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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
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The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 04, 2007 01:14PM

I decided it was time to make another thread devoted to the topic of high school re-districting, but this new thread will only be for the real members of Fairfax Underground. Not for those snobs in that other thread; this new thread will keep it real. We were here before them, and damnit, we deserve our own thread thst goes all the way up to 80 pages.

However, there will be a few rules for our new thread that must be followed at all times.

Official Rules for the New High School Re-districting thread

1. You are not required to address the issue of re-districting. You may simply say something about Fairfax county and then immediately shift gears to a controversial topic of your own choosing.

2. Your post must include a disparaging remark about South Lakes High School. It does not matter if your comment is true, as long as it is completely inappropriate and rude.

3. Neen is not allowed to post in this thread. She is busy in the other thread and doesn't have time to post in this one.

4. Posting bizarre images that have nothing to do with your post is encouraged, but not required.

5. You cannot end your post until you either a) rant about illegal immigrants, b) berate local law enforcement, or c) accuse another forum user of being retarded.

So... I'm really counting on you folks. Remember: 80+ pages, you can do it! It is your duty to post here. If you don't make at least one post in this thread it means that you totally love Meade Skelton and secretly want to spend all your free time with him. That's no joke either, so think about it: do you really want to be the one to admit that you love Meade??

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: December 04, 2007 01:59PM

ok Meeper, really HOW DARE you start a high redisctricting thread! What are you RETARDED? did you actually GO TO South Lakes and were taught to be retarded? Clearly you are an illegal immigrant sending secret messages to other illegals so the idiot FFX County Cops who patrol this forum dont pick up on your foriegn illegal missives. God DAMNIT lets get back to the REAL important topics that are NEVER addressed on this forum such as WHAT DO I DO WHEN I GET A SPEEDING TICKET!? I mean for FUCKS SAKE! Can I get some REAL legal Advice about THAT!?!?!? JESUS H CHRISIKES on a BIKE MADE FOR TWO! People on 'ludes should not drive. Can you honestly tell me you forgot? Forgot the magnetism of Meade Skeleton, or the charisma of Meade Skellington? Just let me know when those EArth Wind and fire tickets are in, I wanna take my lil brother to the show. Nuhahahahah GNARLY!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/04/2007 02:02PM by ferfux.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: December 04, 2007 02:38PM

Getting my non-meade post in.

It snowed 8 flurries today in the city of Fairfax. More snow is expected tommorrow.

South Lakes HS sucks. All the people who go there don't want to be in school and as such they trash the place.

FCPS/D= Fairfax County Pricks Suck/Dick

Does that qualify as berating the PD?

If not, I saw at least 5 mexicans packed into a landscape truck today. The truck only had 3 seats, and it cut me off. All Mexicans, like Asians, suck at driving and should be deported.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: December 04, 2007 02:38PM

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: slimey ()
Date: December 04, 2007 06:29PM

Makes me glad Im in Fairfax City. BTW, why dont we get into a big ruckus over
who won the War of Northern Agression? Is there any truth to the reported sightings
of mountain lions in Virginia? Can you eat them?

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: SRE ()
Date: December 05, 2007 10:16AM

Meade is a fine example of the quality product produced by South Lakes High School.

Lurker. is retarded and an illegal alien attempting to over throw the landscaping carte of Northern Virginia with his evil army of the FCPD and Joe Gibbs, with the supporting staff of the FCPS Green Truck brigade that park wherever they want, even on the sidewalks of the most interesting buildings in Northern Virginia and out at the Filmdex building and whatever that building is in Centreville that has been under construction for years, where you might be able to find the best N.Y. Style pizza, steak and cheese or a meatball sub, unlike the chicks and wings place or the sushi place in fair oaks mall, traveling around all of northern virginia attempting to gain access to the wireless networks within the FCPS buildings and looking at christmas lights, and taking pictures of funny license plates, calling the tirevan dude when they get a flat and buying their new car from dawg at ted britt who at one point in time accepted livestock as down payments, spending their late nights watching monster madhouse and searching you tube for more meade skeleton clips to add to their favorites list, worried about popular tree park and the deputies with child porn on their computers, how about those girls on the beltway in that big wreck, Jennifer Love Hewitt and Amanda Wenk, debating the merits of 1080p over MDMA while watching old reruns of sesame street, and collecting old micdonalds game pieces to wallpaper their girlfriends apartments where they get towed from every time they park, studying the psychology graduate student that needs child volunteers and signing up for the army to get an extra $20,000, trying to find a good lawyer, and an easy way out of a speeding ticket from those corrupt FCPD in their new unmarked cop cars on 66 east bound and sitting at the intersection of 28 and 29 causing a major traffic backup that you can hear about on the scanner site, checking all over the intrawebs for a good place to get a fake id, looking up people on the arrest list, famous people or EJ, checking everyones FARK user names and posting pictures of cats with stoopid sayings, talking on the chat page, talking about the history of store locations, what was at the bottom dollar location, pizza hut closing down, who lives in brookfield, favorite morning drivers, catching predators and window tinting, bunnyman bridges and other things to do around 31 october, how much to tip and why is the minimum wage what it is, the best place to get a keg, chapman's mill and the sully station shooting, dead girls all over the county, westfields football and what is wrong with springfield mall, 5 guys and BBQ Country, records or CDs, dogs that want to escape their owners in richmond, freda and REStons new user name, and what in the hell happened to tina?

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 05, 2007 10:22AM

SRE wrote:

LOL. You can say that again!

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: SL Student ()
Date: December 05, 2007 02:03PM

South Lakes is a wonderful school. You are probably just a racist since you don't sound very smart. Nobaby trashes our school because we love our school. You need to come visit our school, talk to Mr. Butler and then you wouldn't be so afaid and lame. you are such ignorant morons.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: SL Student ()
Date: December 05, 2007 02:05PM

and before you all start jumping all over me about posting from school, I am home now so don't go there.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: LYXNG ()
Date: December 05, 2007 02:21PM

All of these schools are the same.

Real education starts at college.

Now end this stupid debate.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: SexualEd ()
Date: December 05, 2007 02:48PM

im a highschool student and im BEGGING to be redistricted to a school with hot young blonde teachers who bang thier students!

Gravis is gay

Meeper is retarded

SouthLakes is hell

tinting your windows is for illegals


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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: SL Student ()
Date: December 05, 2007 03:08PM

South Lakes is not hell. We have some of the brightest students going to our school. There are no gangs, no matter what you have heard. The reports are false, and everyone knows that. And, Ed, I don't know where you get your information but our teachers are not having sex with any student.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: totol ()
Date: December 05, 2007 03:26PM

most of South Lakes kids are so stupid they woulnt know if a hot teacher was hitting on them. and the gangs are to busy killing each other. The IB kids are the only ones getting any action.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 05, 2007 03:42PM

LOL- it's gonna be hard to beat this post!

SL Student Wrote:
> South Lakes is a wonderful school. You are
> probably just a racist since you don't sound very
> smart. Nobaby trashes our school because we love
> our school. You need to come visit our school,
> talk to Mr. Butler and then you wouldn't be so
> afaid and lame. you are such ignorant morons.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: bender ()
Date: December 05, 2007 04:59PM

Fairfax County is full of illegals who go to South Lakes. They hate the cops and they go to the Dulles gun show. South Lakes is the Meade Skelton of Fairfax County high schools. Its population would be more at home in Richmond.
I am retarded for falling for Meepers bait.
Photo attached is South Lakes student body president for 2007-2008.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: SL Student ()
Date: December 05, 2007 05:06PM

Are you guys dumb or something? I've been to South Lakes and its actually a nice place. There's no gangs or anything. It's like any other school. You guys are just getting a misunderstanding. It is true that we have a diverse school, but it doesn't mean that we trash the place. It looks like you guys need to go back to school and learn a bit about your school before you start talking about someone else's.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: another SL student ()
Date: December 05, 2007 05:07PM

Do you think this is a joke or something. What do you think we do all day, shoot each other. Mr, Butler whould never allow that at our school. The first SL student posting here is right. Our school is awesome. Its you people driving your SUVs who are so stuck up with self importance that dont care about people. At our school we care about making a difference in the world, globally. You think only about you. Have you idiots looked outside. Theres a big world out there. why dont you join up.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: December 05, 2007 05:20PM

"ANDRADE MORQUECHO ","JORGE ","A","029"," 6607","DULIN ","DR","OXON HILL ","MD","03/09/2007","PROSTITUTION "

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: bender ()
Date: December 05, 2007 05:28PM

" At our school we care about making a difference in the world, globally. You think only about you"

A few years in the real world will cure you of that notion.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: ha ()
Date: December 05, 2007 06:16PM

Bender takes the lead away from sl students

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: SL Student ()
Date: December 05, 2007 06:28PM

Benders post was completely racist. the hispanics at our school so not look anything like that, why would you think that, dumbass, That is a pic from some stupid movie. Hispanics at our school would never wear a hat and the bullets around his neck. Are you some kind of moron. hispanics stoped dressing like that years agol today they dress like us. Clear out your racist minds. some of my best friends are hispanics.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: gnd3 ()
Date: December 05, 2007 06:54PM

The creative arts class at SouthLakes.
Creative Arts.jpg

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: SE ()
Date: December 05, 2007 07:00PM

LYXNG Wrote:
> All of these schools are the same.
> Real education starts at college.
> Now end this stupid debate.

My thoughts exactly.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: bender ()
Date: December 05, 2007 09:46PM

"Are you some kind of moron. hispanics stoped dressing like that years agol today they dress like us. Clear out your racist minds. some of my best friends are hispanics."

El Presidente of the South Lakes fencing team

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: a parent ()
Date: December 05, 2007 09:55PM

Do any of you understand how you are hurting these kids? They are actual human beings with feelings and pride. When you post such ridiculous pictures and comments you are actually hurting REAL feelings which belong to REAL people, who are only trying to make our globe a happier place for all of us. We only have one globe and we must all come together and think alike so we can make this globe continue to circle the sun, for ever, or at least until our sun dies and, then all of us, animals and plants alike, will slowly die from the cold and a lack of oxygen because without the Sun the plants cant produce the oxygen which is a byproduct of photosynthesis, which I won't go into now.

Anyway, stop being mean.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: HAHA ()
Date: December 05, 2007 09:56PM

Bender still in the lead

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: HAHA ()
Date: December 05, 2007 10:07PM

WAIT. a parent might be overtaking bender.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: former ()
Date: December 05, 2007 10:22PM

P.E. Class at South Lakes High School
P.E. Class.jpg

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 05, 2007 10:25PM

stop being mean

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: December 05, 2007 11:01PM

TheMeeper Wrote:
> stop being mean

LOL! i havent laughed that hard in a while. clearly that guy cant has cheezburger.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: Christine Arakelian ()
Date: December 05, 2007 11:08PM

I am going to reiterate what another South Lakes parent said in a separate post -
please stop posting these offensive pictures and saying these things about this community.

It's wrong, inaccurate and hurtful.

I fully realize that being annonymous gives people leeway to say many things that they otherwise would not say. I have never posted annonymously on this forum, and this in fact is my first time speaking out on this site. I don't believe it's appropriate for me to post in an annonymous fashion given that I have run for public office.

I have to speak out because while a number of people are making good points on various issues, having a debate degenerate this way is very counterproductive to everyone involved, and is tremendously hurtful in particular to South Lakes students who are on this site. Anyone who takes this approach completely undermines any other valid points he could make on different aspects of this process, and in fact undermines his entire cause altogether.

Instead of taking aim at one another, please, let's work together to bring true reform to the School Board and FCPS in general. We really really need it. We all have much more in common than not, and the sooner we realize this, the better off we will be.

I will not post again should you respond, so please feel free to comment as you wish.

Christine Arakelian

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: Paul ()
Date: December 05, 2007 11:24PM

/ \
/ \



Thanks for stopping by.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: waht an ass ()
Date: December 05, 2007 11:46PM

So is that supposed to be a kid at south lakes. haha. Just so you know, you ignoramous, that looks like a kid from your neigborhood. That kid is a preppie idiot.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: December 06, 2007 12:48AM

Most of the guys I got drugs from when I was in high school went to south lakes. We used to meet on that one path that goes into that little duplex neighborhood (I think they were duplexes, either that or really crappy townhouses).

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: ha ()
Date: December 06, 2007 01:14AM

Shit, yeah. The paths were great for picking up anything, as long as you didn't get mugged. Nothing's changed. Still a crappy shit hole with low income housing. Lots of drugies and all on welfare.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: jepl ()
Date: December 06, 2007 01:55AM

South Lakes Valedictorian 2007
South Lakes validictorian.jpg

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: jjj4 ()
Date: December 06, 2007 02:09AM

funniest thing i have seen. great shit

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: happyin sl ()
Date: December 06, 2007 02:21PM

I don't think these posts are very nice. Kids at south lakes don't look anything like that. we are good kids and very respectful. we cant help it if our parents dont work.Thats not our fault is it. any way lots of us go onto awesome colleges, it helps that we are poor minorities. Some schools start recuiting when we are still in 9th grade, drives the white kids apeshit .

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: SL Dropout ()
Date: December 06, 2007 02:33PM

Hey Cristine. Blow me you whore.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: jepl ()
Date: December 06, 2007 02:39PM

Kids at south lakes don't look anything like that. we are good kids and very respectful.
classroon 1950.jpg

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: December 06, 2007 03:30PM

South Lakes Gang

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: December 06, 2007 03:34PM

Ok that picture sucks.

But i got a better one

happyin sl Wrote:
Kids at
> south lakes don't look anything like that. we are
> good kids and very respectful.
> any way lots of us go onto awesome colleges, it
> helps that we are poor minorities. Some schools
> start recuiting when we are still in 9th grade,
> drives the white kids apeshit .

Damn straight, drives the white kids right out of jobs. After you go on to kolledge:
South Lakes Graduates

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/06/2007 03:38PM by KeepOnTruckin.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: body snatchers ()
Date: December 06, 2007 04:14PM

Why are parents so afraid of sending their kids to South Lakes. What do they think we are going to do with their kids? WE'RE NOT THE BODY SNATCHERS, FOR GODS SAKE.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers 2.jpg

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 06, 2007 05:03PM

Christine Arakelian Wrote: [a bunch of yenta nonsense]

"ARAKELIAN ","CHRISTINE ","A","035","xxxx","xxxx ","RD","RESTON ","VA","02/24/2007","65-69MPH/50MPH ZONE "

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: Margie ()
Date: December 06, 2007 05:10PM

"65-69MPH/50MPH ZONE " Did you take Drivers Education at South Lakes High school?

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: jepl ()
Date: December 06, 2007 05:13PM

I think white folks just scared thier kids will change when they come to South Lakes.
White kids in South Lakes.jpg

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: BS ()
Date: December 06, 2007 06:36PM

this is total bs. no white kid coming to South Lakes would have anything about him change except that hed be in a great school with great kids and great teachers.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: Cleburne ()
Date: December 06, 2007 09:00PM

It is profoundly ironic that South Lakes High School has produced alumnni such as NBA star and former Duke All-American Grant Hill, and current track superstar and former University of Michigan standout Alan Webb, wheras, by comparison, another Fairfax County school has produced alumni who have blasted away at Virginia Tech and opened fire at a Fairfax County police station. Okay guys, let's sardonically sterotype Westfield High School with the same mean-spirited and ridiculing images that are being used here to denigrate the South Lakes kids. Hurry now, not a moment to lose.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 06, 2007 09:07PM

Margie Wrote:
> Did you take Drivers Education at South Lakes High school?


Hundred bucks says she won't answer that!

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: joe ()
Date: December 06, 2007 09:13PM


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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: BULL ()
Date: December 06, 2007 09:18PM

Clebourne, you're SO right. I mean, when I look around, it's amazing. Basketball stars are, generally speaking, incredibly well educated and usually come from incredibly fantastic high schools, and not from the street, like some bastards will like us to think.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: December 06, 2007 09:31PM

Where can I get a good stromboli in Fairfax County? Not the crappy folded in half pizzas that they sell around here, but a real stromboli.

I will only accept suggestions from Fairfax Underground regulars. If you are a frequent poster in the original high school re-districting thread, your responses will be ignored.

I'd insult South Lakes High School, but I'm afraid that I'd be robbed, stabbed or raped. Those kids are as retarded as RESton Peace's wedding haircut.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: HaHaHa ()
Date: December 07, 2007 02:40AM


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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: funny ()
Date: December 07, 2007 03:02AM

And, the award goes to....

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: gay ()
Date: December 07, 2007 03:04AM

The Gay Guy

try to beat that one

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: Cleburne ()
Date: December 07, 2007 09:56AM

Bull, you're SO right. I mean, when I look around, it's amazing to think that Grant Hill, from South Lakes High School, is, generally speaking, incredibly poorly educated and went to some from incredibly bogus college, and not to elite Duke university. Gosh darn you make a compelling argument. Pfffft......

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: Taylor ()
Date: December 07, 2007 10:00AM

Just don't insult Westfield Genevieve, because then you'd be afraid that you'd be robbed, stabbed or raped, or, of course, shot. Those kids are as retarded as RESton Peace's wedding haircut.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: December 07, 2007 10:06AM

Genevieve Wrote:
> Where can I get a good stromboli in Fairfax
> County? Not the crappy folded in half pizzas that
> they sell around here, but a real stromboli.
> I will only accept suggestions from Fairfax
> Underground regulars. If you are a frequent
> poster in the original high school re-districting
> thread, your responses will be ignored.
> I'd insult South Lakes High School, but I'm afraid
> that I'd be robbed, stabbed or raped. Those kids
> are as retarded as RESton Peace's wedding haircut.

you can get a great authentic stromboli by signing up to be in the Ferfux fanclub. Thats right for only the low low price of 10,000 dollars a year YOU can feed a fairfax resident a stromboli a day for a year! Sound great? but WAIT theres more! YOU yes YOU! can make sure that ferfux does NOT attend South lakes and get beaten robbed or raped! Wow what a deal! I accept Paypal, checks, money order or free Slurppes! Order today!

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 07, 2007 10:09AM

The best stromboli I have ever eaten was prepared by a South Lakes High School graduate.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: December 07, 2007 10:13AM

mmmm stromboli...

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: SexualEd ()
Date: December 07, 2007 10:31AM

I have a steaming stromboli in my pants. and its ALL for meade Skelton who is a South Lakes Alumni!

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: BULL ()
Date: December 07, 2007 10:40AM

Clebourne, you're SO right, again. You know, despite what they say, I have never believed the people who complain that the basketball players at Duke are given a free ride. I don't care if Tom Wolfe did write that book about the basketball friendly classes and teachers, and the 'tutors' who write their papers, and all. That's just all bull.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: jepl ()
Date: December 07, 2007 10:53AM

South Lakes cafeteria the day Stomboli was served.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: jepl ()
Date: December 07, 2007 11:35AM

Mistake. The health teacher just called and said they're not allowed to serve stromboli at South Lakes High School. It causes teenage obesity.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: Cleburne ()
Date: December 07, 2007 12:25PM

Bull, you're SOOOO right, again. You know, despite what the FU says, I have always believed that among Duke student over 63%, record over 700 on the SAT verbal, and 68% record over 700 on the SAT math. Yesireee. those Dukies sure are a dumb bunch of street thugs. Pffffft....

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: Caldwell ()
Date: December 07, 2007 12:30PM

"According to Chris Davids, a high school classmate in Cho's English class at Westfield High School, Cho looked down and refused to speak when called upon. Davids added that, after one teacher threatened to give Cho a failing grade for not participating in class, he began reading in a strange, deep voice that sounded "like he had something in his mouth." "The whole class started laughing and pointing and saying, 'Go back to China.'"

Yup, those South Lakes kds are the ones to be worried about. lol..

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: Taylor ()
Date: December 07, 2007 12:40PM

"The whole class started laughing and pointing and saying, 'Go back to China.'"

Looks like we have an abundance of those types in this thread.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: GollyWolly ()
Date: December 07, 2007 01:29PM

I have found the solution for South Lakes High School.

Turn it into a homeless shelter. Maybe that will help keep those gangs off the streets at night.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: GollyWolly ()
Date: December 07, 2007 01:31PM

The New South Lakes High School Homeless Shelter
South Lakes Homeless Shelter.jpg

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: Caldwell ()
Date: December 07, 2007 02:29PM

"Long before he killed 32 people in the worst mass shooting in U.S. history, Seung-Hui Cho was bullied by fellow high school students who mocked his shyness and the strange way he talked, former classmates said."

Gollywolly, is, no doubt, a product of Westfield.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: Cleburne ()
Date: December 07, 2007 02:37PM

"Another classmate, Stephanie Roberts, stated that "there were just some people who were really cruel to him, and they would push him down and laugh at him"

YUp. Gollywolly is from Westfield.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: December 07, 2007 02:56PM

I feel that the rules for this thread need to be reposted.

This thread will only be for the real members of Fairfax Underground. Not for those snobs in that other thread; this new thread will keep it real.

Official Rules for the New High School Re-districting thread

1. You are not required to address the issue of re-districting. You may simply say something about Fairfax county and then immediately shift gears to a controversial topic of your own choosing.

2. Your post must include a disparaging remark about South Lakes High School. It does not matter if your comment is true, as long as it is completely inappropriate and rude.

3. Neen is not allowed to post in this thread. She is busy in the other thread and doesn't have time to post in this one.

4. Posting bizarre images that have nothing to do with your post is encouraged, but not required.

5. You cannot end your post until you either a) rant about illegal immigrants, b) berate local law enforcement, or c) accuse another forum user of being retarded.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: keep it real ()
Date: December 07, 2007 03:17PM

Caldwell get your fat ass back to that other thread.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: keep it real ()
Date: December 07, 2007 03:18PM

Cleburne you are retarded.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: Security ()
Date: December 07, 2007 03:48PM

South Lakes Hall Monitors

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: December 07, 2007 04:01PM

South Lakes Automotive class
SL car shop.jpg

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: go seahawks ()
Date: December 07, 2007 04:31PM

Reguirement for graduation:

You must have taken at least one ride in this car.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: December 07, 2007 04:33PM

WE dont insult west field b/c 2 of its graduates are killers. If some South Lakes students would kill some people, then they would get respect and people would want to go there.

After all, look at Westfield's population. THe largest school in VA and massively overcrowded. People obviously want to go there very badly. I cant think of any reason that westfield should have more students than anyone else (what makes it different?) except for the fact that its got killer alumni. Oh and they have steroids in their water fountains, but thats a different topic.

South Lakes HS English class textbook:

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: jepl ()
Date: December 07, 2007 04:46PM

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: Forbes ()
Date: December 07, 2007 05:33PM

South Lakes Economics Class for freshman

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 07, 2007 05:48PM

a typical South Lakes Pep Rally

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: loto ()
Date: December 07, 2007 05:58PM

I read somewhere that South Lakes High School has a really great wrestling team.

Taylor sucks!!! Get off this thread. Go find your own people.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: loto ()
Date: December 07, 2007 06:05PM

I just found a picture of the captains of the South Lakes High School Wrestling team. One of these guys is dating the prom queen.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: LoveSouthLakes ()
Date: December 07, 2007 07:15PM

South Lakes award winning Robotics Club.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: Taylor ()
Date: December 07, 2007 07:44PM

lotto sucks!!! Get off this thread. Go find your own people.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: Cleburne ()
Date: December 07, 2007 07:45PM

KEEP IT REAL you are retarded.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: Caldwell ()
Date: December 07, 2007 07:46PM

Keep it real, get you miserable ass off out of this thread

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: Student from South Lakes ()
Date: December 07, 2007 07:50PM

When you post these bad, hurtful things don't you realize you are hurting my feelings, my brother and sister's feelings, my mother's feelings and her boyfriend's feelings, my father's feelings, although, I've never met him, so maybe not him, but definitely my brother and my sister's father's feeling and all our half brothers and sisters who don't live with us and, well, there are alot of feelings being hurt here. UNDERSTAND.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: Caldwell ()
Date: December 07, 2007 08:09PM

" Local, state and federal investigators scoured a university campus in Virginia for clues to what set off the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history after a gunman shot two people to death in a dormitory Monday morning before making his way to a classroom building where, silently and coolly, he killed 30 more people..."

Yeah, you betcha, gotta watch out for those South Lakes kids. lol....

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: concerned mom ()
Date: December 07, 2007 08:09PM

You people are horrible and thoughtless. My son saw some of your posts and ran away from home. You should be ashamed!!

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: Clenurne ()
Date: December 07, 2007 08:17PM

"Long before he killed 32 people in the worst mass shooting in U.S. history, Seung-Hui Cho was bullied by fellow high school students who mocked his shyness and the strange way he talked, former classmates said."

It indeed does seem that we have a more than a few of those kind gentle souls posting here.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: another concerned mom ()
Date: December 07, 2007 08:20PM

concerned mom typing away, Meeper sucks, Meeper sucks, Meeper sucks, Meeper sucks

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: loto ()
Date: December 07, 2007 09:18PM

Taylor you retard, the name is loto.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: Cleburne ()
Date: December 07, 2007 09:36PM

I love Seung-Hui Cho. I hate that he died that day. He couldn't help what he did. Those kids who made fun of him should be executed and then shot.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: Cleburne ()
Date: December 07, 2007 09:46PM

Oh, and I also love Charles Manson, I mean I don't think he really wanted those people to die, he was just all mixed up. He was lost. I bet some kids in his high school made fun of him too. What high school did he go to, anyway? They should all be hung and then put in the electric chair. I love Charles Manson, poor soul.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: Cleburne ()
Date: December 07, 2007 09:54PM

But, I have to say, my favorite guy who was forced to do bad things after being made fun of by classmates, has to be Jeffrey Domer. If mean kids hadn't made fun of him, he would have turned out differently and I would have married him. Instead, I am now a lonely, fat assed middle aged woman with long stringy hair and I smoke.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: December 07, 2007 10:08PM

Thats all very well and good but really can we get back to topic? namely how bad South lakes sucks cuz you cant get a Decent stromboli there? Sheesh i saw there was a raid by the FCPD on an underground stromboli Lab. Selling that shit like hot cakes. The cops came out with bags of dough, pizza sauce, and plastic bags of 100 dollar bills in excess of 2.5 million dollars. biggest bust in FX stromboli crime history. Meeper sucks, pgens is retarded, gravis is a Gay republican Senetor. Did i cover all the bases? no? FUCK YOU!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/07/2007 10:12PM by ferfux.

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: Cleburne ()
Date: December 07, 2007 10:24PM

And, I want to make one thing perfectly clear. The only reason I want kids bused to my kind natured school is because that's the only way the county will approve an elective in Herbal Medicine Horticulture. OK?

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: jepl ()
Date: December 07, 2007 10:35PM

Study Hall at South Lakes High School

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Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 07, 2007 10:35PM

Charles Manson,...What high school did he go to, anyway?

According to the book "Helter Skelter", Manson attended a series of reform schools and got most of his education in mental institutions as an imprisoned teenager.

I bet some kids in his high school made fun of him too. They should all be hung and then put in the electric chair.

If you ever read the book, you'll find out they probably were.

I love Charles Manson

It's fascinatingly funny and scary biography. Read it.

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