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Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: asdfsd ()
Date: September 17, 2018 12:15AM

The subject pretty much says it all. What was this girl doing at a HS party with some drunk high society guys? Sounds pretty much like your typical high school slut if you ask me.

I might give her the benefit of the doubt if she were not some San Francisco libtard. Even Feinstein didn't believe her.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Sorry To Say ()
Date: September 17, 2018 12:42AM

At least 150 million + people will be saying just that, what a stupid lying drama queen . Proven typical leftist California Democrat activist marching against the President of the US and now this pure crap to obstruct the US Supreme Court and thus the people of the United States in seating a US presidents appointment to the high court for political grandstanding resistance at the last minute of the 11th hour

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Bill1995 ()
Date: September 17, 2018 01:01AM

What a surprise, somebody on Fairfax underground responded by someone bringing up serious accusations by calling that person a vulgarity

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Unit 8 ()
Date: September 17, 2018 04:18AM

I hope she gets raped by a pack of wild ass niggers.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Blo ()
Date: September 17, 2018 06:55AM

I would like the repubs to come out and promise that the dems are making the blueprint on how they are to be treated in the future.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Then agaon... ()
Date: September 17, 2018 08:32AM

It doesn't matter who Ford is. Committing a sexual assault against her (and then lying about it) is a disqualifying factor. Period. This creep simply does not belong on the court.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Bad news bears... ()
Date: September 17, 2018 08:43AM

Bill1995 Wrote:
> What a surprise, somebody on Fairfax underground
> responded by someone bringing up serious accusations
> by calling that person a vulgarity

Sometimes you need to go to that level simply to get the attention of incredibly stupid people, and incredibly stupid people form a large part of the audience here. It becomes a problem only when -- as happens with so many of these uneducated dolts from the right-wing -- there is no higher plane that one can operate on.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Ssmi441 ()
Date: September 17, 2018 07:51PM

Obviously the timing of this is too obvious. No regard for kavanaughs family.
Why not report this 30 yrs ago? Because its a filthy lie.
Nut job. Her poor family. We have to endure more liberal fit throwing.
Bet she has a vagina hat.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: ph79x ()
Date: September 17, 2018 08:37PM

Rush Limbaugh said "Kavanaugh was young and could make mistakes like any man. He could have felt she wanted to."

Limbaugh OFTEN makes the case for democrats

(the small print - he briefly and quickly said "that's what democrats want us to think" which you might not have heard when you were getting out of the car)

democrats aren't trying to make the case Kavenaugh might have made a "mistake" - they are accusing him of RAPE and if he's found guilty KAVANAUGH WOULD GO TO PRISON A LONG WHILE

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: The Dixie Wigger ()
Date: September 17, 2018 09:06PM

>Committing a sexual assault against her (and then lying about it) is a disqualifying factor. Period. This creep simply does not belong on the court.

Slam ! Tried and convicted by a liberal over a allegation of a groping innocent more then 35 years ago when the accused was a juvenile supposedly at a party of drunk teens

We will remember those choice words next time any Democrat gets the smell of a charge thrown against him or now her by any bypassing street bum. Want a few clues who that's going to be ?? It wont take long till you know with Democrats around lol

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Brown Onion ()
Date: September 17, 2018 09:16PM

A spoiled brat who will get a book deal thanks to Feinstein Shumer and Soros. I can't believe she's white. Unreal.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Mary Duncan ()
Date: September 17, 2018 09:52PM

so glad to see a voice of reason on here. I am shocked at the tunnel vision of the majoirty of these participants and members

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: N4DE7 ()
Date: September 17, 2018 10:28PM

She did not pursue it 35 years ago, a bit too late to bring it up now.

If this happened 35 years ago, it was a couples of teens that were drinking and doing stupid stuff.

Pretty clear that Kavenaugh did not likely carried on this way on a regular basis the bulk of his life, so this should not disqualify him from being nominated.

Remember the phrase "I did not inhale and I did not like it"?

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: The Dixie Wigger ()
Date: September 17, 2018 10:45PM

Obama inhaled plenty and burned large the biggest blunts with his leftist friends. Bush 43 Was a drunk behind the wheel, I voted for him anyway as neither Gore nor Kerry were any choice, same with Obama and Hillary

Speaking of choices, as a matter of fact NO DEMOCRAT IS EVER A GOOD CHOICE ON ELECTION DAY

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Youwish ()
Date: September 18, 2018 03:37AM

You all are aware this has been traced - have fun.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Youwish ()
Date: September 18, 2018 03:41AM

asdfsd Wrote:
> The subject pretty much says it all. What was
> this girl doing at a HS party with some drunk high
> society guys? Sounds pretty much like your
> typical high school slut if you ask me.
> I might give her the benefit of the doubt if she
> were not some San Francisco libtard. Even
> Feinstein didn't believe her.

What kind of man says this or even entertains it? Or used the term slut? You’re a loser

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: liar, liar, pants on fire ()
Date: September 18, 2018 03:45AM

I call bullshit on this woman.

Of course, democrats are liars, so it's easy to call bullshit.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Youwish ()
Date: September 18, 2018 03:55AM

Furthermore, your comment implies no one should trust being around a drunk guy or guys, and if so, deserves rape or assault? I’m guessing you are a guy, and clearly you don’t hold high standard to others when drinking, including yourself since you see no right or wrong - but you are wrong and those comments will come back to you. Promise :)

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: not a man ()
Date: September 18, 2018 04:02AM

^ What a crock a shit.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Libtard Lives Matter ()
Date: September 18, 2018 07:30AM

Sorry To Say Wrote:
> At least 150 million + people will be saying just
> that, what a stupid lying drama queen . Proven
> typical leftist California Democrat activist
> marching against the President of the US and now
> this pure crap to obstruct the US Supreme Court
> and thus the people of the United States in
> seating a US presidents appointment to the high
> court for political grandstanding resistance at
> the last minute of the 11th hour

This is straight from today's libtard playbook.

They will do ANYTHING to bring the country down. Lying is nothing for them. Expect this to play out, then another libtard to show up later, then another then another. Then they may throw some boys in the mix and have them lie about some past bullshit.

It's their strategy.

You throw them out there one at a time just before the vote and then scream METOO and "hateful racist" and the media comes running.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Danknows ()
Date: September 18, 2018 11:06AM


Someone sent a letter to their Senator stating they were in a crowded elevator in San Francisco and a woman in front of him reached back and roped him, and then found out later it was Diane Feinstein?

Would this be newsworthy?

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Danknows ()
Date: September 18, 2018 11:07AM

Meant to say ..."groped him..."

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: #ChristineLies ()
Date: September 18, 2018 12:21PM

This cunt is an activist and a libtard.

She told her counselor in 2012 that there were four guys. Now it's two.

She can't remember anything about the house, how she got there or how she got home but all of this is suddenly crystal clear? Something may have happened somewhere to her - probably didn't - and in sold libtard fashion her hate for Trump has caused her to "assign" this to Kavanaugh.

Libtards should be ecstatic if any of this dream were true. Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton would call Kavanugh an amateur for not "sealing the deal" at the party.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: It's simple really... ()
Date: September 18, 2018 12:32PM

There is no excuse for sexually assaulting a teenager. There is no place on the high court for anyone who committed such an act.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: what's actually simple... ()
Date: September 18, 2018 12:36PM

That's a lovely sentiment, but in this country, we don't condemn defendants without proof.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Mark j ()
Date: September 18, 2018 03:50PM

She’s a lying cunt..where was she years ago..
Hope the Kavvy gets voted in

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: fatty45 ()
Date: September 19, 2018 07:24AM

Turns out the house the party was supposedly at didn't have a pool 35 yrs ago, but does now. Oops! Bitch got caught in a lie trying to use zillow to frame Kav.

Feinstein is now backtracking saying that everything she said may not be true due to "trauma".

No wonder the whore is refusing to testify.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: teddypender ()
Date: September 19, 2018 10:55AM

Man what you talking about. The woman be evil and butt fk ugly. Aint nobody gonna try and do nothing with that. The man probably getting framed up soin he cant be selected to the supremes.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: sdfxcv ()
Date: September 19, 2018 12:13PM

Now the cunt won't testify unless there is a full FBI investigation. What are they supposed to investigate? I made up story, at an unknown place, with unidentified people?

This is a farce- a stall tactic planned and paid for by the a bunch of San Francisco Democrats. If Feinstein doesn't believe her, why should anyone else?

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Mr. Dry Cleaner ()
Date: September 19, 2018 01:07PM

I want to see her blue dress.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: a little seeing for you ()
Date: September 19, 2018 01:36PM

Blo Wrote:
> I would like the repubs to come out and promise
> that the dems are making the blueprint on how they
> are to be treated in the future.

Yes because the Repubes have been so fair to the Dems. Remember when they said they should delay vote on SCOTUS FOR A YEAR until the next election. you remember that right.

I hope the Dems fuck them as hard as is possible and then some. More than half of we Americans hate you Red State fucks - you do know that right?

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: gsdgs ()
Date: September 19, 2018 02:44PM

It's those red state fucks that are paying our bills and putting food on our tables. Do you really think that the reason that 5 out of the 6th wealthiest counties are in the DC area is because you are smarter and work harder? Really?

It's the working class tax dollars that are feeding us sycophants. Yes, and by us, I'm including me. Maybe we should listen to those paying our bills a little but more.

DC is such a fucked up place. People suck as much as they can out of ordinary hard working folks and then act like some elite self-righteus knobs. At least I realize my greed and laziness and am at peace with myself. I pity the rest of ya'll who think you are so important.

Christine Ford is a cunt!

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Someone’s Daughter ()
Date: September 19, 2018 05:19PM

We tell our little girls don’t wear this or that. We tell them to not walk in the dark. We limit them sooo much and then we blame them for the actions of a MAN. An ADULT MAN. Where is the accountability?!

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Hhfhhb ()
Date: September 19, 2018 05:48PM

Maybe we should tell our little girls not to go to a drunken pool party with older boys and no adult supervision unless they want to get fucked. This cunt knew what she was doing- she wanted some elite white cock.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: ChinchoguCruch ()
Date: September 20, 2018 06:12AM

Why does Sen collins talk like she has multiple cocks in her mouth

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Danknows ()
Date: September 20, 2018 10:11AM

Yesterday, I remembered an incident that occurred in 1959 or 1960, possibly as early as 1958. And seriously, this is really true, but a girl in one of my classes grabbed my crotch, in school!

Unfortunately I was too stupid to follow up on it. But I'm wondering if I could now sue her for emotional stress that caused me to have such lousy grades (also true)

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Fdsd ()
Date: September 20, 2018 11:14AM

Great idea Dan! It doesn’t matter if you don’t remember the girls name. Just pick out anyone in your class. Better yet pick out the most successful person with the most money and ruin her life.

Facts, ha ha. Just say you’re not sure where or when it happened but you had visions of it happening 40 years later during a wet dream. Oh, and then ask the FBI to back up your story. That way you don’t have to tell it to a jury. Makes perfect sense!

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Danknows ()
Date: September 20, 2018 01:02PM

Actually, I do remember her name and know exactly where it occurred! The date or even year is not quite so clear

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: John Steven "Steve" Livacich ()
Date: September 20, 2018 09:01PM

The name of the person mentioned is Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, of Palo Alto University and Stanford; it is not Dr. Christine Beasley Ford. I note further that right wing persons commented upon line about negative student reviews about a Dr. Christine A. Ford of Calif. State University of Fullerton Calif. If someone cannot get a name right, what else can they be wrong about. Beyond that a schoolmate of Blasey Ford, Cristina King Miranda, has posted that she herd of the event, as a rumor, when she was an upperclassman to Blasey Ford. Both professionals have received threats, Dr. has received death threats; one could given to wounder if those that refer to Dr. Ford by "C-word" could be part of the cause for that, and perhaps, among those that have made such threats.
In regards to the "slut" allegation--she said that she locked herself in the bathroom and escaped through a window;she has since taken and passed a polygraph.
Judge Kavanaugh said "What happens at Georgetown Prep, stays at Georgetown prep, on tape at Columbus School of Law, at Catholic University in Washington D.C.; he omitted this remark from the text he gave to the the Senate committee.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Pants Afire ()
Date: September 20, 2018 09:11PM

How much did Soros pay the lying bitch to make up her pathetic story?

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: The Dixie Wigger ()
Date: September 20, 2018 09:13PM

Tell us about her politics and anti Trump marching, tell us if Palo Alto is not in the farthest left area of greater San Francisco in the USA, tell us why Dianne Feinstein withheld this till the last minute

Tell us why she's putting the horse behind the buggy not in front because the only thing the FBI can investigate are statements made under oath for perjury, either her or The Judge, and because she wont be sworn, her story with her history is the one at question

Tell us why her story and what the Democrats have done with the whole issue smells like rotten fish

US Senate Move forward and leave the obstructionist dirty tricks Democrats behind , confirm Judge Kavanaugh , the American people stand with you

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: fffffffuuuuccccckkk ()
Date: September 20, 2018 10:34PM

Christina King Miranda retracted her statement saying she didn't know if it happened or not (which puts her in the same boat as everyone else). She only retracted after her lie was exposed since the Cunt claims she never told anyone about the incident and mentioned that the story was going around the school, even the alleged incident happened during the summer when school was out.

People like Steve pass along this fake news because that's how liberal democrats work. They spread enough lies, the media reports on it, and then honest republicans are unfairly tarnished. See Russian Collusion

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: bvcfad ()
Date: September 20, 2018 10:41PM

Really? What happens at G-Town Prep, stays at G-Town prep is your "evidence".

THis Cunt made this whole shit up. Any OpResearch could have provided the names of the very public students that have been identified. Just so happens that those were the only people she remembered from the party. Then she sends an anonymous letter to a congresswomen in liberal N. California. Her name then gets leaked and now she has to continue the lie. Even Feinstein doesn't believe here (which is why she won't turn over the letter).

It blows my mind that she can't remember what house it was at, who was there, how she got home. No, Trauma does not cause this. She's lying people!

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Leaky diapers ()
Date: September 21, 2018 08:25AM

Pants Afire Wrote:
> How much did Soros pay the lying bitch to make up
> her pathetic story?

Her gofundme page is over $200K. This is the way the left now makes payoffs. They all create gofundme pages and route money from bogus accounts. She'll end up with probably half a million when this is all said and done. Then become some pussy-hat wearing, screaming bitch at pussy-hat rallies for $20K a pop. She'll still keep her teaching gig as a side job.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Fdvbzx ()
Date: September 21, 2018 08:36AM

The bitch is a liar. Republicans can’t back down. Get out and vote republican in November

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: hopeso ()
Date: September 21, 2018 08:50AM

Fdvbzx Wrote:
> The bitch is a liar. Republicans can’t back
> down. Get out and vote republican in November

God I do hope this is the campaign slogan of the GOP in Nov. It will drop the female vote for GOP by 20-30%. It would not change the male vote so its a net loss for GOP for being the hopeless scumbags they are.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Joewow ()
Date: September 21, 2018 09:07AM

Any women who believes in metoo will reject this bitch. They know that false allegations like this is a detriment to the movement. Smart women know what’s going on and they don’t like it either.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: gene kelly ()
Date: September 21, 2018 01:10PM

I agree this woman is a sleezebag

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Bvjp ()
Date: September 21, 2018 01:35PM

That Senator from Hawaii is a stupid cunt too

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: J. Steven Livacich ()
Date: September 21, 2018 05:30PM

Gene Kelley 0, who said "this woman", actually named Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, and not Christine Beasely Ford,"is a sleazebag", might consider who nominated Kavanaugh; while the US has not reported this--although the British press did-- while Marla Maples was pregnant with the daughter of of Donald Trump, Tiffany, engaged with two women in a near threesome with 1990's Playboy Playmates named Barbara Moore and Elke Jeinsen. He, and Barbara Moore seemed to "fall in love", according Swedish born German actress Elke Jeinsen--literally as she watched. Jeinsen, who is now a certified personal trainer in Beverly Hills Calif., says that she likes Trump, and that she voted for him. "Birds of a feather flock together". See the Daily Mail, The Sun and other sources of May this year.
I note that the identified as rumor statement by Christine King Miranda, was presented as having been retracted--it was not. As I pointed out Miranda stated that she put the statement to show that it was heard of by her when she went to same school, and the removed the posting when it served its purpose. Saying the opposite is a misstatement, and reports otherwise are wrong or deliberately false. Dr. Blasey Ford did take a polygraph to prove her allegation, Kavanaugh has not -- at least so far as can admit to -- taken one!

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Human Tripod ()
Date: September 21, 2018 06:33PM

I wonder if Brett Kavanaugh aspired to play Lacrosse at Duke University?

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: The Dixie Wigger ()
Date: September 21, 2018 07:58PM

>Dr. Blasey Ford did take a polygraph to prove her allegation

Laughable witchcraft in a Democrat witchhunt ! Tell us that a Phd in Psychology does not know how to beat a lie detector, how it works, the whole deal, tell us also about pathological liars and the lie detector

Any other case and the Democrats would be screaming at the sky at the use of a lie detector especially if Hillary or Obama failed one.

LMAO at liberal hypocrites who use anything when it suits them and aggrandize it, then dismiss the same with filthy slurs when its not in their favor !!

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: John Steven "Steve" Livacich ()
Date: September 21, 2018 09:18PM

Noting that there is no person by the name of Christine Beasley Ford, it could be true that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, may know how to evade detection by a polygraph and an operator and an investigator, a CIA Director was said of knowing "the tricks" during the "Iran Contra" scandal;it bares relating that Dr. Ford, a Professor at Palo Alto University, and an Instructor at Stanford in psychology, has been reported to have had a CIA functionary as a father, and that he might know how to do so. But it must be noted that CIA has pulled off polygraph tests with success, as with Alderidge Aims. As a retired Correctional Peace officer, I am somewhat familiar with them -- they are hard to pass, and easy to fail; they rely upon accurate memory of the tested subject, and they can be easily indeterminable. Only persons with sociopathic, psychopathic or psychotic traits can easily or readily pass with a competent operator. (Forced sex can be and is attributed to sociopaths--and sociopaths can be found in the legal profession.)
Note the Gov. of Alaska, an independent, and that he, and Lt. Gov. of Alaska have prevailed upon Sen. from Alaska, Murkowski, Republican, to vote against Kavanaugh.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: #MeToo ()
Date: September 21, 2018 09:23PM

John Steven "Steve" Livacich raped me when I was 15.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: RochyEKNUK ()
Date: September 21, 2018 10:25PM

It is clear as day that the good doctor has been paid by rich democratic donors to make up this story and take the “fall”. 35 years after the “incident?”

Make up lies to damage a good person’s reputation for the sake of delaying the vote and stirring up the kohl-aid drinking libs prior to mid term elections....priceless.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Lying commie whore ()
Date: September 21, 2018 10:34PM


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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: The Dixie Wigger ()
Date: September 21, 2018 10:43PM

Judge Kavanaugh was born Feb 12,1965 MAGA!! A fitting day for a US Supreme Court justice Abraham Lincolns Birthday!

The MAGA Is With HIM Lincoln was a Republican ! He will be confirmed !

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: The Dixie Wigger ()
Date: September 21, 2018 10:53PM

Looking for a pic saw this LOLOLMAO

Alleged racist and drunk , just saying what's posted not saying its TRUE Like DEMOCRATS DO !


In that age who was not a drunk at parties especially when the parents went out of town and the house was wrecked by a couple hundred teens looking for the party and finding it, no wonder they became "Helicopter Parents" lol

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Georgetown Prep Grad ()
Date: September 21, 2018 11:21PM

If you went to one of our parties you wouldn't forget if for a 100 years. Daddy's wallet was our ticket to get anything we wanted.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: _Q ()
Date: September 22, 2018 12:00AM

She contracted ORAL HERPES in high school. She will not testify because she like anyone would be extremely embarrassed if disclosed. Unfortunately for her medical history can be requested by anyone testifying before the Congress of the United States.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Boo fn hoo ()
Date: September 22, 2018 10:47PM

It's simple really... Wrote:
> There is no excuse for sexually assaulting a
> teenager. There is no place on the high court for
> anyone who committed such an act.

There was no assault..

She probably had a crush on him and he rejected her..she was the class slut

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: e7vpk ()
Date: September 22, 2018 11:09PM

There is a third witness, the young woman that accompanied her to the alleged party and who the young Christine Blasey abandoned in a house filled with drunk males who, according to Ford, had rape on their minds. Now the young woman has been located. And she has provided a statement, by way of her attorney:

CNN has learned that the committee has reached out to a longtime friend of Ford named Leland Ingham Keyser.

On Saturday night, her lawyer, Howard Walsh, released a statement to CNN and the Senate Judiciary Committee..

“Simply put,” Walsh said, “Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford.”

The lawyer acknowledged to CNN that Keyser is a lifelong friend of Ford’s.

Keyser is the latest person alleged to be at the party to say she has no recollection of it.

“I understand that you have been identified as an individual who was in attendance at a party that occurred circa 1982 described in a recent Washington Post article,” a committee staffer wrote Keyser earlier this week.

In addition, Patrick J. Smyth issued a statement. "I understand that I have been identified by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford as the person she remembers as 'PJ' who supposedly was present at the party she described in her statements to the Washington Post," Smyth said in his statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee. "I am issuing this statement today to make it clear to all involved that I have no knowledge of the party in question; nor do I have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled against Brett Kavanaugh."

"Personally speaking, I have known Brett Kavanaugh since high school and I know him to be a person of great integrity, a great friend, and I have never witnessed any improper conduct by Brett Kavanaugh towards women. To safeguard my own privacy and anonymity, I respectfully request that the Committee accept this statement in response to any inquiry the Committee may have."

So now the only person who remembers this 'party' is the chick in the pussy hat.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: O yeah ()
Date: September 22, 2018 11:15PM

Someone not remembering a party 30 years ago where they didn't get attacked is certainly significant. My god, when I think of all the non-events I don't remember, it definitely proves that someone who did remember something from those non-events would have to be lying!

Hint: that was sarcasm. Your "logic" proves nothing either way, is just noise.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: QUESTIONER ()
Date: September 22, 2018 11:25PM

WHO SAYS?!! No sources, doesn't Google, and she Agreed to Testify on Thursday! Pelosi asked Kavanaugh to take a polygraph it has been reported, he has declined. It must also be noted that the "Christine Beasley Ford" figure, Dr.Christine Blasey Ford, has asked to talk to the FBI -- Kavanaugh and Mark Judge, the witness also declined; lying to the FBI is a Federal Crime, that is worthy of notice!

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Not someone ()
Date: September 22, 2018 11:31PM

O yeah Wrote:
> Someone not remembering a party 30 years ago where
> they didn't get attacked is certainly significant.
> My god, when I think of all the non-events I don't
> remember, it definitely proves that someone who
> did remember something from those non-events would
> have to be lying!
> Hint: that was sarcasm. Your "logic" proves
> nothing either way, is just noise.

Not someone. Four someones. All she named as being there. One of which being a lifelong female friend of hers. None remembering this or any other such party.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: The Dixie Wigger ()
Date: September 23, 2018 12:06AM

>lying to the FBI is a Federal Crime, that is worthy of notice!

All they can do is ask Mark Judge, he said no and that's all they can do, they can't start a swear to an oath Mark Judge and make a statement under bright lights or go to jail bit with a supposedly juvenile crime in Maryland that cant even be defined as a felony or misdemeanor or even any crime at all because theres no evidence, in simple words your full of shit as all the "believing" liberals are

Judge is not a SCOTUS nominee , he's private citizen who was a juvenile at the time . Jesus Christ are some of your liberals as stupid as can be and your supposedly "protecting juveniles" in the court systems and jails you fakes

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: hfdjddrydry ()
Date: September 23, 2018 12:32AM

#ChristineLies Wrote:
> This cunt is an activist and a libtard.
> Something may have
> happened somewhere to her - probably didn't - and
> in sold libtard fashion her hate for Trump has
> caused her to "assign" this to Kavanaugh.


add to that she bragged about going after younger boys sexually, she was 17 and kavanaugh was 15, in her yearbook

she also bragged about drinking enough to PASS OUT so SHE (and her friends) had built in excuses for what they did with the younger boys


do not believe me, well here ya go

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Same here ()
Date: September 23, 2018 01:55AM

Me too!

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: It's over Libtards ()
Date: September 23, 2018 01:59AM

Say Hello to your new SC Justice--Brett Kavanaugh


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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: John Steven "Steve" Livacich ()
Date: September 24, 2018 09:40PM

Note the new recent accusations in the last 24 hours about Judge Brett Kavanaugh from Dr. Debbie Ramirez--well it is not merely one accusation now! What about the new statement by Stormy Daniels attorney? He states that he has evidence of a new, third victim.
President Trump has bragged of similar behavior on video, and giggled about it as he did it. Stormy Daniels says in her new book that was not much in bed. Birds of a feather flock together.
"Snopes" has debunked the likely hood of the Kavanaugh's mother's ruling against his parents, along with pictures purported to be Blasey Ford in a state of nudity, from the internet, several years old, some of them from the nineteen sixties!
Judge Kavanaugh reminds me of a scene in Shakespeare's Mac Beth, "The lady doth protesteth too much, methinks". The lady does not seem to be Blasey Ford or Ramirez, Kavanaugh looks guilty as sin.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Well fuck ()
Date: September 24, 2018 10:37PM

John Steven "Steve" Livacich Wrote:
> Note the new recent accusations in the last 24
> hours about Judge Brett Kavanaugh from Dr. Debbie
> Ramirez--well it is not merely one accusation now!
> What about the new statement by Stormy Daniels
> attorney? He states that he has evidence of a
> new, third victim.
> President Trump has bragged of similar behavior on
> video, and giggled about it as he did it. Stormy
> Daniels says in her new book that was not much in
> bed. Birds of a feather flock together.
> "Snopes" has debunked the likely hood of the
> Kavanaugh's mother's ruling against his parents,
> along with pictures purported to be Blasey Ford in
> a state of nudity, from the internet, several
> years old, some of them from the nineteen
> sixties!
> Judge Kavanaugh reminds me of a scene in
> Shakespeare's Mac Beth, "The lady doth protesteth
> too much, methinks". The lady does not seem to be
> Blasey Ford or Ramirez, Kavanaugh looks guilty as
> sin.


"The [NY] Times had interviewed several dozen people over the past week in an attempt to corroborate her story, and could find no one with firsthand knowledge. Ms. Ramirez herself contacted former Yale classmates asking if they recalled the incident and told some of them that she could not be certain Mr. Kavanaugh was the one who exposed himself."

Two other potential witnesses identified by Dr. Blasey — who she says were not in the room at the time of the assault — have provided statements to the Judiciary Committee to the same effect. One man, Patrick J. Smyth, told committee Republicans in a letter last week that he had “no knowledge of the party in question.” And a woman, Leland Keyser, told the Republicans through a lawyer that she “does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford.”

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Lying drunken slut ()
Date: September 24, 2018 10:57PM


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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: John Steven "Steve" Livacich ()
Date: September 24, 2018 11:19PM

Machael Avenatti Esq.-- the attorney who represents Stormy Daniels--and who has exposed Michael Cohen for campaign cash violations--has appeared on MSNBC, Rachel Maddow Show to say that he has a client who in 48 hours that shall accuse Judge Brett Kavanaugh of gang rape. See MSNBC, Rachel Maddow show and Boing Boing, at boingboing.net (note it is .net).
Please note that the Previous Photograph, has been DEBUNKED by SNOPE. Her hair is too dark and age is not 15 years of age.
This scandal is becoming a "soap opera". A REAL TRUMPCHUMP tragedy!!

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Snopes? Lol!!! ()
Date: September 24, 2018 11:22PM

John Steven "Steve" Livacich Wrote:
> Machael Avenatti Esq.-- the attorney who
> represents Stormy Daniels--and who has exposed
> Michael Cohen for campaign cash violations--has
> appeared on MSNBC, Rachel Maddow Show to say that
> he has a client who in 48 hours that shall accuse
> Judge Brett Kavanaugh of gang rape. See MSNBC,
> Rachel Maddow show and Boing Boing, at
> boingboing.net (note it is .net).
> Please note that the Previous Photograph, has been
> DEBUNKED by SNOPE. Her hair is too dark and age is
> not 15 years of age.
> This scandal is becoming a "soap opera". A REAL
> TRUMPCHUMP tragedy!!

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: the virginian ()
Date: September 24, 2018 11:23PM

asdfsd Wrote:
> The subject pretty much says it all. What was
> this girl doing at a HS party with some drunk high
> society guys? Sounds pretty much like your
> typical high school slut if you ask me.
> I might give her the benefit of the doubt if she
> were not some San Francisco libtard. Even
> Feinstein didn't believe her.

FEINSTEIN DID AND DOES BELEIVE, She Has Said So--She also suggested that Kavanaugh should take a polygraph.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: newbs ()
Date: September 24, 2018 11:35PM

John Steven "Steve" Livacich Wrote:
> Machael Avenatti Esq.-- the attorney who
> represents Stormy Daniels--and who has exposed
> Michael Cohen for campaign cash violations--has
> appeared on MSNBC, Rachel Maddow Show to say that
> he has a client who in 48 hours that shall accuse
> Judge Brett Kavanaugh of gang rape. See MSNBC,
> Rachel Maddow show and Boing Boing, at
> boingboing.net (note it is .net).

Well shit, I can find somebody to accuse anyone of anything especially if you slip them a little cash.

But I hope that he does. He's already become a joke. That will put a stake in him.

> Please note that the Previous Photograph, has been
> DEBUNKED by SNOPE. Her hair is too dark and age is
> not 15 years of age.

No shit newbs. It's only been an Internet meme for like 20 years.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Democrites! ()
Date: September 24, 2018 11:42PM


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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Fuck this cunt ()
Date: September 27, 2018 01:59PM

If you bring something up from years ago how the hell did it affect your life you graduated so many schools and never told anyone except your husband and therapist and the funny thing is your husband didn’t go to the court with you did he? Nor was your therapist that gave info to support your claim...stop waisting your time and get off the telivision you lying bitch

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: dem440 ()
Date: September 27, 2018 04:14PM

Right on

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Take Notice ()
Date: September 27, 2018 06:31PM

Note, Judge Brett Kavanaugh's testimony can be called, "Bull Shit and Tears"; "SNIFF, SNIFF, SNIFFSNIFFSNIFF" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Rolling Stone ()
Date: September 28, 2018 02:21AM

We need more Trump-hating, anti-Americans to step up and invent charges against Kav before it's too late!

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Fear of FLYING ()
Date: September 28, 2018 05:15AM

“I can’t meet w the committee bc I have a fear of flying....”

What a dumb liar!

Flies to meet Debra Katz in LA.
Flies to New Hampshire.
Flies regularly to MARyland Every year!

Wish women wouldn’t lie bc they were sexually assaulted by SOMEONE yet, were too fucked up to identify him!

Where’s your pussy hat now BITCH?

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Slutty drunken whore ()
Date: September 28, 2018 05:59AM

Worthless fucking cunt

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Shrink 1 ()
Date: September 28, 2018 09:38AM

Ford is quite clearly a pathological liar, like most liberals.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Plain as day ()
Date: September 28, 2018 09:42AM

Her testimony was far more credible than that of the creep. If the GOP had any honor at all, they would drop this deviant hack like a hot potato.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: gdsfgdf ()
Date: September 28, 2018 10:27AM

She's lying, plain and simple.

1. The whole flying thing- previously addressed
2. Didn't know the committee offered to fly out to meet her. Was extensively reported in the media. Why didn't her lawyers tell her?
3. Doctor's notes. Supposedly provided to WaPo but not by her. When were the notes created? According to her testimony, she recently spoke to her therapist about sessions from 2012. Were the notes typed up after she had those discussions. Why won't she allow Senate Committee see the notes?
4. Going to therapy because she wanted two front doors to her house just doesn't make sense. Later she revealed that they used the extra door to board college students. Having two front doors was supposed to make her safe? Didn't she have a back door. I call bullshit.
5. All of the people she stated were at the party did not have homes near the country club. At the very least, she should be able to know approx where the house was. Again, I call BS.
6. She really had just one drink? That's what I used to tell my parents when I got busted. BS

She's a fucking liar.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: fdafd ()
Date: September 28, 2018 10:59AM

Good points- plus, why would she allow college boys to move into her house if she was traumatized. She was probably looking to get some young cock.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: dsfgdfg ()
Date: September 28, 2018 02:33PM

Hopefully the FBI will investigate these points and expose Ford for the fraud that she is.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Pathetic trolls ()
Date: September 28, 2018 02:39PM

Hopefully, you compromised losers will choke on a hot dog. It’s the least that life could do for you.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Bill Clinton ()
Date: September 28, 2018 03:33PM

LOL! And for the record... NO WAY IN HOLY HELL would I of had sexual relations with this woman!

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: virtue signaler ()
Date: September 28, 2018 03:54PM

Unit 8 Wrote:
> I hope she gets raped by a pack of wild ass
> niggers.

It's not rape if underprivileged and racially oppressed people are doing it. As a white female, you have it coming, it's just part of life.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Topaz ()
Date: September 28, 2018 05:54PM

What is your proof that he is lying? What is your proof that she is truthful about exactly who assaulted her?

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Just simple logic ()
Date: September 28, 2018 05:58PM

Dr Blasely Ford is White--it seems that Brett Kavanaugh and virtue signaler with Shrink 1consider that it is "pert of life too, for Dr. Beasley--Blasey Ford too! The misogyny and racism are obvious on the parts of "virtue signaler" and Shrink 1 who each seem to need a shrink.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: hillary2 ()
Date: September 28, 2018 06:00PM


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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Things are getting complicated ()
Date: September 28, 2018 06:54PM

Looks like the Bethesda house where the attack allegedly occurred might have been located:


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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Ugly drunken whore ()
Date: September 29, 2018 12:55AM


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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Casper in Boise ()
Date: September 29, 2018 02:00AM

As you all can plainly see from the liberal comments, all democrats have no morals and will lie cheat steal and in Clintons case murder for their goals (black man on a park bench shot in head ring a bell to protect Bill & Hillarys future).
Sooner or latter you wil pay the ultimate price for you lies!
Obama and Holder ran Fast and a Furious in the hopes many US citizens would be murdered to reach their goal or total gun control their first year in office. (But plan got exposed after 3 deaths)
It will be a great day when the Demos get what is due to them.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Casper Boise ()
Date: September 29, 2018 02:05AM

As you all can plainly see from the liberal comments, all democrats have no morals and will lie cheat steal and in Clintons case murder for their goals (black man on a park bench shot in head ring a bell to protect Bill & Hillarys future).
Sooner or latter you wil pay the ultimate price for you lies!
Obama and Holder ran Fast and a Furious in the hopes many US citizens would be murdered to reach their goal or total gun control their first year in office. (But plan got exposed after 3 deaths)
It will be a great day when the Demos get what is due to them.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Posted by: Mr. Potato Head ()
Date: September 29, 2018 06:21AM

^^^ Here's another liberal comment: You are nothing but a flying fucking asshole.

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Re: Christine Beasley Ford is a cunt
Date: September 30, 2018 01:46AM

Dr. Christine Blasey Fraud Has Racked Hundreds Of Thousands Of Frequent Flier Miles In Her Life Time... Oh Wah But I Have A Fear Of Flying... Just Goes To Show You Right There She Lied Just For The Democrats To Delay The Seating Of Judge Kav... Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder And There Is No Cure... The Liberal Left Democrats Are 100% FUBAR!

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