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Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 27, 2016 07:26PM

I have two children at Woodson High School. The new principal, Mr. Poole, is mandating after a certain number of excused absences, absences the parents have excused, the parents must provide a doctor’s note. This news was delivered in a form letter generated by attendance. Nothing else. There was no conversation, and Mr. Poole refuses to reverse the decision. He insisted that he had to, that it is out of his control. In FCPS policy 2232.3, it states, “The principal or his designee determine whether or not absences will be excused and may require a physician’s note in cases of chronic or long-term illness.” This is neither a case of chronic illness or long-term illness.

He MAY request a doctor’s note, but he doesn’t have to. He has dug in his feet. He knows what is best for my kids.

We need to foster a mutual respect between the students and the administration. Don’t waste your teachers time, don’t make extra work for your teacher, and don’t be late to class, it’s rude. In return, the administration should respect the students. They are thinking feeling human beings. Don’t use some random number of missed days as an excuse to make them sit in class, whether they are passing or failing. The only issue this addresses is your attendance rates. These children should not be used for your head count.
Everyone in the system is stressed out. The administration has pressure to show performance with numbers. The stress if passed down to the teachers, and in turn the students. Everyone feels powerless. The only difference is the students really are powerless, especially if you try to make the parent powerless. We need our parents to help us make decisions. If the child thinks they can’t make it to school, we can talk to them, and together decide what is best for them. This is how we teach them to be autonomous, build self-confidence and be successful. The rest of us can just quit. No one makes us do anything.
In all reality, it really doesn’t matter what he wants. I will not be providing doctor’s notes for absences, and every time my children miss a class he will basically tell them that I have no authority and the absence is unexcused. He will try to scare them into submission. He will try to make my kids believe that we have no rights. He is large and in charge.
After five unexcused absences, we will have a meeting. We will just keep meeting with subsequent unexcused absences, until the school year ends. He has no authority to fail a child for attendance. Hopefully I can keep my kids from stressing out over these meetings. They don’t like to break rules, but I don’t want them to grow up and not question why they are asked to do something. That would mean they are idiots.
Has he learned nothing from the suicides at Woodson HS?
When people feel powerless they either get mad, and fight, or they give up, and stop caring. They don’t respect their oppressors. They hate them.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: jL3G9 ()
Date: February 27, 2016 07:46PM

So, in other words... excused absences are ok as long as it's justified by an illness/doctors recommendation? He wants the students in class unless there is a sound reason? Sounds ok to me.

Interesting that you assume he only wants them there for some sort of data 'head count'. Is it possible that he wants the students there to be present so they can ...be educated?

I fail to see how this is oppressive.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: pwY9m ()
Date: February 27, 2016 07:49PM

"Hopefully I can keep my kids from stressing out over these meetings. "

lol - can't they avoid this by... attending school? or the parent providing a good written reason for why they can't be there?

Wow, how dare he.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: What's The Problem? ()
Date: February 27, 2016 07:54PM

I don't think this policy is unreasonable. Frankly, I thought this policy was in effect everywhere. Under what circumstances would a kid need more than five absences (in what timeframe?), except for an ongoing medical issue?

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: MoreInfo ()
Date: February 27, 2016 08:01PM

How many times has your child missed class? At my son's school, after 20 absences in one class, students must present a doctor's note to be excused, unless there is a documented medical issue. Is that unreasonable? I don't think so.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 27, 2016 08:07PM

So, if my kid doesnt' feel well, I need to spend time and money taking him to the doctor? when is the last time you went to the doctor? Is he accusing me of being a liar? If parents and students work around the system, it's because it doesn't work.

Why are you so worried about it? This is about right and wrong. Do you want someone to try and take over the decisions for your children? He could not give me one concrete reason except he can.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 27, 2016 08:12PM

His definition of a good reason is not my definition of a good reason. I treat my children like they are actual people. I don't tell them they can't make decisions for themselves and shove them in the car. and drop them off at Mr. Poole's feet.

He is bullying the parents, and he wants us to bully our kids. Since "bullying" seems to be the thing now a days. I had a kid bullied at Woodson. I had to home school her. I want to teach them to be able to fight for their rights.

What do you care. What is your agenda.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 27, 2016 08:21PM

I don't really think there is a set number of absences anybody needs. That makes no sense. As long as you are not making extra work for the teachers. Forcing a kid to sit in class does not address the childs reason for why he doesn't want to be there. It makes them feel like they are not heard and they become hopeless.

I told him he was scaring my daughter who is going to college next year. She thinks he can screw her over if I don't do what he says. He said he would talk to her and tell her he is doing what's best for her. What an ass. The VP called my daughter to her office and ask why she misses so many classes. She told her she has been doing it since freshman year, and it works for her. She never asks for help, never misses a test, and always turns in her work. I asked Poole if any teachers had complained. He had nothing.

Give me a reason to do something, and I will think about it.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: Hidden Agenda? ()
Date: February 27, 2016 08:24PM

I get the impression that there is a lot more going on here than your child not feeling well every once in a while. No one is accusing you of anything. This is a school wide policy. When you say 'This is about right and wrong' it conveys the impression that you think that anything that you perceive as Government oversight is unacceptable. Are you a Tea Party member? I don't think this issue is as black and white as you make it sound.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 27, 2016 08:24PM

That's fine. I can do that number. Maybe. We are no where near that.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 27, 2016 08:24PM

Don't hold me to it.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: Wxfmx ()
Date: February 27, 2016 08:24PM

Dear Entitled Parent,

In the real world some employers require doctor's notes for extended sick leave. Get the fuck over it.


A Responsible Person

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 27, 2016 08:33PM

and what about the parents who don't know how to fight Mr. Poole's mandate for doctor's notes, They are most likely not as educated or may not speak English well enough to tell him to F himself, They are afraid for their children.

I think you would be hard pressed to find a parent that doesn't care about their kids at Woodson. Some parents may have moved from other countries just to give their kids better opportunities then they had growing up.

Now these parents are going to take off work and bring their sick kid to the doctor for a headache. The probably don't have good insurance and now they are missing work. Or, they are going to drop their kid off, once again, at Mr. Poole's feet. Sick and dejected. Powerless.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 27, 2016 08:37PM

This kids are not employees. They are not getting payed. and frankly, I have NEVER had an employer ask me for a doctor's note. They respected and trusted me.

And like a said, if you don't like it, quit. My kids are not allowed to quit.

Once again, why are you so angry about me fighting for my children's and my civil rights. I'm sorry you feel powerless and you want the rest of use to join in your pain. If you need help with someone who has their foot on your neck, I'd be more than happy to help you. Let me know

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 27, 2016 08:40PM

Is that you Mr. Poole?

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 27, 2016 08:46PM

I am a forward thinker. If I think something is not right, I don't just complain, and lay down and die. "It's a rule" is a crappy arguement. Give me a good reason. Be a thinker, don't just take it. Educators need to be open to new ideas. You can't control people. You can convince them. With good ideas.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 27, 2016 08:54PM

Hi again Mr. Poole

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 27, 2016 09:01PM

Education is not just about learning material. It's also about teaching our children autonomy. and how to respect and care for themselves and other people. We teach each other how to be. My children already have enough self realization to know Mr Poole is an idiot. They don't respect him, He is just another example of jerks in this world that try to usurp what ever little control they have on us. It's like the cop you afraid to speak your mind to. You aren't quite sure what he has the authority to do to you. Well I know Poole has nothing. I'm just worried about the helpless parents and kids who don't know that.

I have taught my children to trust themselves. If you feel you are being disrespected, you are. Don't doubt yourself. That is what bullys do They make you doubt yourself. They make you think it is you. They try to take control of you, make you afraid, change who you are.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 27, 2016 09:06PM

Mr. Poole will not be successful. I am not giving up, I tried to reason with him, I spoke with 5 administrators at Woodson ONly 2 had the power to reverse this decision. Vice principal KATHY MARTIN AND POOLE. Over and over a was told "it's a rule" He even asked "what, are you going to change attendance regulations?" and i told him yes.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: exert control ()
Date: February 27, 2016 09:09PM

It's easy to bring a rough school administrator to heel.

First have a meeting with the person at the school. Then, when you get nowhere, you work your way up through the various levels of superintendents. It requires time and effort, but pays off in the end.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: Shootin Craps ()
Date: February 27, 2016 09:12PM

Why are you using this forum to bitch? There's a formal process you can use to lodge your complaint. Go away

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: c9p7F ()
Date: February 27, 2016 09:14PM

Shootin Craps: Bite me. This is the forum for bitching.

But more importantly, the schools like to divide and conquer parents. This is a legitimate forum where like-minded parents can connect.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 27, 2016 09:15PM

I'm not here to bitch who ever said that. I am here to get help from people who are having the same issue. What is your issue. Do you need help?

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: It's Not About You ()
Date: February 27, 2016 09:22PM

There are negligent parents in every school, regardless of demographics. Kids need to be protected from the whims of their parents - and of themselves. These are still children. They are marginally capable of making good decisions when they go off to college, let alone before.

In the real world, there are rules. You don't have to agree with them, but you do have to obey them - whether you like it or not. In most jobs, you can't just say 'Well I'm done for the day, I'm outta here.' You would do a disservice to your kid if you didn't teach her the discipline to deal with rules she doesn't like.

You won't like this, but I suspect that you are putting at least as much stress on your child as the school is.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: fuck you u dope ()
Date: February 27, 2016 09:24PM

Schools do not know what is good for children. WHo protects kids from whims and excesses of the schools?

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 27, 2016 09:28PM

Thank you.

I have contacted Congressman Gerry Connolly, Fairfax County School Board Member Ilryong Moon. ACLU. I just started last Thursday. Give me time I'm just getting started.

Superendent Garza never responded. I had to move on
I'm looking for people with like issues. Parental rights do still exist, regardless of a schools attendance numbers.

I was educated in the FCPS system. I went to Poe Frost Woodson, and Annandale. I graduated from Brown. Thanks to the school system AND my parents.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: Truth Hurts ()
Date: February 27, 2016 09:28PM

fuck you u dope Wrote:
> Schools do not know what is good for children. WHo
> protects kids from whims and excesses of the
> schools?

Signed...disgruntled teenager.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: Shootin Craps ()
Date: February 27, 2016 09:30PM

Shootin Craps: Bite me. This is the forum for bitching.

But more importantly, the schools like to divide and conquer parents. This is a legitimate forum where like-minded parents can connect.

Thanks you proved my point. I agree your like minded. Shame on you. Keep beating your drum to deaf ears. I'm out.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 27, 2016 09:31PM

Are you lecturing me on rules? I'm an adult. I don't follow "rules" that don't make sense. Neither do my children. I'm sorry you have no control over your life. Rules are good. They make your life simple You don't have to think.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: keep track till election day ()
Date: February 27, 2016 09:34PM

>Superendent Garza never responded. I had to move on

Document the crap out of every snot-nosed politician to ignore you, then ensure they're held accountable the next time they come before the people.

Fairfax County has managed to elect some real losers over the years.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 27, 2016 09:34PM

right? we do. thank you for your positive response. People seem so angry about change. I'm not going to infringe on their lives. It is not going to make their lives harder. That is not my intent,

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 27, 2016 09:41PM

hi disgruntled teenager

You will be OK. Adults who have been treated badly, treat other people badly Try not to hate them. You should pity them. Just don't be like them.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: PkkHc ()
Date: February 27, 2016 09:47PM

Thank you Fairfax County. This thread has done wonders to help me clarify my goals and objectives. Thank you. I know just what to do.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: Looney Tunes ()
Date: February 27, 2016 09:47PM

I'm sorry, lady, but you sound unhinged.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: Jessayin' ()
Date: February 27, 2016 09:48PM

OP starts off talking about the need for "mutual respect" and later goes on to write "Mr. Poole is an idiot." And then the name-calling OP bemoans bullying. Classic NoVA assholery. No surprise that she is a long-time Fairfax county resident and product of FCPS.

Instead of letting her butthurt flow so freely here, she might try engaging relevant people within the school system (or school board) who might be able to address her issue.

That is all.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: Bitching to Bitch ()
Date: February 27, 2016 09:53PM

These type of rules were in place when I was a kid. I grew up in a different state & generation. It was 10 unexcused day for the year for me, after that I needed a doctor's note. Why are these rules so stressful for you? Send your kid to school, so they can learn to spell "paid" correctly. You obviously missed too much school or have a job that doesn't require good grammar skills. It's not spelled "payed"

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 27, 2016 09:55PM

hi jessayin,

It takes more than one person to make change. although, i don't think I will be needing your help. just saying.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: nuXXT ()
Date: February 27, 2016 09:56PM

>Instead of letting her butthurt flow so freely here, she might try engaging relevant people within the school system (or school board) who might be able to address her issue.

Ummm. Spoken like a person who has never had a disagreement with a FFX school administrator. You really don't have a clue.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: JMCnk ()
Date: February 27, 2016 09:59PM

So what is it that you want the policy to be? That kids have the autonomy to come and go to school as they please?

Do you know how hard that is on the teachers trying to work with everyone?

Newsflash -- kids don't all want to be at school. There have to be rules to facilitate the educational process.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 27, 2016 10:01PM


What is up with these people. Who are they? I have never been on this forum before. Wow, I'm really hoping this is not a true sample of how people really think

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 27, 2016 10:09PM

And I apologize for calling him an idiot. That was wrong. I just think he does not know how to read a situation and apply what he has learned to the situation. Isn't that what learning is about? Taking facts and using them in the real world.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: kGUj4 ()
Date: February 27, 2016 10:11PM

Still interested to know what you think the policy should look like...

Kids come and go as they please? Explain your vision of it.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 27, 2016 10:18PM

I just wanted to start a discussion. I think if you miss school and you are causing extra work for ANYBODY, that is wrong. Show up late, that is rude. That applies to everybody in life. and some of us still do it.

I will not be back to this forum. I appreciate people who can see my point of view, and I appreciate if you can't. Just stop being so angry if you don't. What does it matter to you. I love the teachers at Woodson. They are great. I asked the principal if they had any complaints. They did not.

Good bye

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: Hsnzn ()
Date: February 27, 2016 10:28PM

Went to Brown but spells paid as payed? I call bullshit.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 28, 2016 12:06AM

I don't have a perfect answer. But I don't know how making me get a doctor's note is going to help. There aren't many scenarios I can picture where making a kid sit in class when he doesn't want to be there will make his life better. It doesn't address the childs issue. Nobody has talked to him except maybe his parents. Mr. Poole and vice principle what's her name had never even met my children, or talked to me.

I never realized until I had to fight the school to get my parental rights back, that I have always subscribed to the Self Determination Theory. I didn't even know it existed.

It's just how I have always treated people.

Mr. Poole has told me there really will be no consequences for future absences. He will mark my children unexcused. He doesn't understand that it is demoralizing to my children. I asked him to take them of the doctor's note only list at the attendance office. He refused. He can't its a rule which also is not true. It's a little crappy piece of power he can use if he wants to.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: Ghost ()
Date: February 28, 2016 12:34AM

Hello, Fourlegs.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: February 28, 2016 02:13AM

3 days. The rule is: Three days or more in-a-row, bring a note when you return. That applies to school and/or work. Get over it. Who the hell do you think you are?! I think you are a student pretending to be a parent.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: Annoyed in FFX ()
Date: February 28, 2016 02:32AM

You don't get to lay the suicides at the feet of this one man because you disagree with him about an absence policy. That makes you an asshole, a presumptuous, self-righteous and illogical asshole.

So you believe that your children are special and should not be asked to conform to the same rules that are applied to others? Why? Why are you and yours the exception?

The problem here isn't the policy, the problem is that someone told you 'no' and you're not used to hearing that. Lots of my fellow Fairfax parents really do believe that they're exceptional, their children are above rules and no one in the school system should tell them when they're wrong. You're not special, your kids aren't excused because you're into some free-range parenting bullshit, your moral superiority is bullshit (you killed it when you blamed him for the suicides) and you're not very smart for someone who supposedly went to Brown.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 28, 2016 07:30AM

Ok causican. "its the rule" You're a good follower. We need people like you too

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 28, 2016 07:42AM

To annoyed FFX,

I did not blame him for the suicides in any way. I just think he should be aware of the fragile nature of some of these children. They need to be cared about, not pushed around. Jeff Yost pretty much retired because parents tried to blame the school. They system stresses the children. "it's a rule, there is nothing we can do" is the biggest cop out in the world. There is ALWAYS something you can do.

You know, in life, people tell you "no" all the time. Have you ever heard the expression "never take "no" for an answer? and i don't think my kids are any more special than all of the other children. I think all of those kids are special and need to be protected.

Who is it exactly you think I am hurting here by fighting for my rights as a parent?

Say something besides it's a rule. and stop attacking me.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 28, 2016 07:46AM

and for the record it did not call him an idiot in this forum, I said my kids would be idiots if they just blindly followed rules that mad no sense.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: Great Scott! ()
Date: February 28, 2016 07:58AM

lol you might want to look up 2concerned before posting anymore

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: Parent91835 ()
Date: February 28, 2016 08:25AM

1. Isn't school attendance mandatory in the state of Va?
2. Let your kid go to court and get excused from mandatory education.
3. Try homeschooling so your kid has an even better chance of becoming unhinged just like you.
4. Based on much of what the OP is saying, you need to go back to school yourself and learn to write.
5. Fairfax county has great therapists - you need to go to one. Your kid probably does too.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 28, 2016 08:38AM

Who is the OP in this thread?

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 28, 2016 08:45AM

and will people please stop correcting spelling. So you are a good speller. That will get you far. Maybe you can get a job as a "speller" Oh, yeah, I forgot. Spell check exists. Well we have plenty of non thinkers here, it won't pay much, but I'm sure someone needs a person who can't think for themselves.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: Al183 ()
Date: February 28, 2016 08:51AM

Mandatory school attendance for children is a state law. The principal is just enforcing the rules set forth by the school district. It's funny that you think you can kick and scream and change that. Why not make your kids accountable?

If you truly are a parent, the I feel sorry for your kids. You are teaching them a bad lesson. No wonder people complain about the crazy Woodson parents. Here's a shining example! Get a life lady. And get your kids to school.

lisah Wrote:
> I have two children at Woodson High School. The
> new principal, Mr. Poole, is mandating after a
> certain number of excused absences, absences the
> parents have excused, the parents must provide a
> doctor’s note. This news was delivered in a
> form letter generated by attendance. Nothing
> else. There was no conversation, and Mr. Poole
> refuses to reverse the decision. He insisted that
> he had to, that it is out of his control. In FCPS
> policy 2232.3, it states, “The principal or his
> designee determine whether or not absences will be
> excused and may require a physician’s note in
> cases of chronic or long-term illness.” This is
> neither a case of chronic illness or long-term
> illness.
> He MAY request a doctor’s note, but he doesn’t
> have to. He has dug in his feet. He knows what is
> best for my kids.
> We need to foster a mutual respect between the
> students and the administration. Don’t waste
> your teachers time, don’t make extra work for
> your teacher, and don’t be late to class, it’s
> rude. In return, the administration should
> respect the students. They are thinking feeling
> human beings. Don’t use some random number of
> missed days as an excuse to make them sit in
> class, whether they are passing or failing. The
> only issue this addresses is your attendance
> rates. These children should not be used for your
> head count.
> Everyone in the system is stressed out. The
> administration has pressure to show performance
> with numbers. The stress if passed down to the
> teachers, and in turn the students. Everyone
> feels powerless. The only difference is the
> students really are powerless, especially if you
> try to make the parent powerless. We need our
> parents to help us make decisions. If the child
> thinks they can’t make it to school, we can talk
> to them, and together decide what is best for
> them. This is how we teach them to be autonomous,
> build self-confidence and be successful. The rest
> of us can just quit. No one makes us do anything.
> In all reality, it really doesn’t matter what he
> wants. I will not be providing doctor’s notes
> for absences, and every time my children miss a
> class he will basically tell them that I have no
> authority and the absence is unexcused. He will
> try to scare them into submission. He will try to
> make my kids believe that we have no rights. He
> is large and in charge.
> After five unexcused absences, we will have a
> meeting. We will just keep meeting with
> subsequent unexcused absences, until the school
> year ends. He has no authority to fail a child
> for attendance. Hopefully I can keep my kids from
> stressing out over these meetings. They don’t
> like to break rules, but I don’t want them to
> grow up and not question why they are asked to do
> something. That would mean they are idiots.
> Has he learned nothing from the suicides at
> Woodson HS?
> When people feel powerless they either get mad,
> and fight, or they give up, and stop caring. They
> don’t respect their oppressors. They hate them.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: Responsible Dad2 ()
Date: February 28, 2016 08:56AM

Wxfmx Wrote:
> Dear Entitled Parent,
> In the real world some employers require doctor's
> notes for extended sick leave. Get the fuck over
> it.
> Sincerely,
> A Responsible Person

My kids are going to school on time unless they are legitimately sick. They know good and damn well they are going to school on time because they know I will drag them there by the hair if need be. And they know they will be respectful, learn and get good grades or I will do whatever is necessary to make sure that happens.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 28, 2016 09:01AM

Yes, school attendance is mandatory. Requesting a doctor's note everytime one of my children miss school is not. When is the last time you went to the doctor? Gave someone a doctor's note? Stop telling me what the rules are I know what they are. This is his choice. He decided that because he MAY request a note, he is going to. The kids were not considered in the situation. and I have homeschooled a child that was at Woodson. My children like their teachers.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: Hmmmm ()
Date: February 28, 2016 09:07AM

Meeting a minimum number of days is a requirement because of the total instructional hours. It's not a matter of "turning in all tests on time" to receive credit for a course, a student must be inside the classroom to be the receipient of the instruction. That's how credit hours are earned. Credit hours. Hours. Operative word = hours.

Your parental right is to CHOOSE to put your kids in a private school (gasp! PAY tuition!)OR home school if your child needs it. Giving a child what they need to grow and flourish is the priority, not changing the meager attendance policy at the free public school system that works for 99.9% of everyone else's kids.

PS. I sincerely hope your child is seeing a medical doctor.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 28, 2016 09:08AM

Wow You drag them by the hair? They must really feel like they have no voice. Have you ever asked them how they feel? Do they ever need to stay home because they need a break? Do you ever do that? does your boss ask you for a doctors note?

Are you in the military?

and our kids, lets not forget, are not empolyees.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: Responsible WTW parent ()
Date: February 28, 2016 09:09AM

NEW FLASH: Dr. Poole is upholding the law. Thank you Dr. Poole.

Attending School. It's the Law

The Commonwealth of Virginia requires that all children between the ages of five and eighteen be enrolled in school and attend on a daily basis.

Any student who fails to report to school for a total of five scheduled school days (unexcused) for the school year may be referred to a school attendance officer for further action. When a referral is received, the school attendance officer will attempt to interview the student, parent, and other relevant parties to develop a plan to resolve the attendance issue.

A student who is absent from school for 15 consecutive days or more is withdrawn from school and must officially register again upon his or her return to school.

FCPS believes that students who regularly attend school and arrive on time for class have the most academic success. You should call your school’s attendance line if your child will not be present when attendance is checked in the morning.

For students in elementary school, attendance is checked daily at 9:30 a.m. for early start schools. Parents should receive calls and e-mails within 30 minutes via an automated attendance calling system or by the school. Attendance will be checked daily for period and all-day absences at 4 p.m.
For students in middle and high school, attendance is checked daily for period and all-day absences and calls and e-mails are made at 10 a.m. In addition, attendance is reconciled at 4 p.m. Calls and e-mails follow at 7 p.m. via an automated attendance system or by the school.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: GigiSpan ()
Date: February 28, 2016 09:10AM

Why not just go to school?

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: WTW parent again ()
Date: February 28, 2016 09:14AM

According to this, OP COULD be in jail! And probably should be....

The Commonwealth of Virginia’s Compulsory Attendance Law, Code of Virginia, 22.1-
254, requires that all children between the ages of five and eighteen be enrolled in school. Further, those students must attend school on a daily basis. Any student who fails to report to school for a total of five scheduled school days (unexcused) for the school year may be referred to a school attendance officer for further action. When a referral is received, the school attendance officer will attempt to interview the student, parent, and other relevant parties to develop a plan to resolve the attendance issue. If the truancy continues, the school attendance officer may request that a petition be issued by Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court.

The Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court may place the child in a ninety (90) day pre-court diversion program during which time the child will be under the direct supervision of court staff. If the child fails to successfully complete this program, the case will be forwarded to court for formal prosecution.
When a student is brought to Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court for violating the Compulsory Attendance Law, the court may impose sanctions to include the following:
1. Suspend the student’s privilege to drive for an indefinite period of time.
2. Court Order the Student to cooperate with mental health treatment, drug treatment
and/or community service.
3. Court order the student to confinement for up to 30 days.
4. Court order a student to be placed on probation for an indefinite period of time not to exceed their 18th birthday.
5. Order the parent to cooperate with mental health services and possible treatment,participate in parenting courses, pay a fine up to $1000.00. and/or be sentenced to jail.

Code of Virginia, 22.1-262, requires that the parent or guardian comply with this law and participate in the development of the plan to resolve the student’s non-attendance. The school attendance officer can initiate criminal proceedings against a parent or guardian with the courts for violation of this law.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: mother may I ()
Date: February 28, 2016 09:15AM

Every time a kid misses a day from school that means time that the teacher is going to spend giving the kid missed assignments, test retakes and generally getting the kid back up to speed before/after school/during study periods, etc. It absolutely does take the teacher's time away from the other students, lesson preparation, grading...now times this by the 30 or so students in the class and imagine if EVERY kid in that class was missing time like that. Talk about chaotic.

How parents don't "get" this is beyond me. If your kid is tardy, absent more than a few times a year then maybe they really should be required to see a physician and bring in a doctor's note. Parents can opt to refuse treatment from the doctor for their child but they can still get the note for the school.

Now requesting a note from a kid that usually shows up every day would be ridiculous. If my kid has a stomach bug I am not dragging him to the doctor - sorry. Nope. Not doing that.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 28, 2016 09:16AM

You are right. My children have no unexcused absences. He just thinks they have too many excused absences. I call every time. Or I send a note if they are late, or need to check out.

He will no longer accept my notes. He needs a doctor's note. My daughter gets migraines. Taking her to the doctor is senseless. Dragging her by the hair to school would be cruel.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 28, 2016 09:19AM

They don't miss assignment or tests. I asked if we had inconvenienced any teachers and he said no.

They are becoming autonomous. They know what to do. They get the job done. They never ask for extra help.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: college parent ()
Date: February 28, 2016 09:22AM

My son's college professors take attendance. If they miss more than 3 classes, they are dropped from the class.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: Happy WTW parent ()
Date: February 28, 2016 09:25AM

I am SO GLAD that a Woodson principal is finally trying to be fair and consistent with the rules and regulations at this school. Attendance, eating lunch where ever kids wanted, kids roaming the halls have all been (almost) brought under control at this school which is a GREAT thing. It makes the school safer and a better learning environment overall. And the door access systems are a good upgrade as well! HS kids are still kids (until they are 18) and they require structure and guidance. Apparently, some of their parents do to.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 28, 2016 09:29AM

a college professor taking attendance? what college is that?

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 28, 2016 09:30AM

ugh. Eating lunch outside is so horrible.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: jsykayla ()
Date: February 28, 2016 09:33AM

if it is a real medical problem, go to the doctor and get a note that says "please excuse periodic absences from school related to migraines and please call my office if there is any question"

Let your school administrator hear it from the doctor.

The rules are in place to protect kids. Some kids have parents that are negligent and abusive. The school rules help spot kids who need help and who can't complain to parents out of fear.

You're operating outside the standard so either get your documentation in line or let them hear it from the doctor themselves.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: you are wrong ()
Date: February 28, 2016 09:49AM

lisah Wrote:
> They don't miss assignment or tests. I asked if
> we had inconvenienced any teachers and he said
> no.
> They are becoming autonomous. They know what to
> do. They get the job done. They never ask for
> extra help.

I have no idea what kind of classes your kids are in. But my kids have in class assignments (not just homework), pop quizzes, tests, instruction that they absolutely would miss if they were not in class.

When they have had to miss days from school it has involved them making up missed assignments which might mean them going in early, staying late, maybe seeing the teacher during study hall or lunch. It is an extra effort for my kids to make up the missed work and I know it is an extra effort for the teacher to give them the missed work. That is why my kids are in school, on time, every day unless they have an doctors appt or are too sick to go to school.

I would love to pull them out of school to hit the museums or Williamsburg on a nice day during the week to avoid the crowds but we have learned to save that for their days off. Too much trouble to miss a day...

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: life lessons ()
Date: February 28, 2016 09:49AM

I do see the OP's point - if your kids are doing well in school and the parents approve an absence (or 5 or more absences) no Dr.'s note should be required. My kids get all A's in all advanced classes in middle school - If we need 6 family days for a vacation that is our call not the Principal's.

We may be in Woodson next year (depending on the TJ test outcome for my oldest) so this is an issue we will face. Im inclined to meet with the principal to discuss this should our oldest end up at Woodson. Ill make a plan with my wife and we will decide 1. to stay within the limited days of non-sick absences allowed. 2. Openly defy the rule and plan to meet with the Principal after we have exceeded the number of non-sick days allowed. 3. Speak with our children's physician about 'mental health' days and their willingness to write notes for them. 4. Plan to provide documentation of our choosing (perhaps from an 'alternative medicine doctor' and/or non-medical doctor) to placate the principal.

I am inclined to be completely open to my kids about all this as it presents some valuable life lessons on problem solving and bureaucracy. In all likelyhood a 5 min conversation with the principal would solve the problem...

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: malingeringissad ()
Date: February 28, 2016 09:56AM

Reading this, it's actually fine. Survival of the fittest. Some kids draw the short straw with parents who fail to prepare them for the rigors of adulthood.

Personal responsibility may not be attractive to you and OP but at least your kids won't be blocking the way going up the ladder of success.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 28, 2016 09:59AM

If I child is having problems at home, making the parent take them to the doctor because they don't feel well is not going to help. If a parent is a hair dragging parent, they are going to tell their kid to suck it up and get in the car, sending the kid to school sick and dejected.

My point is Mr. poole needs to stop working under the assumption that the parents don't care, and we don't know what is best for our children. I know my kids, I know what motivates them, I can read their faces. I do it everyday. I check in on them all the time. I ask them if they are OK. Everyday. I listen to them. I don't try to talk them out of their feelings.

The point is, now that Mr Poole knows everything is fine, he can take my kids off the doctor's note only list at the attendance office. For that matter, he should take everyone's name off the list. He sent theses letters out based on absences. Excused and unexcused. He never had a discussion with me or my children. he sent out a big batch.

I did talk to him. I refused to take them off the list, because it is a rule. His hands are tied. He must feel so helpless. Well that is not the truth. His hands are not tied, but he is trying to tie my hands.

Instead, he told me not to worry about unexcused absences. It really doesn't matter. My daughter is a senior, they won't do anything to her. Well, they already have, they have scared her. She doesn't know what he can do. Because this makes no sense, who knows what other senseless tricks he has in his bag.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: how on earth ()
Date: February 28, 2016 10:02AM

life lessons Wrote:
> I do see the OP's point - if your kids are doing
> well in school and the parents approve an absence
> (or 5 or more absences) no Dr.'s note should be
> required. My kids get all A's in all advanced
> classes in middle school - If we need 6 family
> days for a vacation that is our call not the
> Principal's.
> We may be in Woodson next year (depending on the
> TJ test outcome for my oldest) so this is an issue
> we will face. Im inclined to meet with the
> principal to discuss this should our oldest end up
> at Woodson. Ill make a plan with my wife and we
> will decide 1. to stay within the limited days of
> non-sick absences allowed. 2. Openly defy the
> rule and plan to meet with the Principal after we
> have exceeded the number of non-sick days allowed.
> 3. Speak with our children's physician about
> 'mental health' days and their willingness to
> write notes for them. 4. Plan to provide
> documentation of our choosing (perhaps from an
> 'alternative medicine doctor' and/or non-medical
> doctor) to placate the principal.
> I am inclined to be completely open to my kids
> about all this as it presents some valuable life
> lessons on problem solving and bureaucracy. In
> all likelyhood a 5 min conversation with the
> principal would solve the problem...

How are your kids not being docked for missing in class assignments and pop quizzes? How is your kid making up missed tests if he/she is not there to take them and the absence is not excused? I understand wanting to take a planned family vacation and I think that if you give plenty of notice and your kid has a good attendance record that it should be allowed.

But if your kid is showing up whenever and missing lots of days, I really do not know how they are not failing (or at least getting a low grade) in the class.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: Jsykayla ()
Date: February 28, 2016 10:09AM

Listening to teenagers feelings about not wanting to go to school, what a great idea.

None of them want to go LOL

Your daughter shouldn't be scared, she should be pissed off at you. You allowed her to violate a policy that you didn't create, didn't seek to have an exception allowed in advance, didn't protect her health, didn't collaborate with the school nurse, and yet you recklessly created a false sense of security for her. Trust issues abound and you made it worse.

You blew it and now you're trying to back track. (isn't that what all gripes on FFx Underground are about)

If she blames anyone for feeling un-com-for-ta-ble it should be you.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 28, 2016 10:09AM

Thank you.

5 minutes will not do it. I spoke with 5 different people at Woodson.

Matt Del'Orso attendance officer Very nice. good listener, followed through, but did not have the power to change the situation.

Grady Ford Counselor also listened, no power

Ms.Martin Vice Principal. Code reciter. Rule reader.

Mr Poole (I know he's a dr. I just call him Mr. because I think it may bug him)
I think he knows he is wrong but doesn't know how to get out of this gracefully. He did say sending the letters out without talking to the parents was a mistake

My son has 2 more years at Woodson. Let me know if you run into any problems and we can stage a fast. 2 starving parents laying in front of the school entrance.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: kidgloves ()
Date: February 28, 2016 10:10AM

^PS OP lacks people skills as evidenced by her multiple posts here. OP while I see your point Im amazed that, as a protective parent, you have gotten as far as High School without understanding the administration of public schools. I was up in their grill year one in Kindergarten with my kids. By 2nd grade you figure out which battles to fight which to let go. You figure out the chain of command from principal to superintendent. What have you been doing all these years?

Seriously, as a parent that has been very very involved I can tell you that you are facing an issue that will require some patience and understanding of the system not some immature view of the world that this is personal. Figure a way around the problem or if you feel strongly - change the system. Get the rule changed.

Oh and for God's sake understand which internet forum you are on and what to expect - you were handled with kid gloves by ffxu standards...

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: my take on this ()
Date: February 28, 2016 10:10AM

VA law does not demand a doctor's note.

It is none of their damn business what your kid's medical condition is.
HIPPA exists for a reason.

This is a privacy matter. School staff have BIG ASS MOUTHS.
If your kid was HIV Positive it would be all over the school by lunchtime.

This principal has no legal right to demand a doctor's note.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: jeezz ()
Date: February 28, 2016 10:20AM

how on earth Wrote:
> life lessons Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I do see the OP's point - if your kids are
> doing
> > well in school and the parents approve an
> absence
> > (or 5 or more absences) no Dr.'s note should be
> > required. My kids get all A's in all advanced
> > classes in middle school - If we need 6 family
> > days for a vacation that is our call not the
> > Principal's.
> >
> > We may be in Woodson next year (depending on
> the
> > TJ test outcome for my oldest) so this is an
> issue
> > we will face. Im inclined to meet with the
> > principal to discuss this should our oldest end
> up
> > at Woodson. Ill make a plan with my wife and
> we
> > will decide 1. to stay within the limited days
> of
> > non-sick absences allowed. 2. Openly defy the
> > rule and plan to meet with the Principal after
> we
> > have exceeded the number of non-sick days
> allowed.
> > 3. Speak with our children's physician about
> > 'mental health' days and their willingness to
> > write notes for them. 4. Plan to provide
> > documentation of our choosing (perhaps from an
> > 'alternative medicine doctor' and/or
> non-medical
> > doctor) to placate the principal.
> >
> > I am inclined to be completely open to my kids
> > about all this as it presents some valuable
> life
> > lessons on problem solving and bureaucracy. In
> > all likelyhood a 5 min conversation with the
> > principal would solve the problem...
> How are your kids not being docked for missing in
> class assignments and pop quizzes? How is your
> kid making up missed tests if he/she is not there
> to take them and the absence is not excused? I
> understand wanting to take a planned family
> vacation and I think that if you give plenty of
> notice and your kid has a good attendance record
> that it should be allowed.
> But if your kid is showing up whenever and missing
> lots of days, I really do not know how they are
> not failing (or at least getting a low grade) in
> the class.

1. We are not taking 3 weeks of for family vacations - Im talking maybe 7 days school year.
2. When you know you are going to be off you can take tests and do work in advance before the absence.
3. My children work hard at school and are blessed to be very very smart - all A's
4. We cherish education in our home. We are all nerds and talk about science, math, literature all the time. We have lively debates about everything. You could say our kids are never out of school but its because we love learning!
5. We would use any issue like this as a family journey not some punishment. The 4 of us are smart enough to work the system and overcome any bogus rule - and we would do it ethically. For example, if this were an issue for us Id spend a few hundred bucks to go to our pediatrician and/or a therapist. Id show them my kids grades (90th% plus from K-8 with top 2% testing always) and I would get them to write a mental health day note.

Shame of it is you shouldnt have to have straight A's to take more than 5 family days in a year but since we have that in our family Id use it to our advantage.

By the way for those irate rule followers here you should know by middle school all your kids assignments and work is available 24/7 on Blackboard. Kids can do work when sick (our do) from home. Same with family trips.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: Jsykayla ()
Date: February 28, 2016 10:21AM

HIPPA has nothing to do with it boss. You're out of your league.

No amount of hiding behind laws & policies can hide your terrible parenting skills. I'm sure it's embarrassing to know that the school staff can see it a mile away. That's what spreads through the faculty& staff, pity for a kid who has parents that are crazy--not personal medical information.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: Noderator ()
Date: February 28, 2016 10:21AM

lisah Wrote:
> Who is the OP in this thread?

Lisah: Welcome to Fairfax Underground. I hope you start many more threads like this. You are a nutcase and God knows we need more nutcases here to replace those no longer with us.

By the way, Bernie or Hillary?

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 28, 2016 10:22AM

WTW Woodson Parent,

Wow. did you make that post trying to scare me with jail time? How about this, How many days of school can i kid legally miss. Can anyone tell me that? how many days before they throw me in the clinker. Mr Poole is making it so my kids rack up unexcused absences. For no reason other than he can.

This is what he sent me as justification. I told him I had already read it, but here it is again.

In FCPS policy 2232.3, it states, “The principal or his designee determine whether or not absences will be excused and may require a physician’s note in cases of chronic or long-term illness.” This is neither a case of chronic illness or long-term illness.

He MAY request a doctor’s note, but he doesn’t have to. He has dug in his feet. He knows what is best for my kids.

The definition of MAY is "has permission" it doesn't say IS REQUIRED BY LAW. This policy is written assuming the principal can make an educated decision in each case. Take a given situation and apply that good old PHd to it.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 28, 2016 10:23AM

That is what learning is about. Taking facts and applying them to real life.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: yourkidsareslow ()
Date: February 28, 2016 10:32AM

malingeringissad Wrote:
> Reading this, it's actually fine. Survival of the
> fittest. Some kids draw the short straw with
> parents who fail to prepare them for the rigors of
> adulthood.
> Personal responsibility may not be attractive to
> you and OP but at least your kids won't be
> blocking the way going up the ladder of success.

LOL my kids will drink your milksake buddy. We cant help it if they finish the work in half the time it takes your little sheep. By they way they finish it in half the time in all AAP classes including Honors math 2 grades ahead of their chronological age.

If we want to take family trips to NYC to learn about the real world for a few days we are doing it and I promise you your kids will be working for mine someday. Come to think of it, if I were you Id send your kids to school sick to give them a chance at working for my kids someday. Go vote for Trump and follow rules for the less mentally endowed and leave the thinking to us.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: solution to problem ()
Date: February 28, 2016 10:32AM

Assuming the OP is looking for a solution to her problem, here it is.

Get your kid's doctor to sign a letter that says the following:

BettyLou suffers from a medical condition which may result in prolonged absences from school.

I would not tell them what her condition is.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 28, 2016 10:34AM

Thanks jeez,

I agree. whether you are passing or failing, forcing a kid to sit in a chair does not address the issue. It only addresses attendance statistics.

This is a discussion forum. calling me crazy or unhinged is not productive. Trust me, if you had a problem that you needed help with, I would be the bitch you want on your block.

and I have already contacted and moved on from the Superintendent.

If you have nothing new to add like "it's a rule" because you don't even know what the "rule" actually says, then do a little research and get back to this forum with a good argument. Healthy debate is good for your Brain. but you are going to have to think for yourself Don't tell me what someone else told you.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: It's called being a parent ()
Date: February 28, 2016 10:36AM

> My son has 2 more years at Woodson. Let me know
> if you run into any problems and we can stage a
> fast. 2 starving parents laying in front of the
> school entrance.

No, the OP is not at all unhinged, no not at all. Threatening a hunger strike because he/she is unwilling to take the daughter to the doctor after missing nearly a week of school. Sounds like all the absences are excused before then. How often does something like that occur.

I had to do that one time (child missed 6 days in a row). Of course he was under a doctors care as it took being seriously ill to have to be out that long. Doctor typed up a note explaining my son was seen by him -- no details of why needed -- no HIPPA violation. I can't remember any of my kids missing more than 2 or 3 at a time any other time. For this one, the absences (1st 3 excused without question) were all excused, son got better, made up work, end of story.

I can't imagine why anyone would question this. If a kid is missing for a week or more, and it turns out the kid was in real danger or worse, and the school just took a parent's word, the school would be excoriated -- and they should. And folks on this forum would be asking for heads to roll. It is the schools' duty to follow up for the good of the child, and our duty as parents to be adults and work with them.

Send your kid to school. If she is sick, call her in. If she is too sick to go to school for several days, take her to a doctor. Be a parent!

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: cYjWc ()
Date: February 28, 2016 10:37AM

lisah Wrote:
> If I child is having problems at home, making the
> parent take them to the doctor because they don't
> feel well is not going to help. If a parent is a
> hair dragging parent, they are going to tell their
> kid to suck it up and get in the car, sending the
> kid to school sick and dejected.
> My point is Mr. poole needs to stop working under
> the assumption that the parents don't care, and we
> don't know what is best for our children. I know
> my kids, I know what motivates them, I can read
> their faces. I do it everyday. I check in on them
> all the time. I ask them if they are OK.
> Everyday. I listen to them. I don't try to talk
> them out of their feelings.
> The point is, now that Mr Poole knows everything
> is fine, he can take my kids off the doctor's note
> only list at the attendance office. For that
> matter, he should take everyone's name off the
> list. He sent theses letters out based on
> absences. Excused and unexcused. He never had a
> discussion with me or my children. he sent out a
> big batch.
> I did talk to him. I refused to take them off the
> list, because it is a rule. His hands are tied.
> He must feel so helpless. Well that is not the
> truth. His hands are not tied, but he is trying to
> tie my hands.
> Instead, he told me not to worry about unexcused
> absences. It really doesn't matter. My daughter
> is a senior, they won't do anything to her. Well,
> they already have, they have scared her. She
> doesn't know what he can do. Because this makes
> no sense, who knows what other senseless tricks he
> has in his bag.

Have a sit-doown with your pediatrician Im sure they will provide notes for call-ins for the remainder of the school year. Tell your daughter not to be scared. Try to relax a little you sound very stressed out over what seems to be a technicality. I think speaking out is fine but dont obsess over this it will stress your daughter out more than the rule.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: ok I get you ()
Date: February 28, 2016 10:42AM

jeezz Wrote:
> how on earth Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > life lessons Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > I do see the OP's point - if your kids are
> > doing
> > > well in school and the parents approve an
> > absence
> > > (or 5 or more absences) no Dr.'s note should
> be
> > > required. My kids get all A's in all
> advanced
> > > classes in middle school - If we need 6
> family
> > > days for a vacation that is our call not the
> > > Principal's.
> > >
> > > We may be in Woodson next year (depending on
> > the
> > > TJ test outcome for my oldest) so this is an
> > issue
> > > we will face. Im inclined to meet with the
> > > principal to discuss this should our oldest
> end
> > up
> > > at Woodson. Ill make a plan with my wife and
> > we
> > > will decide 1. to stay within the limited
> days
> > of
> > > non-sick absences allowed. 2. Openly defy
> the
> > > rule and plan to meet with the Principal
> after
> > we
> > > have exceeded the number of non-sick days
> > allowed.
> > > 3. Speak with our children's physician about
> > > 'mental health' days and their willingness to
> > > write notes for them. 4. Plan to provide
> > > documentation of our choosing (perhaps from
> an
> > > 'alternative medicine doctor' and/or
> > non-medical
> > > doctor) to placate the principal.
> > >
> > > I am inclined to be completely open to my
> kids
> > > about all this as it presents some valuable
> > life
> > > lessons on problem solving and bureaucracy.
> In
> > > all likelyhood a 5 min conversation with the
> > > principal would solve the problem...
> >
> > How are your kids not being docked for missing
> in
> > class assignments and pop quizzes? How is your
> > kid making up missed tests if he/she is not
> there
> > to take them and the absence is not excused? I
> > understand wanting to take a planned family
> > vacation and I think that if you give plenty of
> > notice and your kid has a good attendance
> record
> > that it should be allowed.
> >
> > But if your kid is showing up whenever and
> missing
> > lots of days, I really do not know how they are
> > not failing (or at least getting a low grade)
> in
> > the class.
> 1. We are not taking 3 weeks of for family
> vacations - Im talking maybe 7 days school year.
> 2. When you know you are going to be off you can
> take tests and do work in advance before the
> absence.
> 3. My children work hard at school and are blessed
> to be very very smart - all A's
> 4. We cherish education in our home. We are all
> nerds and talk about science, math, literature all
> the time. We have lively debates about
> everything. You could say our kids are never out
> of school but its because we love learning!
> 5. We would use any issue like this as a family
> journey not some punishment. The 4 of us are
> smart enough to work the system and overcome any
> bogus rule - and we would do it ethically. For
> example, if this were an issue for us Id spend a
> few hundred bucks to go to our pediatrician and/or
> a therapist. Id show them my kids grades (90th%
> plus from K-8 with top 2% testing always) and I
> would get them to write a mental health day note.
> Shame of it is you shouldnt have to have straight
> A's to take more than 5 family days in a year but
> since we have that in our family Id use it to our
> advantage.
> By the way for those irate rule followers here you
> should know by middle school all your kids
> assignments and work is available 24/7 on
> Blackboard. Kids can do work when sick (our do)
> from home. Same with family trips.

O.k. then you are NOT talking about your kid taking off whenever your kid feels like not going to school and/or you don't feel like taking your kid to school. You are talking about a kid with a *good* attendance record and good grades being allowed to have an excused planned absence for a family vacation.

If the work is available on Blackboard and your kids are responsible enough to go on Blackboard and do the work - what is the problem?

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: Jsykayla ()
Date: February 28, 2016 10:42AM

yourkidsareslow Wrote:
> malingeringissad Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Reading this, it's actually fine. Survival of
> the
> > fittest. Some kids draw the short straw with
> > parents who fail to prepare them for the rigors
> of
> > adulthood.
> >
> > Personal responsibility may not be attractive
> to
> > you and OP but at least your kids won't be
> > blocking the way going up the ladder of
> success.
> LOL my kids will drink your milksake buddy. We
> cant help it if they finish the work in half the
> time it takes your little sheep. By they way they
> finish it in half the time in all AAP classes
> including Honors math 2 grades ahead of their
> chronological age.
> If we want to take family trips to NYC to learn
> about the real world for a few days we are doing
> it and I promise you your kids will be working for
> mine someday. Come to think of it, if I were you
> Id send your kids to school sick to give them a
> chance at working for my kids someday. Go vote
> for Trump and follow rules for the less mentally
> endowed and leave the thinking to us.

I'm not a cheapskate, I didn't put my kids in public school. I care about the environment they are exposed to and public school just doesn't cut it. But enjoy yourselves!

(Cue the praises of public schools. I'll linger just to laugh at how predictable it will be)

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: WTW again ()
Date: February 28, 2016 10:44AM


What country are you from? My guess is that you are Persian. You act and write like an overly entitled Persian Princess. I guess that makes you Iranian.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 28, 2016 10:46AM

again, this is a discussion forum. No need to attack my my mental health, You sound angry. Is someone treating you unfairly? not listening to you? Dragging you by your hair?

I'm teaching my children to stick up for themselves. My daughter is not scared anymore. I have not mentioned her GPA because that is irrelevant.

I don't think you are getting my point. Do you know what my point is?

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: WEWLT ()
Date: February 28, 2016 10:48AM

Noderator Wrote:
> lisah Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Who is the OP in this thread?
> Lisah: Welcome to Fairfax Underground. I hope you
> start many more threads like this. You are a
> nutcase and God knows we need more nutcases here
> to replace those no longer with us.
> By the way, Bernie or Hillary?

Bernie. Hillary is establishment.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: personal level ()
Date: February 28, 2016 10:48AM

All this is a good lesson that you should be connected to administration Before you have a problem. Go in say 'hi' be on the PTA or be at some activities. Write a friendly email or two Before you have a problem. Its called building a working relationship. You are a helicopter parent (as am I) you should know this. By all means Cease the personal attacks on the principal - it cannot help you or your daughter. No principal shows up to school planning to antagonize a parent or student. If you are having a problem it is not personal. Almost no principal (I have met one) will engage a parent in a personal vendetta. From what I know of the current Woodson Principal this is not a problem. You have taken this to a personal level to your disadvantage.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: more solution ()
Date: February 28, 2016 10:53AM

solution to problem Wrote:
> Assuming the OP is looking for a solution to her
> problem, here it is.
> Get your kid's doctor to sign a letter that says
> the following:
> BettyLou suffers from a medical condition which
> may result in prolonged absences from school.
> I would not tell them what her condition is.

The condition/reason for absences matter.

If your kid is missing that much school for it to be such a big deal, your health professionals can recommend special accommodations, which the school will provide if possible.

Both lisah and the school may actually be trying to help the kid, but lisah going nuclear is not helping.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: What is your point? ()
Date: February 28, 2016 10:53AM

lisah Wrote:
> again, this is a discussion forum. No need to
> attack my my mental health, You sound angry. Is
> someone treating you unfairly? not listening to
> you? Dragging you by your hair?
> I'm teaching my children to stick up for
> themselves. My daughter is not scared anymore. I
> have not mentioned her GPA because that is
> irrelevant.
> I don't think you are getting my point. Do you
> know what my point is?

You threatened a hunger strike over an attendance regulation? I won't attack your mental health, but I do wonder about it. Stick up for yourself, good. Being unreasonable and unaccountable, bad.

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: WHVVb ()
Date: February 28, 2016 10:54AM

> I'm not a cheapskate, I didn't put my kids in
> public school. I care about the environment they
> are exposed to and public school just doesn't cut
> it. But enjoy yourselves!
> (Cue the praises of public schools. I'll linger
> just to laugh at how predictable it will be)

Trump or Cruz?

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Re: Dr. Scott Poole Woodson HS
Posted by: lisah ()
Date: February 28, 2016 10:56AM

someone has ranked Mr. Poole's name on google search engine. yesterday he was just a blip. I could hardly find anything about him. Now google him. He's got a fan.

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