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55% to 34%- Americans Prefer Previous Health Care System
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: December 12, 2013 10:03AM

At a recent event, President Barack Obama said the health care law is here to stay and vowed, "We aren't going back.” But 55 percent of Americans say they’d prefer to go back to the health care system that was in place before the Affordable Care Act, while 34 percent prefer the current health care system.


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Re: 55% to 34%- Americans Prefer Previous Health Care System
Posted by: Hussein Obama ()
Date: December 12, 2013 11:56AM

Wait until that 34% doesn't pay up and I seize all their property and force the poeple into my concentration camps. My fascist rule is just begining and my pawns happily sing kumbaya while lining up for the gas chamber.

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Re: 55% to 34%- Americans Prefer Previous Health Care System
Posted by: newshound ()
Date: December 12, 2013 12:11PM

WingNut Wrote:
> At a recent event, President Barack Obama said
> the health care law is here to stay and vowed, "We
> aren't going back.” But 55 percent of Americans
> say they’d prefer to go back to the health care
> system that was in place before the Affordable
> Care Act, while 34 percent prefer the current
> health care system.

> http://reason.com/blog/2013/12/11/poll-go-back-to-
> old-health-care-system

it's even worse than that, just the other day at that Mandela bs Obama let some dumb nigger up on the stage waving his arms and making a complete mockery of deaf people. a total disaster for Libturds everywhere.

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Re: 55% to 34%- Americans Prefer Previous Health Care System
Posted by: Enrico Palazzo ()
Date: December 12, 2013 12:29PM

I'll bet if 99% said they didn't want it these assholes would still thumb their noses at us peasants and say we aren't going back while sitting on their brass thrones wiping their arses with 20 dollar bills and primo exempt healtth care.

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Re: 55% to 34%- Americans Prefer Previous Health Care System
Posted by: Cant always get what you want ()
Date: December 12, 2013 01:39PM

90% of the people want background checks for buying guns
What's your pont?

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Re: 55% to 34%- Americans Prefer Previous Health Care System
Posted by: We want it ()
Date: December 12, 2013 01:40PM

Majority of Americans don't want the law repealed....
Just saying

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Re: 55% to 34%- Americans Prefer Previous Health Care System
Posted by: Youth Reality Check ()
Date: December 12, 2013 01:44PM

We want it Wrote:
> Majority of Americans don't want the law
> repealed....
> Just saying

More than half of 18-to-29-year-olds who were surveyed in the most recent United Technologies/National Journal Congressional Connection Poll say it is likely the law will be repealed in 2014, even though the chances of that actually occurring are remote.

According to the poll, 18 percent of respondents in this age group said it was "very likely" Obamacare would be repealed by Congress next year, while 33 percent said it was "somewhat likely" the law would be done away with. The survey has an overall margin of error of plus or minus 3.6 percentage points.

That has real-world implications. The administration has relentlessly wooed these so-called young invincibles—young, healthy Americans—to sign up to purchase health insurance through online exchanges. Those consumers, who tend to use health care services less frequently, are needed to subsidize the cost of treating older, sicker ones. Without their participation in large numbers (the target for next year is 40 percent of all new enrollees), premium rates for consumers in the exchanges could rise.

The ACA's advocates have derided the House GOP for voting to repeal the law more than 40 times, arguing that it's a waste of legislative time since the Democratic Senate won't consider such a bill. But the poll's results indicate that those attempts may have added to the widespread public confusion about the law's status. In addition, the relentlessly negative coverage of the act in the wake of the botched rollout of the federal HealthCare.gov exchange site may have contributed to the public's sense that the law is endangered.

The poll results also jibe with a survey released this week by the Harvard Institute of Politics which found that fewer than 30 percent of young Americans age 18-29 would or probably would sign up for health insurance and fewer than 40 percent of those surveyed approve of the law.

It also revealed widespread pessimism among African-Americans about the law's future. A staggering 70 percent of those surveyed (in all age groups) believe it is "somewhat likely" or "very likely" the law will be repealed next year.

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Re: 55% to 34%- Americans Prefer Previous Health Care System
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: December 12, 2013 02:33PM

And 65 percent want a Single Payer System. WTF is the point?

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Re: 55% to 34%- Americans Prefer Previous Health Care System
Posted by: Gerrymanderrer2 ()
Date: December 13, 2013 12:11PM

What people say they want/do and what they actually do is very often two different things. This the dilemma pollsters and survey folks try to overcome. It's especially noticeable when you can match up individuals' stated preferences or recollections of their actions and data showing their real decisions.

The youths supported O'bummer in no small part for universal health care but when the rubber meets the road they're staying away from Obummercare in droves.

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Re: 55% to 34%- Americans Prefer Previous Health Care System
Posted by: Gerrymanderrer2 ()
Date: December 13, 2013 12:11PM

What people say they want/do and what they actually do is very often two different things. This the dilemma pollsters and survey folks try to overcome. It's especially noticeable when you can match up individuals' stated preferences or recollections of their actions and data showing their real decisions.

The youths supported O'bummer in no small part for universal health care but when the rubber meets the road they're staying away from Obummercare in droves.

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Re: 55% to 34%- Americans Prefer Previous Health Care System
Posted by: Say it again say it again say it ()
Date: December 13, 2013 12:23PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> And 65 percent want a Single Payer System. WTF is
> the point?

No, they don't. I already schooled you on this several times but even now knowing that's false, you continue to stick with it. Typical progressive who thinks that if you say it often enough it becomes true. lol

The fact, again, is that a rather small minority favors single-payer. When presented among other alternatives it falls to 4th out of 5 choices. And the more that you explain to people what single-payer means exactly, the less they want it.

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Re: 55% to 34%- Americans Prefer Previous Health Care System
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: December 13, 2013 12:25PM

Okay, so the tyranny of the majority should rule the day even of it means life and death to the uninsured?

Thats of I accepted your premise which I don't. You're still a Darwinistic brute savage.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/13/2013 12:27PM by Gerrymanderer2.

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Re: 55% to 34%- Americans Prefer Previous Health Care System
Posted by: Dr. Hibbert Hates Obamacare ()
Date: December 13, 2013 12:39PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Okay, so the tyranny of the majority should rule
> the day even of it means life and death to the
> uninsured?
> Thats of I accepted your premise which I don't.
> You're still a Darwinistic brute savage.

Nobody's dying because of being uninsured. Nice try, but it's a lie.

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Re: 55% to 34%- Americans Prefer Previous Health Care System
Posted by: Say it again say it again say it ()
Date: December 13, 2013 12:46PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Okay, so the tyranny of the majority should rule
> the day even of it means life and death to the
> uninsured?
> Thats of I accepted your premise which I don't.
> You're still a Darwinistic brute savage.

There are substantially MORE unisured now than there were prior to. lol

And Obobocare still won't help most of those who existed before whether due to circumstances, choice, or legalities (or illegalities as the case may be).

'You people' seem to think that there's some huge pool of people out there begging for insurance. That's not the case. Only about 1/4 to 1/5 of the pool of uninsured fall into that category. The rest won't use it if available, actively choose not to buy it (most of which are at a $75K/yr income level or higher), aren't eligible (illegals, etc.), are only temporarily in that status but still are counted, etc.

About all that Obobcare has done is to expand Medicare, pull in people already on the pre-existing pool policies, and give some older self-employed people in what formerly were very high-cost areas (NYC) a break. All in an extraordinary inefficient way for the cost and at great expense to everyone else both monetarily and in terms of breaking what did work without doing much of anything to address the root problem - cost.

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