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Another Great Day on Planet Malm
Posted by: gracealexwatch ()
Date: September 29, 2019 02:12PM

Another GREAT Sunday on Planet Malm. In the church’s finest tradition, we had several contributors to my “Begin With Grace” video, beginning with the Princess Porcine aka Lisa Medley, who fired off a one-gun salute to Jesus as she rolled past and saw my sign (image attached). Several other parish leaders, all captured on video, followed suit, including my fave water dog lover.

The afternoon was capped off by an elderly parishioner who rolled through and offered to go round and round. When I pointed to the marked police cruiser across the street and invited him to do so, he promptly sped off.

True to form, Malmites made complete asses of themselves and, in the process, gave me lots of great video footage.

It’s a safe bet Grace Church is going to be a whole lot smaller a few years down the road!

Visit www.gracealexwatch.org to learn more
Social media @gracealexwatch
Bob Malm, perjuring priest

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