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Congress passed the $168 billion economic stimulus package.
Posted by: Margie ()
Date: February 08, 2008 09:12PM

Here's what you need to keep in mind: Remember, this is your money you're getting back, the rebate checks are basically an advance on your 2009 refund.

To produce this cash, Congress created a one-time tax credit to reduce taxable income for most taxpayers this year.Normally, you wouldn’t see that cash until the spring of 2009, when you filed your 2008 return. But Congress wants to speed that money to you now, so checks will start going out in May.

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Re: Congress passed the $168 billion economic stimulus package.
Posted by: ffxn8v ()
Date: February 08, 2008 10:45PM

...but since I get credits each year, and will continue to do so in the future (unless some Dem screws that up), I consider this, extra!

Thanks Dubbya!

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Re: Congress passed the $168 billion economic stimulus package.
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: February 09, 2008 02:26AM

Actually they are not an advance in the fact it will not be deducted from your 09 refund. In theory I could quit today but would still get a rebate check as my income from 07 qualified. It's just being added to our nearly 10 Trillion debt (one tenth spent in Iraq).

Quoted from cnn.com:

Do I have to pay the rebate back?

No. And here's why.

Your rebate is a one-time tax cut - an advance on a credit you'll receive on your 2008 return.

It's based on your 2007 income initially. If it turns out that your 2008 income and number of children would have qualified you for a larger rebate than the one you received, you'll be sent the difference. If it turns out your 2008 income was lower than in 2007 and you should have gotten a lower rebate, you get to keep the difference.

"If you were supposed to receive a larger payment than you did, you will get the extra money," said Treasury spokesman Andrew DeSouza. "If you received more than what you should have gotten, you will not be penalized."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/09/2008 02:29AM by Mofo.

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Re: Congress passed the $168 billion economic stimulus package.
Posted by: who ()
Date: February 09, 2008 02:53AM

So who is eligible to recive this?? deatails please

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Re: Congress passed the $168 billion economic stimulus package.
Posted by: who ()
Date: February 09, 2008 03:05AM

ok it says u had to file a return in 2007, how about if i was in school and made no income so didnt file.. can i still file or do i still get it since im fileing this year?

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Re: Congress passed the $168 billion economic stimulus package.
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: February 09, 2008 03:26PM

If you have no income you get no rebate. You need at least 3000 of income for 2007 to get a rebate. You can't file without any earnings and if you earned below 3000 in a year you don't pay an federal income tax anyway.

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Re: Congress passed the $168 billion economic stimulus package.
Posted by: duh ()
Date: February 09, 2008 04:05PM

This is bullshit in it's purest form.

$168 billion in borrowed money handed out so the 'Murcan moron can go to Walmart....and increase the astronomical trade deficit even more.

I'll put mine towards my next quarter estimated tax payment ($7500)

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Re: Congress passed the $168 billion economic stimulus package.
Posted by: Gravis is homo ()
Date: February 09, 2008 06:11PM

All the FFU, cunts will be buying more guns to boost their self esteem.

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Re: Congress passed the $168 billion economic stimulus package.
Posted by: NRA 4 Life! ()
Date: February 09, 2008 08:57PM

I'm going to use my money to get a second gun so I can open carry one on each leg!

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