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Does FCPD pull people over for leaving rear red foglights on?
Posted by: QuestionMarks ()
Date: May 26, 2007 10:29PM

Does FCPD pull people over for leaving rear red foglights on?

I have them on my car, but I do not turn them on, unless I'm
driving in the fog or heavy rain. On my Mercedes, I pull the
headlight switch to activate the rear foglights and the bright
orange light comes on to alert you. It's impossible to miss.

However, there are a lot of folks who drive with the rear foglights
on at all times. Even during the day. It really makes me wonder
if they are doing this on purpose or just plain stupid.

Just my 2 cents.

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Re: Does FCPD pull people over for leaving rear red foglights on?
Posted by: 4wheeler ()
Date: May 27, 2007 07:34AM

Well, not everybody has a Mercedes that let you know that you are plain stupid and you left your fog lights on.

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Re: Does FCPD pull people over for leaving rear red foglights on?
Posted by: ffxn8v ()
Date: May 27, 2007 09:01AM

What does the VA Code state about driving with foglights on (front or rear) when it is normal weather?

I seriously doubt they would, since on any given evening, drivers run foglights anyways.

I must say though, rear red fog lamps are more annoying to me, than low output front fog lights.

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