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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Posted by: Whiteknight ()
Date: April 29, 2016 08:57PM

What's being done about these feral animals in my beloved town?

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Posted by: Yourworstenemy ()
Date: April 29, 2016 10:41PM

Whiteknight Wrote:
> What's being done about these feral animals in my
> beloved town?

Hopefully you die a slow and painful death for your ignorance

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Posted by: Fuckboy Wonder Triscuit ()
Date: April 29, 2016 11:09PM

Let it be clear that I commanded this local welder to post something about niggers within 36 hours to publicly declare to all who see that he is in fact my bitch. My pasty pink piggie who sucks black cock everyday and then crawls into his GED welding money earned cot eating his food stamp purchased TV dinner he keeps in his beer cooler and then posts stock google images of racist shit and drops the word nigger like its a brand name on this sleazy bathroom stall door of a website. All because I commanded him to do so. That's a good little Fuckboy. The white devil is often as malicious as it is simple. Powder chicken fuckers tend to only get so far due to the smaller brains they've been cursed with. It's tough being a mutation of the original man, the black man. The man God created in his image. This sour milk sweaty stinky Cracker Jack here though is the mother load. He's the sweetest of all my little pink piggies. We fucking love this guy. It's just so sad that by the time 2050 rolls around his race will be all but a teaspoon of milk in a world color majority. The pink piggy will be obsolete! Death to all the pasties out there! WhiteKnight, post something extra sugary for me tonight baby. Have you had a chance to stock up on your Google pics yet? Take your time. I'm with your daughter at your place tonight so hit the living room if you want to catch up!


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Posted by: Mad Nigger ()
Date: April 29, 2016 11:14PM

Porn is as scripted as the bullshit you just posted.

2050 nigger? I'll personally lead a command of non-chucked whites to exterminate nigger filth by 2040 of this country doesn't change. Stay mad though nig nog. Nobody is scared of you shitskins. We just hate you because you're inferior and destroy everything good.

Kill yourself.

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Posted by: Whiteknight ()
Date: April 29, 2016 11:19PM

Fuckboy Wonder Triscuit Wrote:
> Let it be clear that I commanded this local welder
> to post something about niggers within 36 hours to
> publicly declare to all who see that he is in fact
> my bitch. My pasty pink piggie who sucks black
> cock everyday and then crawls into his GED welding
> money earned cot eating his food stamp purchased
> TV dinner he keeps in his beer cooler and then
> posts stock google images of racist shit and drops
> the word nigger like its a brand name on this
> sleazy bathroom stall door of a website. All
> because I commanded him to do so. That's a good
> little Fuckboy. The white devil is often as
> malicious as it is simple. Powder chicken fuckers
> tend to only get so far due to the smaller brains
> they've been cursed with. It's tough being a
> mutation of the original man, the black man. The
> man God created in his image. This sour milk
> sweaty stinky Cracker Jack here though is the
> mother load. He's the sweetest of all my little
> pink piggies. We fucking love this guy. It's
> just so sad that by the time 2050 rolls around his
> race will be all but a teaspoon of milk in a world
> color majority. The pink piggy will be obsolete!
> Death to all the pasties out there! WhiteKnight,
> post something extra sugary for me tonight baby.
> Have you had a chance to stock up on your Google
> pics yet? Take your time. I'm with your daughter
> at your place tonight so hit the living room if
> you want to catch up!
> http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=1116
> 910898

We are doing the decorative canopy of a shopping center / strip mall
. Naturally there is a parking lot right there . There is a busy bagel X, deli there . Humans park in the lot and walk to the store . Not niggers they pull in front of the place in the no parking are and go in to get their stuff . Tomorrow we will be right in front working there up on our scissor lift and boom lift . I plan to load that area with hex head screws , great flat givers . I won't get to see the results but just knowing I got over on a nigger makes me happy .

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Posted by: Mad Pink Piggy ()
Date: April 29, 2016 11:24PM

The Devils have a basic genetic code. It makes them say things like "I will personally do this or that"

But you won't Fuckboy. You won't. You will sit there and you will type things on your keyboard or your smart phone slut cum guzzler mommy bought you and you will type things. Nothing else. I expect my bitches to respond with haste, but this Ritz butter top responded back faster than most blond cave women when they see black dick for the first time.

The whites will continue to breed with superior races over and over again trying to catch up with the rest of us, ignorantly wiping themselves out in the process.

I'm not looking to scare you or make you feel afraid. I want you to admit and accept your inferiority to all other races. You are the mutation, the failed experiment and God will prove it once you're completely wiped out by your own devil doings.

Simple stupid Fuckboy Wonder Truscuits. They're honestly sort of cute when they're angry.

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Posted by: Hahahaha ()
Date: April 29, 2016 11:37PM

I love how the Fuckboy Wonder Triscuit is working such a low leveled job in society. But building lovely canopies to shelter his superior black neighbors. He claims he's going to do something terrible.

But he won't. He'll type, he'll fantasize. He'll smile at the superior black man and wish him a good day. And he'll go to sleep still being white. Disgusting, violent, parasitic, self destructive, low IQ, low income trashy pink smelly, white. A Fuckboy Wonder Triscuit. A good little pink piggy.

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Posted by: Whiteknight ()
Date: April 29, 2016 11:41PM

Hahahaha Wrote:
> I love how the Fuckboy Wonder Triscuit is working
> such a low leveled job in society. But building
> lovely canopies to shelter his superior black
> neighbors. He claims he's going to do something
> terrible.
> But he won't. He'll type, he'll fantasize. He'll
> smile at the superior black man and wish him a
> good day. And he'll go to sleep still being
> white. Disgusting, violent, parasitic, self
> destructive, low IQ, low income trashy pink
> smelly, white. A Fuckboy Wonder Triscuit. A good
> little pink piggy.

Notice how the spook on the pot is totally naked. I have one that works on one of my crews, same thing. You go in the washroom, one of the stalls is closed, and there are 2 flat black feet( facing out) and a folded pile of clothes next to em.

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Posted by: Pink Piggy Pagans ()
Date: April 30, 2016 12:52AM

As far back as Ancient Rome, the vile mutated pink human hybrid performed there horrible sheep fuckery. Before more ignorant crackers turned around and called it Christmas, December 25th was Saturnalia, the white pagan holiday where white men would get drunk, beat their women and then proceed to fuck each other. Common as whites loading up on the food stamps today. So whites make it a day about white Jesus now, but it used to be the day they got the dick in their mouths and loved it. This bisexual behavior was passed on generation after generation and instead of only celebrating once a year, the cracker now fuck each other regularly. It used to at the very least be behind closed doors but you little pink piggies are just throwing it all in our faces nowadays. It's disgusting. White people are simply the worst of any kind there ever was.

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Posted by: Lmao!! ()
Date: April 30, 2016 01:05AM

Mad Pink Piggy Wrote:
> The Devils have a basic genetic code. It makes
> them say things like "I will personally do this or
> that"
> But you won't Fuckboy. You won't. You will sit
> there and you will type things on your keyboard or
> your smart phone slut cum guzzler mommy bought you
> and you will type things. Nothing else. I expect
> my bitches to respond with haste, but this Ritz
> butter top responded back faster than most blond
> cave women when they see black dick for the first
> time.
> The whites will continue to breed with superior
> races over and over again trying to catch up with
> the rest of us, ignorantly wiping themselves out
> in the process.
> I'm not looking to scare you or make you feel
> afraid. I want you to admit and accept your
> inferiority to all other races. You are the
> mutation, the failed experiment and God will prove
> it once you're completely wiped out by your own
> devil doings.
> Simple stupid Fuckboy Wonder Truscuits. They're
> honestly sort of cute when they're angry.

Lmfao nigger you are so fucking mad and lonely it is pathetic. No white women are fucking you and the only ones that would are the dreads of society.

You try waaaaayyyy too hard bruh. You'd be better off saving your energy, getting a job to afford a gun, and then putting a bullet in your inferior simian brain.

Feel free to boil up any niglets you have ghetto lobster style on the way out. We know how you KANGZ love to boil up your children! Wow so superior! LOL.

I look forward to the race war and killing as many shitskins as possible. We have more warriors, more weapons, and more will.

You niggers are fucked and you'll all die horribly painful deaths. I will piss on your graves. Good luck.

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Posted by: To the oyster cracker ^^^ ()
Date: April 30, 2016 01:32AM

Cushy salary job caveman. Got the weekends off, evenings with my family, going on a trip next week to North Carolina, expense account hooking me up the whole way. It's great to be educated, legit and living in one of America's richest counties in 2016.

There won't be a race war, you don't have a bigger anything, you're white, even crackers know that shit. I'm not trying hard at all. The tiny cells in the pasties brains work as hard as they can to make sense of things but it's so confusing. That's why there is no color in their skin, the genetic code in the cracker body simply gives up and doesn't even try to map out the superior make of the original man that God created, the black man. The one they describe in the bible. Not the poorly worked over pink mutation. The one that keeps killing EVERYBODY, that systematically destroys land for causes that turn smart people dumb instantaneously and hell bent on practicing pagan heathenistic rituals on a regular basis.

I fuck lots of women, of all races. The white ones are always the laziest ones, no matter what capacity or status. You never seen the girls, so you can guess all you want. And bruh, you chose poorly.

Meanwhile, your on your third hen house and did your rounds with a few sheep before rolling out of bed whenever you felt like it because you actually do not have a job. Not a real one anyway.

This is Fairfax County you Fuckboy Wonder Triscuit you. Step your game up.

Oh that's right, pasty pink piggies can't do that, they like it best when they're in the dark on most things. I'll admit, it does sound so much easier.

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Posted by: I forgot ()
Date: April 30, 2016 01:38AM

I totally forgot! I'm not mad or lonely. I love my life and the fact I'm excelling past you by light years makes me insanely happy. I can't ever be lonely, I have way too many people around me that love me. I'm the life of the party and have a great job, live in one of the richest counties in the country and fuck white women with wild enthusiasm. You have asked me several times now to kill myself. I won't and that makes you really angry. I'm stilling all your girls and that makes you lonely. And I'm not the one on the news every night murdering more white people in sick twisted ways yet again, that's you. Probably an aspiring rock star. You pink piggy Triscuit Fuckboy, are the very definition of a loser. You'll be gone before we know it though. The whites were never going to.

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Posted by: don't want to see naked men ()
Date: April 30, 2016 02:19AM

at least make those gay firefighters put cloths on if you're going to put pictures of them on this site. disgusting!

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Posted by: Just the Keebler facts is all ()
Date: April 30, 2016 08:00AM

The white devil is a disgusting lot. They make shit like this accessible, this is was they advertise about their race. White people have been having homosexual sex since Antoinette Rome, gave it a day of actual Holiday. Down the road renamed it Christmas and have since then taught this practice (with cracker jacks that usually means forced upon as the pink piggy is a notorious fanboy of raping things) from generation to generation. If you don't want to see this sort of thing, your best bet is to get out there and start firebombing rural white neighborhoods and get these pesky bugs to stop breeding!

Waking up and being a Fuckboy Wonder Triscuit has got to be the worst case scenario today. I'm lucky to have been given the proper pigment of God. I dodged the bullet of having to be a sheep fucker, GED and Food Stamp snatching, disease spreading parasitic pasty piggie that revels in fucking people of the same sex on an international, historical and personal level.

It's one of those things about the human nature of honky's. It's an attribute that defines them as an entire sub species and one that highlights there inferiority. Bless the day they trickle out of existence for a cleaner, healthier and happier planet.

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Posted by: Famous liberal tolerance again ()
Date: April 30, 2016 08:06AM

Yourworstenemy Wrote:
> Whiteknight Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > What's being done about these feral animals in
> my
> > beloved town?
> Hopefully you die a slow and painful death for
> your ignorance

Hopefully you'll do it first libfag.

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Posted by: White Rome vs Black Africa ()
Date: April 30, 2016 08:19AM


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Posted by: White Rome vs White Rome ()
Date: April 30, 2016 08:43AM

The Fuckboy Wonder Triscuits never understand the differences in cultures. They were too busy fucking each other to learn about the differences.

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Posted by: White Rome vs. Black Africa ()
Date: April 30, 2016 08:51AM

White Rome vs White Rome Wrote:
> The Fuckboy Wonder Triscuits never understand the
> differences in cultures. They were too busy
> fucking each other to learn about the differences.

And yet.....
Rome v Africa.jpg

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Posted by: Way to Make the Advancements ()
Date: April 30, 2016 08:57AM

perfect for fucking your cousin in.

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Posted by: WhiteKnight vs WhiteKnight ()
Date: April 30, 2016 09:05AM

Pic from Chicago then a pic from Fairfax.

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Posted by: jigs ruining the earth ()
Date: April 30, 2016 09:23AM

Everyone should work to cut off at least 3 niggers per day in traffic and fail to hold the door for any of them. Act like you were just not paying attention or something.

If there's one thing niggers are certain of...it's that every single bad thing that happens to them is racism. Fridge takes a shit - racism. Thunderstorm makes the power go out - racism.

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Posted by: White Rome vs Black Africa ()
Date: April 30, 2016 09:25AM

WhiteKnight vs WhiteKnight Wrote:
> Pic from Chicago then a pic from Fairfax.

And yet...

rome vs africa.jpg

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Posted by: God damn this nigger is funny ()
Date: April 30, 2016 10:20AM

I forgot Wrote:
> I totally forgot! I'm not mad or lonely. I love
> my life and the fact I'm excelling past you by
> light years makes me insanely happy. I can't ever
> be lonely, I have way too many people around me
> that love me. I'm the life of the party and have
> a great job, live in one of the richest counties
> in the country and fuck white women with wild
> enthusiasm. You have asked me several times now
> to kill myself. I won't and that makes you really
> angry. I'm stilling all your girls and that makes
> you lonely. And I'm not the one on the news every
> night murdering more white people in sick twisted
> ways yet again, that's you. Probably an aspiring
> rock star. You pink piggy Triscuit Fuckboy, are
> the very definition of a loser. You'll be gone
> before we know it though. The whites were never
> going to.

Lol nig nog I'm competitive athlete in a non-Nigger sport so I get all the good women I want. Go ahead and fuck the whores, they're nasty anyway. I don't believe any of the bullshit you type anyway but it is entertaining.

I have a college degree from and Ivy, make 6 figures and have a wife who isn't a slut. You're just another nigger with a slave mentality who is butthurt that your race is the most inferior on the planet. All other races despise niggers. Even niggers hate niggers.

If the Asians ever take over they'll dispose of all of you. Happy days nig nog! You're still mad bitch!

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Posted by: IVorY League ()
Date: April 30, 2016 11:32AM

We assure you that nobody believes for a second that you are an Ivy League anything. Chicken, Sheep, Cousin and the Guy Next Door Fuckibg is not an Athletetic Non-Nigger sport. It's a Non-Nigger practice absolutely but t certainly isn't considered sport by any other culture world wide.

You don't have a 6 figure anything, you have a slut at best, certainly no wife in your household. A slut possibly but nothing of stature. I don't fuck whores, I fuck salary earning self sufficient women who don't require men as a crutch to succeed and Asians are an ancient society if they were taking over anything it would've been done by now.

God these Google Crackers and there up hill battle with sub species bullshit.

The inferior pink piggy wonder Triscuit uber fuck boy and his white trash nonsense

Over and over and over again. But alas, give us a moment and you'll be back sure enough with more nigger wit and Google stock photos to entertain the lot of us with. It's almost as if this could truly go on forever.

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Posted by: GordonBlvd  ()
Date: April 30, 2016 02:20PM

IVorY League Wrote:
> We assure you that nobody believes for a second
> that you are an Ivy League anything. Chicken,
> Sheep, Cousin and the Guy Next Door Fuckibg is not
> an Athletetic Non-Nigger sport. It's a Non-Nigger
> practice absolutely but t certainly isn't
> considered sport by any other culture world wide.
> You don't have a 6 figure anything, you have a
> slut at best, certainly no wife in your household.
> A slut possibly but nothing of stature. I don't
> fuck whores, I fuck salary earning self sufficient
> women who don't require men as a crutch to succeed
> and Asians are an ancient society if they were
> taking over anything it would've been done by
> now.
> God these Google Crackers and there up hill battle
> with sub species bullshit.
> The inferior pink piggy wonder Triscuit uber fuck
> boy and his white trash nonsense
> Over and over and over again. But alas, give us a
> moment and you'll be back sure enough with more
> nigger wit and Google stock photos to entertain
> the lot of us with. It's almost as if this could
> truly go on forever.



pic unrelated

happy bunny crazy ramblings.jpg

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Posted by: Lmao this has to be a SJW ()
Date: April 30, 2016 04:19PM

IVorY League Wrote:
> We assure you that nobody believes for a second
> that you are an Ivy League anything. Chicken,
> Sheep, Cousin and the Guy Next Door Fuckibg is not
> an Athletetic Non-Nigger sport. It's a Non-Nigger
> practice absolutely but t certainly isn't
> considered sport by any other culture world wide.
> You don't have a 6 figure anything, you have a
> slut at best, certainly no wife in your household.
> A slut possibly but nothing of stature. I don't
> fuck whores, I fuck salary earning self sufficient
> women who don't require men as a crutch to succeed
> and Asians are an ancient society if they were
> taking over anything it would've been done by
> now.
> God these Google Crackers and there up hill battle
> with sub species bullshit.
> The inferior pink piggy wonder Triscuit uber fuck
> boy and his white trash nonsense
> Over and over and over again. But alas, give us a
> moment and you'll be back sure enough with more
> nigger wit and Google stock photos to entertain
> the lot of us with. It's almost as if this could
> truly go on forever.

You are a special kind of SJW I'll tell ya! Niggers still hate you boo boo. Keep writing angry rants ya bitch

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Posted by: Old Man Baby Powder at it again. ()
Date: April 30, 2016 07:12PM

A common example of how crackers sway the divorce rates. Many a pasty will stick around in a hostile empty shelled relationship out of the fear of true retaliation. This piggy popped his wife and daughter while at his barrel. All because "she just don't love him no mo"

Mayonaise turkey juice stained blood spilled all over the floor that day. Two less Fuckboy Wonder Triscuits poisoning the world with their nonsense at least, so thank God for that.

White people are truly the worst.

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Posted by: Delusional nigger ()
Date: April 30, 2016 08:57PM

Old Man Baby Powder at it again. Wrote:
> A common example of how crackers sway the divorce
> rates. Many a pasty will stick around in a
> hostile empty shelled relationship out of the fear
> of true retaliation. This piggy popped his wife
> and daughter while at his barrel. All because
> "she just don't love him no mo"
> Mayonaise turkey juice stained blood spilled all
> over the floor that day. Two less Fuckboy Wonder
> Triscuits poisoning the world with their nonsense
> at least, so thank God for that.
> White people are truly the worst.

You do realize there are several websites dedicated to detailing nigger crime right? I could literally post thousands of stories of nigger homicide, suicide, family murder, etc.

That's not even including all the nigger fambly violence that isn't reported. Gnomesayin nigger?

Keep up with the paragraphs though. It's super funny!

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Posted by: alexovechkin ()
Date: April 30, 2016 09:20PM

where did they get cameras in the roman empire?

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Posted by: Websites for white justification ()
Date: April 30, 2016 10:40PM

Every major shift in human history, every major war, every bombing, every genocide, every enslaved movement began in white hands. Post domestic stuff all day long, continents get wiped out regularly by white hands. Lib media doesn't like showcasing the horrors of Fuckboy Wonder Triscuits. They're truly filthy animals. White people are simply the worst. A bunch of pinky dindus talking all day long. They can't be helped. Which is why they will systematically wipe themselves out by their very own hands. Idiots.

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Posted by: urbutthurt ()
Date: April 30, 2016 11:59PM

Blacks in Africa sold other blacks into slavery as well, so stop with the butthurt. You are just pissed off because whitey recognizes shit when he sees it, and does something about it. Blacks on the other hand shoot each other? So if anybody is dying off it will be the blacks, by their own hands. Blame the man all you want. The blacks are toast. Thanks Obama!

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Posted by: Nogman Steve ()
Date: May 01, 2016 12:11AM


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Posted by: Miracle Whip Ritzy Fuckboy you ()
Date: May 01, 2016 03:55AM

urbutthurt Wrote:
> Blacks in Africa sold other blacks into slavery as
> well, so stop with the butthurt. You are just
> pissed off because whitey recognizes shit when he
> sees it, and does something about it. Blacks on
> the other hand shoot each other? So if anybody is
> dying off it will be the blacks, by their own
> hands. Blame the man all you want. The blacks are
> toast. Thanks Obama!

Yup here we go again with the pasty Dindu Nuffins. Crackers trying to shed some light how they handle things and meanwhile blacks just killing folk and blaming it on the man. Yup. You aren't describing anything like your comrades here:

We Wanted to be Black so Badly Wrote:
> Hi!
> We're White. And it fucking sucks. We wanted to
> be Black so badly, but God cursed us with nasty
> sour milk body odor, pink piglet skin, tiny
> shriveled penises and smaller sized brains than
> the black man, the original man God created on
> Earth. God made us with the left over, lesser
> quality black parts and made us all look alike so
> other people couldn't tell us apart. It made us
> all so angry and it was too much to go on having
> to be so pathetic day in day out. So we took
> action in our own hands. We went to public places
> and murdered as many scum sucking worthless white
> trash we could. We are happy to report that we
> put a pretty healthy dent into a still and
> otherwise hopeless situation. The good news is,
> we won't have to keep shooting white people for
> long because we'll be such a small percentage of
> the population by 2050 that it will be almost no
> work at all to make our inferior race obsolete!
> Exciting results from our efforts and even more
> exciting days ahead! Death to all the little pink
> piggies! Yay!

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Posted by: Do the math and read something. ()
Date: May 01, 2016 04:05AM

You pipe dream of race wars. You point all of the worlds ills at others rather than your poisonous behavior. And you still are so blind to simple mathematics. There are books and studies on the inevitable. Hell, one quick Google search popped an article out as quick as a stock nigger meme heads have seen 1,000+ times like it's new or something.

But check out some reading material. Some good shit there about your future and more importantly, your pasty little oyster frackers out there.

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Posted by: stay here folks ()
Date: May 01, 2016 06:50AM

Niggers gonna nig

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Posted by: FrankR. ()
Date: May 01, 2016 07:43AM

I think someone posted another thread before asking for just one example of a majority or all black governed state / country that was prosperous, and no examples were cited. Just saying. Don't hate whitey... he keeps things in order.

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Posted by: nigga please ()
Date: May 01, 2016 10:42AM

Websites for white justification Wrote:
> Every major shift in human history, every major
> war, every bombing, every genocide, every enslaved
> movement began in white hands. Post domestic
> stuff all day long, continents get wiped out
> regularly by white hands.

Thanks for pointing that out. It reinforces the fact that even though niggers have WANTED to pull all these things off, they are too fucking primitive to do it.

Same reason we have no nigger serial killers. Too fucking dumb to get away with more than one or two murders.

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Posted by: You mad coon? Lolz! ()
Date: May 01, 2016 07:55PM

Fuckboy Wonder Triscuit Wrote:
> Let it be clear that I commanded this local welder
> to post something about niggers within 36 hours to
> publicly declare to all who see that he is in fact
> my bitch. My pasty pink piggie who sucks black
> cock everyday and then crawls into his GED welding
> money earned cot eating his food stamp purchased
> TV dinner he keeps in his beer cooler and then
> posts stock google images of racist shit and drops
> the word nigger like its a brand name on this
> sleazy bathroom stall door of a website. All
> because I commanded him to do so. That's a good
> little Fuckboy. The white devil is often as
> malicious as it is simple. Powder chicken fuckers
> tend to only get so far due to the smaller brains
> they've been cursed with. It's tough being a
> mutation of the original man, the black man. The
> man God created in his image. This sour milk
> sweaty stinky Cracker Jack here though is the
> mother load. He's the sweetest of all my little
> pink piggies. We fucking love this guy. It's
> just so sad that by the time 2050 rolls around his
> race will be all but a teaspoon of milk in a world
> color majority. The pink piggy will be obsolete!
> Death to all the pasties out there! WhiteKnight,
> post something extra sugary for me tonight baby.
> Have you had a chance to stock up on your Google
> pics yet? Take your time. I'm with your daughter
> at your place tonight so hit the living room if
> you want to catch up!

Nonsense coon. Whites have always been a world minority, yet we are still here. It's in fact the african coon that is disapearing from this earth, and thank God for that. I can only imagine how peaceful this planet will be without your violent kind. Between your epedimic murder rates towards each other, and your women aborting their little nigglets, you idiots are exterminating yourselves quite nicely without the help of anyone. Lolz!

Because blacks are too stupid to be trusted as equals in a civilized society. Slavery ends, blacks become more violent and criminal in nature. Civil rights passed, blacks become more violent and criminal in nature. Affirmative Action, EEOC, and on and on. The more freedoms they are entrusted with the more violent and criminal they become. The more you let a domesticated animal roam the more wild it becomes. Blacks were on their best behavior when they were kept under control. You hate WHITE civilization so much, GTFO. Go back to Africa and see how long you survive with your whining and crying and demands for free shit. Africans don't see you as black. They hate the American Black mutation. True Africans have told me they would kill all of you as you got off the planes and boats. And YOU know they would. So stay and shut up or leave and prove Whites wrong. There is not a black nation in the world that is even close to being as good as the worst White nation. If all the whites in the world left the planet tomorrow. All the welfare and free shit, high paid coon ball sports and everything else would disappear. Not a single black country has welfare and food stamps. No more affirmative action and jobs blacks aren't qualified for. The Asians like Japan and so on, aren't going to share new technologies with your monkey asses. Nor they would never put up with the sub-saharans shit. Your kind will be executed in the streets, believe that. In just a few decades millions of you would die with out the White mans support, and world. Millions more would kill each other. In less than 50 years, every country your in where the white man use to be would become another Haiti. And the more you breed without new white DNA blood, the more African you will become till mud huts and pointy sticks is all you have left. Without Whites you are a doomed species of monkeys. No new technology. No way to keep, what is left behind, working. If every black on the planet died tomorrow, civilization would go on. The pace of technology would increase as Whites, and other races would no longer have the financial burden of the ball and chain of blacks dragging them down. Taxes would decrease as the black leech would no longer be sucking the life out of the modern man. A world without blacks mean a world that thrives. A world with out Whites means a world that dies. Black lives don't matter because black crime matters more. But I am wasting my breath trying to get a monkey to understand what killing the ZOO Keeper means.

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