ok well to set the record straight, the people with a langley address are jsut being overzealous, there is no real such thing as Langley va unless you are like in the courtyard in the CIA as seen here, there are maps avaliable to the NOOBs
http://www.co.fairfax.va.us/maps/gallery.htm and on this page
http://www.co.fairfax.va.us/maps/gallery2.htm you can see the ZIP CODES map that clearley shows mclean has 2 zips, some of you may be confused by the Highschool map. langley vs, mclean are jsut two diffrent rival highschools, not to be confused with the area, as you can see the langley diction of the highschool map extents upto the edge of great falls, ... so in conclusion, Mclean owns langley. ... rock on mclean.