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Positive Proof The Democrats Are Playing Flilthy Tricks In A Desperate Hail Mary Attempt to Save Floundering JOE
Posted by: Gen Kelly , Bolton And More ()
Date: September 06, 2020 03:44PM

General John Kelly served as a 4 star general of United States Marines, no self respecting US Marine from the rank of a private who just earned the title of US Marine to full general like John Kelly would allow any US President visiting hallowed ground where the remains of US armed forces members fought died or were buried to make such a statement that the lying Democrats are trying to shame President Trump with saying.

If the Democrats lie was true ,Gen Kelly would have instantly gave Trump pure hell and resigned upon the spot followed by all the others present. That's The Positive Proof ask any real US Marine or loyal member of the US armed forces !

That did not happen . Both Gen. Kelly and John Bolton have immense dislike for President Trump due to differences with going to war with the president but the statement is a lying fabrication of the Democrats for the obvious reason I just gave in my first paragraph.

The true horrific shame goes to the Democrats for using the valor of dead Americans who served their country and died for our constitution and constitutional freedoms the Drmocrats have vowed to take away from the people starting with the 2nd amendment to stop President Trump from serving a 2nd term where he will appoint more constitution upholding US federal justices and judges whom will keep The Democrats unconstitutional acts at bay.

All of these nazi type lies of the communist leaning Democrats clearly shows the American people the way to fight our enemies within our own nation is


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Re: Positive Proof The Democrats Are Playing Flilthy Tricks In A Desperate Hail Mary Attempt to Save Floundering JOE
Posted by: Democrat Spam Always Appears ()
Date: September 06, 2020 05:14PM

To suppress the truth of the lies of Democrats for the glory of their unconstitutional acts.

JOE Lost The election of 2020 long before he became the pandering servant of the leftists , HEY JOE when will you debate Trump face to face like a real man, Joe's response from his basement is : I can,t because I'm not a real man

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Re: Positive Proof The Democrats Are Playing Flilthy Tricks In A Desperate Hail Mary Attempt to Save Floundering JOE
Posted by: You Don’t Shit About Shit, Boy ()
Date: September 06, 2020 05:20PM

Gen Kelly , Bolton And More Wrote:
> General John Kelly served as a 4 star general of
> United States Marines, no self respecting US
> Marine from the rank of a private who just earned
> the title of US Marine to full general like John
> Kelly would allow any US President visiting
> hallowed ground where the remains of US armed
> forces members fought died or were buried to make
> such a statement that the lying Trumptards are
> trying to shame President Trump with saying.
> If the Democrats lie was true ,Gen Kelly would
> have instantly gave Trump pure hell and resigned
> upon the spot followed by all the others present.
> That's The Positive Proof ask any real US Marine
> or loyal member of the US armed forces !
> That did not happen . Both Gen. Kelly and John
> Bolton have immense dislike for President Trump
> due to differences with going to war with the
> president but the statement is a lying fabrication
> of the Democrats for the obvious reason I just
> gave in my first paragraph.
> The true horrific shame goes to the Democrats for
> using the valor of dead Americans who served their
> country and died for our constitution and
> constitutional freedoms the Drmocrats have vowed
> to take away from the people starting with the 2nd
> amendment to stop President Trump from serving a
> 2nd term where he will appoint more constitution
> upholding US federal justices and judges whom will
> keep The Democrats unconstitutional acts at bay.
> All of these nazi type lies of the communist
> leaning Democrats clearly shows the American
> people the way to fight our enemies within our own
> nation is

Being a Marine is why Kelly sucked it up. Apparently, you never served in any branch of the military.

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Re: Positive Proof The Democrats Are Playing Flilthy Tricks In A Desperate Hail Mary Attempt to Save Floundering JOE
Posted by: USS John McCain ()
Date: September 06, 2020 05:32PM

The first debate is the end of this month. Maybe Jill Biden will debate Melania, too.

When Jill Biden was the second lady, she visited all sort of military families including mine.

Could General Kelly "resign on the spot" like you say?
No. You obviously do not know shit about the military. No matter what, Trump is your Commander in Chief. People say all sorts of shit. You wait until there is a private moment and you bring it up with him.

John Bolton said clearly that he did not hear it. Read him clearly. He did not hear it. Two days earlier he lamented that Trumps decisions would be even worse if re-elected.

Oh, and during the time Biden was in office nobody came and took your guns or mine. I still have them and so do you. By the way, if you are still pumping money into the NRA who squandered our dues the same way some fraudulent televangelists have, you need to wake up to that reality too.

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Re: Positive Proof The Democrats Are Playing Flilthy Tricks In A Desperate Hail Mary Attempt to Save Floundering JOE
Posted by: Your A Liar ()
Date: September 06, 2020 05:33PM

There,s not a bit of honor in your body . There is in Gen John Kelly's ,no one who was a US Marine sucks up the treasonous statement your Democrats attest to President Trump who has already retired . Honor to a Marine means more then money from a second job after honorable retirement. Kelly would have called out Trump at once if the story was not the filthy lie that your in on

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Re: Positive Proof The Democrats Are Playing Flilthy Tricks In A Desperate Hail Mary Attempt to Save Floundering JOE
Posted by: If Their Democrats ()
Date: September 06, 2020 05:41PM

They will lie cheat and try to steal elections

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Re: Positive Proof The Democrats Are Playing Flilthy Tricks In A Desperate Hail Mary Attempt to Save Floundering JOE
Posted by: Active Duty Marines ()
Date: September 06, 2020 06:14PM

Would have to suck it up , most would not if they could retire. Already retired Marines in a political job where they could get fired at any time anyway would not .

The Atlantic story is a lie , Bolton has denied it , Kelly is silent , both hate Trump but their not going to lie and say it's true for the far lefts advantage.

The Atlantic attracts hypocritical well off pompous liberal Democrat elitists whom think they are superior because they have degrees as readers ,elitists who are eagerly willing to be sucked into lies about the President . That's warning one. Warning two is the author of the Atlantic story is with the far left hence the reason his story appeared in the magazine for the readers enjoyment and the subscriptions they will renew

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Re: Positive Proof The Democrats Are Playing Flilthy Tricks In A Desperate Hail Mary Attempt to Save Floundering JOE
Posted by: Biden 2020 ()
Date: September 06, 2020 07:14PM

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Re: Positive Proof The Democrats Are Playing Flilthy Tricks In A Desperate Hail Mary Attempt to Save Floundering JOE
Posted by: BOLD Print Marks JOES Main Man ()
Date: September 06, 2020 08:03PM

The Democrat Troll Posted

> Oh, and during the time Biden was in office nobody came and took your guns or mine. I still have them and so do you. By the way, if you are still pumping money into the NRA who squandered our dues the same way some fraudulent televangelists have, you need to wake up to that reality too.

Your no supporter of the 2nd amendment ,your a leftist Democrat troll waiting to inject your post into a thread. The NRA is still the major organization in the USA that fights for the American people rights to keep and bear arms, that's a big reason why people still have their firearms , no need to explain as well as why the left hates private firearms ownership so much like you.

If there is really fraud the people involved will be caught and pay the price, but Im not voting for JOE to keep my rights as he and the Democrats swore to take my rights away.

The Democrats are the party of sick weak people who will throw their rights away because welfare or committing criminal acts with drugs and porn are more important to them then anyone's rights . Im voting For Trump to keep my rights , I'm not throwing any of them away

TRUMP 2020

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Re: Positive Proof The Democrats Are Playing Flilthy Tricks In A Desperate Hail Mary Attempt to Save Floundering JOE
Posted by: Real Facts ()
Date: September 06, 2020 08:14PM

Look - Symone Sanders was on Fox News this morning, and she made the convincing argument of why the Atlantic Story is true.

Her presentation of the facts should make sense to any American.

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Re: Positive Proof The Democrats Are Playing Flilthy Tricks In A Desperate Hail Mary Attempt to Save Floundering JOE
Posted by: She's A Liar And A Biden Voter ()
Date: September 06, 2020 08:59PM

She's a liar ops reasoning makes more sense then hers as Democrats are capitalizing on Trump comments about Sen John McCain who he hated as McCain hated him and those who witnessed say no or nothing

I voted for MCain but I still thought he was an ass but the only option was not to vote and let the Democrat Obama have it , that said I would never have attacked his service in the Navy. Trump gets carried away but the article in the Atlantic is a load of shit as op and then Active Duty Marines better explained it

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Re: Positive Proof The Democrats Are Playing Flilthy Tricks In A Desperate Hail Mary Attempt to Save Floundering JOE
Posted by: Ops Right But.. ()
Date: September 06, 2020 09:20PM

>General John Kelly served as a 4 star general of United States Marines, no self respecting US Marine from the rank of a private who just earned the title of US Marine to full general like John Kelly would allow any US President visiting hallowed ground where the remains of US armed forces members fought died or were buried to make such a statement that the lying Democrats are trying to shame President Trump with saying.

That would be after they were honorable discharged or retired not on active duty Funny its a couple years later and now near election day when the mail in vote date comes , the Democrats lies arrive , I was expecting them so was the American people who will vote for Trump

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Re: Positive Proof The Democrats Are Playing Flilthy Tricks In A Desperate Hail Mary Attempt to Save Floundering JOE
Date: September 07, 2020 06:41AM

i watched that Symone interview on Fox...

not a single dem could even keep a straight face the whole show

never seen such evasion abd fast talking!

i laughed and laughed

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Re: Positive Proof The Democrats Are Playing Flilthy Tricks In A Desperate Hail Mary Attempt to Save Floundering JOE
Posted by: Libtard Lies Over and Over ()
Date: September 07, 2020 05:51PM

Gen John Kelly retired from the marines in 2016 . He would have sucked up nothing ,he rode freight trains like a hobo a thousand miles as a teen , he was in the merchant marine a year carrying 10000 tons of beer to GIs in Vietnam, then enlisted in the marines in 1970 at age 20 during the Vietnam War before they sent him to college and he became an officer, he would have walked out if Trump really said what the Libtards accused him of, he was retired then as a 4 star general

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Re: Positive Proof The Democrats Are Playing Flilthy Tricks In A Desperate Hail Mary Attempt to Save Floundering JOE
Posted by: The Above Post Baffles Progs ^ ()
Date: September 07, 2020 09:27PM

That's because they never serve and have no honor or any idea of what honor is , they however are well versed in cheating lies and deception

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Re: Positive Proof The Democrats Are Playing Flilthy Tricks In A Desperate Hail Mary Attempt to Save Floundering JOE
Posted by: Its Not Working Comrades ! ()
Date: September 07, 2020 09:45PM

Our Atlantic story must be forgotten as quickly as possible, we are exposed as liars, JOE must win and our best efforts have failed to help him

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Re: Positive Proof The Democrats Are Playing Flilthy Tricks In A Desperate Hail Mary Attempt to Save Floundering JOE
Posted by: DEMS = DUMBASSES ()
Date: September 07, 2020 09:48PM

On November 9, 2010, Gen Kelly's 29-year-old son, First Lieutenant Robert Michael Kelly, was killed in action when he stepped on a landmine while leading a platoon of Marines on a patrol in Sangin, Afghanistan.

Robert Kelly's death made Gen John Kelly the highest-ranking American military officer to lose a child in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Do you fucking idiots really think he would remain silent if President Trump called his dead son a "loser?"

Please tell me you idiots aren't that stupid. Nobody could be that fucking stupid.

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Re: Positive Proof The Democrats Are Playing Flilthy Tricks In A Desperate Hail Mary Attempt to Save Floundering JOE
Posted by: Fascist Cult ()
Date: September 07, 2020 09:59PM

Fascists can only parrot the words of their ill-fated leader

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Re: Positive Proof The Democrats Are Playing Flilthy Tricks In A Desperate Hail Mary Attempt to Save Floundering JOE
Posted by: So What Are The Words Of JOE ? ()
Date: September 07, 2020 10:34PM

That have so inspired you commie . "First We Take The Guns ! CHE! Or is it Ho ! Ho! Ho! Chi Minh ! Its not that your not White not Spanish not Black not Asian not Orange not Green not Eskimo or Indian


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Re: Positive Proof The Democrats Are Playing Flilthy Tricks In A Desperate Hail Mary Attempt to Save Floundering JOE
Posted by: This Applies To YOU ()
Date: September 07, 2020 10:40PM

>Fascists can only parrot the words of their ill-fated leader
Re: Positive Proof The Democrats Are Playing Filthy Tricks In A Desperate Hail Mary Attempt to Save Floundering JOE
Posted by: The Above Post Baffles Progs ^ ()
Date: September 07, 2020 09:27PM

That's because they never serve and have no honor or any idea of what honor is , they however are well versed in cheating lies and deception

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Re: Positive Proof The Democrats Are Playing Flilthy Tricks In A Desperate Hail Mary Attempt to Save Floundering JOE
Posted by: This Checks Out! ()
Date: September 08, 2020 08:55PM

This Checks Out!

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