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Great Falls...f u
Posted by: Chicho ()
Date: April 11, 2005 11:52PM

I was looking at this folder and noticed it was empty, so I take pride in putting up the first post in this folder. And in this post I would like to say fuck you Great Falls. Fuck you to shit. Snobby bastards.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/11/2005 11:52PM by Chicho.

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Re: Great Falls...f u
Posted by: don ruschaupt ()
Date: July 11, 2005 10:39PM

so intelligent. thanks for chiming in.

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Re: Great Falls...f u
Posted by: $$$ ()
Date: November 26, 2005 03:36PM

Shutup I could buy and sell you a thousand times

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Re: Great Falls...f u
Posted by: rich black man ()
Date: December 09, 2005 11:05PM

son...i may be black...but i live in a bigger house than you ever will see in your entire life...i agree with $$$ in his statement that i could buy you and then sell you to slave owners in ecuador for half the price...so i hope that you are embarressed that i myself...a black man has PWNED you...PWNED...pwned...p-w-n-e-d...

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Re: Great Falls...f u
Posted by: Bill Gates ()
Date: December 11, 2005 05:08PM

well, I'm white, and I am Bill Gates, so I am richer than all black men combined. And I will sell all of you into slavery rapidly if you do not bow down before your white superiors.

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Re: Great Falls...f u
Posted by: derikk ()
Date: February 04, 2006 08:38PM

fuck u u goddamn ignorant bastard, i used to live in herndon like ur spic ass, but i fucking got a job

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Re: Great Falls...f u
Posted by: doesnt matter ()
Date: July 04, 2006 06:10PM

get a life

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Re: Great Falls...f u
Posted by: buccimayne ()
Date: January 23, 2008 07:12PM

wow..all of u sound like dumb niggerz

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Re: Great Falls...f u
Posted by: Fuller ()
Date: February 07, 2008 11:49AM

"I could buy and sell you a thousand times....."
What a joke. Thanks, you pretty much sum up all the idiots that live there now. I remember when GF was a good place to live. I haven't met any worse than there. You "richies" make the rest of us laugh. SO "important" than anyone else. Although I have NEVER seen more disrespect anywhere else. To other people, the environment etc.. I know of one "important" Falcon Ridge resident who thinks that it's funny throwing bags of their finished fast food out the window of their car..

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Re: Great Falls...f u
Posted by: G Fallz ()
Date: March 13, 2008 11:36PM

stop hating on Great Falls what did it ever do to you?

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Re: Great Falls...f u
Posted by: Great Falls Citizen X ()
Date: March 25, 2009 01:46PM

There are 2 kinds of people in Northern Virginia.

Those who live in Great Falls and the wannabes.

So the rest of you jealous have-nots should shut up and try to become rich (forget the famous).

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Re: Great Falls...f u
Posted by: mike ()
Date: April 27, 2010 12:02PM

Hey yall can i remind you that yall do live in fairfax county. YOUR ALL RICH SPOILED SNOBBS!!!!

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Re: Great Falls...f u
Posted by: Herndonis4haters ()
Date: May 24, 2010 05:24PM

You rich faggots need to shut the fucking hell up, you assholes with your fancy cars don't know what work is. you may be able to sell a herndoner's ass a thousand times, b ut we could kick your mercedes leather cushioned asses to the moon a thousand times. So get a life or die trying dicksuckers

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Re: Great Falls...f u
Posted by: herndonsucks ()
Date: June 10, 2010 10:50AM

yall are a bunch of fucking pussys and i will run u over in my nice ass bently. cock sucker.

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Re: Great Falls...f u
Posted by: nova ()
Date: September 29, 2010 08:22PM

wow it's really sad how mean people can get just because thy're jealous. great falls is really nice so what if we have a bit more money, it's because we worked for it. we don't think we're better than you (well most of us don't) not saying that it isn't nice having an audi r8

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Re: Great Falls...f u
Posted by: educated ()
Date: December 09, 2010 10:22PM

Poorer folks are no more hard working than rich folks. Sure maybe rich people don't do as much physical labor but what about the stress and hard work going to extra school for a decade just to be rich. Let the rich be rich and the poor be poor. You ALL are fortunate enough to have a computer available to post your asinine comments. Knock it off.

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Re: Great Falls...f u
Posted by: great falls mike ()
Date: February 11, 2011 03:27PM

I've lived in great falls for over 40 yrs and it has gone to hell.The
nice people are gone. I agree with the SPIC FU GF

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Re: Great Falls...f u
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 21, 2011 08:18PM

wow - incredible

lotsa butthurt ppl upset that the richie richs in GF are rich

um, meanwhile they pay more tax $$$$$ to County in a year than most of us do in 10

so unless they've actually done something to you, why dont you live yr OWN life, let them live theirs, yo

Lotsa rich ppl actually pretty cool, if you can manage to get past yr own prejudice

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Re: Great Falls...f u
Posted by: allsignspointto ()
Date: August 30, 2011 09:31PM

hahaha at all y'all butthurt kids. you think gf is redonkulous, try potomac md.

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Re: Great Falls...f u
Posted by: Mickey Spillane ()
Date: January 11, 2012 03:13AM

Personally, I think every one of you, are nothing but a bunch of liars, and you talk too much. I tend to think that this is the east coast mentality, simply because there are so many of you poor lemmings thrown together, that all you do is fight one another. I am so glad that it is you, and not us, so we can sit back and watch you kick one another, and belittle one another, and curse one another and just plain act like so many uneducated heathens. Only those who have a 6th grade 'education', act like you people do, and again, I am so happy that it is you and not us, so that we can sit back and watch you make such fools of yourselves. The filth that you shout at one another is of such low charactor, that I think all of you are low class citizens anyway. I think ALL of you need jobs, but most of all, please stay back there in the east, and continue to fight with yourselves, and give the rest of us, some pause to realize just how good WE have it.

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Re: Great Falls...f u
Posted by: El Vaquero ()
Date: December 29, 2012 08:25PM

Do not worry, Obama will soon make paupers out of all of them in GF, and their 10 acre lots will go like price reduced hotcakes at a Fireman's fundraiser breakfast to the big developers. Then hordes of illegal aliens will be able to easily move into just one house at a time and soon there will just be rich illegal aliens--after each of the 100 Latino construction workers in a mega mansion all pay into the commune--and as each of the the illegals subdivides each master bedroom into numerous apartments to get ready for their extended family friends from back home to be muled across the boarder and safely up to Fairfax County...

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Re: Great Falls...f u
Posted by: BadKosh ()
Date: October 08, 2014 02:04PM

I think GF is beautiful! I hate the traffic bottlenecks! Whats up with the abandoned farm just NE of GF?

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Re: Great Falls...f u
Posted by: kojak ()
Date: April 15, 2018 06:48PM

I live in the heart of great falls and I fucking hate it. 90% of people are rich ass snobs. but theres nothing wrong with being rich, the problem is people who make it obvious. great falls does have modest parts, even one story houses. we're not all bad. haha jk fuck this place. and in responseto badkosh the farm is just there, no one owns it anymore. I've tried exploring but its all boarded up. lend me a pickaxe?

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Re: Great Falls...f u
Posted by: Patriciagala ()
Date: December 07, 2018 09:23PM

You are not welcome here wash your mouth with soap

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Re: Great Falls...f u
Posted by: Tiger Balls ()
Date: February 20, 2019 01:27AM

Great falls is where all the whores and black folk are. I go there at night to get some blowjob action. Most of the people are poor. It is the asshole part of Northern Virginia.

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Re: Great Falls...f u
Posted by: High ()
Date: June 16, 2019 09:26PM

Born and raised here.

Been great.

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