlike ipv4

you are mocked if you ask if ipv4 is still possible

your machine now is un-secure both with your ISP (who demands you use ipv6) and UBUNTU (who ships ipv6 in a way that lets them into your home PC, force upgrades on you, steal whatever your doing and likely your bank information if your dumb enough to put that on an UBUNTU pc)


what are the gains of IPV6 ?

speed? bullshit. nothing prevented IPV4 from being delivered efficiently.

IPV6 is just a section of an IPV4 header that allows malicious code to be attached by people you don't want in your system, whereas in IPV4 you could stay clean if you opted to be

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Re: IPV4 64 versus IPV6 - why ipv6 is just a lie upon a lie
Posted by: tech talk ()
Date: July 21, 2019 02:27PM

"if you don't use complicated ipv6 packets, the telephone company deletes your packet". they do this by "so called incompatibilities" with the WIFI modems and do not admit it officially.

now here's the catch. figure out ipv6 and all it's complications, fill out the packets, do all that work.

what is in all that extra complication you needed?

NOTHING NOT A THING. all the extra complication are only things used by hackers inside the telephone company. try to use them you'd get back "denied - no authority - where's your password"

SO FOR THE CONSUMER, they use Windows don't know or care

what is IPV6?

(1) kill of small servers by making the sending simple user to user datagrams so complicated an IT team is needed

(1.a) insure it's incompatible so software holdings become worthless - total rewrites are needed

(2) make it insecure so it can hide viruses and breach routing security

(3) deny what was promised: IPs and web name for everyone. continue billing for what was supposed to have become "FREE" after the global cost of upgrading was completed. Bill for static IP. Bill for name resolution. block server ports so only tech companies (political children) are allowed to offer web services.

(4) delete anything on twitter or facebook democrats don't like. arrest and fire people for "hate speech".

(5) stalk sexually reprived boys who are not politically supported: cut off from political money and desperate for sex being poor: insure their porn contains teens (by uploading it to porn sites) and arrest them for "having a pc containing teen porn"

(6) deny them access to anything anyone wants with passwords. passwords to the ISP modem, passwords to access name service naming, passwords to access routers, passwords to access TV broadcasts, passwords to access telephone exchange, passwords to access any information that is valuable. BUT GIVE FOREIGN COUNTRIES all of USA's books online for free using grant money - then let foreigners attempt to sell the same thing back to americans :)

I understand you can ask for a route using ipv6. You could do that before ipv6 using IPV4. the ipv4 packet structure infact HAS plenty of space for endless upgrades and alterations

what is significant about IPV6 is that it attacked IPV4 (made it incompatible) to add things that were ABLE TO BE ADDED TO IPV4 by forward planning: IPV6's intention was to be incompatibel - not to offer new ability

ipv6 allows your ISP to reprogram Windows 10 routing to allow the ISP inside your PC - ipv4 did not


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Re: IPV4 64 versus IPV6 - why ipv6 is just a lie upon a lie
Posted by: tech talk ()
Date: July 21, 2019 02:32PM

IPV6 is "64 bit"

that's a lie. the NIC identifier is the same length: that's all that matters

IPV4 by default split it since PC at the time couldn't handle the full monte and it wasn't needed. HOWEVER - that's a hardware interface issue only - something that has NOTHING TO DO WITH IPV4. ipv4 could be made 64 or 128 bit

i could say old NIC cards drivers could be upgrade to support full address BUT AS I SAID - IPV6 DID NOT UPGRADE HARDWARE ADDRESSES

is it true old nic cannot run ipv6?



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Re: IPV4 64 versus IPV6 - why ipv6 is just a lie upon a lie
Posted by: mr 64 bit ()
Date: July 21, 2019 02:39PM

is it true 64 bit is faster than 32 bit ?

that's another fucking scam

NO. all it did was attack (linux) really

if you need to transfer two 32bit at once, you use "2 channels". that simple.

can you get away with not using 2 channels? no because 1 64bit channel is the same width as 2 32 channels. THE NUMBER OF WIRES IS PRACTICALLY THE SAME.


MICROSOFT APPLE have employees to upgrade. they can kill competition by releasing incompatible changes with indie developers cannot keep up with (complexity, obstruction)

linux had contributors who wrote software that "was not supposed to need re-writing" - and had no-one to rewrite it. (ubuntu was actually a beast that attacked linux in attempt to overthrow usa, steal unix while putting back a hacked, incappable, and spying unix in it's place: UBUNTU)

it's when china and germany and india begin "taking control of linux and freebsd" that you see 64bit and ipv6 was welcomed, support of INTEL HARDWARE was discouraged, google (contracts with china) becomes "the leader of cell phones made in china", and so on. it was called the linux wars. IT STILL IS CALLED THAT.

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Re: IPV4 64 versus IPV6 - why ipv6 is just a lie upon a lie
Date: July 21, 2019 02:40PM

You realize the Government used our tax money to genetically engineer the perfect toxic pesticide to kill all living things, declared it safe and legal for human use and consumption, used seeds and animals that were genetically engineered to be immune from that toxin, inserted them into the global food system, and sprayed our food with the perfect toxic pesticide throughout the food's grow life, fed that shit to us as legally safe, and fought for years to keep all that secret.

Turns out that Round Up and those Round Up Ready crops were all toxic and caused all sorts of cancers and illnesses and deaths.

I'm no anti-vaxxer but that shit was criminal. If they do that with our food, who the fuck knows what they are doing with our communications and personal security.

Now Trump is buddies with Putin, and has no problem with the Russians hacking our elections using IP technology.

Get off the grid. If you must use it, do it sparingly, temporarily, and be very secure.

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Re: IPV4 64 versus IPV6 - why ipv6 is just a lie upon a lie
Posted by: mr 64 bit ()
Date: July 21, 2019 02:40PM

Ronald Reagan (or was it Carter) made a law the "big 5" unix vendors had to have compabitility so that if users wished to swich unices the cost of migration was low.

Today: you can't copy files between Apple and Microsoft and Linux PC using a USB


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Re: IPV4 64 versus IPV6 - why ipv6 is just a lie upon a lie
Posted by: mr 64 bit ()
Date: July 21, 2019 02:42PM


THEY NEED CNN AND MSNBC and MODERATORS to delete that history - to keep what they stole and not be arrested for it

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Re: IPV4 64 versus IPV6 - why ipv6 is just a lie upon a lie
Posted by: dkwxm ()
Date: July 21, 2019 02:44PM

little red riding hood

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Re: IPV4 64 versus IPV6 - why ipv6 is just a lie upon a lie
Posted by: 2r3rgre ()
Date: July 21, 2019 02:51PM

> Now Trump is buddies with Putin, and has no problem with the Russians hacking our elections using IP technology.


democrats in VA are using MOSTLY RUSSIANS and Virginia college professor (paid for all by your taxes) to make CLANG - which Apple, Ubuntu, and probably Microsoft also uses for "compiling". clang "replaces all compilers" but is suspiciously NOT fully compatible with any PAST COMPILERS. please upgrade. your past project is broken - but big company they paid to be free and clear.

Trump had nothing to do with it.


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Re: IPV4 64 versus IPV6 - why ipv6 is just a lie upon a lie
Posted by: mr 64 bit ()
Date: July 21, 2019 03:11PM

the 32bit world was single channel single processor and was topped out

EVERYONE SHOULD REALIZE THIS IS A LIE: the 32bit subworld was full of multiple registers, chips that made multi-byte transers or computations fast (multi-channel), multi-processor, multiple DMA channels, busses that passed data from many channels and sources at the same time - even 64 numbers inside math processors too.

(and infact allot of computing doesn't need 64 or 32 - there is a waste of space issue also, where 1 bit gets stored in 64 instead of 32)

there is truth that 32bit apps needed 32bit mem (but that was virtualized, a problem already eliminated at great time and cost btw - ie by torvalds) - but 64bit apps are STILL LIMITED and busted without virtualization btw. 64 can handle terabytes but when your disks are terabytes, your memory is terabytes, and there are terabyte web addresses: your still SHORT. your always short in the end of what will just need TWO BYTES INSTEAD OF ONE to represent.

THE IMPACT of forcing 64 was to de-stabilize the progress everyone but the tech kings: and that's why they did it.

it meant all hardware drivers would stop working, software would not work - that it would all have to be re-coded - at the same time google was attacking linux

it's just not an issue of if your video card allowed 64bits at a time across the bus or if your math processor could count to 64 bit: they ALREADY COULD AND DID

it was the issue of saying "everyone must, all old hardware and software dies now - compatibility isn't going to be asked for or given - no one can get in our way"

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Re: IPV4 64 versus IPV6 - why ipv6 is just a lie upon a lie
Posted by: mr 64 my ass ()
Date: July 21, 2019 03:17PM

the only thing is true is that if a 32bit CODED program uses a 64 address it must use "two" - the program itself must work in 32's unless it uses 64 bit instructions

* nothing says the 2 address commands cannot be combined by the CPU (accelerated)

* nothing says the 32bit instructions could not be extended: they could be

* "mixed model" programming (both 32 and 64) was never impossible - it was done back in the DOS days

* nothing says that the 2 32 cannot be transferred both at once (bus)

* nothing says a 32bit driver should be prohibited from functioning because it has no 64bit interface - that is where the LIES ARE, that is the bit attack. infact 32bit programs were accessing multi-bit cards (wider and thinner) before 64 bit was even born. nothing says so: but they are - in windows and linux and apple

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Re: IPV4 64 versus IPV6 - why ipv6 is just a lie upon a lie
Posted by: mr. 64 ()
Date: July 21, 2019 03:20PM

Network cards are 48, not 64*

some are 64, but it has zero to do with anything


you need a 64 bit driver for a 48bit card that worked on a 32bit computer???


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Re: IPV4 64 versus IPV6 - why ipv6 is just a lie upon a lie
Posted by: Are you retarded ()
Date: July 21, 2019 03:33PM

Was this written by some fucked up AI program? Literally nothing about it is true or correct or even makes sense.

> IPV4 had rules. routers that "cheated" could be notified and shut down by authorities

This is not true. There's nothing like that in the IPV4 specifications and that's not even something the specs would conceivably cover.

>IPV6 is extremely complicated

Also not true.

>so with ipv6 you let germans UBUNTU (hugely hackers) set up ipv6 because its' too complicated,

This is so stupid it's not even WRONG. Ubuntu is a type of Linux distro. What do the Germans have to do with it? Ubuntu isn't hugely hackers. What does it mean to set up ipv6 by Ubuntu. Nothing here makes any goddamn sense.

At this point I just quit fucking reading because you're just bashing out words on the keyboard. You are literally more fucked up than Megan's fucked up crosseyed tiddies.

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Re: IPV4 64 versus IPV6 - why ipv6 is just a lie upon a lie
Posted by: mr 64 bit ()
Date: July 21, 2019 03:34PM

The Xerox Windows Server (network transparent PC desktop - before windows3.1 was released)

X allows programs to speak to 2 bit hardware or 10,000 bit hardware (that's both far more and less than 64). this part came from NASA space engineering - satellites and other gear had various bits. X had to connect hardware (some remotely attached by "internet" lets say), and software. IT DOES, flawlessly. similar technology got built into PC busses - because not all cards had the same bits. the best bus for PC was SCSII 2, you can say (small computer hardware mainframe interconnect technology from Texas census - 1980's).

THAT'S WHY UBUNTU DID EVERYTHING THEY COULD TO KILL X. because it was american, and it worked. they needed to steal it and use it un-patented. they needed to promote the 64bit lie and force upgrade for their masters - asians

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Re: IPV4 64 versus IPV6 - why ipv6 is just a lie upon a lie
Posted by: mr 64 bit ()
Date: July 21, 2019 03:39PM

some said an OS could be X only: that all an OS is and needs to be is X and nothing more (no supporting OS under X is actually needed)

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Re: IPV4 64 versus IPV6 - why ipv6 is just a lie upon a lie
Posted by: Autism Supreme ()
Date: July 21, 2019 04:04PM

We're hitting levels of autism in this thread that shouldn't be possible!!

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Re: IPV4 64 versus IPV6 - why ipv6 is just a lie upon a lie
Date: July 21, 2019 06:20PM

What I got out of this thread is that ordering
badly needed medications is not supported on
IPv6, especially if you are running Ubuntu.

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Re: IPV4 64 versus IPV6 - why ipv6 is just a lie upon a lie
Posted by: kjyub ()
Date: July 23, 2019 03:19PM

This Just In Fairfax Wrote:
> What I got out of this thread is that ordering
> badly needed medications is not supported on
> IPv6, especially if you are running Ubuntu.

DROP DEAD ASSHOLE. that was not evidence about anything: what it was was a threat

fairfax county uses illegal aliens to TORTURE people at the "mental facility" there - issue Rx that kill people

I'm a witness and reported it to many agencies.


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Re: IPV4 64 versus IPV6 - why ipv6 is just a lie upon a lie
Posted by: 3r2gebef ()
Date: July 23, 2019 03:20PM

gerrymanderer2 (OP) posts several lies on ffu daily - many\.10think he's a fx co gov worker who is getting paid to do it for false DNC democrat "advertising". he floods ffu with useless posts to bump down major news, posts fecal matter, mutilated bodies, child porn, foreign drug ads and sneaker ads, tells people to kill themselves and government should seize them and put them on psych pills in prison - decided by democrat gov of course, promotes kangaroo courthouse trials, gives anti-religious rants, gives satanic ritual rants, posts black males with large dicks on white young females, portends white low birth rate and fall of USA, food tampering/poisoning, and anything possible to DEMORALIZE white people on ffu. (perhaps a chinese prisoner or isis member - but definitely knowledgeable of fx co gov from the inside at times). the website operator has told him "not to post or return" which are still posted - not removed, by the sysop: not because of a political leaning but for continual illegal and gross spam along with messages that are only to demoralize if not kill others. he/she plays at financial terrorism as well: continuall reporting false financial data, and fake emergency please from (fake members of the community he makes up)

G2 continually demoralizes others while telling them to comitt suicide with a gun or to take (drugs that damage organs and cause death)

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Re: IPV4 64 versus IPV6 - why ipv6 is just a lie upon a lie
Posted by: 3r2gebef ()
Date: July 23, 2019 03:21PM

No one should do anything but ask this individual to DROP DEAD.

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Re: IPV4 64 versus IPV6 - why ipv6 is just a lie upon a lie
Posted by: Passwords Suck ()
Date: July 23, 2019 03:30PM

Honestly, I just get on my neighbor wifi and it works fine.

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Re: IPV4 64 versus IPV6 - why ipv6 is just a lie upon a lie
Posted by: kpgxx ()
Date: July 23, 2019 03:31PM

IPV4 packet header has room for routing instructions, features, and add-ons (expansion into NON-data area of a frame - where it's supposed to be).

and routers don't heed IPV6 requests - telco routers route how they "want to"

nor could a packet describe how to get through a world of routers "efficiently" - quite impossible


if it wasn't routing, wasn't infinite address resolution (still limited and not 64 either), what was it?



simply an attack to shut down small networks and make them vulerable: that's all it was or is

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Re: IPV4 64 versus IPV6 - why ipv6 is just a lie upon a lie
Posted by: tech wars and tech lies ()
Date: August 07, 2019 01:14PM

tech wars always come with "public excuse lies" by the people deleting things and replacing things with fake shit that support their big tech overthrow interests

for example "unix standards are legacy none of that software needs to be running any more - the new standards `take care of all that' so all the old software doesn't NEED to compile ever again"

ipv6 is no different

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Re: IPV4 64 versus IPV6 - why ipv6 is just a lie upon a lie
Posted by: Kevin Mitnick ()
Date: August 07, 2019 01:20PM

IPV6 is great. I can set my IP to be bounced off a number of different places in the area. Makes my IP complete stealth and spoofed.

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Re: IPV4 64 versus IPV6 - why ipv6 is just a lie upon a lie
Posted by: 89ekjfj ()
Date: August 19, 2019 12:23PM

i read a chinese german tech article that says people who don't use ipv6 are stupid

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Re: IPV4 64 versus IPV6 - why ipv6 is just a lie upon a lie
Posted by: 98dfkj ()
Date: August 29, 2019 11:32AM


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Re: IPV4 64 versus IPV6 - why ipv6 is just a lie upon a lie
Posted by: 2rgt4r3e2 ()
Date: August 31, 2019 07:31PM

Kevin Mitnick Wrote:
> IPV6 is great. I can set my IP to be bounced off
> a number of different places in the area. Makes
> my IP complete stealth and spoofed.

your a fucking dumb ass

your modem lets your ISP see what your browsing real time from a special spy browser all ISP have

IPV6 STOPS AT YOUR GOVERNMENT DESIGNED MODEM, from there on - all the rules change

whatever your hopeless win10 or linux documentation says: simply lies


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