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Running Out of Bullets? What can Dems Do?
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: August 04, 2010 12:16PM

Until yesterday, many Democrats were hoping for a late turnaround in the national mood before the November elections. Then came last week's news that economic growth in the second quarter was an anemic 2.4% -- making it almost impossible for unemployment to decline much before voting begins. That was followed by yesterday's report indicating that a six-percentage point lead Democrats had briefly enjoyed in the Gallup Poll's generic House ballot test had evaporated. Republicans now have regained a 48% to 43% advantage in the Gallup survey, in line with most other polls. "To the extent congressional passage of financial regulatory reform on July 15 was the impetus" for Democratic gains, Gallup noted, "the effect has faded."

Even more ominously, Gallup says that the percentage of Democrats who report being "very enthusiastic" about voting has fallen to 22%, the lowest recorded this year. By contrast, fully 44% of Republicans are "very enthusiastic," in line with Gallup's average survey results this election season.

"The environment still looks exceedingly bad for Democrats," concludes Charlie Cook, the Beltway's leading political prognosticator. Last week, his newsletter raised its seat-by-seat prediction of GOP gains in the House to between 32 and 42 seats -- Republicans need 39 seats to take control. But Mr. Cook says the national mood against President Obama and Congressional Democrats is "suggesting [even] bigger numbers. The wave is still the wave and it still looks pretty strong and unabated."

Is it too late to do anything to help the Dems fate this fall?
Seriously what can they, meaning Obama and Co. do to effect this falls outcome at this point only 90 days or so out.

He's tried to inflame the Hispanic street- Doesn't seem to be working

He's tried firing up blacks, women, Hispanics with his now tired and worn out "Yes we can" chant.- They remain lethargic according to polls.

He has taken credit for our success in Iraq this week.- I don't think he'll gain much traction there.

Put yourself in his shoes. What would you do?

One thing I thought would be for him to do maybe a mini "mea maxima culpa,"

I know that's an oxymoron. But..

What if he were to get up there and express (without teleprompters) that he knows he didn't do everything right in the first 1.5 years but that voters shouldn't blame congressional Democrats for his mistakes or lack of tact? Express his true sincerity in wanting to do the right thing for the country and call for a "Lets all come together and brainstorm summit" ASAP. He could probably sucker in the usual Republican lightweights like senators Olympia Snow, Susan Collins, and Lindsey Graham. Also need a few men on the panel so Joe Lieberman,and even John McCain might fall into the trap.

If he could come up with his own version of the Contract W/ America that he could hold up as a plan for the duration of his first term he might give the Dems a chance.

Included could be a second look at health care (wouldn't matter that he's not serious) He could claim he's "fixing" it with a task forces help and eliminating the public option scare (whether true or not)

Keep Bush tax cuts until end of first term (that way he could take credit for economic rebound) If he did this ASAP it could save his second term.

Pledge to secure the borders first. Create a task force to come up with a plan of action with the first stages to be initiated before the end of the year. (taking air out of the illegal immigration issue) He can always take up amnesty later. I really don't think it's a net plus winning issue for the fall.

Lift the offshore drilling ban and pledge to work to bring back rigs that are in the process of leaving or have left. ( Helping over 140,000 jobs related to offshore drilling)He is just audacious enough he could then say he saved 140K jobs with a stroke of his pen.(just kidding, not a good idea. He will have to try hard to restrain himself here.)

Like I say I don't think any of these suggestions are part of his genetic code but if he could convince enough people that he is listening and wants to head in the right direction it just might help minimize the damage this fall and help his 2nd term chances maybe even restrengthening his party in congress then.

Also he would be taking advantage of the Republican's main weakness in that they have no plan or leadership. He would also be hijacking the primary issues in their arsenal. He would fill a tremendous political vacuum doing this.

I know everything turns on the economy so spare me all the "It's the economy stupid" posts. I'm just trying to come up with a few workable options for them.

This could foster just enough confusion in the electorate to cause a squelching effect in their favor.

At that point he could resume his more radical left wing agenda.

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Re: Running Out of Bullets? What can Dems Do?
Posted by: Johnny Walker ()
Date: August 04, 2010 02:43PM

I think it's going to be bad for the Dems, but I don't think it's going to be as bad for them or as good for the GOP as many seem to think.

And, yes, it is too late to do anything about it but try to contain the damage. Also every suggestion you have for him is absolutely stupid because it would be a slap in the face to his supporters and gain him absolutely nothing. Also, his "right direction" may not be your "right direction." In fact I'm betting it's not. I'm thinking he thinks he is going in the right direction, and the polls don't reflect what's right or what's wrong, just how people feel in a time when there is so much uneasiness around right now and no end in sight.

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Re: Running Out of Bullets? What can Dems Do?
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: August 04, 2010 04:57PM

I sure don't know what they could do to contain the damage then. Man things are just dead it seems. Nothing going on at all. ADP's report on employment wasn't very encouraging this AM.It seems like nothing is moving all of the sudden. Kind of weird. It's like the whole countries come to a screeching halt. I do have a bottle of Blue Label on the shelf maybe I'll knock one back or two.

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Re: Running Out of Bullets? What can Dems Do?
Posted by: dika-dika ()
Date: August 04, 2010 05:02PM

Only dead fish go along with the flow


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Re: Running Out of Bullets? What can Dems Do?
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: August 04, 2010 05:07PM

Republikans offer such lousy alternative candidates..the only thing they have going for them is the anti-encumbent mood of the country.

Meanwhile I "made" another $1000 on my stocks today.

Registered Voter...a Big talking coward..big man on FFXU...little man in life.

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Re: Running Out of Bullets? What can Dems Do?
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: August 04, 2010 05:14PM

dika-dika Wrote:
> Only dead fish go along with the flow

Ya I guess, problem is there's no flow.

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Re: Running Out of Bullets? What can Dems Do?
Posted by: therock ()
Date: August 04, 2010 09:08PM

They've done more in the last 1.5yrs then the entire term of the prior administration. At this point, they should kick back while the GOP services them on their knees.

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Re: Running Out of Bullets? What can Dems Do?
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: August 05, 2010 01:01PM

Looks like they found a new possible approach...

An August Surprise from Obama?

Main Street may be about to get its own gigantic bailout. Rumors are running wild from Washington to Wall Street that the Obama administration is about to order government-controlled lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to forgive a portion of the mortgage debt of millions of Americans who owe more than what their homes are worth. An estimated 15 million U.S. mortgages – one in five – are underwater with negative equity of some $800 billion. Recall that on Christmas Eve 2009, the Treasury Department waived a $400 billion limit on financial assistance to Fannie and Freddie, pledging unlimited help. The actual vehicle for the bailout could be the Bush-era Home Affordable Refinance Program, or HARP, a sister program to Obama’s loan modification effort. HARP was just extended through June 30, 2011....

If you can’t model the past, where you know the answer pretty well, how can you model the future? - William Happer Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics Princeton University

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Re: Running Out of Bullets? What can Dems Do?
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: August 05, 2010 04:33PM

Registered Voter Wrote:
> Looks like they found a new possible approach...
> An August Surprise from Obama?
> http://blogs.reuters.com/james-pethokoukis/2010/08
> /05/an-august-surprise-from-obama/
> Main Street may be about to get its own gigantic
> bailout. Rumors are running wild from Washington
> to Wall Street that the Obama administration is
> about to order government-controlled lenders
> Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to forgive a portion of
> the mortgage debt of millions of Americans who owe
> more than what their homes are worth. An estimated
> 15 million U.S. mortgages – one in five – are
> underwater with negative equity of some $800
> billion. Recall that on Christmas Eve 2009, the
> Treasury Department waived a $400 billion limit on
> financial assistance to Fannie and Freddie,
> pledging unlimited help. The actual vehicle for
> the bailout could be the Bush-era Home Affordable
> Refinance Program, or HARP, a sister program to
> Obama’s loan modification effort. HARP was just
> extended through June 30, 2011....

This doesn't shock or surprise me in the least bit. The Dems are growing ever more desperate for votes this fall. They really need Harry Reid to win and this would go along way towards buying votes and motivating Dem voters in Nevada.

Look for this to become one of his (Reid's) stump issues soon as class-ism is really the only weapon they have left.

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Re: Running Out of Bullets? What can Dems Do?
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: August 05, 2010 04:41PM

And I believe Las Vegas had one of the worst rates of homes upside down on their mortgages. Makes sense this play would be directed to help him.

If you can’t model the past, where you know the answer pretty well, how can you model the future? - William Happer Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics Princeton University

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Re: Running Out of Bullets? What can Dems Do?
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: August 05, 2010 05:55PM

Registered Voter Wrote:
> And I believe Las Vegas had one of the worst rates
> of homes upside down on their mortgages. Makes
> sense this play would be directed to help him.

The White House boiler room is working overtime to come up with this stuff. This is the exact reason Fannie and Freddie were left completely out of the recent financial reform bill. This has been in the works for some time and it's flat out diabolical in nature. This is the stuff you can go to hell for. If they succeed it will crash the housing mortgage market completely then at that point we'll all be living in public housing.

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Re: Running Out of Bullets? What can Dems Do?
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: August 06, 2010 03:45PM

Reid's best hope is more crazy from Angle. Someone like McDonnell would be up 60-40 and even a saner guy like Tancredo would be winning 53-47.

We're taking turns until the Chinese buy us.

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Re: Running Out of Bullets? What can Dems Do?
Posted by: Voter___ ()
Date: August 10, 2010 06:12PM

On the off chance that there are any Republicans interested in the facts:

No change to Fannie, Freddie policy: Treasury

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration is not considering a change to its policy regarding mortgage finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, a Treasury spokesman said on Thursday.

"The administration is not considering a change in policy in this area," said Treasury spokesman Andrew Williams.

The comment followed speculation in recent days from analysts at Wall Street firms including Morgan Stanley that suggested the administration could tweak rules at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to spark a major refinancing wave.

On Thursday, a Reuters Breakingviews opinion column referred to rumors in Washington and Wall Street that the administration could soon order Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to forgive a portion of the mortgage debt of millions of Americans who owe more than what their homes are worth.


mcsmack Wrote:
> Registered Voter Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > And I believe Las Vegas had one of the worst
> rates
> > of homes upside down on their mortgages. Makes
> > sense this play would be directed to help him.
> The White House boiler room is working overtime to
> come up with this stuff. This is the exact reason
> Fannie and Freddie were left completely out of the
> recent financial reform bill. This has been in the
> works for some time and it's flat out diabolical
> in nature. This is the stuff you can go to hell
> for. If they succeed it will crash the housing
> mortgage market completely then at that point
> we'll all be living in public housing.

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Re: Running Out of Bullets? What can Dems Do?
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: August 10, 2010 09:42PM

Yeah, and he promised not to raise taxes on folks making less than $250K per year. So?

If you can’t model the past, where you know the answer pretty well, how can you model the future? - William Happer Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics Princeton University

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Re: Running Out of Bullets? What can Dems Do?
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: August 11, 2010 11:27AM

Voter___ Wrote:
> On the off chance that there are any Republicans
> interested in the facts:
> No change to Fannie, Freddie policy: Treasury
> God Voter you have to understand that no changes to FANNIE and FREDDIE is exactly the problem! There hasn't been any change. They were left out of the vaunted financial reform bill recently passed. So pretty much everything that caused the housing bubble/burst is still in place as related to Fannie and Freddie. The best thing that could happen, however painful, would be to let them dissolve through bankruptcy. If we don't do that all we'll have is an artificial benchmark in housing values which only stagnates growth by propping up the housing market with taxpayer dollars. This is insane!

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