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Linton Hall Rd and rt 29, WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Take a Stand ()
Date: February 10, 2009 09:09PM

Over the last two years VDOT has been displacing businesses along rt 29 from 66 to a little past Linton Hall Rd.

Now after vdot 'moved' everyone, we are left with abandoned building that look like shit.

To make matters worse, some county idiot thought it would be a good idea to come along and cut huge rectangle shaped holes in the roofs of all abandoned building across from old 7-11.. what a great idea, lets make this look even shittier.

So after two years we have the half burned down Christmas store house, the half destroyed gas station, and an abandoned strip mall with missing roofing. Two abandoned 7-11s and 3 abandoned gas stations, all with spray paint writing on the windows that make is look like the 9th ward after Katrina.

With all this there is a new shopping mall feet away and a luxury golf course community 2 blocks away.

Prince William Co planners have their heads up their asses.

This is bullshit,

/end RANT end/

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/10/2009 09:11PM by Take a Stand.

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Oh my god, their doing it.
Posted by: Take a Stand ()
Date: February 11, 2009 03:30PM

Im pretty sure while I was typing that yesterday, they were actually starting to tear down the first of 4 buildings with the holes in the roofs.
I drove past today, they had the big building near the burned down house totally demolished. I cannot believe it.
So now they have 3 abandoned buildings left, 2 abandoned 7-11's and 3 abandoned gas stations..

Its not much , but its a start.

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Re: Linton Hall Rd and rt 29, WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Take a Stand ()
Date: February 16, 2009 05:22PM

Well I'LL be.

They demolished all of the wendy's strip mall , and in only 4 days.

Now they have 6 abandoned gas stations and 2 7-11's left to take down..

Why didn't they do this like 2 years ago.

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Re: Linton Hall Rd and rt 29, WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: m4ilm4n ()
Date: February 19, 2009 09:21PM

Isn't that part of the rebuild of the intersection of 29 and 66, to accommodate an overpass of the train track?

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Re: Linton Hall Rd and rt 29, WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Annie ()
Date: February 20, 2009 09:57AM

Hey, all things considered, I have been very pleased with the progress and minimal impact of all the work over the past three years. I lived in FFX, right where they built the new parkway in in early 90s and it was a huge mess. Prince WIlliam and VDOT seem much better at pacing the improvements. I live right off Linton Hall and was only occasionally annoyed by the widening.

I looked online at the proposed I-66 and Rt 29 interchange and, well holy shit, it's complicated. It took me a couple of tries before I figured it out. Yeah, the intersection at Linton Hall and 29 was a mess, but it honestly looked pretty crappy with the run-down businesses there, prior to the roadwork. I am willing to cut VDOT and the county some slack because they are still funding the project and moving right along. I think I saw that it is supposed to be completely finished by sometime 2010. I use the alternate routes (Wellington, University, Sudley Manor, Devlin, and 15) as much as possible, too. At least we have options.

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Re: Linton Hall Rd and rt 29, WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: strongerthandirt ()
Date: August 21, 2009 09:57PM

Thanks, Annie, for the heads up. Here's a link to the plans:


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Re: Linton Hall Rd and rt 29, WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: AnnieBee ()
Date: October 11, 2009 08:46PM

FYI, the cover of last week's Bull Run Observer (week ending 10/10) had an update on the project and a picture of what the finished overpass/exchange will look like. It actually looks pretty good. Very, very different, though.

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Re: Linton Hall Rd and rt 29, WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: T2T ()
Date: November 08, 2010 05:17PM

I realize this thread is a bit dated, but the work is progressing. Gone are all of the ugly abandoned buildings which have been bulldozed down and the materials hauled away. One of the major tasks in taking on a task of this nature is the relocation of the utilities. It's a massive undertaking.

The same can be said for the intersection of Rt. 29 and Gallows Road in Merrifield. I believe I read at one time, it would take nearly two years just to relocate all of the utilities so the underpass could be dug. Granted, that intersection is way more crowded than Linton Hall Road and Rt. 29, but you still get the picture.

Oh, to make matters worse was the closure of Rt 55 (John Marshall Highway) at Rt. 29 a few weeks ago. Now, when you are faced with trying to cross the Rt. 29 to head to the Lowe's and Target shopping center, you can count on at least 8 or 9 cycles of the traffic light before your turn comes to cross the highway. Clearly, this is the area to be avoided for the next few years until the construction either gets further along or completed.

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Re: Linton Hall Rd and rt 29, WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: November 19, 2010 07:59PM

T2T Wrote:
> I realize this thread is a bit dated, but the work
> is progressing. Gone are all of the ugly
> abandoned buildings which have been bulldozed down
> and the materials hauled away. One of the major
> tasks in taking on a task of this nature is the
> relocation of the utilities. It's a massive
> undertaking.
> The same can be said for the intersection of Rt.
> 29 and Gallows Road in Merrifield. I believe I
> read at one time, it would take nearly two years
> just to relocate all of the utilities so the
> underpass could be dug. Granted, that
> intersection is way more crowded than Linton Hall
> Road and Rt. 29, but you still get the picture.
> Oh, to make matters worse was the closure of Rt 55
> (John Marshall Highway) at Rt. 29 a few weeks ago.
> Now, when you are faced with trying to cross the
> Rt. 29 to head to the Lowe's and Target shopping
> center, you can count on at least 8 or 9 cycles of
> the traffic light before your turn comes to cross
> the highway. Clearly, this is the area to be
> avoided for the next few years until the
> construction either gets further along or
> completed.

This intersection is a total clusterfuck and it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: Linton Hall Rd and rt 29, WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: It's comming ()
Date: August 11, 2011 06:58PM

Well, it's starting. The final phase of linton hall and 29 interchange. It's going to be an amazing interchange when it's done. I have seen the rendering on VDOT'S web page and it's going to be an amazing accomplishment when it's all done. I have heard it's going to really pick up pace the first of 2012, and the detour should be open before Christmas. The detour alone will improve traffic flow because it has longer turn lanes for 55. Can't wait to see the progress

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Re: Linton Hall Rd and rt 29, WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Yes, It Is! ()
Date: August 12, 2011 08:05PM

I'm excited for all the progress that will happen when this renovation gets moving along. Overpasses are the way to go. Just look at how much smoother Rt. 28 is from Centreville to Dulles because of it. Then, I take a look at mess at Rt. 29 and Gallows Rd. in Merrifield - which is a total mess and they're not even making an overpass / underpass to ease the traffic situation. Instead, they're just taking the lanes to 3 in each direction. What a worthless use of money and labor.

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