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Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: Poll Watcher ()
Date: August 02, 2010 10:30AM

In the 11th District in Northern Virginia, Oakton businessman Keith Fimian raised $333,000 in April, May, and June, according to his campaign's Federal Election Commission Filing, while opponent Gerry Connolly raised $385,000.

The numbers are significant in that incumbents generally raise far more than challengers up to 90 days prior to the election, as national organizations have not yet weighed in. Connolly reports more cash currently on hand, meaning money that has already been transferred to his campaign to use. Fimian's campaign team expects that next quarter's reporting will close that gap.

A poll of 685 likely voters in the 11th district, those who voted in at least two out of the last three congressional elections, shows Fimian ahead of Connolly 43% to 39%, with 18% undecided or supporting others. 48% of those polled identified themselves as Democrats, 36% as Republicans, and the remainder independent, other, or refused to answer. Responses indicated that Connolly appears to be struggling to distance himself from President Obama and the Democratic Congressional Leadership, while still seeking their fundraising support. Fimian's challenge appears to be name recognition, despite an expensive primary campaign.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: Connolly Pelosi ()
Date: August 02, 2010 12:44PM

In another thread, someone posted a link that showed Connolly's voting lined up with Pelosi's.

What bothers me is that Connolly is a classic politician, pandering to the absolute LOWEST level of character/intelligence. Spend spend spend. And that he used his position as county supervisor to get out of a DUI.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: TomMadison ()
Date: August 02, 2010 02:22PM

This is going to be a tough vote for me...I never liked Gerry and his political style is just nauseating. The fact that he cannot conjure an original thought and is simply a lapdog to Pelosi and Reid are key reasons why I have a hard time with him. On the other hand, Fimian is too far the other way and doesn't strike me as having much to really say except that Obama is bad and the economy is going to hell and we need to cut taxes.

I liked Tom Davis for a variety of reasons, but mainly because he seemed interested in getting something done and was willing to make reasonable compromises. The Rush/Beck/Palin sycophants would probably call him a RINO today, but I could like with that.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: Tim45 ()
Date: August 02, 2010 04:02PM

Connolly Pelosi Wrote:
> In another thread, someone posted a link that
> showed Connolly's voting lined up with Pelosi's.
> What bothers me is that Connolly is a classic
> politician, pandering to the absolute LOWEST level
> of character/intelligence. Spend spend spend.
> And that he used his position as county supervisor
> to get out of a DUI.

I just received a flyer in the mail from Connelly. He touts how he is actually a fiscal conservative and leads the way in cutting government waste and spending. I never knew there were two congressman Connellys.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: km ()
Date: August 02, 2010 04:43PM

Keith Fimian, too extreme for Northern Virginia.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: Time to Kick Ass ()
Date: August 02, 2010 08:30PM

Reminds me of that stupid commercial with the asian woman, the transsexual, and the gay guy.

So, slaughtering babies in the womb and ignoring the immigration problem is less extreme?

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: mk ()
Date: August 05, 2010 01:41AM

Gerry Connolly is counting on there being more Dems than Repubs in the 11th District. He could win just on that alone. Remember that the bills for both the health care reform and stimulus don't come due until after the election.

Yet every once in awhile you do read that money is being taken from Medicare to fund Medicaid. Even AARP is having a tough time supporting that. Yet Connolly was a solid yes vote throughout the debate, figuring it better to support the west coast Dem leadership than listen to his own District.

May he rot in retirement.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: True, democrats are dumb ()
Date: August 05, 2010 04:05AM

Democrats are so dumb. They'll vote for anyone, any snake, as long as they have a D next to their name. Connelly's a crook and not on our side, but watch those dumb dems vote for him anyway.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: makeit ()
Date: August 05, 2010 05:35AM

Friman should pull out of the race now, and both their money should go to help the homeless people in their district.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: krispy kringle ()
Date: August 05, 2010 07:51AM

I'm a registered Dem, haven't always voted Dem though, and have lived in Fairfax Co my whole life and have volunteered to work on some local campaigns in the past. However, this is one Dem who will never vote for Connolly.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: iceman ()
Date: August 05, 2010 07:55AM

Somtimes one needs to decide between two bowls of shit. Depends on who you select, he guy who ate mint leaves last night or the guy who ate a greasy burger with mustard. Both these politicians are shitheads just like our Attorney General.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: August 05, 2010 08:50AM

Do people still respect Connolly?

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: August 06, 2010 12:07PM

If you're concerned about illegal immigration, I can see how returning Boehner and McConnell to power would satisfy your concerns. You know, considering the bang-up job they did on illegal immigration and deficit spending the last time they controlled Congress and the plethora of ideas they have for reducing the deficit now.

(To be fair, Paul Ryan's at least trying. But he's simultaneously praised and disowned by GOP leadership.)

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Fimian is a fraud
Posted by: NoVAVoter ()
Date: August 06, 2010 02:54PM

Keith Fimian is a fraud.

The business Fimian always brags about is based on a patent he stole from one of his partners, according to news reports.

Fimian spent 7 days in jail after he beat a guy up so badly that the guy lost eyesight in one eye. The victim still lives in NoVA.

As for the money issue, Fimian had less than $300,000 in the bank on June 30, while Connolly had more than $1.3 million. That ain't even close.

And what about Fimian's alleged poll? The only poll he did was in March, before he was even the Republican nominee and know one has ever seen the details.

There are lots of sordid stories out there about Fimian's escapades and they don't jive with the fairy tales he is trying to foist on the voters. And when Fimian opens his mouth, people realize that he doesn't know much beyond the talking points he has been given by his handlers and the special interests.

Yes, Fimian is a fraud. That's why a lot of Republicans who sided with Herrity in the primary are sitting on their hands or moving into the Connolly camp.

mk Wrote:
> Gerry Connolly is counting on there being more
> Dems than Repubs in the 11th District. He could
> win just on that alone. Remember that the bills
> for both the health care reform and stimulus don't
> come due until after the election.
> Yet every once in awhile you do read that money is
> being taken from Medicare to fund Medicaid. Even
> AARP is having a tough time supporting that. Yet
> Connolly was a solid yes vote throughout the
> debate, figuring it better to support the west
> coast Dem leadership than listen to his own
> District.
> May he rot in retirement.

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Re: Fimian is a fraud
Posted by: HadEnough ()
Date: August 06, 2010 03:03PM

"We do not have a problem with illegal immigration in Fairfax County" -

Connolly as chairman of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors

What kind of horse shit is he talking about? Is he blind, stupid, or both?

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: FireConnolly ()
Date: August 06, 2010 04:38PM

There must be 2 Congressmen Connollys! I, too, got fliers recently in my mailbox which seemed to state he was "fiscally responsible". He voted for a 1.1 trillion dollar health care catastrophe! Now he's trying to look like he's fiscally responsible about debt? Tried many times to meet him last August, no town hall meetings. At the end of the month his office acted like he'd met with the public a lot. (he did hold two meetings at retirement centers). Oh yeah, he also said as board supervisor that he welcomed to Fairfax the illegals leaving Prince William County and that Fairfax could easily afford to care for them. Really??!! Please vote this irresponsible, not fiscally responsible, jerk out of office!

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: Herrity was better ()
Date: August 06, 2010 05:00PM

Not a fan of Fimian either, but I guess if he was man enough to serve his jail time-unlike Connolly, who weaseled his way out of any DUI punishment-then I will vote for Fimian. Fimian will have minimal (if any) effect on abortion issues. Connolly could possibly become more powerful in the House, and that is disturbing since he is the most insipid, repugnant, BRAINLESS, shifty/conniving person imaginable. Why people vote for him is beyond me.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: roughbook ()
Date: August 07, 2010 12:05AM

Folks, Get Real.
The Federal government takes in enough tax revenue per year to fund ONLY 3 programs:

Every Single Tax Dollar goes to the above.
Every Single Other dollar of Federal Spending is on the credit card, and
CHINA is the creditor.

Connolly is an enabler.
Our kids and grandkids have shit if he and his ilk continue.
Fimian should be the ONLY choice for any parent in the 11th District.
You should be absolutely ASHAMED of yourself if you sell out your kids this Nov.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: August 07, 2010 12:50AM

god bless Gerry Connolly. ive donated $200 to his campaign and i hope he licks fimian's ass to hell and back. you fucking va republicans...you all love cuccinnelli the new darling of republicans. the catholic church has virtually taken over va...the unholy trinity of mcdonnell...cucinnelli and now fimian.

Registered Voter...a Big talking coward..big man on FFXU...little man in life.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: Troll@AOL ()
Date: August 07, 2010 01:02AM

Anon Contributor Quote:
>Gerry Connolly is the most insipid, repugnant, BRAINLESS, shifty/conniving person imaginable. Why people vote for him is beyond me.

I just thought that was worth an encore presentation. : )

Thank you Anon Contributor.

"Why don't you LOSERS just pack your flower print DOUCHE BAGS
and get your stoopid @$$#$ THE FUCK OFF MY INTERNETZ!"

- 'philscamms' (the YT Watchdog) ; internet & YouTube® extraordinaire.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: August 07, 2010 01:17AM

roughbook Wrote:
> Folks, Get Real.
> The Federal government takes in enough tax revenue
> per year to fund ONLY 3 programs:
> Every Single Tax Dollar goes to the above.
> Every Single Other dollar of Federal Spending is
> on the credit card, and
> CHINA is the creditor.

Solution: get rid of Medicaid, use funds to pay for military and roads.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: Troll@AOL ()
Date: August 07, 2010 01:45AM

Get rid of mandatory Social Security withholding also, or the entire fucking program. While your @it.

"Why don't you LOSERS just pack your flower print DOUCHE BAGS
and get your stoopid @$$#$ THE FUCK OFF MY INTERNETZ!"

- 'philscamms' (the YT Watchdog) ; internet & YouTube® extraordinaire.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: I am your father, Vince ()
Date: August 07, 2010 02:31AM

Vince(1) Wrote:

> the catholic church has virtually taken over
> va...

Vince, my son, Gerry Connolly is Catholic. He once tried to become a priest. But that didn't work out. Look around the internet for the story about Connolly and the nun.

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Re: Fimian Leads etc.
Posted by: Connolly Supporter ()
Date: August 07, 2010 02:37AM

NoVAVoter Wrote:
> Keith Fimian is a fraud.
> The business Fimian always brags about is based on
> a patent he stole from one of his partners,
> according to news reports.
> Fimian spent 7 days in jail after he beat a guy up
> so badly that the guy lost eyesight in one eye.
> The victim still lives in NoVA.
> As for the money issue, Fimian had less than
> $300,000 in the bank on June 30, while Connolly
> had more than $1.3 million. That ain't even
> close.
> And what about Fimian's alleged poll? The only
> poll he did was in March, before he was even the
> Republican nominee and know one has ever seen the
> details.
> There are lots of sordid stories out there about
> Fimian's escapades and they don't jive with the
> fairy tales he is trying to foist on the voters.
> And when Fimian opens his mouth, people realize
> that he doesn't know much beyond the talking
> points he has been given by his handlers and the
> special interests.
> Yes, Fimian is a fraud. That's why a lot of
> Republicans who sided with Herrity in the primary
> are sitting on their hands or moving into the
> Connolly camp.

Didn't you get the word? We're not supposed to start posting these stories until OCTOBER!!!! If you do this now then there will be too much time for the opposition to respond with the truth. It's only AUGUST... Fairfax County is on vacation. Fortunately, no one who matters will read what you wrote here. But please stop it, for now.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: Feckless Connolly ()
Date: August 07, 2010 11:17AM

Feckless: weak, ineffective; worthless, irresponsible.

Connolly is a liberal minion.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: black and blue ()
Date: August 11, 2010 11:41PM

Connolly is a turd, plain and simple, and no matter how he or his sheeple try to polish him, he's still just a turd.

Democrats of NVa are so fricking stupid that if you told them Jerry was Charles Manson's lover, they'd still vote for him.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: STFU, Vince Baby ()
Date: August 11, 2010 11:44PM

Why does NVa continue to kiss this guy's seeping ass?

Jerry the Clown probably grew up in Midgetville.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: Shelly ()
Date: August 12, 2010 12:02AM

Time to Kick Ass Wrote:
> Reminds me of that stupid commercial with the
> asian woman, the transsexual, and the gay guy.
> So, slaughtering babies in the womb and ignoring
> the immigration problem is less extreme?

FUCK YOU!!!!! I am that so-called "transsexual", ASSHOLE! Believe me, I am all woman and a proud employee of Planned Parenthood. You better hope I never find you in an alley somewhere because I fucking know more than a thing or two about tearing someone limb from limb.

Keith Femian is too radical for NVa let alone any other place in this country other than a few holdout counties in racist Texas.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: Hee ()
Date: August 12, 2010 12:12AM

Shelly Wrote:
> FUCK YOU!!!!! I am that so-called "transsexual",
> ASSHOLE! Believe me, I am all woman and a proud
> employee of Planned Parenthood. You better hope I
> never find you in an alley somewhere because I
> fucking know more than a thing or two about
> tearing someone limb from limb.

Such a mouth. Daughter of a politician, I presume.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: question? ()
Date: August 12, 2010 03:43PM

If you are a fan of Connolly, why do you hope he licks Keith's asshole?

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: look up ()
Date: August 12, 2010 03:46PM

Vince(1) Wrote:
> god bless Gerry Connolly. ive donated $200 to his
> campaign and i hope he licks fimian's ass to hell
> and back. you fucking va republicans...you all
> love cuccinnelli the new darling of republicans.
> the catholic church has virtually taken over
> va...the unholy trinity of mcdonnell...cucinnelli
> and now fimian.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: Fruppie ()
Date: August 12, 2010 04:00PM

Shelly Wrote:
> Time to Kick Ass Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Reminds me of that stupid commercial with the
> > asian woman, the transsexual, and the gay guy.
> >
> >
> > So, slaughtering babies in the womb and
> ignoring
> > the immigration problem is less extreme?
> FUCK YOU!!!!! I am that so-called "transsexual",
> ASSHOLE! Believe me, I am all woman and a proud
> employee of Planned Parenthood. You better hope I
> never find you in an alley somewhere because I
> fucking know more than a thing or two about
> tearing someone limb from limb.
> Keith Femian is too radical for NVa let alone any
> other place in this country other than a few
> holdout counties in racist Texas.

That's stupid.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: Wendy's Urinal Police ()
Date: August 12, 2010 11:15PM

That person had to have been a transsexual....this little diatribe from a troll is fake.

By the way, Fimian is a gem compared to that little shit, Connolly.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: August 13, 2010 09:18AM

I find it hilarious how folks are all concerned about slaughtering babies in the womb, but once they're born, view them as part of the "great unwashed."

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: Kardinal ()
Date: August 13, 2010 11:03PM

formerhick76 Wrote:
> I find it hilarious how folks are all concerned
> about slaughtering babies in the womb, but once
> they're born, view them as part of the "great
> unwashed."

You don't know much about what you're talking about, do you?

Pro-life organizations run and donate immense amounts of money to "crisis pregnancy centers" which exist specifically to support mothers who feel they can't support their children. One of the largest placement agencies for adoptions is Catholic Charities. Trying to find homes for children rather than kill them.

This is a canard used by the ignorant to distract from the issue.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/13/2010 11:06PM by Kardinal.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: Kardinal ()
Date: August 13, 2010 11:05PM

Shelly Wrote:
> Believe me, I am all woman and a proud
> employee of Planned Parenthood. You better hope I
> never find you in an alley somewhere because I
> fucking know more than a thing or two about
> tearing someone limb from limb.


It was unacceptable for him to insult you that way. But you're certainly not representing PP very well when you talk about beating someone else for an Internet insult.

With pro-lifers accusing PP of tearing babies in the womb limb from limb, your choice of language was either very unfortunate...or very accurate. Or both.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/13/2010 11:05PM by Kardinal.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: fimian ()
Date: August 14, 2010 03:55PM

Keith Fimian, too extreme for Northern Virginia.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: really ()
Date: August 14, 2010 06:12PM

Really.. that seems to be very selective thinking - How about the Wars (2) we created without paying for them? How about years of deficit spending (by both parties)? How about tax "cuts" that took us from a balanced budget just 10 years ago (YES) that we didn't pay for? To say the budget today is a reflection of the last few years is naive at best, and absurd beyond that.

We all don't like the current financial situation, but to peg it on any one politician (especially those there less than a few years) is simply politics and has no basis in reality.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: Diogenes ()
Date: August 17, 2010 12:57PM

From the revelation of Gerry's behavior prior to being elected to Congress are sufficient to dictate that he be a one term Congressman. Gerry's behavior as a Congressman even more importantly dictate that the rascal should no longer represent the people of the 11th District of VA/

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: Pissed as Hell ()
Date: August 17, 2010 01:01PM

The guy is really more suited for bagging groceries at Giant or being a carney for the ring toss on the bottles at the carnival.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: August 17, 2010 01:23PM

Kardinal Wrote:
> formerhick76 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I find it hilarious how folks are all concerned
> > about slaughtering babies in the womb, but once
> > they're born, view them as part of the "great
> > unwashed."
> You don't know much about what you're talking
> about, do you?
> Pro-life organizations run and donate immense
> amounts of money to "crisis pregnancy centers"
> which exist specifically to support mothers who
> feel they can't support their children. One of
> the largest placement agencies for adoptions is
> Catholic Charities. Trying to find homes for
> children rather than kill them.
> This is a canard used by the ignorant to distract
> from the issue.

So why do I hear so many Republicans whining about "anchor babies" and "welfare queens"?

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: Kardinal ()
Date: August 19, 2010 12:40AM

formerhick76 Wrote:
> So why do I hear so many Republicans whining about
> "anchor babies" and "welfare queens"?

Because not all Republicans are the same. Duh. Do YOU like it when you're asked to answer for the stupidity of every liberal or Democrat out there?

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: August 19, 2010 10:08AM

Kardinal Wrote:
> formerhick76 Wrote:
> > So why do I hear so many Republicans whining
> about
> > "anchor babies" and "welfare queens"?
> Because not all Republicans are the same. Duh.
> Do YOU like it when you're asked to answer for the
> stupidity of every liberal or Democrat out there?

Not really. But complaining about poor children once they're already here kinda does go against the pro-life idea.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: August 19, 2010 11:12AM

Better to be dead than poor, we hear you.


Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: August 19, 2010 01:10PM

WingNut Wrote:
> Better to be dead than poor, we hear you.

Hey, I'm not in the party proposing they starve.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: August 19, 2010 02:33PM

formerhick76 Wrote:
> WingNut Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Better to be dead than poor, we hear you.
> Hey, I'm not in the party proposing they starve.

You're a drama fag, no one ever proposed that directly or indirectly.
Get a fucking clue.


Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: August 24, 2010 09:03AM

WingNut Wrote:
> formerhick76 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > WingNut Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Better to be dead than poor, we hear you.
> >
> > Hey, I'm not in the party proposing they starve.
> You're a drama fag, no one ever proposed that
> directly or indirectly.
> Get a fucking clue.

Lots of anger here. Why's that?

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: August 24, 2010 10:42AM

Is this what we do at our government job all day? Don't know why but you just strike me as a real suckass. Sorry.


Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: August 24, 2010 01:02PM

WingNut Wrote:
> Is this what we do at our government job all day?
> Don't know why but you just strike me as a real
> suckass. Sorry.

Yeah, I guess I'm just not a "real American" like you.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: August 24, 2010 02:02PM

No one should question your love of America or patriotism, yoy just sound like a suckass is all I'm saying.


Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: James ()
Date: August 27, 2010 11:40AM

Ever since his flagrant showboating on the Saturday that the congress passed the health care reform (destruction) bill, I've been chewing at the bit to vote against Nancy's lap dog. Goodbye Mr. Connolly.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: riding a bus to Capitol Hill ()
Date: August 27, 2010 11:59AM

Hasn't ol' Gerry Connolly been riding bus a bus to work for a few days, to show that he is "just one of the regular folks" ? He made some announcement about that a few weeks ago. Sort of expected to see pictures of him in the Express or free Fairfax Connection newspapers.

Gerry Connolly has only a passable ability to parrot a few catch phrases like "renewable energy." His "columns" to the newspapers show that he has very shallow, superficial thinking. I have never understood why he was elected to ANY public position at all. Why aren't voters smart enough to vote for someone else?

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: i believe ()
Date: August 27, 2010 12:48PM

because he has a D in front of his name on the ballot

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: Just saying... ()
Date: October 29, 2010 02:56PM

I realize I am a bit late to join this, but if both candidates are unacceptable, wouldn't it be better to do a write in vote? I know some may say it doesn't make much of a difference, but I think somehow it gets a point across.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: T2T ()
Date: October 29, 2010 03:03PM

Just saying... Wrote:
> I realize I am a bit late to join this, but if
> both candidates are unacceptable, wouldn't it be
> better to do a write in vote? I know some may say
> it doesn't make much of a difference, but I think
> somehow it gets a point across.

Then, vote for Dotson - he's on the ballot for the Libertarian party.

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Connolly is going down
Posted by: Joel H ()
Date: October 31, 2010 04:18AM

Connolly needs to take a very long vacation outside our area and outside of Washington DC. As a Congressman he has done nothing. His circulars reflect he has followed a Republican agenda but looking at the record all he has done is follow Pelosi. He ruined Fairfax County and ensured vast corruption was institutionalized. Cable TV, for instance, why is there no competition? Connolly. Bad news and he needs to go.

Name one thing he has actually accomplished while in office.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: Informed Voter ()
Date: October 31, 2010 01:50PM

I can name a couple of things Connolly did for me.

Connolly made my healthcare insurance go up $600.00 MORE per year. Like I wasn't already paying too much money for my healthcare. Come January 1, I will be paying about $9,000.00 MORE in taxes due to the jihadist in Dc, by not renewing the Bush tax cuts. There goes any hope of a vacation, or a new car. Thanks, Gerry, thanks loads.

Get rid of the tax and spend liberal Gerry Connolly. Vote Keith Fimian on Tuesday, November 2.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: 45ACP ()
Date: October 31, 2010 09:39PM

When Connoly was chairman of the FFX board, he added to our property tax to take money to build and buy affordable housing -- to county employees! Why the hell is FFX becoming a landlord? That's not the role of government, but now they are the biggest landlord in the county. Why the hell should employees be entitled to live in the county? If they can't afford to live here, either get a different job, or live outside the county and commute like everyone else. That was the biggest case of robbery I've seen, and it was Connoly's pet project! Oh, but it was for the poor people, boo hoo. He left us with that stinky pile, and it's still here, taking more of my money every year. And while he was chairman, my neighborhood started to fall apart because people started buying houses and cramming a dozen people living in them. This is illegal, but Connoly didn't wan't to pursue these cases because many of these people were poor immigrants and we should all feel sorry for them. Meanwhile, they park a dozen cars in the street, collect rent money without paying taxes, and ruined my neighborhood. Thanks Gerry -- for not enforcing the law.

And he calls himself a fiscal conservative? Bullsh!t.

And then there was that hit-and-run that he did, and then squirmed his way out of it. I guess the laws don't apply to him when he is the judge's boss. Must be real nice to be special and be able to wreck people's cars, and then drive away like it didn't happen. Too bad for the person he hit, but he probably doesn't care about anyone but himself. He should have manned up and accepted the consequences of his action. P*ssy.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: T2T ()
Date: November 01, 2010 10:56AM

According to Black Velvet Bruce Li (Web site), an analyst has been getting some feedback on Connolly's internal polls. The numbers don't look so good for ol' Gerry tomrrow. The analyst has selected the final vote numbers to be 54 to 46, in favor of Fimian.

Time will tell, and in 32 hours from now when the polls close, we'll know a lot more on how this will turn out.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: village idiot ()
Date: November 01, 2010 11:03AM

The DCCC dropped a million dollars last week in a last ditch effort to help the Conman. I can only hope it was a waste of money on their part.

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Re: Connolly is going down
Posted by: Ethel ()
Date: November 01, 2010 11:11AM

Joel H Wrote:
> Connolly needs to take a very long vacation
> outside our area and outside of Washington DC. As
> a Congressman he has done nothing. His circulars
> reflect he has followed a Republican agenda but
> looking at the record all he has done is follow
> Pelosi. He ruined Fairfax County and ensured vast
> corruption was institutionalized. Cable TV, for
> instance, why is there no competition? Connolly.
> Bad news and he needs to go.
> Name one thing he has actually accomplished while
> in office.

He has made sure that his chair didn't squeak much.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: T2T ()
Date: November 01, 2010 11:13AM

village idiot Wrote:
> The DCCC dropped a million dollars last week in a
> last ditch effort to help the Conman. I can only
> hope it was a waste of money on their part.

It won't go down as a complete waste. The money was used to print up several additional flyers that are circulating through the mail system. The flyers end up in the trash - making for more materials that the trash people need to pick up. Thus, they'll need to hire on additional people for the next week, creating a few new temporary jobs.

Also, they'll hire on additional temporary workers to clean up the "vote for" signs that currently litter our roads and highways.

However, if you really think about it, that million dollars would have gone a lot further if the Dems would have turned the cash over to local food banks - or, other needy agencies instead. I very much doubt that the million dollars has done anything to sway the numbers any more in Gerry's favor.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: polling place ()
Date: November 01, 2010 11:15AM

village idiot Wrote:
> The DCCC dropped a million dollars last week in a
> last ditch effort to help the Conman. I can only
> hope it was a waste of money on their part.

Even if Connolly wins, it is money that the DCCC didn't anticipate having to spend. Just three or four months ago, the DCCC counted the 11th as a safe seat and did not plan on dropping cash here. The fact that they are dropping cash into this district means they have given up on dozens of other races. The fact that Fimian has made it this close means he has ensured another 2-3 seats for the GOP in other districts the DCCC was forced to pull out of.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: T2T ()
Date: November 01, 2010 11:18AM

polling place Wrote:
> Even if Connolly wins, it is money that the DCCC
> didn't anticipate having to spend. Just three or
> four months ago, the DCCC counted the 11th as a
> safe seat and did not plan on dropping cash here.
> The fact that they are dropping cash into this
> district means they have given up on dozens of
> other races. The fact that Fimian has made it
> this close means he has ensured another 2-3 seats
> for the GOP in other districts the DCCC was forced
> to pull out of.

Even if Gerry Connolly wins, it will be quite interesting to watch him try and carry out his day-to-day duties with one hand tied behind his back. With Pelosi no longer in a position pave the path of easy street, Gerry might have to do some real work if even hopes to run for re-election in another 2 years.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: BL ()
Date: November 01, 2010 12:04PM

I've have done all I can to get my friends to all vote for Femian. Many where hesitaint because he is very conservative, but I convinced them that it didn't matter, since Obama could just veto, that its more importaint to stop cap and tax, health care and tax hikes.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: village idiot ()
Date: November 01, 2010 12:30PM

BL has it right. Connolly has played on Fimians conservative background, but the reality is, Fimian won't have the power to change the abortion laws or any of these other issues. It was a distraction technique to take away from connollys voting record. Tax hikes, health care and the economy in general are the most important issues to be dealt with right now. Those are the areas in which the Conman doesnt want people to remember how he voted.

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Re: Fimian Leads Connolly in Poll, Close in Money
Posted by: T2T ()
Date: November 01, 2010 12:49PM

The Fimian camp also sent out a notice to Connolly's campaign on Friday asking for a formal response on Gerry's hit and run incident from back in 2004. I believe Gerry has yet to answer back on this one. It's certainly a path he doesn't want to revisit.

Meanwhile, enjoy the nice, new bright red and white signs that are going up around the polling locations claiming that Connolly voted with Pelosi 97% of the time. Maybe, there's a chance that a few voters might catch the message before they vote for Gerry - and make a better decisition to not vote for him.

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