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Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: chris ()
Date: February 02, 2009 04:44PM

stop acting like dbags in general, heres some things that are complete indicators of dbagness.......

-stop wearing your too tight grey sweatshirts inside out, wtf you look retarted
-stop saying "thats legit", "bet", "not gonna lie","thats soooo chill", you all know what im talking about
-i swear, every "i wannabe cool" guy went out and got both their ears pierced with $10 imitation diamonds
-if you are a legitimate (notice i spelled the whole word) sublime or bob marley fan, thats awesome i love them too. if not hop off their nuts and stop wearing their tshirts to look cool
-hop off lil waynes nuts, period.
-i could care less if you smoke weed, but stop thinking its so cool.
-stop faking like you smoke if you dont

oh and to every single junior guy who bought a yoyo 1st quarter, you all are some of the biggest idiots. perfect example of you all just copying each other...

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: Porksta ()
Date: February 02, 2009 05:07PM

It is actually "I couldn't care less".

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: February 02, 2009 05:14PM

It is actually, "Nobody cares, go finish your homework."

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: FYI ()
Date: February 02, 2009 05:16PM

chris Wrote:
> stop acting like dbags in general, heres some
> things that are complete indicators of
> dbagness.......
> -stop wearing your too tight grey sweatshirts
> inside out, wtf you look retarted
> -stop saying "thats legit", "bet", "not gonna
> lie","thats soooo chill", you all know what im
> talking about
> -i swear, every "i wannabe cool" guy went out and
> got both their ears pierced with $10 imitation
> diamonds
> -if you are a legitimate (notice i spelled the
> whole word) sublime or bob marley fan, thats
> awesome i love them too. if not hop off their nuts
> and stop wearing their tshirts to look cool
> -hop off lil waynes nuts, period.
> -i could care less if you smoke weed, but stop
> thinking its so cool.
> -stop faking like you smoke if you dont
> oh and to every single junior guy who bought a
> yoyo 1st quarter, you all are some of the biggest
> idiots. perfect example of you all just copying
> each other...

Weed is not cool. If it is your thing, do it, but keep your mouth shut. Advertising that shit will just lead to legal problems. Inside out sweatshirts? That's just as bad as Kriss Kross' backwards pants. Yo Yo's, wtf? What grade are you in, 6th?

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: bulldog ()
Date: February 02, 2009 05:17PM

Haha I've been wanting someone to say this stuff for so long!

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: westfield annonymous coward ()
Date: February 02, 2009 09:43PM

ryan knowlan= biggest douche bag with a yo-yo

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: nigga please ()
Date: February 02, 2009 10:18PM

robbie slover is the biggest fag in the whole school he can go suck a dick

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: marcus ()
Date: February 02, 2009 11:12PM

boulder squad sucks im reppin dat 70TREEZ sonnnn

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: i love westfield ()
Date: February 03, 2009 02:32AM

I love westfield, those of you posting shit about westfield can eat a dick. none of you have been there and cant say shit.

what makes you think westfield is the only school with kids like this (described above) i cant fathom how you think you're cool by posting this nonsense. go fuck yourself.

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: February 03, 2009 03:41AM

yes, I am sure none of these people have been to westfield high...

oh wait

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: TomMadison ()
Date: February 03, 2009 08:39AM

Is 'yo-yo' slang for something, or is it really a yo-yo? If so, what's the deal with that?

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: February 03, 2009 09:00AM

With the students at Westfield being so cultured, classical music has gained a popular foothold at that school, supplanting even hip hop music in terms of dedicated listeners.

"yo-yo" is a reference to the celebrated cellist Yo Yo Ma, a gentleman the Westfielders especially enjoy listening to. He is so popular that his name has become a sort of de-facto greeting amongst the students.

For more evidence of the profound effect of classical music on the Westfield students, see the classical music trio "70Treez".

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: February 03, 2009 10:22AM

"stop wearing your too tight grey sweatshirts
> inside out, wtf you look retarted"

Its Retarded, you fucking dolt.

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: inkahootz ()
Date: February 03, 2009 10:38AM

496 Wrote:
> "stop wearing your too tight grey sweatshirts
> > inside out, wtf you look retarted"
> Its Retarded, you fucking dolt.


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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: stfu ()
Date: February 03, 2009 11:22AM

i love westfield Wrote:
> I love westfield, those of you posting shit about
> westfield can eat a dick. none of you have been
> there and cant say shit.
> what makes you think westfield is the only school
> with kids like this (described above) i cant
> fathom how you think you're cool by posting this
> nonsense. go fuck yourself.

Actually, I have been there, and I am more qualified than you to talk about Westfield. I graduated last year and I can honestly say that Westfield blows.

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: Really? ()
Date: February 03, 2009 12:37PM

Is Westfield like a high school or something? If it is, shouldn't all this be on Facebook and Myspace? I don't want some loser high school kids cloggin up my forums. None of them have jobs, none of them can buy beer, half of them will graduate college (vocational schools included) and all of them will talk about high school until the day they die.

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: February 03, 2009 01:38PM

I hate to say it... many of the college-educated successful people I know are still talking about high school on a daily basis, even as their thirties loom ahead shortly.

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: bobby W ()
Date: February 03, 2009 03:07PM


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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: mr thomas ()
Date: February 04, 2009 12:29AM

Damn niggas be hatin like shit..get a life..yall niggas live on this forum

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: Really? ()
Date: February 04, 2009 08:33AM

We don't live on this forum - it's a pastime. Something we like to do for fun. Like you and gay porn...same thing.

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: February 04, 2009 01:36PM


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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: drew ()
Date: February 04, 2009 02:41PM

yo mr thomas is a g

but yeah i want to punch the next kid i see with an inside out hoodie

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: westfield annonymous coward ()
Date: February 04, 2009 06:39PM

jake chelena is a homo and is annoying as fuck..atleast he has a hot mom

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: frank ()
Date: February 05, 2009 12:53AM

westfield annonymous coward Wrote:
> jake chelena is a homo and is annoying as
> fuck..atleast he has a hot mom

hahaha athough really funny jake is not a homosexual. just to clear that up. his mom is freaking banging though. fake boobies though!!

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: maybe ()
Date: February 05, 2009 07:35AM

Jake deserves to go to jail. For multiple counts of sexual assault and battery, possession of alcohol and marijuana, and sale and consumption (when he wasn't 18) of dip tobacco.

Getting girls drunk and then forcing yourself upon them, as well as groping your friends' drunk mothers, and then having the nerve to have a "girlfriend" at the same time.. have you ever looked at yourself in society? as a person?

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: westfield affilate ()
Date: February 07, 2009 05:12PM

chris Wrote:

> oh and to every single junior guy who bought a
> yoyo 1st quarter, you all are some of the biggest
> idiots. perfect example of you all just copying
> each other...

alot of these kids went to "C" hall way in between classes where i usually would go, i gotta say i saw the yo-yo fad come in and i thought WTF Are this kids thinking what faggots. most of em who thought it was tight are faggots. but anyways fuck westfield for sure

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: Suburbanite ()
Date: February 08, 2009 01:14PM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> I hate to say it... many of the college-educated
> successful people I know are still talking about
> high school on a daily basis, even as their
> thirties loom ahead shortly.

That's truly sad.

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: fuck you ()
Date: February 09, 2009 03:28PM

sooo many niggas at westfield be gettin expelled and shit lately... fuck the security and administrators they make westfield gay as fuck

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: February 09, 2009 03:57PM

fuck you Wrote:
> sooo many niggas at westfield be gettin expelled
> and shit lately... fuck the security and
> administrators they make westfield gay as fuck

Why do I weep for the future of my country? Because the next generation is filled with kids that think enforcing school rules is gay.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: Dara ()
Date: February 09, 2009 04:09PM

westfield annonymous coward Wrote:
> jake chelena is a homo and is annoying as
> fuck..atleast he has a hot mom

his Dad was a prick in high school, so the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: wooooooooohaaaaa ()
Date: February 10, 2009 09:13AM

i saw his sister on a porn site once

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: westfield affiliate ()
Date: February 10, 2009 05:23PM

Dara Wrote:
> westfield annonymous coward Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > jake chelena is a homo and is annoying as
> > fuck..atleast he has a hot mom
> his Dad was a prick in high school, so the apple
> doesn't fall far from the tree.

hahah thats funny though bcuz his dad is fucking awesome hah funnny ass man. im sure he was a dick in highschool though. but oh well he got one of the hottest ladies to go home to evverynight..

Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: fuck you ()
Date: February 09, 2009 03:28PM

sooo many niggas at westfield be gettin expelled and shit lately... fuck the security and administrators they make westfield gay as fuck

yeah FUCK WESTFIELD kicking kids out for marijuana....
legalize that shit!!!

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: hahhha ()
Date: February 11, 2009 08:19PM

westfield sucks becauseeee..

emily reda goes there?? little dick sucker who fucking no one likes

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: hahahahx2! ()
Date: February 12, 2009 12:01AM

hahhha Wrote:
> westfield sucks becauseeee..
> emily reda goes there?? little dick sucker who
> fucking no one likes

hahahah prime example of why i LOVE WESTFIELD HAHA fuck that pee drinkin whore of a women

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: Really? ()
Date: February 12, 2009 09:55AM

Listening to you people talk about who sucks in high school and who was cool/douchey back in the day - SHUT UP!

Learn how to spell and how to write in complete sentences. Then go to the Verizon store hiring fairs after graduation and move on with your lives.

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: Really? gay ()
Date: February 12, 2009 10:01AM

Really?, you are the biggest faggot...EVER!

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: Really? ()
Date: February 12, 2009 10:41AM

Good one.

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: Hawaii 5-0 ()
Date: February 12, 2009 01:07PM

yo-yos r the fucking shit stop hating u bitchasses I'll run y'all down with my golf cart

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: feb ()
Date: February 12, 2009 04:12PM


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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: huh? ()
Date: February 12, 2009 07:19PM

i think jakes kinda cool

no bullshit

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: feb ()
Date: February 12, 2009 08:04PM

You guys all need to grow up and get a life

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: mr thomas ()
Date: February 12, 2009 08:16PM

shut the hell up hawaii 5-0 your lucky you qualify as disabled or else your fatass would be walking around the school... i'll cut ya a deal you lose 100 lbs we'll give you a raise,.25 cent an hour sound like a deal?

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Re: Hey westfield students (and maybe other schools?)
Posted by: FJB ()
Date: April 11, 2024 09:04AM

nigga please Wrote:
> robbie slover is the biggest fag in the whole
> school he can go suck a dick

Perfect example of a loser with nothing to contribute to society.
You’re fucked

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