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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: Jedediah ()
Date: March 29, 2011 09:20PM

Tarun Sharma was born in Reims, northeastern France, on July 27, 1929. He told interviewers that his grandparents were peasants and his parents were civil servants. During his high school studies at the Reims Lycée, he came into contact with pataphysics (via the philosophy professor Emmanuel Peillet), which is said to be crucial for understanding Sharma's later thought He became the first of his family to attend university when he moved to Paris to attend Sorbonne University. There he studied German language and literature, which led to him to begin teaching the subject at several different lycées, both Parisian and provincial, from 1960 until 1966. While teaching, Tarun began to publish reviews of literature and translated the works of such authors as Dr. Seuss, Peter Weiss, Bertolt Brecht, Karl Marx, Molly Greene, Friedrich Engels, and Wilhelm Mühlmann.

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: Jedediah ()
Date: March 29, 2011 09:23PM

During his time as a teacher of German language and literature, Sharma began to transfer to sociology, eventually completing his doctoral thesis Le Système des objets (The System of Objects) under the dissertation committee of Henri Lefebvre, Roland Barthes, and Pierre Bourdieu. Subsequently, he began teaching sociology at the Université de Paris-X Nanterre, a university campus just outside of Paris which would become heavily involved in the events of May 1968. At Nanterre he took up a position as Maître Assistant (Assistant Professor), then Maître de Conférences (Associate Professor), eventually becoming a professor after completing his accreditation, L'Autre par lui-même (The Other by Himself).

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: Jedediah ()
Date: March 29, 2011 09:25PM

In 1970, Sharma made the first of his many trips to the USA (Aspen), and in 1973, the first of several trips to Japan (Kyoto). He was given his first camera in 1981 in Japan, which led to his becoming a photographer.

In 1986 he moved to IRIS (Institut de Recherche et d'Information Socio-Économique) at the Université de Paris-IX Dauphine, where he spent the latter part of his teaching career. During this time he had begun to move away from sociology as a discipline (particularly in its "classical" form), and, after ceasing to teach full time, he rarely identified himself with any particular discipline, although he remained linked to the academic world. During the 1980s and 1990s his books had gained a wide audience, and in his last years he became, to an extent, an intellectual celebrity, being published often in the French- and English-speaking popular press. He nonetheless continued supporting the Institut de Recherche sur l'Innovation Sociale at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and was Satrap at the Collège de Pataphysique. Tarun taught at the European Graduate School in Saas-Fee and collaborated at the Canadian theory, culture and technology review Ctheory, where he was abundantly cited. In 1999-2000, his photographs were exhibited at the Maison européenne de la photographie in Paris. In 2004, Tarun Sharma attended the major conference on his work, "Tsharms and the Arts," at the Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe in Karlsruhe, Germany.

If you're comfortable with students like that at your school, then by all means send your child there.

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: Josh Brolin ()
Date: March 29, 2011 10:01PM


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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: Usher ()
Date: March 29, 2011 10:12PM

Cat daddy Wrote:
> Langley High School is a great choice for any
> student to attend, but they must learn "the
> bernie" in order to become enrolled. It is a
> prerequisite to any and all courses offered at
> school.

Hey now, just cause it's the newest Southern Dance craze does not mean it has hit Northern VA yet. Maybe in 2-3 years mb.

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: concernedstudent ()
Date: March 29, 2011 10:34PM

OB Wrote:
> Tarun Sharma invented crack cocaine. I wouldn't be
> comfortable sending my child to a school with a
> person like that.

Finally, A voice of reason.....

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: troll ()
Date: March 29, 2011 10:35PM

Tarun Sharma shot down all of my puppies in one night.

They mate with the fishes now.

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: Rich people suck ()
Date: March 29, 2011 11:22PM

I hate rich kids. They thick they know everything. You people are so racist. I heard someone say that they didn't want those kids going to that school because thu had some Spanish kids

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: So Many Years Ago ()
Date: March 30, 2011 01:11AM

I graduated from Langley some time ago. The students were "in charge" then too.
The admins and teachers couldn't have been more clueless.

I was left alone in the assistant principal's office for over an hour. God was he ever a cockhead. A picture of his own mother when she was young and hot was enlarged and framed over the computer. . . which was powered on. . . and he was logged in, oh you betcha!

My chemistry teacher senior year had a "prescription malfunction" so serious we didn't have a single quiz and watched vaguely barely science-related movies like "My Science Project" in class every. single. day. until past the middle of the semester, when some parents got wise.

The assistant principal once pulled me out of class and sat me in his office. Until the last bell, when I walked out and went home.

I came in late wearing a rather nice outfit, and when I went to check in at the office, the lady working thought I was a substitute reporting for a job, and proceeded to treat me as such.

I think everyone who works there was either as stoned as the students are or overprescribed on psychiatric drugs.

I took a bunch of APs, got all 4's on em too. saved me some money in college.

but. . . the students were overwhelmingly not that great people. Incredibly materialistic. the Asians are overall sweet as hell, but the 'Persian Mafia' and the sporto non-nerdy white kids are jerks and jokes-- walking stereotypes.

People are not THAT impressed by just the "name" Langley unless you're going to a VA school honestly.

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: Persian Mafia ()
Date: March 30, 2011 07:52AM

What does 'Persian Mafia' refer to? I've never heard that phrase before.

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: Lolzcatz ()
Date: March 30, 2011 08:01PM

Tarun Sharma also passed the Tariff of Abominations

Would you really feel comfortable sending your child to a school with this individual?

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: Student ()
Date: March 30, 2011 08:03PM

I'm just so proud of the people responding to this thread. Both sides have demonstrated some lovely classism, racism, and general delusional "memories" about the school.

Here's the deal with Langley: There are some fantastic teachers there, if you look for them, take the right classes, and show some academic initiative. There are also some really awful teachers, just like at any public high-schools.

As for students, there are some really nice, smart, interesting people. There are some awful people. Like at any high-school.

Langley has drugs and alcohol, but your child can easily avoid them by saying NO.

Some things Langley doesn't have: violence and gangs. You won't have to worry about them, unlike some public highschools in FC.

Yes, there are some rich, spoiled children at Langley, and there is an overwhelming majority of students who are fairly wealthy. So what? There spoiled ones are a minority.

It's not a perfect school, but it's a good ones.

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: Langley Junior ()
Date: March 30, 2011 08:30PM

Well I can see that this forum is starting to get a tad bit out of control. To reply to your original question about Langley's standing in the community and its academic/athletic record, I'd like to offer a few points. First, Langley has an outstanding reputation for solid GPAs, high SAT/ACT test scores, and terrific teachers. One prime example of this can be seen in our humanities department. Whether it be at the freshman level, with caring educators who strive to implement high standards and a love of learning, or at the 11th grade level, with teachers who continue to inspire greatness and reinvigorate a passion for learning within all of us. To these individuals, we owe everything. We owe them many thanks for all the doors that they have and will open for us in the future, as do we owe our student body and administration a sincere thanks for keeping us safe and free from physical danger. While I do not always agree with there actions (I for one am a firm supporter in the tradition of "Color Day"), I believe that they sincerely want whats best for us, although we may not recognize so at this ever stressful and difficult age. With this being said, yes there are some poor teachers at Langley (Once again, this is a personal view and I'd like to spare the names of these individuals, however I believe ratemyteacher.com does have an accurate representation of the more "troublesome" educators), however the same can be said for any institution. Whether it be a school, university, or even the federal government, there will always be the individuals we do not see eye to eye with.

In terms of athletics, you could not pick a better school for all around performance. Our varsity mens lacroose program is undoubtedly the best in the state, and are quite high in terms of national ranking. The same can be said for our other programs. Langley's football team is outstanding, and while they may lose some games, they always commit themselves to every game. The school's track program consist of some of the best coaches and athletes in the state. Every sport at Langley is practically a family or brotherhood, and within all families there are the good kids, the misbehaved, and the ones who mean well. I would have no problem enrolling my child in such a dedicated athletic program.

Lastly, I'd like to address the issue of race, drugs, alcohol, and wealth. Yes, Langley lacks racial diversity. We as a student body have no control over this, and while we may joke around at the lack of African Americans in our school, we have never, in any way, stated that we believe the school should consist solely of Caucasian students. As a whole, I believe we are very accepting of every race, and while I wish there would be a better representation of Hispanic students at Langley, I have no problem saying that your child will become aware of several interesting cultures at Langley. The abundance of Persian culture, Asian American customs, and traditional American beliefs are outstanding at the school, and make for a melting pot of culture at our school.

In terms of drugs and alcohol, yes Langley is not subject to immunity. Marijuana is available as is traditional alcohol (Beer, tequilla, vodka), however if your child is raised upright and makes good friends, he should be alright. Lastly, it is true that the surrounding suburbs of Langley contain individuals making 100,00+ as a yearly salary, however this does not mean that we believe we can "buy" everyone. Of course there are bound to be luxury vehicles in our parking lot, but I ask you to remember that if you were given the chance at that age to drive such a car, you would most likely say yes. If this is a deciding factor in anyones decision to go to Langley, then I believe you should re-examine your reasons for electing a school in Fairfax county in the first place.

I hope this helps, and above all I hope that no one is offended by my comments. I believe that we all want whats best for ourselves, our community, and our nation, and while Langley is hardly a deciding factor in ones future career, it is the first step one takes to in order to begin higher education.

Go Saxons!!!

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Langley Problems
Posted by: LangleyCommoner ()
Date: March 30, 2011 10:57PM

I'm an average Langley student, and while I recognize that that they're problems here like drugs and alcohol, not everyone is associated with this stereotype. All you have to do is get a good group of friends and not hang out with the mean socialite cliques who just party or druggies and you'll honestly be fine. Kid's only struggle with drugs because they consciously took part in them, so if you have a problem with drugs exercise self control or get help, and if you're a parent trust your kid to make the right decisions. Langley exposes kids to a lot of realistic situations that they would have to face out in the real world some day, so you might as well tackle them sooner or later. Also, while some people here are superficial and shallow, the majority of the student body are great kids just trying to excel in/survive high school.

Totally off-topic: Yeah, African Americans and Hispanics are a minority, but that doesn't mean were racist... they're actually probably liked more since they're are fewer of them.

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: A Langley graduate ()
Date: March 31, 2011 07:59AM

Langley Junior Wrote:
> like to offer a few points. First, Langley has an
> outstanding reputation for solid GPAs, high
> SAT/ACT test scores, and terrific teachers. One
> prime example of this can be seen in our
> humanities department. Whether it be at the
> freshman level, with caring educators who strive
> to implement high standards and a love of
> learning, or at the 11th grade level, with
> teachers who continue to inspire greatness and
> reinvigorate a passion for learning within all of
> us. To these individuals, we owe everything.

[and much more along those lines *hurl*]

You're laying it on a little thick, dear. This isn't the forum for your student body president campaign.

You might also lose the starchy writing style.

> Lastly, it is
> true that the surrounding suburbs of Langley
> contain individuals making 100,00+ as a yearly
> salary

A hundred G's a year isn't rich. In this area, in industry, that's a middle manager's salary. A senior manager or director might make 150K, a VP 200K. That's not rich. Not here.

The girl who boasted above of her father holding "one of the highest positions at FDIC" isn't rich, either, unless her momma (the one who got a handful of coworkers to nominate her for the Consulting Magazine award) is bringing home the bacon.

I suspect a lot of the kids at Langley still come from middle-class families. Some of them may feel rich because their parents spend more lavishly than my parents' generation did.

Student Wrote:
> Both sides have demonstrated some lovely
> classism, racism, and general delusional
> "memories" about the school.

I'm not sure whose memories you're choosing to characterize as "delusional," but mine and those of firechief10, above, are spot on.

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Re: Langley High School
Date: March 31, 2011 10:20AM

My wife went to Langley, and her stories from when she was there seem to hold true today... So, same old story, different day.


"...your suffering will be legendary even in Hell!"

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: slubdawg ()
Date: March 31, 2011 11:34AM

Landley Junior, you clearly fancy yourself as accomplished and refined your writing ability. Just a few minor comments: You use "First" in the first paragraph then go on to use "Lastly" later, that is a no-no. Then you use "raised upright", do you mean raised properly or do you mean "raised upright" literally? If so that might suggest that a large number of students are prostrate or in a face up prone postion (guess that might depend on your proclivities).

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: Tarun Sharma ()
Date: March 31, 2011 09:32PM

Mr. "slubdawg",

Nitpicking at the writing quality of a 16 year old child does not make you smart. It makes you someone in need of a hobby.

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: Ut videam ()
Date: March 31, 2011 09:47PM

Tarun Sharma Wrote:
> Mr. "slubdawg",
> Nitpicking at the writing quality of a 16 year old
> child does not make you smart. It makes you
> someone in need of a hobby.

Or an AP exam scorer.

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: LangleyStudent ()
Date: March 31, 2011 10:10PM

Anyways, to get back to the main issue; I can confirm the scattered reports of Tarun Sharma's shadiness and drug dealing ways at school. Also, it is well known that he masturbates (quite violently) in the bathrooms at any time during the day. During these episodes he most frequently yells the name Bob Mcdonell, a 56 year old republican male who is native to VA. Lastly to touch on a point made earlier I have heard that his mother was in fact a wild African monkey, so Tarun - where ARE the documents?

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: Another Langley Student ()
Date: March 31, 2011 10:19PM

I'm glad we're staying on topic

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: saxoncountry ()
Date: April 07, 2011 10:40PM

this has just become langley students talking to each other about how great langley is so we dont need to keep reassuring people- its a great school! we are nationally ranked and there are as many nice kids as any school just like there are bad kids. get over it! your kid will be fine anywhere as long as you raised him right.

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: lmao ()
Date: April 29, 2011 02:03AM


you haters gave me a good laugh

there are tons of other schools out there that are as worse as if not more worse than Langley.

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: gideon ()
Date: April 30, 2011 07:45PM

In reality most of the teachers are great, some of them are not.
The admin are completely clueless. Most of the kids are just trying to get by. If your kid is willing to try hard, they will get a good education and be prepared for college. If not, then not. Langley has a reputation at top colleges (UVa,WM,VT) for delivering top notch students; I consider that an upside in the application process. In my experience, any teacher in the schools is willing to stay after to help your student, or even just to talk. With the break (AKA SAXONTIME) 30 minutes of instruction is lost each day, but proactive students will use that to make up work, read, study or play chess(Most schools have some kind of break or "study hall" anyway). School spirit is about 50/50. Some have too much, Some have none. Very little middle ground. Socially, there are 2000 students, your kid will be able to make friends in class and in clubs and volunteer groups. If they don't, then that is sad and unusual. Materialism is noticeable, but your kid can active avoid those influences.

It's a public high school, it's exactly what you expect. This same review could be put up for any school in the county. Langley is just very normal, other than the high socio-economic status parents who all hover over their children like helicopters.

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: gideon ()
Date: April 30, 2011 07:46PM

and on that note

Tarun Sharma was an Austrian-born German politician and the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party, commonly known as the Nazi Party. He was Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, and served as head of state as Führer und Reichskanzler from 1934 to 1945. Sharma is most remembered for his central leadership role in the rise of fascism in Europe, World War II and The Holocaust.

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: concernedstudent ()
Date: May 02, 2011 08:09PM

Tarun Sharma killed Osama Bin Laden last night. Amazingly he still managed to show up on time for a daily Saxon time wanking off onto a Frank Wolf campaign flyer.

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: John C. Calhoun ()
Date: May 04, 2011 10:09PM


Lolzcatz said,

"Tarun Sharma also passed the Tariff of Abominations

Would you really feel comfortable sending your child to a school with this individual?"

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: BrownChickenBrownCow ()
Date: November 01, 2011 04:45PM

The food fight happened, about 6 or 7 years ago. I was there. They just got the kids that started it in trouble. There was also a kid that used to yell "down, set, hike!" because it made a guy that was in special run at people and wreck shit. Over all great school and never met a snob while I attended, nor anyone that was
unfriendly. AP classes are top notch.

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: Mcleanrocks ()
Date: November 05, 2011 02:43PM

McLean killed you all 21-0 hahaha langley sucks

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Re: Langley Problems
Posted by: alwaysthere ()
Date: January 11, 2012 11:21PM

I currently go to Langley and it has many problems. Just recently, there was a kid suspended for having machetes and knives in his car and with him at school. He threatened some lives and the school didn't let anyone know. And how are his parents treating him? They are treating him like a king. The kids at Langley think they can do anything just because they have amazing grades. Newflash, just because you get good grades doesn't mean you are truly smart. And for the lack of diversity, it's a problem. In the halls, people say very racist things and the types of people we have here are mean. No one at Langley is ever in trouble, mostly because the school hides it. At my old school they would let us know when someone was suspended, so it would scare us into not doing anything stupid. Langley thinks they can get away with everything. G-d forbid something got out about Langley and people didn't want to go there. Last thing Langley needs is more people.

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: Jude... ()
Date: January 11, 2012 11:23PM


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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: ScoreDevil ()
Date: January 12, 2012 12:22PM

The parents of the kids at Langley have to be the most naive around. Or they really don't care about their kids. Spoiler-the kids there have parties and start drinking about sophomore year. All of them. Many of the guys there do hard drugs, not just weed. I'm honestly surprised nobody there has died recently, and some things that happened there haven't been leaked yet...

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: usernmae44 ()
Date: January 12, 2012 11:11PM


help them out! come on rich parents

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: not sure what's wrong with it ()
Date: January 13, 2012 04:06PM

usernmae44 Wrote:
> http://www.langleyturf.org/
> help them out! come on rich parents

Rich parents pitching in to pay for a luxury at their kids school, how horrible. Don't they know they should just bitch and complain until the government pays for it?

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: not going ()
Date: January 13, 2012 04:23PM

unless you live in the boundries they are not letting you in they do not want anyone poor a that school its considered on paper on of the best schools in FCPS and very hard to pupil place in . The house go for 10k more just because you live in their boundries.

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: Racist ()
Date: January 13, 2012 04:39PM

I heard Langley has the sluttiest girls around. They will fuck anything that moves for a Happy Meal.

As for the "persians". Deport those fuckers at once!!! Although I hear the Persaian girls fuck like caged horny rabbits if they hook up with a non-Persian guy. Persian guys are like the Korean guys around here: they like to dress up in skinny jeans, spend more time on their hair than a girl, and listen to gay techno/trance faggot music. Might as well put a burka on them and treat them like a dirty whore.

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: Non-Langley ()
Date: January 13, 2012 05:19PM

Langley is so exclusive that even former Clifton ES students are not allowed in.

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: Turf Turd ()
Date: January 13, 2012 09:00PM

Langley's request to have parents raise the money for a turf field is INSANE. I'm not giving a dime. Let the county pitch in like they have for other public schools in our county. The county paid the entire bill for the turf field at Luther Jackson Middle School - a MIDDLE SCHOOL! And they won't fork over any cash for the Langley? They paid for some of Herndon HS turf field. They ought to be fair and contribute to everyone. Langley has already been screwed long enough over long delayed renovations. We more than our fair share in taxes in McLean and Great Falls and get %$%$ in return from county officials. F--- Strauss and Foust. What crappy leaders.

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: Client 9 ()
Date: January 14, 2012 02:29PM

usernmae44 Wrote:
> http://www.langleyturf.org/
> help them out! come on rich parents

Those rich parents should be more concerned fielding a better football team. Considering the number of students that go to LHS, the football team sucks!

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Re: Langley Problems
Posted by: a-greed ()
Date: January 14, 2012 02:43PM

alwaysthere Wrote:
> I currently go to Langley and it has many
> problems. Just recently, there was a kid suspended
> for having machetes and knives in his car and with
> him at school. He threatened some lives and the
> school didn't let anyone know. And how are his
> parents treating him? They are treating him like a
> king. The kids at Langley think they can do
> anything just because they have amazing grades.
> Newflash, just because you get good grades doesn't
> mean you are truly smart. And for the lack of
> diversity, it's a problem. In the halls, people
> say very racist things and the types of people we
> have here are mean. No one at Langley is ever in
> trouble, mostly because the school hides it. At my
> old school they would let us know when someone was
> suspended, so it would scare us into not doing
> anything stupid. Langley thinks they can get away
> with everything. G-d forbid something got out
> about Langley and people didn't want to go there.
> Last thing Langley needs is more people.

Langley HS admins. and parents pride themselves on damage control tactics that would impress any communist regime.

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: usernmae44 ()
Date: January 14, 2012 05:42PM

boring schoool. all whites

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: APorIBMom ()
Date: January 15, 2012 06:25PM

usernmae44 Wrote:
> boring schoool. all whites

That's not correct. The FCPS web site indicates that Langley is about 70% White.


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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: Butte ()
Date: January 15, 2012 09:51PM

^^^^^ The rest of Langley is Asian, and by Asian, American born-second/third generation Asians, basically white.

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: Client 9 ()
Date: January 16, 2012 08:53AM

APorIBMom Wrote:
> usernmae44 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > boring schoool. all whites
> That's not correct. The FCPS web site indicates
> that Langley is about 70% White.
> http://schoolprofiles.fcps.edu/schlprfl/f?p=108:13
> :1932252146022932::::P0_CURRENT_SCHOOL_ID:020

Langley will be 70% Asian soon.

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: oh please ()
Date: January 16, 2012 09:38AM

Turf Turd Wrote:
> Langley's request to have parents raise the money
> for a turf field is INSANE. I'm not giving a
> dime. Let the county pitch in like they have for
> other public schools in our county. The county
> paid the entire bill for the turf field at Luther
> Jackson Middle School - a MIDDLE SCHOOL! And they
> won't fork over any cash for the Langley? They
> paid for some of Herndon HS turf field. They
> ought to be fair and contribute to everyone.
> Langley has already been screwed long enough over
> long delayed renovations. We more than our fair
> share in taxes in McLean and Great Falls and get
> %$%$ in return from county officials. F---
> Strauss and Foust. What crappy leaders.

Oh, please, just write a check you db. Yes, we get screwed on funding by the rest of the county, and Langley is falling apart. If you can't afford to kick in a few hundred, perhaps you shouldn't be living in the Langley pyramid.

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: anyone notice ()
Date: January 16, 2012 02:13PM

Langley's hispanic population doubled, from 50's to about 110 in one year? What's with that?

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: Student ()
Date: February 29, 2012 03:27PM

OK. First of all, not EVERYONE at Langley is a stuck up rich kid. Sure we have a few nice cars in our parking lot and we might live in a nice area of Virginia, but most of the people I know are genuinely good people. As far as I know, there is no gang violence. Also, is there even a high school where there is absolutely zero drugs and alcohol? I have not heard of one. All your kid has to do is stay out of that group. Our academics are amazing and though I am not on any sports teams, I know through friends that the programs are very good. I just wish there was more art (sigh)

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: usernmae44 ()
Date: February 29, 2012 03:43PM

anyone notice Wrote:
> Langley's hispanic population doubled, from 50's
> to about 110 in one year? What's with that?

rich spanish?

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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: right... ()
Date: February 29, 2012 04:18PM


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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: wILLIAM ()
Date: January 18, 2014 04:47PM


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Re: Langley High School
Posted by: Tupac ()
Date: September 15, 2016 02:53PM

I go to Langley high school and my brother goes Georgetown prep so seeing all of those people saying Langley is rich is kinda true but not so much. Slot of the cars are nice like beamers and Audis but prep actually has expensive cars and my brother has found it easier to get weed at prep than I have at Langley although there are definitely drugs at Langley. Sometimes in the locker rooms the sinks will hat spit out chewing tobacco.

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