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Burke Resident Reports Gas Rewards Points Stolen
Posted by: McGruff - The Crime Dog! ()
Date: May 26, 2012 10:42AM

Burke Resident Reports Gas Rewards Points Stolen
Woman warns against having a phone number connected to supermarket rewards accounts.
By Beth Lawton
May 23, 2012

A woman reported someone used her phone number to access her supermarket gas rewards points to purchase discounted gas without her knowledge or permission.

Burke resident Jennifer Milton had built up points through the popular local Giant gas rewards program. Through the program, Giant customers can earn points for every dollar they spend on groceries or prescriptions, with bonus points for purchasing certain combinations of items. The points are then redeemable at local participating Shell gasoline stations—100 points earns customers 10-cents off a gallon of gas.

Milton noticed her points were missing recently and, through calls to Giant supermarkets, learned someone had used her points at a local Shell station.

The person who used her points was able to do so because Milton’s phone number was connected to her Giant rewards card, and the phone number can be used as a substitute for the Giant rewards card account number.

One Giant representative Milton spoke with told her some Shell gas stations are not allowing customers to use a phone number to access rewards points.

Giant is refunding Milton’s points and has detached her phone number from her account—something Milton suggests everyone do.

Police have not received any reports of this type of theft, said Lucy Caldwell, public information officer for Fairfax County Police. “We’d advise someone to share their info with clerks quietly or write info down (similar to when asking a bank teller for your balance),” Caldwell wrote in an email to Patch. “You never know who may be listening and what intentions people may have.”

If you suspect your points have been used without authorization, Giant is able to track where your points were spent.

Giant Food of Landover, Md. sent Patch the following statement:

“Our Giant Gas Rewards program is one of the best ways we help our customers save money on two of the biggest items in a family’s budget—food and fuel. We continually review the operating procedures for this very successful and popular program to ensure the most convenient and secure experience for our customers. Customers can reach out to Giant directly with any questions or concerns either in store by talking to their store manager or by calling Giant’s Customer Care Center toll free at (888) 469-4426 Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.”

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Re: Burke Resident Reports Gas Rewards Points Stolen
Posted by: Bugsy Siegel ()
Date: May 26, 2012 10:53AM

I don't know what I find more ridiculous...

The fact that this is a crime.
The fact that someone called the police about this.
The fact that the police issued a release about it.
The fact that McGruff, who typically posts quality content, saw fit to post this.

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Re: Burke Resident Reports Gas Rewards Points Stolen
Posted by: McGruff - The Crime Dog! ()
Date: May 26, 2012 11:09AM

Bugsy Siegel Wrote:
> I don't know what I find more ridiculous...
> The fact that this is a crime.
> The fact that someone called the police about
> this.
> The fact that the police issued a release about
> it.
> The fact that McGruff, who typically posts quality
> content, saw fit to post this.

All good questions. The answer is, this is just the icing on the cake or a prelude to bigger abuses through the same vulnerability...

"Milton noticed her points were missing recently and, through calls to Giant supermarkets, learned someone had used her points at a local Shell station.

The person who used her points was able to do so because Milton’s phone number was connected to her Giant rewards card, and the phone number can be used as a substitute for the Giant rewards card account number."

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Re: Burke Resident Reports Gas Rewards Points Stolen
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 26, 2012 11:29AM

yeah................well she needs to stop calling the cops about this and start talking to her kid and their friends who are using the damn card...................

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Re: Burke Resident Reports Gas Rewards Points Stolen
Posted by: get a life ()
Date: May 26, 2012 11:44AM

Who has time to worry about this petty stuff in life? She needs something to do. Anything!

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Re: Burke Resident Reports Gas Rewards Points Stolen
Posted by: Mr. Insensitive ()
Date: May 26, 2012 12:22PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> yeah................well she needs to stop calling
> the cops about this and start talking to her kid
> and their friends who are using the damn
> card...................

The truth is, that if this happened to Gordon then this thread would be blowing up with content on what the cops, county, and everyone should be doing next. I'm shocked Gordon, I expected more out of you on this one.

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Re: Burke Resident Reports Gas Rewards Points Stolen
Posted by: NRA 75 ()
Date: May 26, 2012 01:21PM

Unfucking believable. I know the price of gas and other shit is like Cocaine, but how is there a crime? Intent, action.

Use your own phone number, keep it secret, and guess what-all grocery store cards/reward points are linked to one account anyhow. Same company. Someone used my phone #. Big deal. I won't waste county resources for such b.s.

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Re: Burke Resident Reports Gas Rewards Points Stolen
Posted by: Peter Gibbons ()
Date: May 26, 2012 01:24PM

Miltons are always getting ripped off

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Re: Burke Resident Reports Gas Rewards Points Stolen
Posted by: Somali traveler ()
Date: May 26, 2012 01:31PM

SMH.....i am glad to see the county wasting my tax money to investigate this.

On another note, i am guessing it's probably someone she knows, or some clerk who rang her up when she was inline. Since they would ask for your number if u dont have ur card with you.

But who fucking cares...

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I do rant a lot LoLz......................but I dont think this is the same thing...........
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 26, 2012 02:25PM

@Mr. - are you telling me you see this crime on the same level as Gardner's or that kid tried to kill that cop at IHOP? really? REALLY?

pic unrelated

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Re: I do rant a lot LoLz......................but I dont think this is the same thing...........
Posted by: Mr. Insensitive ()
Date: May 26, 2012 02:29PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> @Mr. - are you telling me you see this crime on
> the same level as Gardner's or that kid tried to
> kill that cop at IHOP? really? REALLY?
> pic unrelated

Well no, but where's the passion for justice. Where is that spunk, and unfetted rage at the injustice? Where I ask? Where?

pic unrelated

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Re: Burke Resident Reports Gas Rewards Points Stolen
Posted by: Hank Moody ()
Date: May 26, 2012 02:44PM

Who the fuck cares?!?

I can randomly enter any phone number that is local to a Giant and most likely find, within 2 or 3 tries, an active rewards number that has points in the account. Who is to say whether or not someone didn't just fat finger the phone number entry?

Shit like this is exactly the reason why I'll fucking move or expatriate to some saner place to live once my obligations are met here.

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Re: Burke Resident Reports Gas Rewards Points Stolen
Posted by: Hank is Moody ()
Date: May 26, 2012 02:48PM

Hank Moody Wrote:
> Who the fuck cares?!?
> Shit like this is exactly the reason why I'll
> fucking move or expatriate to some saner place to
> live once my obligations are met here.

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Re: Burke Resident Reports Gas Rewards Points Stolen
Posted by: Hank Moody ()
Date: May 26, 2012 03:01PM

She's probably one of the same bitches who can't seem to turn left on a green arrow until the car in front of them completely clears the intersection.

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Re: Burke Resident Reports Gas Rewards Points Stolen
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: May 26, 2012 03:19PM

Agreed, better to take the chance and ram them so the guy behind me can be happier that day because of the two second delay I prevented at risk of my car and life.

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Re: Burke Resident Reports Gas Rewards Points Stolen
Posted by: flight risk ()
Date: May 26, 2012 03:31PM

I put everything in my mama name. But that's alright, cuz I'm gon' ride (off her gas points). I only have 1/4 tank of gas in my new E-class.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/26/2012 03:32PM by flight risk.

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Re: Burke Resident Reports Gas Rewards Points Stolen
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 26, 2012 04:45PM

@Hank - thats a damn good point - could be someone just found the number by accident and then has just kept on using it

@Mr -here's where my passion is right now :)

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Re: Burke Resident Reports Gas Rewards Points Stolen
Posted by: Hank Moody ()
Date: May 26, 2012 11:57PM

justsayin Wrote:
> Agreed, better to take the chance and ram them so
> the guy behind me can be happier that day because
> of the two second delay I prevented at risk of my
> car and life.

What the fuck are you talking about? Your pathetic attempt at sarcasm fucked up whatever feeble point you were trying to make.

How about the dumbasses just clear the fucking intersection when they have a green light?

You're probably one of the fuckers holding up the show. You've admitted that you read your email and texts while at traffic lights, right?

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Re: Burke Resident Reports Gas Rewards Points Stolen
Posted by: boomer ()
Date: May 27, 2012 12:05AM

My points had disappeared when I got gas last time. I didn't report it though. It makes me wonder how many people this has happened to.

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this is one of those ppl will ride yr ass even though yr just a car length away from the car ahead of you
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 27, 2012 09:17AM

@Hank Moody - you need to learn to get up and leave like 10 minutes earlier.........it'll change yr life.
try decaf.jpg

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