Re: FARTING on a crowded Metro train
Posted by:
Date: July 17, 2017 08:52AM
I don't use METRO cuz it's too slow. Uber Pool is only a couple of bucks more, so I use it.
Despite that, I have found farting to be effective at things like the Chantilly Flea Market. That thing's a ripoff and useless, but my GF likes it, so I take her.
What always happens is you get to a booth, and there's this 300 lb. man or woman standing in front of a table taking all of today and half of tomorrow trying to figure out which $5 item he/she's going to buy. If you try to stand to one side of him/her and look at something else on the table or reach to pick it up, he/she shifts to block you. If you go around to his/her other side, he/she shifts again to block you.
Another annoying thing is when you see something at a table you want to look at, but half the people at the flea market are crowded around it.
This is why when I take GF to this thing, we always have a late dinner at Taco Bell. By late the next morning, GF and I are letting loose some real SBD aisle-clearers. So, when confronted with either of the above, we just go bustin' loose. This disperses the crowd or moves the 300 pounder on. The 2 disadvantages are you & whoever owns the stuff in the booth have to smell it. One thing about Taco Hell farts is they linger.