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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: grammarcop ()
Date: February 17, 2011 09:17AM

this forum should be Wrote:
> Maybe a cop can shed from light
> on this?

As opposed to a cop sticking to darkness on that

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: *light on this ()
Date: February 17, 2011 09:18AM

Thank you!

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: ffxWorkerbee ()
Date: February 17, 2011 12:13PM

Thank you justsayin. I wasn't looking for kudos, but thank you nonetheless. My point was to illustrate that it is not hard to extend courtesy by thinking about what one would easily expect where they live and do the same for others. The attached meme is for you.

It is extremely curious as to why we know nothing more about the 27 year old in the Chevy aside from age, initial status as illegal-later hushed, and his claim to be a passenger.

I was discussing this crash with a friend and they pointed out something interesting, though it too is speculation. If the 27 year old is illegal, in light of the recent murders in PWC by the illegal who was to be deported in 2002, it highlights failures by ICE. A double whammy as it were. Again speculation.

My thought is the 27 year old is attached to a diplomatic entourage, and as such may be immune to prosecution, explaining why no charges have been waged.

To those who question estimating speed of vehicles in a crash, several have named possible points that can be used to estimate velocity, but a good forensics investigator knows what to calculate based on a myriad of factors.

I googled a phrase and found the following on a defense website. It is pretty well explained in detail for the curious. Keep in mind it is written in a critical view of how an examiner can bungle it.


justsayin Wrote:
> ffxWorkerbee Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I work in
> > ffx as my nick implies. I also do the cut
> through
> > route. The difference in my case is I do not
> text
> > or speed. I drive. I live in PWC and on a road
> I
> > would be upset to have others racing down, so
> give
> > that same respect to others. On that thought,
> I
> > also do not mind vehicles passing my home, so
> long
> > as its just sane travel.
> >
> > Also, I work overnight, so i just drive the
> speed
> > limit and respect that people live off those
> > roads.
> I want to publicly commend you for being such a
> fine, upstanding citizen. If only the rest of us
> could behave this way! In case we ever meet in
> person, I'll be carrying a wrapped cookie with me
> from now on so I can give it to you. It may be a
> little stale/moldy when you get it but I feel you
> deserve it. There is no amount of public praise
> that can be sprayed all over you. I know you
> weren't looking for any kudos or credit with your
> posting on an Internet forum, but I thought I
> should step up and give it to you. Bravo, you!
> You go, you!

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: February 17, 2011 06:31PM

Time to take REVENGE Wrote:
> Just remember that we told you to be nice and you
> didn't. You should have known that we have the
> ability to pay a visit and now we will.
> 1) Gonads and& Strife (thank you for linking your
> profile - see you soon)
> 2) Price (thank you for linking your profile -
> see you soon)
> 3) Clifton - please post some identifier, we
> really want to say hi.

Fuck off, cunt. "linking your profile"? Being a registered user you mean? You'll probably crash and die on your way over to get "revenge" on me anyway - especially if you're asian and/or drive a BMW. Happy hunting, turd.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/17/2011 06:34PM by Gonads & Strife.

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: this is the CIA talking ()
Date: February 17, 2011 06:34PM

We can find you.

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: say ()
Date: February 17, 2011 06:41PM

The cops have put up their "If you witnessed an accident here on xx-xx-xx, please call us" sign at the scene.

So, they must not know what happened exactly. The broad is dead and the other guy obviously isn't going to incriminate himself.

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: Julianarae ()
Date: February 17, 2011 06:48PM

no, you were not at the wake, I was. This is not the first time tragedy has entered our family. Since 1979, I have never, never heard a news report about a death..........woman killed, policeman shot, child drowns,29 killed in mine,....without a pause to think and pray for all those connected to these victims. thank you all for your kind remarks........I'm sorry to tell you that the family did see the flippant quotes. We are not affected by this, but we do feel for the one who can't see past just another news report. Our hope is that they will or do have someone love them like Sharon loved us. It's so hard when you begin to lose the people who love you like that. If you are that lucky enough to have that.
Next time think of the family of the victim with compassion and know that you too may read "Woman" killed in fiery crash" or many variations. She was not "Women" to us. She was wife,sister,sister-in-law,aunt,niece,cousin,.......
all victims are a big part of someone elses life.
I really don't know how I wandered in to this discussion.....first and last experience. But it felt good to again praise Sharon. Don't spend your precious time debating with those who don't understand love, committment, and just good will to our fellow man. Maybe they will never suffer a loss like this.
Think about it, you have to give positivity to receive. It is good to have loved and been loved.......and even hurt, because of the purity heart and time well spent with an exceptional person. Who would expect their impact on others to generate a wake and funeral with literaly hundreds in attendance. I wonder how many I would have, what about you? We can still work on that!........reach out!

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Date: February 18, 2011 12:24AM

To everyone, I am sorry. Just realized how dumb I am.

edit by Cary: Impersonation of registered user "Gonads & Strife". To the poster: Please don't impersonate other users, only warning.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/18/2011 10:36AM by Cary.

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: February 18, 2011 07:43AM

User impersonation in the Fairfax forum can get the might Ban Hammer, reported.


"She looks pretty good for 12, admit it." - WingNut, 04/24/2012

"I'm racist too. So what?" - Ellipsis 9/16/2011

"If you only knew who I was, and what I was working to do you would...have the decency to tell me I hated my nation and the way of life. I may not agree with...the government...I hate the "government"......" - Firrat 9/1/10

"there seems to be a queer...why? To try and further demean a defeated... dumb Tea party... I think we need more... far left folks on a regular basis - Louis Farakhan, Jesse Jackson...Al Sharpton" - Registered Voter, 8/19/2011

"If your computer is running slow, or you have any other problems, email me at with the problem and i am willing to fix it, for a price of course" - Taylor, spamming FFU on 04/12/2006. "N****rs as slaves again? I think so..." - Taylor, 09/20/2009

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: February 18, 2011 11:12AM

justsayin Wrote:
> User impersonation in the Fairfax forum can get
> the might Ban Hammer, reported.

In light of the fact that you'd take the time to report the impersonator given our past, I do hereby remove my stupid signature and replace it with something a little more appropriate. I'd say that a little self-deprecation on my part is due.

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: akajackweb ()
Date: February 18, 2011 12:13PM

Some people are using this blog to exercise their freedom of speech.
While others are using it to exercise their freedom of being punched in the mouth.

recourse to the law 1 justice 0?

Thanks for all the help.

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: Crazy ()
Date: February 18, 2011 06:46PM

How on earth can some of you be so Heartless? I am from no where NEAR where you heartless people live, Praise the Lord, but I am a firefighter..I have seen and heard people screaming as they burned alive in their vehicles like Sharon did...Her Husband was worried because she was late coming home from work and came UP ON THAT!!! He watched his wife's car burn with her in it!!! And you guys just pass it off and talk about who's fault it is and say thoughtless comments. To you who care for her and come to her defense..thank you on behalf of the family!

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: To: crazy ()
Date: February 18, 2011 07:25PM

Wow, what an awful story. To die trapped in your car on fire is not the way we all wish to go. I feel for her family.

I think we would like to see Sharon's killer caught. That is what the board on here is talking about. Justice is what is now needed.

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: To: To: crazy ()
Date: February 18, 2011 08:14PM

To: crazy Wrote:
> Wow, what an awful story. To die trapped in your
> car on fire is not the way we all wish to go. I
> feel for her family.
> I think we would like to see Sharon's killer
> caught. That is what the board on here is talking
> about. Justice is what is now needed.

Have you not read any of the other posts in this thread? The "killer" is not on the loose, so there is no need to "catch" him. And what is justice in this case if it can't even be determined how the accident happened? There is no way to have a fair discussion about justice if you can't allow for the possibility that the deceased's actions contributed to the accident.

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: akajackweb ()
Date: February 19, 2011 01:33AM

Did anyone see this happen??

Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication between residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting...

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: BubbaJack ()
Date: February 20, 2011 10:58AM

This thread is a compelling example of the dangers and weaknesses of democracy. I hope most of you ranting, fact-free hot heads do not make the effort to vote.

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: Firratt ()
Date: February 21, 2011 11:25AM

I agree it was her lack of judgement making that turn(someone stated she was previously on a +12 hour shift), but the real question is: Would she have been dead if that guy was going the speed limit?

They are both at fault, but he's at more fault, for traveling nearly twice the speed limit that was the reason for this tragedy. I believe she would have still been alive if he hit her at 55-60 than 90's

We all make mistakes and unfortunately certain mistakes we make can be fatal ones. The lady made the mistake of making that turn, but as for the driver; he knew going 90 on a road that included multiple traffic directions could be fatal. He made his decision to travel at 90 and now he must live with it.

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: Firratt ()
Date: February 21, 2011 11:32AM

Just for the record... The chevrolet had a more "me me me" attitude than that lady. He probably knew hitting that car was his best bet to staying alive rather than swerving and flipping the truck.

Another point I wanna make that not a lot of people might like right now. Buy American cars.

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: February 21, 2011 12:49PM

Firratt Wrote:
> I agree it was her lack of judgement making that
> turn(someone stated she was previously on a +12
> hour shift), but the real question is: Would she
> have been dead if that guy was going the speed
> limit?

I'm guessing if the BMW crossed into his path and he was doing 45 or 50 that the end result would not have been different. BMWs don't have great side-impact ratings, they are among the worst. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20289885/ns/business-autos/

And according to this article, side impacts of 20mph can cause injuries severe enough to be fatal. http://www.thefreelibrary.com/BMW+Head+Protection+System+Sets+New+Standard+in+Side-Impact...-a019938313


"She looks pretty good for 12, admit it." - WingNut, 04/24/2012

"I'm racist too. So what?" - Ellipsis 9/16/2011

"If you only knew who I was, and what I was working to do you would...have the decency to tell me I hated my nation and the way of life. I may not agree with...the government...I hate the "government"......" - Firrat 9/1/10

"there seems to be a queer...why? To try and further demean a defeated... dumb Tea party... I think we need more... far left folks on a regular basis - Louis Farakhan, Jesse Jackson...Al Sharpton" - Registered Voter, 8/19/2011

"If your computer is running slow, or you have any other problems, email me at with the problem and i am willing to fix it, for a price of course" - Taylor, spamming FFU on 04/12/2006. "N****rs as slaves again? I think so..." - Taylor, 09/20/2009

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Date: February 21, 2011 01:34PM

> "but the real question is: Would she have been
> dead if that guy was going the speed limit?"


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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: Speeding ()
Date: February 21, 2011 02:46PM

The driver who was speeding is at fault. She would have never turned had she known how fast the other driver was driving. It is hard to gauge distance and more so at night.

How come we still do not have any more information on the driver of the truck. I think at one point he claimed he was the passenger and not the driver. Did he own the truck?

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: LEFPC ()
Date: February 28, 2011 03:33PM

RE: Alex 78946

I am an attorney who is investigating this accident and would like to speak with anyone who witnessed this accident or know someone who did, please contact me at news@lawrenceefischer.com

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: Neighbor ()
Date: March 02, 2011 04:17PM

I believe the accident reconstruction team was back at the site today at a little after 2 p.m. Has anyone heard anything more on the other driver's information. I am perplexed that there still hasn't been anymore information released about him.

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 18, 2011 10:19PM

so I see the sign asking for witnessess on 123 and I always wonder - is the ahole that did 90 on 123 just gonna get away with it?

Cause I'm not hearing any more about the case - like it's just gonna go away or something :(

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: Shadow ()
Date: May 11, 2011 09:11AM

UPDATE – Arrest Made for Fatal Crash in Lorton Area
West Springfield Police District – On April 20, police charged 27-year-old Carlos Edgar Portillo, of 3718 Fairfield Lane in Woodbridge, Virginia, with involuntary manslaughter.

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: Ut videam ()
Date: May 11, 2011 09:30AM

Predictions for the future of this thread from this point forward:

  • Someone will point out the perp's ethnicity
  • Gordon Blvd will post KKK photos in response

Any others?

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: Jenna Talia ()
Date: May 11, 2011 09:40AM

Guessing someone will post his arrest record shortly...

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: May 11, 2011 10:10AM

Fucking Hispanics involuntarily manslaughter again.

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: Shadow ()
Date: May 11, 2011 10:22AM

Lovely image...

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Date: May 11, 2011 11:01AM

love the hair.


"...your suffering will be legendary even in Hell!"

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 11, 2011 04:06PM

@Ut videam - you forgot obligatory hatred for all of the race LoLz

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: What race is he? ()
Date: May 12, 2011 02:22PM

Half Asian and half hispanic?

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 12, 2011 02:23PM

What race is he? Wrote:
> Half Asian and half hispanic?


he's 100 percent ASSHOLE

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: c ()
Date: May 12, 2011 04:30PM

Is he an illegal alien?

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: To: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 12, 2011 09:26PM


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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: Missing Her ()
Date: May 19, 2011 10:04AM

I went a little further and found out that the same individual was in another one in 2007. Check this out.


Hope Sharon's family, her husband and their lawyer know about this.

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 19, 2011 11:02PM

what an asshole.............................

complete dipshit asshole.

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: kdubble ()
Date: May 20, 2011 05:01PM

this dude is a loser for sure but his hair, nostrils, and ears make me hate him even more.

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: He has no money ()
Date: May 20, 2011 06:22PM

Give him the chair. That will show the drunks who like to drive to call a cab.

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: Ned Flanders ()
Date: May 20, 2011 10:13PM

Hi diddly I oh, looks like this guy likes marijuana. He looks worse with each web search.

"PORTILLO ","CARLOS ","E","023"," 1500","S COLUMBUS ","ST","ARLINGTON ","VA","08/31/2006","POSS MARIJUANA "
"PORTILLO ","CARLOS ","E","023"," 1500","S COLUMBUS ","ST","ARLINGTON ","VA","12/03/2006","CONTRIBUTE DEL OF MINOR "
"PORTILLO ","CARLOS ","E","023"," 1500","S COLUMBUS ","ST","ARLINGTON ","VA","12/03/2006","POSS MARIJUANA "
"PORTILLO ","CARLOS ","E","024"," 1500","S COLUMBUS ","ST","ARLINGTON ","VA","08/31/2006","POSS MARIJUANA "
"PORTILLO ","CARLOS ","E","025"," 1500","S COLUMBUS ","ST","ARLINGTON ","VA","12/03/2006","POSS MARIJUANA

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: Remoreseless ()
Date: September 16, 2011 01:34PM

I was flying back from Miami at 7:57pm. I was eating a napoleon and I looked out the window to see a bmw(not a mercedes) turn left, I saw the black checy hit the car. The car went bad ass flying in the air. Even though I couldn't help the lady I was an emotional wreck and sadden for days. The lady was so beautiful and such a good friend. The best cia agent ever.

I told the story to my neighbor Kathy and she broke down in tears with me. Her husband wasn't home so we just cuddled for a while before expressing our emotions with some first time incredible anal sex. We felt terrible for the lady.

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Re: crash at 123 & henderson rd
Posted by: Green ()
Date: November 07, 2012 07:23AM

OBAMA 2012!!!!!!!!! #OBAMA4MANKIND

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