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Jim Moran is a socialist thief!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Jim Moran Socialist ()
Date: February 23, 2012 12:46PM

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Re: Jim Moran is a socialist thief!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Maybe he is ()
Date: February 23, 2012 02:09PM

As much as I hate Moran, the questions were stupid. The interviewer was not interested in learning his opinion, just backing him into a corner to support his ideology. It's good that Moran got up and left.

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Re: Jim Moran is a socialist thief!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Ex-S.Arlington ()
Date: February 23, 2012 02:17PM

I love the way Moron always runs away or blows up when he realizes
he's talking to a Conservative. He should talk about "redistribution
of wealth" considering all the financial scandals he's been involved
in. :)


Maybe he should be redistributing some of his wealth.

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Re: Jim Moran is a socialist thief!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: honest jim is the man ()
Date: February 23, 2012 02:25PM

I have found Honest Jim to be one of the best politiicans in the history of this country. I try to ignore the scandels he has been involved in. These things happen.

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Re: Jim Moran is a socialist thief!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Moran is a drunk that beats up kids ()
Date: February 23, 2012 02:32PM

honest jim is the man Wrote:
> I have found Honest Jim to be one of the best
> politiicans in the history of this country. I try
> to ignore the scandels he has been involved in.
> These things happen.

Pic caption:

Give us the fire water!

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Re: Jim Moran is a socialist thief!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Hay Zeus ()
Date: February 23, 2012 02:49PM

Maybe he is Wrote:
> As much as I hate Moran, the questions were
> stupid. The interviewer was not interested in
> learning his opinion, just backing him into a
> corner to support his ideology. It's good that
> Moran got up and left.

If Jim Moran were a principaled man he'd have no problem defending his ideology. Instead he's text book hack politcian who has to run away from anyone who challenges him.

Maybe if Jim layed off the sauce his brain wouldn't be mush and he'd have the intellecutual power to defend himself.

Bottoms up Jim!

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Re: Jim Moran is a socialist thief!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: February 23, 2012 03:10PM

Hay Zeus Wrote:

> Maybe if Jim layed off the sauce his brain
> wouldn't be mush and he'd have the intellecutual
> power to defend himself.
> Bottoms up Jim!

He does look drunk in this video.


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Re: Jim Moran is a socialist thief!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Tea Leaves ()
Date: February 23, 2012 03:10PM

As much as I disagree with him politically, he has gotten more on the hill accomplished than most in the past few years. This involves fist fights with other congressmen and staff :)

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Re: Jim Moran is a socialist thief!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Hay Zeus ()
Date: February 23, 2012 03:26PM

Moran has a full time DUI lawyer.

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Re: Jim Moran is a socialist thief!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: BH ()
Date: February 23, 2012 07:09PM

Years ago Moran was in the news for beating his wife. I hate the guy.

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Re: Jim Moran is a socialist thief!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: fat drunk and stupid ()
Date: February 23, 2012 07:15PM

According to the boy’s parents, the boy was merely admiring Moran’s car, a 1999 Toyota Avalon, and told him he liked it. The boy told the Washington Times, “He choked me and then cussed at me. I thought he was going to kidnap or kill me…All I told him was that I liked his car.” Moran responded, “It’s all lies.”

Several witnesses reported seeing a “beet-red” Moran yelling and cursing at the boy as he escorted him into the recreational center.

The boy’s mother said he was a straight-A student at school. His mom filed an official complaint against Moran. Moran responded by criticizing the mom’s parenting: “I had hoped that this boy would learn that this is not acceptable behavior…But if the parents are not going to teach him that this is not acceptable behavior, then maybe the courts will.”

The episode became national news, with NBC’s Today show picking up the story. Moran was accused of racial profiling.

Moran said, “I just wanted to hug him. I wish I could adopt a child like him.”

Considering Moran’s history of temper tantrums, the 8-year-old should probably get the benefit-of-the-doubt.

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Re: Jim Moran is a socialist thief!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Lib Voter ()
Date: February 24, 2012 07:39AM

Libs worship their politicians just like Jim Jones followers. They'd rather drink the koolaid and die rather than admit they've been idiotic morons for re-electing this creep.

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Re: Jim Moran is a socialist thief!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: friskydingo ()
Date: February 24, 2012 07:43AM

He always wins, his constituents in Arlington and Alexandria must think he's doing something right.


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Re: Jim Moran is a socialist thief!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Hay Zeus ()
Date: February 24, 2012 07:56AM

Here is drunk'in Jim explaining that Fl Rep. Allen West is ungrateful to the Democratic party for all they have done for Black people in this country

"He just seems clueless now that he has climbed aboard ship. He’s climbed this ladder of opportunity that was constructed by so many of his ancestors’ sweat, sacrifice, blood. You know, they did everything they could for his generation to be successful. But now that he’s climbed on board ship, instead of reaching down and steadying the ladder, he wants to push it off. You know, “I’m up here. If you’re not with me, too bad.” And President Obama, fortunately, is the kind of guy that says, “I was very fortunate to get where I am and I’m going to spend my life trying to steady that ladder of opportunity by reducing college tuition and training our workers, trying to get a decent job for everybody. Making sure that while I’m African-American, it really doesn’t matter. What matters is my commitment to public service, my love for this country and, you know. I’m going to leave a constructive legacy.’”


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Re: Jim Moran is a socialist thief!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: February 24, 2012 11:39AM

Lib Voter Wrote:
> Libs worship their politicians just like Jim Jones
> followers. They'd rather drink the koolaid and
> die rather than admit they've been idiotic morons
> for re-electing this creep.

Is there anything that spews from the mouths of Limbaugh, Hannity and Beck that you won't buy?

It is very simple-Liberals will continue to vote for politicians that embarrass them IF the ideology and the policy positions of the alternatives are seriously out of line with their own. The reason Republicans keep losing in the 8th and 11th Districts isn't that liberals don't know what their candidates are. It is because liberals and even moderates know what the alternative is. End of the day a decent, hard working hard core conservative ideologue is still a hard core conservative ideologue.

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Re: Jim Moran is a socialist thief!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Hay Zeus ()
Date: February 24, 2012 11:43AM

Bill.N. Wrote:
> Is there anything that spews from the mouths of
> Limbaugh, Hannity and Beck that you won't buy?
> It is very simple-Liberals will continue to vote
> for politicians that embarrass them IF the
> ideology and the policy positions of the
> alternatives are seriously out of line with their
> own. The reason Republicans keep losing in the
> 8th and 11th Districts isn't that liberals don't
> know what their candidates are. It is because
> liberals and even moderates know what the
> alternative is. End of the day a decent, hard
> working hard core conservative ideologue is still
> a hard core conservative ideologue.

What is ideological about trying to preserve ones way of life and the Constitution as whole from which our Government is based on that proctects that way of life?

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 02/24/2012 11:45AM by Hay Zeus.

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Re: Jim Moran is a socialist thief!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: February 24, 2012 12:02PM

Exhibit #1:

Hay Zeus Wrote:
> What is ideological about trying to preserve ones
> way of life and the Constitution as whole from
> which our Government is based on that proctects
> that way of life?

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Re: Jim Moran is a socialist thief!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Ex-S.Arlington ()
Date: February 24, 2012 12:06PM

Bill.N. Wrote:
> Lib Voter Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Libs worship their politicians just like Jim
> Jones
> > followers. They'd rather drink the koolaid and
> > die rather than admit they've been idiotic
> morons
> > for re-electing this creep.
> Is there anything that spews from the mouths of
> Limbaugh, Hannity and Beck that you won't buy?
> It is very simple-Liberals will continue to vote
> for politicians that embarrass them IF the
> ideology and the policy positions of the
> alternatives are seriously out of line with their
> own. The reason Republicans keep losing in the
> 8th and 11th Districts isn't that liberals don't
> know what their candidates are. It is because
> liberals and even moderates know what the
> alternative is. End of the day a decent, hard
> working hard core conservative ideologue is still
> a hard core conservative ideologue.

So if I think Moron is an asshole I must feel that way because
I've been listening to Limbaugh, Hannity, and Beck? No, sorry.
I figured that out for myself a long time before I'd heard of
any of them. Living in S. Arlington for all those years drove
me out of there. I was surrounded by illegal immigrants, gays,
and other undesirables that Jimbo seems to love.

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Re: Jim Moran is a socialist thief!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: February 24, 2012 12:50PM

Ex-S.Arlington Wrote:
> So if I think Moron is an asshole I must feel that
> way because
> I've been listening to Limbaugh, Hannity, and
> Beck?

Nice try but you are twisting what I said. Coming to the conclusion that Moran is an asshole isn't what you got from listening to Limbaugh, Hannity and Beck. It is the belief that liberals worship Moran, or that they would "rather drink the koolaid and die rather than admit they've been idiotic morons for re-electing this creep". Thanks for playing though, and we have a year's supply of Turtle Wax for your consolation prize.

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Re: Jim Moran is a socialist thief!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Mumbbles ()
Date: February 24, 2012 05:12PM

The inteviewer was a mumble mouthed moron, good for the the other Moran to leave.

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Re: Jim Moran is a socialist thief!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: not the young moran ()
Date: February 25, 2012 01:16AM

who is a dominos pizza supervisor? they both sound like douches!

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Re: Jim Moran is a socialist thief!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: jimmoranantisemite ()
Date: February 25, 2012 04:46PM

Liberals keep on voting for Moran because he's an antisemite.

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Re: Jim Moran is a socialist thief!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: IMO ()
Date: February 25, 2012 07:18PM

Moran is a great man. Moran is to congress what the WNC is to motorcycle clubs. Both highly respected and above reproach.

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Re: Jim Moran is a socialist thief!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: GMU Hokie ()
Date: February 26, 2012 11:47AM

Any FU posters signed up for the Jim Moran/Tom Davis class at GMU?

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