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To the Police
Posted by: Proud American, not a lib ()
Date: August 03, 2016 01:09PM

To all the men and women police officers who swear to serve and protect all of the citizens in this area. A big thank you for your sacrifice.

Do not let the assassinations, death threats, hatred and attacks from Hillary Clinton and her democrat party sway you from what you do. You are needed and do a great job.

Stay strong and fight back against anti-American democrats as we are a nation of laws and democrats are lawless and void of compassion.

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Re: To the Police
Posted by: silent majority ()
Date: August 03, 2016 10:58PM

No one likes the receiving end of law enforcement, but most try to be reasonably polite when we screw up. But most everyone is grateful for law enforcement when we are being victimized or have someone in trouble and need of help. I hope all law enforcement officers understand how many of us out here have thier backs. Anyone attacjing our police are taking a huge risk if they do it in front of a lot of us. I hope for politicians in the next election who will respect the law and support our police to the level they and we deserve. Vote carefully. Your saftey and your family's well being will depend on it.

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Re: To the Police
Posted by: sovereign citizen ()
Date: August 04, 2016 04:03AM

fuck cops and fuck libs and fuck the government and fuck you

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Re: To the Police
Posted by: #whinylittlebitch ()
Date: August 04, 2016 06:32AM

Thank you "sovereign citizen" for speaking up for the majority of republicans and FXUG RepTrolls

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Re: To the Police
Posted by: fuck liberals ()
Date: August 04, 2016 10:02AM

Liberals is bums

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Re: To the Police
Posted by: Alexander Smith ()
Date: August 04, 2016 03:21PM

sovereign citizen Wrote:
> fuck cops and fuck libs and fuck the government
> and fuck you


The government, and by extension the police, are not your buddies.

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Re: To the Police
Posted by: law and order candidate ()
Date: August 04, 2016 04:02PM


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Re: To the Police
Posted by: Assassinations, Lol ()
Date: August 04, 2016 04:09PM

Proud American, not a lib Wrote:
> To all the men and women police officers who swear
> to serve and protect all of the citizens in this
> area. A big thank you for your sacrifice.
> Do not let the assassinations, death threats,
> hatred and attacks from Hillary Clinton and her
> democrat party sway you from what you do. You are
> needed and do a great job.
> Stay strong and fight back against anti-American
> democrats as we are a nation of laws and democrats
> are lawless and void of compassion.

You're a fanatic and a nut. Cops can probably smell you a mile away.

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Re: To the Police
Posted by: COZY TV ()
Date: August 04, 2016 05:00PM

law and order candidate Wrote:

Every night at 7pm.

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Re: To the Police
Posted by: LGmx6 ()
Date: August 05, 2016 06:42PM

your a bad boy

you know what happens to bad boys


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Re: To the Police
Posted by: FrankR. ()
Date: August 05, 2016 07:35PM

#whinylittlebitch Wrote:
> Thank you "sovereign citizen" for speaking up for
> the majority of republicans and FXUG RepTrolls

Nice try. Here's the thing. Not a single person is buying this lie. Everyone, even your 90 year old Grandmom knows that democrats, liberals, and so-called progressives are the ones who despise the police, our military, and essentially any hard working, white Americans.

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Re: To the Police
Posted by: Father Michael ()
Date: August 06, 2016 06:51AM

Proud American, not a lib Wrote:
> To all the men and women police officers who swear
> to serve and protect all of the citizens in this
> area. A big thank you for your sacrifice.
> Do not let the assassinations, death threats,
> hatred and attacks from Hillary Clinton and her
> democrat party sway you from what you do. You are
> needed and do a great job.
> Stay strong and fight back against anti-American
> democrats as we are a nation of laws and democrats
> are lawless and void of compassion.

Amen! Thank police for keeping violent democrats mostly at bay.

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Re: To the Police
Posted by: Obviously oblivious ()
Date: August 07, 2016 08:52PM

Obvious troll is obvious. Everyone knows the pigs are devils. Hey, let's bump this thread for the lulz. Fuck the police. And fuck you if you support them

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Re: To the Police
Posted by: idiots abound ()
Date: August 08, 2016 02:01AM

A policeman is a peace officer. A pig is that thing laying next to you. Didn't you learn anything from the 60's?

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