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Posted by: munchies ()
Date: March 16, 2016 07:58PM

How does anyone with an IQ over 100 claim to be a Republican these days? You rightards are the biggest joke running since Dubya took office. Your primaries are a clown show with each successive doofus out doing their prior (it's like regressive evolution). Holy fuck what a shit show.

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: NOTREALLY100% repugnicunt,but.. ()
Date: March 17, 2016 08:04AM

Like you have any room to talk. Your demoncrap choices this election are a lying dirty cunt or a self proclaimed socialist!
I mean really when it comes down to this election, the donkeys vs. the elephants, what choices are we the people gonna be stuck with? A giant douche vs. a turd sandwich. That's how it is seeming to shape up to me, anyway. The primaries aren't all the way done, and the convention isn't here yet, so who knows!

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: March 17, 2016 08:07AM

There is no comparison rightard. You are a turd in a pile of shit.

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: go team America ()
Date: March 17, 2016 08:15AM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> There is no comparison rightard. You are a turd in
> a pile of shit.

do you not read? Or is English your second language? I clearly stated I am NOT fully on either a red or blue side,(that means i lean to the middle, i almost can't believe that i must explain the obvious)and you call me a rightard?
I'm sorry Shillary brainwashed you, but dang, buy a clue!

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: March 17, 2016 08:21AM

Yeah yeah yeah. Still no comparison. You belong with that pile over there.

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: i will fart on your goats ()
Date: March 17, 2016 08:28AM

Clown cars vs national disasters? Really?
maybe you're right, why compare..<>
but who are you to decide where someone belongs?

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: March 17, 2016 08:39AM

If you are sincere and just misguided which is a big if, you are no worse as a hindrance to progress as they are with the false equivalencies. That is corrupt rightard modus operandi.

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: yu don't know my m.o. ()
Date: March 17, 2016 08:46AM

I am certainly not corrupt. Honest enough to piss people off, fo' sho'!!
Being open minded and yet not jaded enough to commit completely to a red or blue paradigm is hardly misguided. Please define this progress that you see being hindered.

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: March 17, 2016 08:54AM

You dont have to align with anybody. But spare me the lazy false equivalency.

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: March 17, 2016 08:56AM

Progress being hindered? Look around, America is dying and drowning in problems that dont exist for the Republican Party. All you have to do is compare debates to see that. You are doing a great disservice to your country.

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: well then ()
Date: March 17, 2016 08:57AM

What is the progress that you seek?
Specifically, what do YOU want our next president to do?

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: purple say well what now ()
Date: March 17, 2016 09:01AM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Progress being hindered? Look around, America is
> dying and drowning in problems that dont exist for
> the Republican Party.
^^what ^^ exactly do you mean by that? What problems don't exist for the r'r's?

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: March 17, 2016 09:14AM

Things that are not problems for Republicans, controlling health care premiums, prices of medications, food and enviromental protections, minimum wage keeping with inflation, workers rights better vacation and family leave in line with the rest of the world, income disparity and a needed rise in wages, fair and simple taxation not more regressive tax proposals to continue to kill off whats left of the middle class, energy independence and clearing the way for an energy revolution, a managed responsible approach to a balanced budget rather than using the deficit to attack and hack at the safety net.

The list goes on, voters rights and participation in our democracy rather than disenfranchisment. Providing solutions rather than fueling anger.

All Republicans do is cut taxes and regulations. Thats it. Theyre not capable of addressing anything else in a constructive manner. They are even trying to make a profitable USPS insolvent so they can privatize that lol. The greed is endless.

Look at their debates. They dont address anything. Its just bullshit.

To compare the two parties takes a special type of moron.

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: NoTea ()
Date: March 17, 2016 09:15AM

LOL. The DNC 2016 Strategy
Chicken L.jpg

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: March 17, 2016 09:25AM

Nice meme.

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: March 17, 2016 09:26AM

^^^^ theres your difference.

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: nipnotsignedin ()
Date: March 17, 2016 10:00AM

Too bad Kasich is doing so poorly. He seems to at the very least be reasonable and level headed.


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Re: Seriously
Posted by: morado ()
Date: March 17, 2016 10:23AM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Things that are not problems for Republicans,
> controlling health care premiums, prices of
> medications,
That's certainly not been fixed. The aca=bait and switch scam to make the insurance industries more profitable by passing a law. It does little to address the ri$Ing co$t$ of prescription drugs or the shortage of nurses.
That's supposedly the great accomplishment of the last eight years? Naah, I don't think so.

food and enviromental protections,
um, hey. BOTH sides have messed around on food protections.
> minimum wage keeping with inflation, workers
> rights better vacation and family leave in line
> with the rest of the world, income disparity and a
> needed rise in wages,
how were these addressed the last eight years again? Please explain. Women still don't get equal pay for equal work. When were wages last raised? SOME states have, I believe,raised minimum wage.
> fair and simple taxation not
> more regressive tax proposals to continue to kill
> off whats left of the middle class,
Sorry dear, but BOTH sides have contributed to the declining middle class.

> independence and clearing the way for an energy
> revolution,
please explain your vision for that in more detail. I would like solar panels to be more commonplace.
What some of the environmental bigwigs either don't know or don't care to address is that the current "revolution" of fracking for the natural gas to supply energy is no better for our planet than constantly drilling for oil or altering the mountains to get every last bit of scrumptious coal out.

a managed responsible approach to a
> balanced budget rather than using the deficit to
> attack and hack at the safety net.
^^I completely despise when the reds address the budget deficit by trying to cut the safety net and hurt the little people. But opening the borders with no oversight and saying "free-for-all! Everybody to America, quick, for they are generous to their people! You don't agree? You must be racist!" is just as bad, the only ethnic group here who EVER ought to
complain is what's left of the native American tribes.
Furthermore, are you aware that corporate subsidies and giant tax breaks for multibillion dollar corporations cost far more than say, the safety net of snap?
Both sides have had their hands in this as well. Cut the corporate welfare first, I say. Politicians from both sides have their favorite companies and friends/family on the board of directors, ya know. Both sides got dirty hands in trade deals and corporate subsidy pies.
> The list goes on, voters rights and participation
> in our democracy rather than disenfranchisment.
protecting America from voter fraud, such ad dead people voting, or otherwise voting more than once is not denying voters rights.
> Providing solutions rather than fueling anger.
BOTH sides are capable of fueling anger, in my humble opinion.

> All Republicans do is cut taxes and regulations.
> Thats it. Theyre not capable of addressing
> anything else in a constructive manner. They are
> even trying to make a profitable USPS insolvent so
> they can privatize that lol.
USPS is still going. My unsolicited junk mail is alive, well, and plentiful lol ;) i hope it doesn't get privatized lol
oh and didn't our current Dem president cut the budget for NASA?
Who is it that cut the funding for the CDC to test for lead in Michigan's children WELL BEFORE the water crisis in Flint? Someone got an answer for that? It's a federal agency, the CDC, right? I'm pretty sure the original cut in funding happened first. And it was before the senate had a red majority. So did the blue dominated feds originally cut parts of the CDC budget at that time? Or did Michigan just decline the funds?
Go look into that, if you've got time.
The point of mentioning all this is that the blues cut funding for important things too. I'm pretty sure the post office cuts have been on this current president's watch, right? And how much was robbed from the federal Medicare budget to pad the fund for the unaffordable no care act?

greed is endless.
>I agree. Both sides are in need of improvements

> Look at their debates. They dont address anything.
> Its just bullshit.
haven't been able to catch every debate this election year, I must confess. Many more responsibilities this year. But I do watch more than one news channel and read multiple newspapers. Plus good ole' ffxu lol
> To compare the two parties takes a special type of
> moron.

well that's your opinion, which you're entitled to, because of this wonderful American thing called free speech. I do compare them. And find both interesting ideas and terrible actions from both! That's literally why I identify as purple, or say that I am on team America's side
you have a good day, Gerry. Looking forward to what you might have to say when I check back later. I appreciate someone taking the time to discuss some of these things rather than the common practice around here, to descend into juvenile "conserva-tard!" "lib-turd!" pissing contests.

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: not all of us are that dumb ()
Date: March 17, 2016 10:26AM

Kasich is the only intelligent GOP candidate left and he has no chance. Therefore I'll be voting democrat this year.

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: hftf ()
Date: March 17, 2016 10:30AM

Kasich isn't out yet

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: March 17, 2016 10:33AM

I heard the Republican Michigan legislature is making preparations to replace the lieutenant governor with the increasing probability of Republican Rick Snyders resignation. Now why would Michigan Republicans be doing that if it were the Democrats fault?

Youre a fraud only capable of obfuscating.

Where were you when Obama was being called deporter and chief by the Hispanic community? Were you here praising your president? Around the same time Marco Rubio and Chuck Schumer were conpsiring with Roger Ailes and Rush Limbaugh to push the Republican donor Chamber of Commerce immigration reform agenda forward.

You are uninformed to say the least and you need to question your sources for information.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/17/2016 10:33AM by Gerrymanderer2.

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: Fruppie Wasserman Schultz ()
Date: March 17, 2016 10:41AM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> I heard the Republican Michigan legislature is
> making preparations to replace the lieutenant
> governor with the increasing probability of
> Republican Rick Snyders resignation. Now why would
> Michigan Republicans be doing that if it were the
> Democrats fault?
> Youre a fraud only capable of obfuscating.
> Where were you when Obama was being called
> deporter and chief by the Hispanic community? Were
> you here praising your president? Around the same
> time Marco Rubio and Chuck Schumer were conpsiring
> with Roger Ailes and Rush Limbaugh to push the
> Republican donor Chamber of Commerce immigration
> reform agenda forward.
> You are uninformed to say the least and you need
> to question your sources for information.

You're stupid.

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: WSH LAX Ultra ()
Date: March 17, 2016 10:47AM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> I heard the Republican Michigan legislature is
> making preparations to replace the lieutenant
> governor with the increasing probability of
> Republican Rick Snyders resignation. Now why would
> Michigan Republicans be doing that if it were the
> Democrats fault?
> Youre a fraud only capable of obfuscating.
> Where were you when Obama was being called
> deporter and chief by the Hispanic community? Were
> you here praising your president? Around the same
> time Marco Rubio and Chuck Schumer were conpsiring
> with Roger Ailes and Rush Limbaugh to push the
> Republican donor Chamber of Commerce immigration
> reform agenda forward.
> You are uninformed to say the least and you need
> to question your sources for information.

Hey Gerry when you go to the gay pride parade and blow guys rding on a gay float? Gerry is your gay lover a muslim lke you?

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: arkham boca ()
Date: March 17, 2016 10:48AM

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: yeahright ()
Date: March 17, 2016 10:54AM

Donald has a penis.

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: morado ()
Date: March 17, 2016 10:57AM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Where were you when Obama was being called
> deporter and chief by the Hispanic community?

a few raids for show, yawn!
> you here praising your president? Around the same
> time Marco Rubio and Chuck Schumer were conpsiring
> with Roger Ailes and Rush Limbaugh to push the
> Republican donor Chamber of Commerce immigration
> reform agenda forward.
I have never defended that!

I done told you I am not fully persuaded to either the demoncrap blue or repugicunt red side, there's reasons I identify as purple.
I absolutely despise rushbo's big mouth.
> You are uninformed to say the least and you need
> to question your sources for information.

I did not specify any source of information, just stated that I use more than one..

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: led zeppelin ()
Date: March 17, 2016 12:23PM







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Re: Seriously
Posted by: munchies ()
Date: March 18, 2016 07:48AM

Kasich does seem sensible, so why the fuck would the GOP base not go for him? Instead, the 2 worse candidates possible are in the lead with #1 doofus looking like he will represent the country for the republicans. I can't say I am surprised seeing how the GOP have been behaving in Congress the last 8yrs. They've only enabled the wacko arm of their base.

While a bit on the conspiracy side, I wonder if the Dems have been encouraging this behavior to render the GOP completely impotent.

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: March 18, 2016 08:59AM

nipnotsignedin Wrote:
> Too bad Kasich is doing so poorly. He seems to at
> the very least be reasonable and level headed.
> Nip

I thought so too, until he said he's for amnesty for ALL illegal aliens.

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: Libtardz LoLz! ()
Date: March 18, 2016 11:48AM

munchies Wrote:
> How does anyone with an IQ over 100 claim to be a
> Republican these days? You rightards are the
> biggest joke running since Dubya took office.
> Your primaries are a clown show with each
> successive doofus out doing their prior (it's like
> regressive evolution). Holy fuck what a shit
> show.

No doubt your "argument" swayed 1,000 opinions.

Truth of the matter is that it's you libtardz who are the dumb ones asking for ever more control over our lives from the State. Demanding more free shit, more third worlders, more infringements on our individual liberties. You son, are the joke. And you're not a funny one either.

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: CincinnatiKid ()
Date: March 18, 2016 11:54AM

munchies Wrote:
> Kasich does seem sensible, so why the fuck would
> the GOP base not go for him? Instead, the 2 worse
> candidates possible are in the lead with #1 doofus
> looking like he will represent the country for the
> republicans. I can't say I am surprised seeing
> how the GOP have been behaving in Congress the
> last 8yrs. They've only enabled the wacko arm of
> their base.
> While a bit on the conspiracy side, I wonder if
> the Dems have been encouraging this behavior to
> render the GOP completely impotent.

Kasich can't win because of his stance on illegal immigration. Doubt if he'll win office in Ohio again after this.

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: a bunch of teabagger morons ()
Date: March 18, 2016 11:58AM

munchies Wrote:
> Kasich does seem sensible, so why the fuck would
> the GOP base not go for him?

If the average republican is as sensible as the conservative idiots on this forum, I wouldn't be surprised if Bozo the Clown suddenly became a serious candidate.

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: munchies ()
Date: March 19, 2016 03:44AM

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: Augiedog ()
Date: March 19, 2016 03:55AM

I guess I am a republican because I work hard for my money and I really don't like to have to pay for welfare, illegals, to support countries that don't like the US, and the dope smoking education you think you deserve.

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: March 19, 2016 04:36AM

Augiedog Wrote:
> I guess I am a republican because I work hard for
> my money and I really don't like to have to pay
> for welfare, illegals, to support countries that
> don't like the US, and the dope smoking education
> you think you deserve.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Seriously
Posted by: munchies ()
Date: March 19, 2016 08:33AM

Augiedog Wrote:
> I guess I am a republican because I work hard for
> my money and I really don't like to have to pay
> for welfare, illegals, to support countries that
> don't like the US, and the dope smoking education
> you think you deserve.

You are stupid if you believe all dems believe one thing and all republicans believe another. Everyone is compassionate, hates to see people take advantage of society, likes to protect their family yet providing intelligent gun control. I dare say we are all more similar then dissimiliar. It's only folks that have something to gain that tries to divide people. Stop being a dope and think every dem wants to destroy this country and decide to vote for Trump as a result (someone that will, in fact, destroy this country)

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: Trump Nation ()
Date: March 19, 2016 08:50AM

Chelsea Clinton told The Advocate that her mother will give free Obamacare to any and all illegals to the tune of $60 billion a year (low side estimate). Of course, with the border wide open, millions more illegals would then flood across for free health care and that it would end up costing 10 times that much.

Tell us again how people hate to see the society taken advantage of and want to protect our families and our society.

Seal the fucking border. Bring our troops home from the ME and put them down there to patrol it. Send anyone caught in here illegally back with nothing but the clothes on their backs. And pass a law that stops all anchor babies - if you're here illegally, then your kids are illegal as well.

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: munchies ()
Date: March 19, 2016 09:47AM

Let's take your arguments one at a time shall we?

>> Chelsea Clinton told The Advocate that her mother will give free Obamacare to any and all illegals to the tune of $60 billion a year (low side estimate).

1) She said this in light of "while we are working on immigration reform" (not sure why we can't get this shit done but with a congress that opposes everything, and I mean everything, that the POTUS has wanted to do, it's not a surprise). But I digress...

2) Let's understand what Obamacare does. It actually makes people PAY for insurance. Wow, so people that aren't paying for insurance gets hurt and then goes to the hospital and are given free treatment by EMTALA (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergency_Medical_Treatment_and_Active_Labor_Act)? Btw- this was enacted in 1986 and, uhm, remind me who was the president that signed that into law? A better question is: Why WOULDN'T you want people that aren't paying for insurance to continue getting a free ride??

>> Of course, with the border wide open, millions more illegals would then flood across for free health care and that it would end up costing 10 times that much.

Borders wide open? WTF are you smoking? Deportations are as high as ever under this admin. What's your long term approach to sealing the borders? We're going to have military guys patrol it forever? The border is 2000 miles! Let me put that into perspective. It is about 2500mi from NYC to LA! Seriously, how many fucking troops do you expect we'll need to patrol 2000mi?? Or how about a wall that the mexican government will pay for? not to mention the 5000mi of border with Canada.

What drives people batty is that dimwitts like to make some rhetoric they hear from their friends, news, fucked-up one sided media outlet, and then go spew it w/o taking a minute to try and understand the ramifications and/or how it would be realistically achieved.

I know of no one, not one person, left or right, that supports illegal immigration. Let's stop talking like that's the case.

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: grandmamoses ()
Date: March 20, 2016 08:14AM


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Re: Seriously
Posted by: NippleChuck ()
Date: March 20, 2016 08:30AM

Ralph Pootawn Wrote:
> nipnotsignedin Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Too bad Kasich is doing so poorly. He seems to
> at
> > the very least be reasonable and level headed.
> >
> > Nip
> I thought so too, until he said he's for amnesty
> for ALL illegal aliens.

Yea the amnesty issue is a strange set up. On the one hand it would be nice if they paid taxes and made a greater contribution so we didn't have to carry them. On the other hand Americans for the most part are used to having them do everything from delivering news papers to cleaning kindergartners puke in our schools. The easy way out for the majority of Americans is to make all the illegals legal so we won't have to pick up our own trash or mow our own lawns. If we shipped them all home many of the 18-35 yo crowd would have to get off their asses and do something for a living. I'm fortunate I have a 16 yo that mows takes out trash does laundry and the like. Just like I had to when I was growing up. The kid wants to be a welder when he gets to working age. Unfortunately he will have to compete with people that are willing to work for less than a living wage. Maybe we will start an ornamental iron works shop. Ha! then I can hire a few...


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Re: Seriously
Posted by: munchies ()
Date: March 20, 2016 11:02AM

NippleChuck Wrote:
> Yea the amnesty issue is a strange set up. On the
> one hand it would be nice if they paid taxes and
> made a greater contribution so we didn't have to
> carry them. On the other hand Americans for the
> most part are used to having them do everything
> from delivering news papers to cleaning
> kindergartners puke in our schools. The easy way
> out for the majority of Americans is to make all
> the illegals legal so we won't have to pick up our
> own trash or mow our own lawns. If we shipped them
> all home many of the 18-35 yo crowd would have to
> get off their asses and do something for a living.
> I'm fortunate I have a 16 yo that mows takes out
> trash does laundry and the like. Just like I had
> to when I was growing up. The kid wants to be a
> welder when he gets to working age. Unfortunately
> he will have to compete with people that are
> willing to work for less than a living wage. Maybe
> we will start an ornamental iron works shop. Ha!
> then I can hire a few...
> Nip

Finally, a sensible post! We love capitalism, until it works against us (fighting with people that are willing to work for less, because people don't want to pay more!). Your boy should choose to capitalize on the available workforce and be a boss/owner rather then a worker bee (though management has it's own issues).

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: Kasich fan ()
Date: March 24, 2016 04:45PM

hftf Wrote:
> Kasich isn't out yet

He isn't. But he's getting pressure to drop out. Cruz thinks that if Kasich drops out he'll get all of his votes and beat Trump. I think Cruz is kidding himself. The states coming up aren't suited to Cruz at all. If Kasich drops, Trump sails to victory in the upcoming Mid Atlantic Primaries.

Just today, there was a poll posted that shows Kasich only down three points to Trump in Pennsylvania. Cruz is way back.

Cruz's best hope is a contested convention, with the first ballot Trump delegates coming to him in later ballots. He's not going to get to 1237. And, he needs Kasich to keep Trump from getting there.

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: kdk6J ()
Date: March 24, 2016 06:35PM

the republicans are retarded. just not as retarded as the democrats.

quick example - both hillary and bernie not only want to grant amnesty to all illegal aliens here now (except "criminals"), but also want the flow of illegal immigration into the country to actually continue.

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Re: Seriously
Posted by: VVD ()
Date: March 24, 2016 06:42PM

nipnotsignedin Wrote:
> Too bad Kasich is doing so poorly. He seems to at
> the very least be reasonable and level headed.
> Nip

his strategy at this point is to hang around until the convention and hope the gop fucks their own voters out of not just one, but two top choices for nominee. he hopes his party steps in and tells the vast majority "the elections were fun, now fuck you, we're choosing this guy". don't think that's what a reasonable person stands for, not in a democratic society.

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