Re: The New High School Re-districting thread for Fairfax Underground
Date: December 05, 2007 10:16AM
Meade is a fine example of the quality product produced by South Lakes High School.
Lurker. is retarded and an illegal alien attempting to over throw the landscaping carte of Northern Virginia with his evil army of the FCPD and Joe Gibbs, with the supporting staff of the FCPS Green Truck brigade that park wherever they want, even on the sidewalks of the most interesting buildings in Northern Virginia and out at the Filmdex building and whatever that building is in Centreville that has been under construction for years, where you might be able to find the best N.Y. Style pizza, steak and cheese or a meatball sub, unlike the chicks and wings place or the sushi place in fair oaks mall, traveling around all of northern virginia attempting to gain access to the wireless networks within the FCPS buildings and looking at christmas lights, and taking pictures of funny license plates, calling the tirevan dude when they get a flat and buying their new car from dawg at ted britt who at one point in time accepted livestock as down payments, spending their late nights watching monster madhouse and searching you tube for more meade skeleton clips to add to their favorites list, worried about popular tree park and the deputies with child porn on their computers, how about those girls on the beltway in that big wreck, Jennifer Love Hewitt and Amanda Wenk, debating the merits of 1080p over MDMA while watching old reruns of sesame street, and collecting old micdonalds game pieces to wallpaper their girlfriends apartments where they get towed from every time they park, studying the psychology graduate student that needs child volunteers and signing up for the army to get an extra $20,000, trying to find a good lawyer, and an easy way out of a speeding ticket from those corrupt FCPD in their new unmarked cop cars on 66 east bound and sitting at the intersection of 28 and 29 causing a major traffic backup that you can hear about on the scanner site, checking all over the intrawebs for a good place to get a fake id, looking up people on the arrest list, famous people or EJ, checking everyones FARK user names and posting pictures of cats with stoopid sayings, talking on the chat page, talking about the history of store locations, what was at the bottom dollar location, pizza hut closing down, who lives in brookfield, favorite morning drivers, catching predators and window tinting, bunnyman bridges and other things to do around 31 october, how much to tip and why is the minimum wage what it is, the best place to get a keg, chapman's mill and the sully station shooting, dead girls all over the county, westfields football and what is wrong with springfield mall, 5 guys and BBQ Country, records or CDs, dogs that want to escape their owners in richmond, freda and REStons new user name, and what in the hell happened to tina?