They should be renamed to "Trashy and Obese Morons Unite", "Our Players and Fans Have Low IQs" or "Bread and Circuses R Us".
While you waste thousands of dollars to watch other people play sports (which is utterly pathetic), and turn low-IQ black people who despise you into millionaires with gold digging White wives, the libtards in charge of our immigration system and government will continue to dispossess you of your nation and steal your wealth as they flood this country with over 1 million non-White immigrants every single year and redistribute your money to worthless leechfucks.
The older I get, the more I despise democracy. Democracy is only a good thing if the people voting are intelligent, informed, sane and moral.
That lifeless losers, like that fat and stupid drunk above, are deciding the future of (White) Western civilization terrifies me...