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Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: Everything he touches ()
Date: March 20, 2021 01:08PM

Former President Trump's personal Boeing 757 is sitting unused at an Orange County, New York airport, unable to be flown, CNN reports.

The full-size passenger airliner, which bears Trump's name across the side in large block letters, has fallen into disrepair. One engine is shrink-wrapped and the other is missing parts, according to the outlet.

Getting the plane, which was 20 years old when Trump purchased it in 2010, back into flying shape could reportedly cost hundreds of thousands of dollars

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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: vwtjV ()
Date: March 20, 2021 01:12PM

CNN - All the news fit to fabricate.

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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: trunps turns everything to shit ()
Date: March 20, 2021 01:32PM

trunps-touch turns everything to shit ... Hahaha!

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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: So What OP ()
Date: March 20, 2021 01:52PM

Its sat for 4 years Trump can put a couple mill in it with ease

Lets see you get 1000 from your father and turn it into 4-5 mil, You would blow it on weed in 2 weeks

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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: Cool Story, Bro ()
Date: March 20, 2021 03:03PM

^^ Cool Story, Bro.

Trump joined his father’s thriving real estate business after college and that he relied on his father’s connections as he made his way in the real estate world.

For instance, Fred Trump — along with the Hyatt hotel chain — jointly guaranteed the $70 million construction loan from Manufacturers Hanover bank, “each assuming a 50 percent share of the obligation and each committing itself to complete the project should Donald be unable to finish it,” according to veteran Trump chronicler Wayne Barrett in his 1992 book, “Trump: The Deals and the Downfall.”

Trump also benefited from three trusts that had been set up for family members. In 1976, Fred Trump set up eight $1 million trusts, one each for his five children and three grandchildren, according to a casino document. (That today would be worth about $4 million in inflation-adjusted dollars.) The casino document lists several other loans from Trump’s father to his son, including a $7.5 million loan with at least a 12-percent interest rate that was still outstanding in 1981.

In a 2007 deposition, Trump admitted he had borrowed “a small amount” from his father’s estate: ‘I think it was like in the $9 million range.” And as Trump’s casinos ran into trouble, Trump’s father also purchased $3.5 million gaming chips, but did not use them, so the casino would have enough cash to make payments on its mortgage — a transaction which casino authorities later said was an illegal loan.

Many experts doubt Trump’s claims that he is really worth as much as $10 billion. Bloomberg News pegged his net worth at $2.9 billion, based on an analysis of his personal financial disclosure form.

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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: Real Facts ()
Date: March 20, 2021 03:14PM

Likely he will sell off the 757 and lease a smaller private jet for his needs until 2025.

Then he will use AF 1 when he returns to the Presidency.
A POTUS - Smiling - Confident - Strong Leadership.jpg

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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: Real Fatcs ()
Date: March 20, 2021 03:23PM

Facts have a liberal bias, like truth & reality ... trump will be forced to sell all of his possessions in bankruptcy as he enters Federal prison.


Buildings, furniture, jet, high mileage spouse, and other baubles of failure.

Everything must go!


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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: trunp plane is Mexican immigrant ()
Date: March 20, 2021 04:10PM

Seems trunps plane is Mexican immigrant

Before Trump purchased it from Paul Allen, the plane served as a commercial airliner in Mexico in the 1990s, according to a 2016 Times story on the plane.


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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: Golden Idol Trump is my God ()
Date: March 20, 2021 04:40PM

Real Facts Wrote:
> Likely he will sell off the 757 and lease a
> smaller private jet for his needs until 2025.
> Then he will use AF 1 when he returns to the
> Presidency.

You are right about part of that - he isn't going to need a plane where he's going.

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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: Today That May Be True ()
Date: March 20, 2021 09:43PM

> Bloomberg News pegged his net worth at $2.9 billion, based on an analysis of his personal financial disclosure form.

Trump gave up so much personally and sacrificed for us the American people to be a great president that defended our constitutional rights and secured our borders while greatly improving our US economy before Covid came in as Democrats did NOTHING TO EVEN TRY TO STOP IT IN THE US HOUSE THEY CONTROLED !

Today JOE is now ruining it all so fast that his fail will overcome the "Trump hate and the Trump dislike" as JOE becomes the worst US president of all time and the Democrat's are forced to ride his sinking ship down even as they will abandon him to their embarrassment as hypocrites for supporting him

Yes Trump may be down to 3 billion , he was up to around a real 5 billion before he ran for President plus he's not had hands on control of his business empire in the last 4 some years , that's going to change .

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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: He won't need a plane for a whil ()
Date: March 21, 2021 12:09AM

Today That May Be True Wrote:
> > Bloomberg News pegged his net worth at $2.9
> billion, based on an analysis of his personal
> financial disclosure form.
> Trump gave up so much personally and sacrificed
> for us the American people to be a great president
> that defended our constitutional rights and
> secured our borders while greatly improving our US
> economy before Covid came in as Democrats did
> Today JOE is now ruining it all so fast that his
> fail will overcome the "Trump hate and the Trump
> dislike" as JOE becomes the worst US president of
> all time and the Democrat's are forced to ride his
> sinking ship down even as they will abandon him to
> their embarrassment as hypocrites for supporting
> him
> Yes Trump may be down to 3 billion , he was up to
> around a real 5 billion before he ran for
> President plus he's not had hands on control of
> his business empire in the last 4 some years ,
> that's going to change .

One-term former president Donald Trump is going to spend the next several years in court after decades of engaging in banking and insurance fraud and income tax evasion. Then likely a stretch in prison.

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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: Joe Trys To Hard ()
Date: March 21, 2021 01:02AM

Showing up in a shiny new suit dressed by a valet 10 minutes before . Trying to give perfect speech's with his teleprompter speeches polished by 100% PC liberal idiots that piss off the American people as they are out of touch with reality

Joe is trying way to hard and needs a break already after two months in office

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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: One-term Trump sux ass ()
Date: March 21, 2021 01:35AM

Joe Trys To Hard Wrote:
> Showing up in a shiny new suit dressed by a valet
> 10 minutes before . Trying to give perfect
> speech's with his teleprompter speeches polished
> by 100% PC liberal idiots that piss off the
> American people as they are out of touch with
> reality
> Joe is trying way to hard and needs a break
> already after two months in office

President Biden is a huge improvement over the one-term former president.

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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: LIMU EMU ()
Date: March 21, 2021 04:05AM


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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: LIMU EMU ()
Date: March 21, 2021 04:20AM


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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: Hair Force One! ()
Date: March 21, 2021 08:00AM

^^ Nice russian propaganda, What is it like to be the puppet of russia's putey?

That plane is a metaphor for it’s owner. Broken down, falling apart, and a useless pile of trash.

trump-revolutionary-war-history-1000x852 (1).jpeg

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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: Please? ()
Date: March 21, 2021 10:17AM

Real Facts Wrote:
> Likely he will sell off the 757 and lease a
> smaller private jet for his needs until 2025.
> Then he will use AF 1 when he returns to the
> Presidency.

I love this photo! May I have your permission to use it?

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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Date: March 21, 2021 11:35AM

maybe if Trump didn't donate his presidential paycheck for 4 years to charity he would have money to fix his plane

you unappreciative white guilt ridden demons

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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: Trump Airlines ()
Date: March 21, 2021 12:09PM

the real General Mahdi Wrote:
> maybe if Trump didn't donate his presidential
> paycheck for 4 years to charity he would have
> money to fix his plane

Passenger aircraft like that are enormously expensive to maintain, like millions of dollars a year even if it's not being used. I'm guessing Trump could afford to fix the plane no problem, but it's not worth the huge additional expense of keeping it certified for flight. It's actually a pretty dumb investment even if you're a billionaire.

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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: Pray directly to Donald Trump ()
Date: March 21, 2021 12:14PM

the real General Mahdi Wrote:
> maybe if Trump didn't donate his presidential
> paycheck for 4 years to charity he would have
> money to fix his plane

If one-term former president Donald Trump turned his paychecks over to a 'charity' it was because he created a way to get it back X3. To what 'charity' did he supposedly turn over his paychecks? You do know he was involved in a bogus charity in New York that was ordered closed and fined $2,000,000. Donald Trump's only benefactor is Donald Trump.

Have you sent him any of your money? You sap.

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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: True Statement ()
Date: March 21, 2021 06:51PM

The truth^^^^

Douchebag Trump has never, I repeat, never, given anything away unless it has a tangible return for himself and only himself. Unless he provides receipts for the supposed donations to charity I call BS.

And the other truth, anyone who gives money to the orange imbecile is most definitely a sap.

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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: Trumps Not Going To Prison ()
Date: March 22, 2021 12:14AM

>Then likely a stretch in prison.

US presidents have access to the nations deepest darkest secrets , no prison for Trump

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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: JOE Will BE Out Before His Term ()
Date: March 22, 2021 12:17AM

>One-term Trump sux ass ()


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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: Spacy ()
Date: March 22, 2021 01:20AM

Pray directly to Donald Trump Wrote:
> To what 'charity' did he supposedly turn over his
> paychecks?

Easy to verify: he donated it all to various parts
of the United States federal government, including:
National Park Service,
Department of Health and Human Services (for coronavirus),
Department of Homeland Security,
and the Surgeon General’s office, among others

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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: 4545 ()
Date: March 22, 2021 04:08AM

Gerrymanderer2 (G2, the OP original poster or spammer just above, perhaps both) posts several lies on ffu daily - many think he's a fx co gov worker who is getting paid to do it for false DNC democrat "advertising". He floods ffu with useless posts to bump down major news, demoralize americans. G2 posts fecal matter, mutilated bodies, child porn, foreign drug ads and sneaker ads, tells people to kill themselves and government should seize them and put them on psych pills in prison without a trial - decided by DNC democrats gov workers, promotes kangaroo courthouse trials, gives anti-religious rants, gives satanic ritual rants, posts black males with large dicks on white young females, portends white low birth rate and fall of USA whites, suggestive of food tampering/poisoning to solve the white problem, and anything possible to demoralize any americans on ffu - all of which are fake news he never responds to proofs it is fake. (perhaps g2 is a chinese prisoner or isis member - but definitely knowledgeable of fx co gov from the inside at times). The website operator has told him "not to post or return" (in an existing post by the sysop): not because of a political leaning but for continual illegal and gross spam along with messages that are only to demoralize if not kill others. G2 plays at financial terrorism as well; continually reporting fake and false financial data. G2 fakes emergency pleas to deaden the real response to any real one - like a devil. G2 continually spams FFU - which all users complain of: it is a real DoS attack - the attacks are not just topic bumps but designed to inject key words to kill ffu and google search results. G2 continually promotes drug use, alcoholic experimentation, and tries to convince members to meet hookers using photos from the 1990's (i doubt any that did are not arrested or dead). G2 continually posts racist posts and gay posts egging others to comment - then attacks who does - AND RECORDS IT (likely for political extortion). G2 and dems MONITOR AND RECORD* "conservatives who blast out these democrat lies and illegal abuse of telephone privilege (sometimes in a raw manner, being so jaded by the job)" (users who object to G2's actions listed so far). One ffu member discovered a south american country recording FFU databasing all posts in a non-chat database format - and when questioned - another member quickly said it was all coincidence and that this was done everywhere in the world on all sites: WHICH IS A LIE. Not all countries record the every word of what fairfaxians say on blogs. Extortion is also mentioned by G2. And the idea he's fishing for comments he can use against anyone who'd run for office is "just assume he's in that business" - and i've warned others that is what he fishes for - excuses to attack conservatives and or to extort them.








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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: one-term former president Trump ()
Date: March 22, 2021 01:20PM

Spacy Wrote:
> Pray directly to Donald Trump Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > To what 'charity' did he supposedly turn over
> his
> > paychecks?
> Easy to verify: he donated it all to various
> parts
> of the United States federal government,
> including:
> National Park Service,
> Department of Health and Human Services (for
> coronavirus),
> Department of Homeland Security,
> and the Surgeon General’s office, among others

If your 'evidence' is that one-term former president Trump says he did, then I have to assume its a lie.

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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: not buying b.s. ()
Date: March 22, 2021 01:26PM

Wow, judging by the sudden spike of Trump-related 'news' in the media, things must be going really bad for Biden and his ilk. Deploy distractions!

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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: Low in the Skies ()
Date: March 22, 2021 04:16PM

Trump Airlines Wrote:
> the real General Mahdi Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > maybe if Trump didn't donate his presidential
> > paycheck for 4 years to charity he would have
> > money to fix his plane
> Passenger aircraft like that are enormously
> expensive to maintain, like millions of dollars a
> year even if it's not being used. I'm guessing
> Trump could afford to fix the plane no problem,
> but it's not worth the huge additional expense of
> keeping it certified for flight. It's actually a
> pretty dumb investment even if you're a
> billionaire.

The richest people in the world do not own aircraft. There are many companies who lease aircraft service and provide when requested.
Only wannabes waste capital on owning aircraft.
If you can’t pilot your own helicopter, you’re a loser, too.

Trump’s jet will soon be scraped.

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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: No Info for Blabbermouths ()
Date: March 22, 2021 04:20PM

Trumps Not Going To Prison Wrote:
> >Then likely a stretch in prison.
> US presidents have access to the nations deepest
> darkest secrets , no prison for Trump

Not Trump, all confidential info has been suspended.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: This Checks Out! ()
Date: March 22, 2021 05:31PM

True Statement Wrote:
> The truth^^^^
> Douchebag Trump has never, I repeat, never, given
> anything away unless it has a tangible return for
> himself and only himself. Unless he provides
> receipts for the supposed donations to charity I
> call BS.
> And the other truth, anyone who gives money to the
> orange imbecile is most definitely a sap.

This Checks Out!

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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: Spacy ()
Date: March 24, 2021 10:08AM

one-term former president Trump Wrote:

> If your 'evidence' is that one-term former
> president Trump says he did

No, I clearly said that you could ask
the Biden administration's government officials.

Just how fucking stupid are you?
Don't answer; it's obvious.

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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: Spacy ()
Date: March 24, 2021 10:24AM

Low in the Skies Wrote:

> The richest people in the world do not own
> aircraft. There are many companies who lease

This is simply not true.

The richest people DO own their own jets.
Sometimes the own a fleet.

Oil sheiks, Tech giants, and so on quite
definitely own their own jets.

However, mere millionaires, and perhaps even
some lesser billionaires, do lease aircraft.
Most millionaires just charter a flight.
Many millionaires just fly commercial (First Class).

Note that most airplane ownership is not in the
name of the person. For liability reasons,
one creates an LLC to own the plane.

I am poor as shit and have been a partial owner
of a little airplane, and even individuals who
fully own a plane always have it as an LLC.

Regardless of whether you are a poor slob like me,
or whether you are a zillionaire, there is always
a calculation about whether to lease or buy.
The additional factor is that if yo are a crazy
ego driven narcissist (like Trump), then the
calculation gets skewed because WOW. If you have
money to burn and you're like that, like Trump,
then you will own a plane.

However, as I have said several times, the plane
he uses the most in the last 6 years or so is
that Citation X. Whether it makes sense to own
or lease is hard to know. For Trump, I would guess
that it makes sense to own (flies it a lot, and
it is a pretty economical machine to own/operatte).
Which is why there are lots of that airplane.

The big thing that poor people are buying these
days is a personal jet: the Cirrus Vision.
I have flown the Cirrus prop plane (4 seats),
and this is basically the same plane with a
jet engine strapped on. Good for flying your
wife and kids around for weekend trips, or
for personal commuting. VERY popular.
It has a giant parachute built into it.
It also has so much automation that if the
pilot (i.e. Dad) has a heart attack and dies
on you in mid-flight, you can press a big
button labeled "Go Home!" and it will find
and airport, and do all that it takes to get
you there safely, and completely land itself.

I like piloting almost as much as guns.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/24/2021 05:41PM by Spacy.

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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: Still Checks Out ()
Date: March 24, 2021 02:30PM

This Checks Out! Wrote:
> True Statement Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The truth^^^^
> >
> > Douchebag Trump has never, I repeat, never,
> given
> > anything away unless it has a tangible return
> for
> > himself and only himself. Unless he provides
> > receipts for the supposed donations to charity
> I
> > call BS.
> >
> > And the other truth, anyone who gives money to
> the
> > orange imbecile is most definitely a sap.
> This Checks Out!

Still Checks Out

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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: Spacy ()
Date: March 24, 2021 05:44PM

Still Checks Out Wrote:
> This Checks Out! Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > True Statement Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > The truth^^^^
> > >
> > > Douchebag Trump has never, I repeat, never,
> > given
> > > anything away unless it has a tangible return
> > for
> > > himself and only himself. Unless he provides
> > > receipts for the supposed donations to
> charity
> > I
> > > call BS.
> > >
> > > And the other truth, anyone who gives money
> to
> > the
> > > orange imbecile is most definitely a sap.
> >
> > This Checks Out!
> Still Checks Out

The thing is, the donations DO check out.
This is how we can tell you are a troll,
and not to bother further responding
to anything you write.

WHat a waste of my time.

I'm going to fly my private plane tomorrow.
Hope you get a life someday.

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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: Spaced ()
Date: March 25, 2021 06:42AM

^^^ Typical russian troll bot response.

Also ...

Former President Trump's personal Boeing 757 is sitting unused at an Orange County, New York airport, unable to be flown, CNN reports.

The full-size passenger airliner, which bears Trump's name across the side in large block letters, has fallen into disrepair. One engine is shrink-wrapped and the other is missing parts, according to the outlet.

Getting the plane, which was 20 years old when Trump purchased it in 2010, back into flying shape could reportedly cost hundreds of thousands of dollars

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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: trump, the phony philanthropist ()
Date: March 25, 2021 10:04AM

Trump’s donation hype is funny. He’s worth 3 billion dollars. The salary is 400k. That’s slightly more than one one-hundredth of a percent. It’s the equivalent of someone with $100,000 donating 13 dollars.

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Re: Trump's private Boeing 757 sitting idle in disrepair at New York airport: report
Posted by: Mr. Consistency ()
Date: March 26, 2021 10:43PM

trump, the phony philanthropist Wrote:
> Trump’s donation hype is funny. He’s worth 3
> billion dollars. The salary is 400k. That’s
> slightly more than one one-hundredth of a percent.
> It’s the equivalent of someone with $100,000
> donating 13 dollars.

That's probably why he doesn't have one or two
hundred thousand bucks to fix that airliner you
talk about above that he has not been using
for the last 5 years.


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