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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
First Post???
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: March 16, 2005 11:27PM

I don't live in B.C., I'd rather be eaten alive by rats and insects, but I do know it's a great place to go if you need a cheap laborer to paint or mow some grass. Just go to the 7-11 in Culmore every morning and if you look rich they come running..

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Re: First Post???
Posted by: Baileys native ()
Date: May 17, 2005 02:53PM

I was born and raised out there. There are a lot of immagrants but Baileys isnt all that bad.

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Re: First Post???
Posted by: headache ()
Date: December 29, 2009 12:16AM

Baileys crossroads is a community dive bombing to the ground.Ive lived in this community since 1974,back when route 7 and Col.pike was an intersection and penguine feathers sold rolling papers.Culmore was a working class community with good people who contributed to society.with the end of the Vietnam war bringing many refugees to NOVA .Culmore was a short living arrangment for a lot of families until they got a good understanding of how things work here and betterd their lives.I grew up with them, Vietnamies as a young refugee,then growing to be a Vietnamies American by the time we graduated High School.Immigrants with purpass,not any more.The third world peasants that have turned culmore into a workcamp housing multitudes of males between age of 19 to 50.The woman are few and far between .the courtyards have fallen silent of frolicing children running abound in mase.It has become a community of subsitance and blyt.The campesinos standing at the 7-11 like weeds growing on the side of the road have brought me to the brink of vomting, seeing how the community I grew up in has fallen apart apiece at a time does not site well with me.Arlington county has no problem removeing the Blyt( the SOBs just move into are area)Arlandrea,Green valley ect ect. all blyted communities with residence of Dubious lifestyles and habits have been razed to make room for brownstone communities and parks.I propose the same be done with culmore,raze the place and put in brownstones to compliment the high value homes in the area that are at risk of loosing thier property value.And Saint Anthonies might get some parishiners who can contribute to the church instead of counting on the church,as long as there are handouts to be had the church only hinders progress.

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Re: First Post???
Posted by: hoocoodanode ()
Date: December 31, 2009 05:46PM

Heart8, GAAHHHHH! I'll give you a freebie--blight.

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Re: First Post???
Posted by: Baileys Native ()
Date: January 20, 2010 02:16PM

Everyone is entitled to their opinion but talking down at people such as you are doing only goes to show how much of an ass you are! Did you actually try to think before you posted? I definitely see you didn't run spell check lol...

And contrary to what you have to say about people running shady businesses, etc in blighted areas (I saw you mention Green Valley among them as well as Baileys) I just would like to point out that there are several THRIVING businesses in both of those neighborhoods. You wouldn't know about though because you simply look at the negatives (Or their RACE) and just 'assume' everyone is up to no good. If you actually lived there andgot to know the people you might know this.

But just to let you know...my family has owned property in Baileys since 1882. Only 2 of the homes in the original 10 acre parcel have been sold, so my family is STILL there on the same property they were born and raised on. And just so you know we don't have beatup run down houses, my father (Who owned his own construction company in the 70s and 80s before we sold it, out of Baileys) built them all. My GRANDfather, not my great great great, etc but my real genuine grandfather was the treasurer for Mt. Pleasant Baptist church at the corner of Lincolnia Rd. and Columbia Pike. His picture is still in the main entrance helping stack the stones for the foundation in case you doubt me.

Now the main thing I wanted to rebut though, was your idea of 'razing' the whole community and building brownstones (Kinda like what is going on in DC right now) You have no IDEA how much history is in Baileys. Did you know there were several famous Civil War battles there? Did you know that General Lee's widow settled in Baileys for long after the Civil War was over? She sold the property where Edy's Chicken sits at now back in the 40s.

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Re: First Post???
Posted by: Professor of History ()
Date: January 20, 2010 04:07PM

Baileys Native Wrote:
> Did you know that
> General Lee's widow settled in Baileys for long
> after the Civil War was over? She sold the
> property where Edy's Chicken sits at now back in
> the 40s.

Actually Mary Anna Custis Lee lived in Lexington after the Civil War with her husband. She died in 1873 and was interred in Lexington. She was long dead by the 1940s, so I doubt she was selling much of anything. You might want to chsck some of your other facts, cause they are WAY off too.

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Re: First Post???
Posted by: Baileys Native ()
Date: January 20, 2010 05:45PM

OK Professor. I may have the wrong years about Ms Lee. But that does NOT change the main idea of my post which is this.

Baileys Crossroads is not as run down and good for nothing as some people may try to lead you to believe.

Also I got my 'facts' about General Lee from the Washington Post in an article last year that stated the Lee family sold the property to a developer back in the 40s where Edy's Chicken is. Now I may have been off on the dates but it amuses me to see you take such joy in pointing out the fact I was wrong. If all you can do is come on a blog where no one ever posts anything and point out something like that, then I can only wonder what kind of person you are. You must be a saaad saaaad man. I posted on here knowing there were people out there like you but I am trying to reach out to other members of my community so we can help Crossroads to be a better place. As long as posters like you are out there it just lets me know we still have a lot of work to do.

Any other facts in my story you have questions about? :-) And to anyone else out there reading this...if you do NOT feel like this guy would you mind posting a message? As long as no one says anything these people will keep running reasonable people off the forum...

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Re: First Post???
Posted by: Espanol ()
Date: January 27, 2010 11:53AM

If you are looking for people to help you lift Bailey's up from the ashes, you might want to write your message in Spanish. Most residents of the Crossroads speak it better. Good Luck.

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Re: First Post???
Posted by: Go Nuclear ()
Date: April 20, 2010 12:11PM

Baileys Native Wrote:
> I am trying to reach out to other members of my community so we can
> help Crossroads to be a better place.

This would be a good start.....

nucleur explosion Pictures, Images and Photos

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Re: First Post???
Posted by: Helmet959 ()
Date: August 06, 2010 02:28PM

there's nothing wrong with the crossroads, that's my hometown. while i grew up off sleepy hollow road in the "rich" area, i go to Bailey's all the time. best ethnic food in the entire D.C. region. there are some very long established businesses there too. so the xroads isn't lilly white. what's the big deal?

the only thing that does suck is the day laborers at 7-11 and the U-Haul on Columbia Pike. even the ones at 7-11 don't really bother me. i go to that 7-11 regularly. the u-haul guys are another story! really pushy. they annoyed the hell out of me and my brother a couple weeks ago.

i really wouldnt want the xroads demographics to change much. i think it's a pretty cool microcosm of the world.

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