Isn't is a violation of the Virginia Rules of Professional Conduct to call yourself the "best?" And by paying someone to make that statement, isn't the attorney essentially making the statement himself through an agent?
Courthouse Wrote:
> This cheesy lawyer is at it again.
> eleases/article/Fairfax-Criminal-Lawyer-Best-of-th
> e-Best-4166852.php#ixzz2HD5lMGYF
> What's really funny is that neither of the
> Leisers, or Hennessy, practice criminal/traffic
> defense in Fairfax. Somebody should ask Phillip
> Leiser when was the last time he even represented
> a client in Fairfax traffic court.
> Yet this cheeseball is proclaimed "Best of the
> Best" in the category of Fairfax Reckless
> Driving.
> -Courthouse
> By the way, this "award" was created by his
> website developer.