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Waverly Crossing community meeting called by police
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: April 04, 2005 04:17PM

I got a flyer in my mailbox a couple days ago saying that the police are having a community meeting for Waverly Crossing. I'm not sure if this is only for Waverly Crossing IV (behind brookfield with the tennis courts), but I would presume it is.
The meeting is this Thursday (4/7/05) at 7:00pm at the new Sully District Station.

The flyer states that the primary reason for the meeting is drug activity in the neighborhood, but lists other concerns as well. The timing of this meeting confuses me because drug activity in the neighborhood was much more prominent a year or two ago. My only guess is that there is a new family that moved in (right across the street from the police officer that lives on Valley Country Drive) who's children have gotten in to some trouble recently.

Does anyone from Waverly Crossing, Brookfield, or Walney Oaks have any insight regarding this meeting? Did you receive the flyer too? I'll probably show up this Thursday out of curiosity. If I do I'll post the results of the meeting here.
- Cary

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Re: Waverly Crossing community meeting called by police
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: April 08, 2005 06:11PM

I know this doesn't apply to like ANY of you but that's okay I'll give you the results anyway.
Basically a couple of assholes moved next door to one of the cops that lives in my neighborhood (lieutenant Bacon [yes, a cop named bacon!]) and have been harassing him and vandalizing/stealing stuff from the neighborhood. He's trying to get the community to declare them a public nuisance or something so that they can be fined for messing with someones shit or having tons of drunk people in the yard.
Normally I'd be against this, but I've met these kids and they're no good.
They were the primary focus but the lieutenant said there were a couple other houses in the neighborhood with problems too (which my house is one of, which is why I showed up) and if anyone else wanted to do something similar they could.
My house just gets noise complaints CONSTANTLY. If I have 5 people over the cops show up, it's ridiculous. I used the opportunity to tell my community that if my house is being too loud CALL US and tell us to shut the fuck up. Don't call the cops. I got an applause for having the balls to show up so I guess that's good. Overall it was pretty interesting. If you're from the neighborhood reply if you want more details.

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Re: Waverly Crossing community meeting called by police
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: April 08, 2005 10:01PM

Why doesn't Lt. Bacon sit on his front porch and just arrest the guys for public drunkedness? The only reason this irks me is a few years ago in my neighborhood we had a guy slashing tires of people who parked in a non-reserved parking space he didn't like people parking in. Everyone knew who it was, but the cops said "get him on tape doing it or there's nothing we can do." Understandable, but there was no public meeting called. Seems like it would have been better if the fact that this personally affected a police officer wasn't brought up.

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Re: Waverly Crossing community meeting called by police
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: April 08, 2005 11:14PM

Agreed, if you or I had this problem the cops wouldn't even come without political pressure from the local reps or something....

ken cuccenelli to the rescue???? I doubt it, he's an asshole.

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Re: Waverly Crossing community meeting called by police
Posted by: smilez ()
Date: February 18, 2007 05:42PM

yea me and a few friends went over tehre a few years ago on halloween and that family was pretty fucked up. one of the kids would always walk aropund with his dawg and watch us skate and whatnot and ask us for cigarettes or something to lite up with. Im pretty sure the mom was divorced and married again, because the kid would always talk shit about his step father. Im pretty sure they didnt steal anythign from officer bacon tho but that house and the two older kids were sketchy as shit.

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Re: Waverly Crossing community meeting called by police
Posted by: tttttk ()
Date: February 21, 2017 12:45AM


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