Thank you justsayin. I wasn't looking for kudos, but thank you nonetheless. My point was to illustrate that it is not hard to extend courtesy by thinking about what one would easily expect where they live and do the same for others. The attached meme is for you.
It is extremely curious as to why we know nothing more about the 27 year old in the Chevy aside from age, initial status as illegal-later hushed, and his claim to be a passenger.
I was discussing this crash with a friend and they pointed out something interesting, though it too is speculation. If the 27 year old is illegal, in light of the recent murders in PWC by the illegal who was to be deported in 2002, it highlights failures by ICE. A double whammy as it were. Again speculation.
My thought is the 27 year old is attached to a diplomatic entourage, and as such may be immune to prosecution, explaining why no charges have been waged.
To those who question estimating speed of vehicles in a crash, several have named possible points that can be used to estimate velocity, but a good forensics investigator knows what to calculate based on a myriad of factors.
I googled a phrase and found the following on a defense website. It is pretty well explained in detail for the curious. Keep in mind it is written in a critical view of how an examiner can bungle it.
justsayin Wrote:
> ffxWorkerbee Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I work in
> > ffx as my nick implies. I also do the cut
> through
> > route. The difference in my case is I do not
> text
> > or speed. I drive. I live in PWC and on a road
> I
> > would be upset to have others racing down, so
> give
> > that same respect to others. On that thought,
> I
> > also do not mind vehicles passing my home, so
> long
> > as its just sane travel.
> >
> > Also, I work overnight, so i just drive the
> speed
> > limit and respect that people live off those
> > roads.
> I want to publicly commend you for being such a
> fine, upstanding citizen. If only the rest of us
> could behave this way! In case we ever meet in
> person, I'll be carrying a wrapped cookie with me
> from now on so I can give it to you. It may be a
> little stale/moldy when you get it but I feel you
> deserve it. There is no amount of public praise
> that can be sprayed all over you. I know you
> weren't looking for any kudos or credit with your
> posting on an Internet forum, but I thought I
> should step up and give it to you. Bravo, you!
> You go, you!