Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by:
Date: February 02, 2009 05:16PM
chris Wrote:
> stop acting like dbags in general, heres some
> things that are complete indicators of
> dbagness.......
> -stop wearing your too tight grey sweatshirts
> inside out, wtf you look retarted
> -stop saying "thats legit", "bet", "not gonna
> lie","thats soooo chill", you all know what im
> talking about
> -i swear, every "i wannabe cool" guy went out and
> got both their ears pierced with $10 imitation
> diamonds
> -if you are a legitimate (notice i spelled the
> whole word) sublime or bob marley fan, thats
> awesome i love them too. if not hop off their nuts
> and stop wearing their tshirts to look cool
> -hop off lil waynes nuts, period.
> -i could care less if you smoke weed, but stop
> thinking its so cool.
> -stop faking like you smoke if you dont
> oh and to every single junior guy who bought a
> yoyo 1st quarter, you all are some of the biggest
> idiots. perfect example of you all just copying
> each other...
Weed is not cool. If it is your thing, do it, but keep your mouth shut. Advertising that shit will just lead to legal problems. Inside out sweatshirts? That's just as bad as Kriss Kross' backwards pants. Yo Yo's, wtf? What grade are you in, 6th?