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Republican, Naval Academy Grad, Veteran, Former CEO of General Motors - Not Voting for Trump!
Posted by: Rational Manspeak ()
Date: August 18, 2016 08:34AM

I am the son of a World War II and Korean War veteran. As a young man, the men I respected most were my father and my uncles, who collectively fought in the Battle of the Atlantic and the invasions of North Africa, Sicily, D-Day, Iwo Jima and Inchon.

I came of age in the service of our nation. I never had a draft card. I entered the U.S. Naval Academy before my 18th birthday and served in the Navy for five years. My older brother volunteered as well. Simply put, it was expected. We were raised in a good Catholic home and believed in God and country. My wife of 44 years and I have sought to pass these values to our kids and grandkids.

And I have always voted for Republicans for president. Not this year.

The compelling rationale behind this decision: leadership. A good leader must demonstrate such qualities as competence, integrity, empathy, character and temperament. Hillary Clinton has these essential qualities. Donald Trump does not.

Trump simply lacks the competence to serve as president of the United States. His knowledge of economic policy and foreign affairs is rudimentary, at best; his views are misguided. His threat to impose prohibitive tariffs on trade would repeat mistakes that contributed to the Great Depression. His words and actions have rattled our European and Asian allies at a time when Russia and China are resurgent. He has demonstrated neither the capacity nor the inclination to learn from experts in global economics.

Trump claims great business prowess. Running the U.S. government is perhaps the most complex global chief executive job in the world. Everything one does as the leader of the free world is watched by markets, foreign governments, our competitors and our enemies. This requires a steady hand and temperament.

When I worked at General Motors, our global operations comprised more than 100 plants and roughly a quarter-million employees. Supply-chain management and the orchestration of commodities, parts and components around the globe required a multinational, interdisciplinary effort. In every chief executive job I have had, my team and I spent countless hours analyzing global trends, listening to experts, learning from others and making informed, reasoned decisions. Trump does none of that. While running a successful hotel business is honorable and hard work, there is no comparison to running a sophisticated global operation such as the U.S. government. Trump is simply not up to a job of this complexity.

Long ago, I learned an old Navy saying from a good friend and now-retired admiral: “Ship, shipmate, self.” This motto set the priorities for my life during my service. The civilian equivalent would be “country, fellow citizen, self.” As individuals and as a nation, we must aspire to serve the greater good. We must exhibit the empathy that places the greater good of the nation and its people above individual self-interest.

Unfortunately, Trump has appealed to the lowest common denominators in our society: prejudice, xenophobia and intolerance. He has mocked people with disabilities, tarred ethnic minorities, demeaned women and insulted religious leaders, including the pope.

When Trump questioned the patriotism and sacrifice of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and, thereby, other prisoners of war, he demonstrated a complete lack of respect for the men and women in uniform, as well as our veterans. He appeared unable to empathize or comprehend the sense of isolation and despair associated with years of imprisonment. But he did not stop there.

When asked how he has sacrificed for our country, Trump compared his experiences in real estate to that of a mother who lost her son after that brave young man volunteered for service in the U.S. Army. Trump’s complete lack of empathy and his failure to understand the heartache of a grieving mother disqualify him from being commander in chief. What kind of person equates the sacrifice of the loss of a child to that of creating jobs or making money?

Trump has resorted to schoolyard name-calling and skewed the truth too many times. I simply do not believe that Trump could stand tall like John F. Kennedy did during the Cuban Missile Crisis, demonstrate the strength of Ronald Reagan in bringing about the end of the Cold War or articulate the vision of George H.W. Bush to support a unified Germany when the wall came down.

By contrast, Clinton has been tested. She has demonstrated balance, calm and an even temperament. She has an unparalleled knowledge of foreign and economic policy; she has run complex organizations such as the State Department. Over the years, she has demonstrated that she can take criticism and work with even her most strident political opponents. Like other leaders, including myself, she has made mistakes. I believe she has learned from those mistakes. In my opinion, she is ready to be commander in chief on Day One.

Many of my fellow chief executives will question my decision to speak out. My choice is grounded in the Midwest values that I learned from my parents and grandparents. I hope and believe that one day my grandchildren will be proud that I stood up to speak out about what is right for our country. Ultimately, our greatest duty to our country is to put our future, and our children’s future, above partisan politics.

Daniel Akerson is a United States Naval Academy graduate, veteran, was Chairman and Chief Executive of General Motors from 2010 to 2014, and was Vice Chairman and Special Adviser to the Board of Directors for the Carlyle Group from 2014 to 2016.

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Re: Republican, Naval Academy Grad, Veteran, Former CEO of General Motors - Not Voting for Trump!
Posted by: enough said ()
Date: August 18, 2016 08:37AM

He's a cuck, and GM is for losers.

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Re: Republican, Naval Academy Grad, Veteran, Former CEO of General Motors - Not Voting for Trump!
Posted by: k7YF4 ()
Date: August 18, 2016 08:39AM

Paying back the Dem's for the bailout.

Fuck elitists.

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Re: Republican, Naval Academy Grad, Veteran, Former CEO of General Motors - Not Voting for Trump!
Posted by: Carlyle Group ()
Date: August 18, 2016 08:40AM

Oh yeah those are the good guys, LOL.

What year is it again?

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Re: Republican, Naval Academy Grad, Veteran, Former CEO of General Motors - Not Voting for Trump!
Posted by: Hasta La Vista Trump ()
Date: August 18, 2016 08:51AM

Trump is toast. I wonder what he will do with himself after he loses in the biggest landslide in US History?

Will he get an "L" tattooed on his forehead?

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Re: Republican, Naval Academy Grad, Veteran, Former CEO of General Motors - Not Voting for Trump!
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: August 18, 2016 08:52AM

No semi rational person is voting for Trump. You gotta be crazy or want to witness chaos.

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Re: Republican, Naval Academy Grad, Veteran, Former CEO of General Motors - Not Voting for Trump!
Posted by: fgfgr ()
Date: August 18, 2016 08:58AM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> No semi rational person is voting for Trump. You
> gotta be crazy or want to witness chaos.

The worlds already in chaos idiot. Its gonna take some one like trump and people to sacrefice, hillary will just continue on the downward path. The only reason there will be any chaos for trump presidency would be from anti america liberals, who want to enable criminals of all sorts.

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Re: Republican, Naval Academy Grad, Veteran, Former CEO of General Motors - Not Voting for Trump!
Posted by: Yuge Screening ()
Date: August 18, 2016 09:05AM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> No semi rational person is voting for Trump. You
> gotta be crazy or want to witness chaos.

We need to implement an Extreme Ideological Screening process to disqualify mentally insane people like Donald Trump from being allowed to run for President.

At a minimum - we should make sure they at least understand the Constitution that they are going to swear to protect and defend. Trump would be disqualified immediately.

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Re: Republican, Naval Academy Grad, Veteran, Former CEO of General Motors - Not Voting for Trump!
Posted by: super delegate ()
Date: August 18, 2016 09:09AM

Yuge Screening Wrote:
> We need to implement an Extreme Ideological
> Screening process to disqualify mentally insane
> people like Donald Trump from being allowed to run
> for President.

Political parties already do that. They're called super-delegates.

I'd expect to see the GOP superdelegate count go up after this election.

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Re: Republican, Naval Academy Grad, Veteran, Former CEO of General Motors - Not Voting for Trump!
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: August 18, 2016 09:09AM

fgfgr Wrote:
> Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > No semi rational person is voting for Trump.
> You
> > gotta be crazy or want to witness chaos.
> The worlds already in chaos idiot. Its gonna take
> some one like trump and people to sacrefice,
> hillary will just continue on the downward path.
> The only reason there will be any chaos for trump
> presidency would be from anti america liberals,
> who want to enable criminals of all sorts.

You dumb pussy. You don't know what chaos is. You're a big dumb ass pussy. Trump is a pussy too, a really dumb pussy with a big mouth that will fuck shit up.

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Re: Republican, Naval Academy Grad, Veteran, Former CEO of General Motors - Not Voting for Trump!
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: August 18, 2016 09:13AM

These morons nominated and support Donald Trump for the presidency of the United States and want to call other people idiots.

If it doesn't make you laugh it should make you cry.

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Re: Republican, Naval Academy Grad, Veteran, Former CEO of General Motors - Not Voting for Trump!
Posted by: New Trump Staffer ()
Date: August 18, 2016 09:15AM

super delegate Wrote:
> Political parties already do that. They're called
> super-delegates.
> I'd expect to see the GOP superdelegate count go
> up after this election.

No - Trump is against Super Delegates and Trump specifically called for Extreme Screening. Get on message with the Republican candidate of STFU! You are confusing the Republicans who support Donald Trump.

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Re: Republican, Naval Academy Grad, Veteran, Former CEO of General Motors - Not Voting for Trump!
Posted by: Pluck the cucks ()
Date: August 18, 2016 09:16AM


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Re: Republican, Naval Academy Grad, Veteran, Former CEO of General Motors - Not Voting for Trump!
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: August 18, 2016 09:17AM

They're a party of shit though so you can't blame them. They are a group of mindfucked disenfranchised goobers that think taking it up the ass is mighty white of them and then when they can't take any more elite cock they nominate a silver spooner idiot pretending to be a fascist dictator.

The right has an identity crisis. WTF are these people ideologically other than senile and angry?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/18/2016 09:18AM by Gerrymanderer2.

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Re: Republican, Naval Academy Grad, Veteran, Former CEO of General Motors - Not Voting for Trump!
Posted by: I Salute You ()
Date: August 18, 2016 09:22AM

"A good leader must demonstrate such qualities as competence, integrity, empathy, character and temperament. Hillary Clinton has these essential qualities. Donald Trump does not."

Spoken like a true boss!

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Re: Republican, Naval Academy Grad, Veteran, Former CEO of General Motors - Not Voting for Trump!
Posted by: gkoe ()
Date: August 18, 2016 09:23AM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> They're a party of shit though so you can't blame
> them. They are a group of mindfucked
> disenfranchised goobers that think taking it up
> the ass is mighty white of them and then when they
> can't take any more elite cock they nominate a
> silver spooner idiot pretending to be a fascist
> dictator.
> The right has an identity crisis. WTF are these
> people ideologically other than senile and angry?

This why we hate immigrants and minorities, this minority faggot is calling all republicans shit, haha...
Tell ffxu why u are better than us gerr, we need to understand why we are so above all
Of us.

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Re: Republican, Naval Academy Grad, Veteran, Former CEO of General Motors - Not Voting for Trump!
Posted by: Its masterful. ()
Date: August 18, 2016 09:24AM

Steve Bannon is running Donald's campaign now - Trump is burning down the GOP. He isnt even hiding the fact he wants to bring down the Republican establishment. Trump is more anti-Ryan and anti-Mcconnell now than he is anti-Clinton.

I have to hand it to Donald, he has probably doubled his future lifetime earning potential while single-handedly securing a liberal Supreme Court for the next generation and exposing/destroying what is left of the fractured and dysfunctional GOP.

And they still dont know what hit them. Its masterful.

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Re: Republican, Naval Academy Grad, Veteran, Former CEO of General Motors - Not Voting for Trump!
Posted by: Really?! Seriously?!! ()
Date: August 18, 2016 08:03PM

"When Trump questioned the patriotism and sacrifice of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and, thereby, other prisoners of war, he demonstrated a complete lack of respect for the men and women in uniform, as well as our veterans. He appeared unable to empathize or comprehend the sense of isolation and despair associated with years of imprisonment. But he did not stop there.

When asked how he has sacrificed for our country, Trump compared his experiences in real estate to that of a mother who lost her son after that brave young man volunteered for service in the U.S. Army. Trump’s complete lack of empathy and his failure to understand the heartache of a grieving mother disqualify him from being commander in chief. What kind of person equates the sacrifice of the loss of a child to that of creating jobs or making money?"

Donald Trump really did those things and wants to be Commander in Chief of US Armed Forces?

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Re: Republican, Naval Academy Grad, Veteran, Former CEO of General Motors - Not Voting for Trump!
Posted by: puLEv ()
Date: August 18, 2016 09:11PM

> Trump simply lacks the competence to serve as president of the United States.

Hillary much more so. A violent lawyer isn't a server to the public but the thing the public jokes about sending to space as trash.

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Re: Republican, Naval Academy Grad, Veteran, Former CEO of General Motors - Not Voting for Trump!
Posted by: xcEww ()
Date: August 18, 2016 09:14PM

> Unfortunately, Trump has appealed to the lowest common denominators

bullshit. hillary is supporting the enemy and attacking USA persons. but i dont doubt a very few in the gov (incl. military) have enjoyed 3x-15x the pay their predecessors got: which is the point of what they are doing: the largest wage gap in history - ans supporting china, france, every violent peice of crap democrat in other countries to achieve wealth by gove the same way.

this man surely took money from demcrats to say this crap. he didn't even write it i bet...

military men / GM "workers" are not known for tidy speeches

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Re: Republican, Naval Academy Grad, Veteran, Former CEO of General Motors - Not Voting for Trump!
Posted by: PYben ()
Date: August 18, 2016 09:16PM

just a day ago CNN admited to covering up (and failing to report to police) a black woman urging rioters to shoot cops and burn the TOWN. CNN was helping urge yet another cop shooting.


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Re: Republican, Naval Academy Grad, Veteran, Former CEO of General Motors - Not Voting for Trump!
Posted by: Dude is Dead On ()
Date: August 20, 2016 04:56PM

^ See above post for evidence to support the following quote:

"Unfortunately, Trump has appealed to the lowest common denominators in our society: prejudice, xenophobia and intolerance. He has mocked people with disabilities, tarred ethnic minorities, demeaned women and insulted religious leaders, including the pope."

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Re: Republican, Naval Academy Grad, Veteran, Former CEO of General Motors - Not Voting for Trump!
Posted by: Ran GM under Obumble, ()
Date: August 20, 2016 06:28PM

Fucked GM royally, supporting Obumblefuck, and is suddenly a "life long" republican?

Sure. Butthurt.

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Re: Republican, Naval Academy Grad, Veteran, Former CEO of General Motors - Not Voting for Trump!
Posted by: fgffds ()
Date: August 20, 2016 06:30PM

Dude is Dead On Wrote:
> ^ See above post for evidence to support the
> following quote:
> "Unfortunately, Trump has appealed to the lowest
> common denominators in our society: prejudice,
> xenophobia and intolerance. He has mocked people
> with disabilities, tarred ethnic minorities,
> demeaned women and insulted religious leaders,

> including the pope."

Pope has nothing to do with america,
Ask muslims

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Re: Republican, Naval Academy Grad, Veteran, Former CEO of General Motors - Not Voting for Trump!
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: July 30, 2017 10:36AM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> No semi rational person is voting for Trump. You
> gotta be crazy or want to witness chaos.

You tried to warn them. The rabid mind fucked morons fucked themselves. They still have the nerve to run their mouths.

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Re: Republican, Naval Academy Grad, Veteran, Former CEO of General Motors - Not Voting for Trump!
Posted by: Gunlover ()
Date: July 30, 2017 11:10AM

So who cares

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Re: Republican, Naval Academy Grad, Veteran, Former CEO of General Motors - Not Voting for Trump!
Posted by: knxhv ()
Date: July 30, 2017 12:14PM

PYben Wrote:

> just a day ago CNN admited to covering up (and
> failing to report to police) a black woman urging
> rioters to shoot cops and burn the TOWN. CNN was
> helping urge yet another cop shooting.

If that's true it is possible a Judge could award control of the company to someone else.

Urging people to shoot cops or even being an accomplice to that, is serious.

It's never been true in the USA that a company owner can get away with anything - Judges can and have taken away whole companies from wreckless owners to protect civilians.

Note also blacks only want white cops shot: in democrat areas there are many black cops who are democrats. what blacks want is the COP JOBS so they don't have to keep protesting for raise in mc'donalds wages.

It's a large complex company. Just a diagram of their parent company and holdings would blow your mind. And half of the diagram likely is a lie if one investigates the money carefully.

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Re: Republican, Naval Academy Grad, Veteran, Former CEO of General Motors - Not Voting for Trump!
Posted by: pmhvc ()
Date: July 30, 2017 12:18PM

Unfortunately, Trump has appealed to the lowest common denominators in our society: prejudice, xenophobia and intolerance.

that began with obama throwing RACE CARDS, as Mit Romney put it

obama befriended hostile nations to such point of enviting them to become political whips over whites in their own home town, while helping other countries shut down USA factories and even gov jobs

hillary promised to continue the legacy of betrayals for profit

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